第一章 项目管理导论



 任务目标的完整描述
 任务工作范围的有效界定(范围和质量)
 任务安排的系统计划(时间、资源、费用)
 任务实现过程的有效控制(控制与沟通)
 任务实现的不确定性分析(风险)
 任务实现团队工作的有效组织(人)

Introduction to PM course

 项目管理是20世纪20年代起源于美国,20世纪50年代后期发展起来的一种计划管理方法,它一出现就引起举世瞩目。
 项目管理在运作方式和管理思维模式上最大限度地利用了内外资源,从根本上改善了管理人员的工作程序,提高了效率、降低了风险。
 应用广泛:航空航天、国防、信息、建筑、能源、化工、制造、环保、交通运输、金融、营销、服务、法律等行业,以及国家和地方政府乃至联合国

Why study project management?

 Projects and PM are everywhere
 企业离不开项目管理
 个人发展的需要
 Project Management Professional
 Relates to other disciplines



 古埃及的金字塔、古代中国的都江堰和万里长城、丁渭建皇宫
 PM:凭个人经验、智慧和直觉,依靠个人的才能和天赋,缺少结构化模式


 20世纪30年代~50年代初期

 PM:Henry L. Gantt,甘特图进行项目的规划和控制,军事工程与建设项目

 Most people consider the Manhattan Project(曼哈顿计划) to be the first project to use “modern” project management.(负责人L.R.格罗夫斯和R.奥本海默)

 This three-year, $2 billion (in 1946 dollars), 100k people project had a separate project and technical managers. (320亿美元 - 2019)


 20世纪50年代初期~70年代末期
 PM:网络计划技术
 1957年,美国杜邦公司用这种方法进行设备维修,使维修停工时间由原来的125小时锐减为78小时;【CPM】
 1958年,美国人运用项目管理技术,一举使北极星导弹设计周期缩短整整两年。【PERT】
 20世纪60年代,美国NASA在“阿波罗计划”中,通过立项、规划、评价、实施,开发出著名的“矩阵组织管理技术”。


 20世纪70年代末期
 PM:应用范围扩大,与其它学科交叉,如系统论、组织理论、经济学、管理学、行为科学、心理学、价值工程、计算机技术等,发展成为一门较完整的学科。
 20世纪80年代,以后称为现代项目管理。



 20世纪60年代,华罗庚教授引进和推广了网络计划技术,并将其称为“统筹法”。当时华罗庚组织并带领小分队深入重点工程项目中进行推广应用,取得了良好的经济效益。
 20世纪80年代,项目管理有了科学的系统方法,但主要应用在国防和建筑业,项目管理的任务主要强调的是项目在进度、费用与质量三个目标上的实现。
 1984年,云南鲁布革水电站工程,人们确实看到了项目管理技术的作用。
 基于鲁布革工程的经验,1987年国家计委、建设部等联合发出通知,推广项目法施工,并开始建立中国的项目经理认证制度。1991年建设部在全行业全面推广项目管理和项目经理负责制。

 1991年6月,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会项目管理研究委员会(PMRC)成立标志着中国项目管理学科体系开始走向成熟。
 其他专业组织:中国建筑业协会工程项目管理委员会、中国国际工程咨询协会项目管理工作委员会、中国工程咨询协会项目管理指导工作委员会
 IPMP、PMP的引进与推广,项目管理培训的普及
 项目管理应用向不同的行业领域扩展


 到了90年代中期,软件项目管理不善的问题仍然存在。据美国软件工程实施现状的调查,软件研发的情况仍然很难预测,大约只有10%的项目能够在预定的费用和进度下交付。
 2001,发表敏捷宣言(Agile Manifesto)。
 目前,软件项目管理许多技术还很不成熟。但一些大型软件公司多采用一定的标准规范如CMM和ISO 9000,以及一些软件项目管理辅助工具进行软件项目管理,并取得了较好的效果。


IT Projects have a terrible track record
 A 1995 Standish Group study (CHAOS) found that only 16.2% of IT projects were successful and over 31% were canceled before completion, costing over $81 B in the U.S. alone
 The latest study in 2013 reports that 39 percent of the IT projects were classified as successful, while 43 percent were classified as challenged, and 18 percent as failed.
 2012 study by McKinsey reports that, on average, a large IT project runs 45 percent over budget, 7 percent over the scheduled deadline, and delivers 56 percent less value than expected.
The need for IT projects keeps increasing
20 Surprising Project Management Statistics (2017-1, Geneca)

 75% of business and IT executives anticipate their software projects will fail.
 75% of IT executives believe their projects are “doomed from the start.”
 Rework wariness: 80% admit they spend at least half their time on rework.
 Fuzzy business objectives: Only 55% feel that the business objectives of their projectsare clear to them


 范围多变(Scope changes)
 不良计划(Poor planning)
 技术问题(Technology and the plethora (过剩) of tools)
 组织因素(Organization issues)


 需求镀金:项目具有比实际需求多得多的性能
 功能蔓延:项目平均会有25%的需求变更
 开发人员的镀金:开发人员着迷于新技术
 又推又拉的交易:经理在批准项目进度顺延时又加入了新的功能
 研究导向的开发


 缺乏计划
 过于乐观的计划
 在压力下放弃计划
 缺乏足够的风险管理
 承包人导致的失败
 在模糊的项目前期(fuzzy frond end)浪费时间
 前期活动不合要求
 设计低劣
 缺少质量保证措施
 缺少管理控制
 太早和过于频繁的集成
 项目估算时遗漏必要的任务
 追赶计划
 鲁莽编码


 银弹综合症: 过于相信以前没有采用过的技术的宣传
 过高估计了新技术或方法带来的节省量
 项目中间切换工具
 缺少自动的源代码控制手段


 挫伤积极性
 人员素质低
 对有问题的员工失控
 英雄主义
 项目后期加入人员:“火上加油”
 办公环境差
 开发人员与客户之间发生摩擦
 不现实的预期
 缺乏有效的高层对项目的支持
 缺乏各种角色的齐心协力
 缺乏用户介入
 政治高于物质
 充满想像:“项目组没人真正相信他们能够按给定的计划进度完成项目,但他们认为如果每个人

Advantages of Using Formal Project Management

 Better control of financial, physical, and human resources
 Improved customer relations
 Shorter development times
 Lower costs
 Higher quality and increased reliability
 Higher profit margins
 Improved productivity
 Better internal coordination
 Higher worker morale (less stress).



 Senior managers:Make the business decisions
 Project (technical) managers:Manage the project
 Practitioners:Develop the software
 Customers:Specify the requirements
 End-users: Use the product


 What is it?
         Computer software is the product.
         Software engineers design and build.
 Software characteristics
         Software is developed or engineered, it is not manufactured in the classical sense.
         Software doesn’t “wear out”


What is it?
 When you build a product or system, it’s important to go through a series of
predictable steps – a road map that help you create a timely, high-quality result.
The road map that you follow is called a “software process.”
 A Select the process model that is appropriate for the software to be engineered
by a project team

What is project?

 项目的定义
 项目的类型
 项目的属性
 项目的生命周期 

Definition of Project

 Project
         A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create aunique product, service, or result. (为创造一件独特的产品、一项服务或者一种结果而进行的临时性努力。)——PMI
        A planned undertaking of related activities to reach an objective that has a beginning and an end.

         Projects normally involve several people performing interrelated activities, and the main sponsor for the project is often interested in the effective use of resources to complete the project in an efficient and timely manner.

What is an IT Project?

 Software development
 Infrastructure – Old or New
 Datacenter Creation/Improvements
 Server/System Deployment
 Storage Area Networks (SAN)
 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
 Automated Systems

Samples of IT Projects

 A cross-functional task force in a company decides what software to purchase and how it will be implemented.
 A television network develops a system to allow viewers to vote for contestants and provide other feedback on programs.
 A government group develops a system to track child immunizations.
 Northwest Airlines developed a new reservation system;
 Many organizations upgrade hardware, software, and networks via projects;
 Organizations develop new software or enhance existing systems to perform many business

项目的属性(Attributes of Projects)

 明确的目标Unique purpose
 限定的周期Has a beginning and end
 需要资源Require resources, often from various areas
 有出资人或客户Should have a primary sponsor and/or customer
 有不确定性Involve uncertainty

Unique purpose (有明确的目标)
 项目是面向目标的
 目标必须是明确的
 目标也必须是可以达到的


Has a beginning and end (限定的周期)
 项目要在一个限定的期间内完成,应该是一种临时性的任务,有明确的开始点和结束点。

项目的经典三角约束(The Triple Constraint)
 Every project is constrained in different ways by its
 Scope范围 goals: What is the project trying to accomplish?
 Time时间 goals: How long should it take to complete?
 Cost成本 goals: What should it cost?(用多少成本)
It is the project manager’s duty to balance these three often competing goals.

Types of Projects

 1.业务项目和自我开发项目
 2.企业项目、政府项目和非盈利机构的项目
 3.盈利性项目和非盈利性项目
 4.大项目、项目和子项目, “Program”、 “Project”和“Subproject”三个。

Project and Program Managers

 Project managers work with project sponsors, project teams, and other people involved in projects to meet project goals.
 Program: “A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.”*
 Program managers oversee programs and often act as bosses for project managers.
Introduction to Project Management

Operational works vs. Projects(运营与项目)

 Routine, Repetitive Work
 Taking class notes
 Daily entering sales receipts into the accounting ledger
 Responding to a supply-chain request
 Practicing scales on the piano
 Routine manufacture of an Apple iPod
 Attaching tags on a manufactured product

 Writing a term paper
 Setting up a sales kiosk for a professional accounting meeting
 Developing a supply-chain information system
 Writing a new piano piece
 Designing an iPod that is approximately 2 X 4 inches, interfaces with PC, and
stores 10,000 songs
 Wire-tag projects for GE and Wal-Mart

Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle*

 A project life cycle (项目生命周期) is a collection of project phases that defines:
         What work will be performed in each phase.
         What deliverables will be produced and when.
         Who is involved in each phase.
         How management will control and approve work produced in each phase.
A deliverable (交付物) is a product or service produced or provided as part of a project.

More on Project Phases

In the early phases of a project life cycle:
         Resource needs are usually lowest.
         The level of uncertainty (risk) is highest.
         Project stakeholders have the greatest opportunity to influence the project.

In the middle phases of a project life cycle:
         The certainty of completing a project increases.
         More resources are needed.

In the final phase of a project life cycle:
         The focus is on ensuring that project requirements were met.
         The sponsor approves completion of the project

 Development Phase(开发阶段)
 The project team creates a more detailed project plan
 A more accurate cost estimate
 A more thorough WBS
This phased approach minimizes the time and money spent developing inappropriate projects.
A project idea must pass the concept phase before evolving during the development phase.

 Implementation Phase(实施阶段)
 The project team delivers the required work
 Creates a definitive or very accurate cost estimate
 Provides performance reports to stakeholders
The bulk of a project team’s efforts and the most money are usually spent during the implementation phase of projects.

Close-out Phase(收尾阶段)
 All of the work is completed
 Customer accepts the entire project(客户验收)
 The project team should document their experiences on the project in a lessons-learned report (复盘)

 What is Project Management?

项目管理就是在项目活动中运用知识、技能、工具和技术,以满足项目的需要(PMI PMBOK®)。

 项目立项准备
 项目需求分析
 项目系统设计
 制定项目目标、计划与进度
 建立项目信息管理系统
 项目进程控制
 跟踪和分析项目成本
 沟通项目信息
 管理项目风险
 项目团队建设
 项目培训
 项目考核
 理解并贯彻组织战略与政策方针

 Project Stakeholders

 项目干系人(项目涉及人员):指那些积极参与该项目工作的个体和组织,或者是那些由于项目的实施或项目的成功其利益会受到正面或反面影响的个体和组织。
 项目管理工作组必须识别哪些个体和组织是项目的涉及人员,确定他们的需求和期望,然后设法满足和影响这些需求、期望以确保项目能够成功。
 对项目涉及人员的识别通常是非常困难的。

Stakeholders include:
 Project sponsor
 Project manager
 Project team
 Support staff
 Customers
 Users
 Suppliers
 Opponents to the project

Key Stakeholders
 项目经理(Project Manager): 负责管理项目的个人;
 顾客(Customer): 使用项目产品的个人或组织。对一个项目而言,可能会有多个层次顾户。
 比如,一种新药的顾客包括了开出药方的医生、使用该药的病人以及为其承保的保险商;
 执行组织(Performing Organization): 指雇员直接从事该项目工作的企业;
 发起人(Sponsor): 在执行组织中为该项目提供资金或其它财政支持的个人或团体;
 Others

The Role of the Project Manager
 Job descriptions vary, but most include responsibilities such as planning, scheduling, coordinating, and working with people to achieve project goals.
 Remember that 97 % of successful projects were led by experienced project managers.

 The project manager is the only contact point for the project.(项目经理是项目的单一联系点。)
 Project manager’s responsibilities:
        Plan and organize project
        Mange daily project activities
        Responsible for delivering the deliverables

Suggested Skills for Project Managers
 Communication skills(沟通能力): Listens, persuades.
 Organizational skills(组织能力): Plans, sets goals, analyzes.
 Team-building skills(团队建设): Shows empathy, motivates,promotes esprit de corps.
 Leadership skills(领导力): Sets examples, provides vision (big picture), delegates, positive, energetic.
 Coping skills(处理问题): Flexible, creative, patient, persistent.
 Technology skills(专业技术): Experience, project knowledge.

Project Management Tools and Techniques

 Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in various aspects of project management
 Some specific ones include
        Project Charter, scope statement, and WBS (scope)
        Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis, critical chain
scheduling (time)
        Cost estimates and earned value management (cost)

 Strategic Planning and Project Selection

 项目要与公司战略相关
 Strategic planning involves determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends, and projecting the need for new products and services.
 Organizations often perform a SWOT analysis:
        Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
 As part of strategic planning, organizations should:
         Identify potential projects.
         Use realistic methods to select which projects to work on.
         Formalize project initiation by issuing a project charter.


 SWOT分析法又称为态势分析法,它是由旧金山大学的管理学教授于20世纪80年代初提出来的,是一种能够较客观而准确地分析和研究一个单位现实情况的方法。
 SWOT四个英文字母分别代表:优势(Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会(Opportunity)、威胁(Threat)。
 从整体上看,SWOT可以分为两部分:第一部分为SW,主要用来分析内部条件;第二部分为OT,主要用来分析外部条件。
 利用这种方法可以从中找出对自己有利的、值得发扬的因素,以及对自己不利的、要避开的东西,发现存在的问题,找出解决办法,并明确以后的发展方向。
 根据这个分析,可以将问题按轻重缓急分类,明确哪些是目前急需解决的问题,哪些是可以稍微拖后一点儿的事情,哪些属于战略目标上的障碍,哪些属于战术上的问题,并将这些研究对象列举出来,依照矩阵形式排列,然后用系统分析的思想,把各种因素相互匹配
 企业自身的优势和弱点,是其创造价值或者毁灭价值的内部因素,包括较之竞争对手企业所拥有的资产、技能及资源。
 企业所面临的机会和威胁,是其创造价值或毁灭价值的外部因素,企业不能够对它们加以控制,可以通过PEST分析获得。


 PEST分析(总体环境分析) PEST分析即总体环境分析。PEST四个英文字母是政治(Political)、经济(Economic)、社会(Social)、技术(Technological)这四个英语单词的字头,合起来就是PEST。
 通常采用矩阵式的方法,就是在坐标中分成四个象限。如拿政治和经济两个做坐标,政治环境和经济环境都好的情况下,就应该发展。政治环境和经济环境都不理想的情况下,就不能发展。环境一个好一个不太好时,就要适当考虑,可以发展也可以不发展。
 PEST分析通常用于企业外部环境分析。

SWOT and Project Management

 多个项目 vs. 有限的资源



 优势:它们能有助于改进流程、提高效率、降低成本、获得更大的市场份
 弱点:它们无助于支持公司的战略,例如,过时的技术、有限的可扩展性
 机会:或者称为选择。这是能够促使公司增值的一些潜在因素。
 威胁:这是能够阻碍公司战略的问题。这些问题可能是外部的或者内部的,

Methods for selecting projects include:

 Focusing on broad organizational needs.
 Categorizing information technology projects.
 Performing net present value (NPV, 净现值) or other financial analyses.
 Using a weighted scoring model.
 Implementing a balanced scorecard.

Focusing on Broad Organizational Needs
 It is often difficult to provide strong justification for many IT projects, but everyone agrees they have a high value.
 “It is better to measure gold roughly than to count pennies precisely.”
 Three important criteria for projects:
 There is a need for the project.
 There are funds available for the project.
 There is a strong will to make the project succeed.

Categorizing IT Projects
 One categorization assesses whether the project provides a response to:
 A problem(问题)
 An opportunity(机会)
 A directive(指令)
 Another categorization is based on the time it will take to complete a project
or the date by which it must be done.
 Another categorization is the overall priority of the project

Financial Analysis of Projects
 Financial considerations are often an important aspect of the project selection process.
 Three primary methods for determining the projected financial value of projects:
         Net present value (NPV) analysis(净现值)
         Return on investment (ROI)(投资回报率)
         Payback analysis(投资回收期)

 Costs of IT Projects
         Costs of Development
         Costs of Deployment
         Costs of Running and Maintaining

Benefits of IT Projects

 成本下降和避免
 减少错误
 柔性增加
 执行活动的速度增加
 改善计划和控制
 开拓新市场和增加销售机会
 竞争的必要性
 更及时的信息
 改善的组织计划organizational planning
 增加组织柔性organizational flexibility
 提升组织学习和理解organizational learning and understanding
 获取新的、更好的、更多的信息
 可以调查更多的方案 alternatives
 通过改进的工作过程从而改善雇员的士气 

 Costs vs. Benefits – Small Case
 软件购买——软件价格再加上选择和购买成本
 项目小组雇佣成本
 训练成本:包括训练费用和由于训练占用时间导致的损失
 职员招收费用
 计算机硬件和其它设备
 食宿费用
 系统支持费用(如购买U盘等)
 运行人员
 文具费用
 维护和备用费用
 空调,电力等费用
 直接效益:
 间接效益:提高了准确性——假定目前系统的问题不会在下一系统中出现

Net Present Value Analysis
 Net present value (NPV, 净现值) analysis is a method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time.


Return on Investment
 Return on investment (ROI, 投资回报率) is calculated by subtracting the project costs from the benefits and then dividing by the costs.

(是指项目达到设计生产能力后的一个正常生产年份的年利润总额与项目总投资的比率,是考察项目单位投资赢利能力的静态指标。 )





 Weighted Scoring Model
 A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic process for selecting projects based on many criteria.
 Steps in identifying a weighted scoring model:
        Identify criteria important to the project selection process.
        Assign weights (percentages) to each criterion so they add up to 100 percent.
        Assign scores to each criterion for each project.
        Multiply the scores by the weights to get the total weighted scores.
 The higher the weighted score, the better.

 Understanding Organizations

Many Organizations Focus on the Structural Frame

 Most people understand what organizational charts are.
 Many new managers try to change organizational structure when other changes are needed.
 Three basic organizational structures:
        Functional: Functional managers report to the CEO.
        Project: Program managers report to the CEO.
        Matrix: Middle ground between functional and project structures; personnel often report to two or more bosses; structure can be a weak, balanced, or strong matrix.



 Functional Organization

 公司的经营活动按照营销, 生产, 财务等职能划分成部门, 形成金字塔型结构
 特点: 通常采用这种组织形式的企业生产, 销售标准产品, 很少涉及延伸产品. 在这种组织结构中, 团队成员的职能基本相同, 各个职能团队及公司的总目标的实现而努力. 在承担项目时, 在各职能部门中抽调人员组成项目团队.     

        项目经理权力有限: 发生冲突时需上级帮助协调.
        项目的内生性: 由于团队成员的隶属特点, 构成资源的内生性
        易形成专业研讨气氛, 不断加深专业修养
        专业资源不易流失, 易充分利用, 保持连续性

 因此该组织结构适合于进行内部项目, 比如开发新产品, 设计公司信息系统等.
 职能性组织结构是由业务分工细密, 资源有效利用等特性, 在这种组织结构中进行项目管理, 应特别注意从全局的角度看问题, 要努力与其他部门协调工作, 特别不要忽略客户的意见.


Projectized Organization

 项目性组织中, 项目团队完全为项目配置, 项目中所需资源完全从属于项目团队, PM具有绝对的独立的授权, 其他部门向项目组提供支持服务. 具有以下特点:

        PM全权负责, 多重领导
        项目的多重性 – 项目不一定有同质性, 多来源于外部客户
        沟通途径简洁, 团队精神得以充分发挥

Matrix Organization

 矩阵性组织结构是前两种形式得混合体. 这种结构中项目团队的职能部门都各司其职, 为项目的成功共同努力. 参管项目经理对项目结果负有责任, 但职能部门经理为项目提供各种资源, 因此两者都有责任.高能有效利用公司的资源, 特别是技术人员, 他们被储存在公司的各个职能部门, 随时为项目提供支持. 这种项目组织也是有某些独立性,形成独立团队.

        双重的责任性 – 项目经理的职能经理
        资源的有效利用 – 技术的信息管理都是共享的
        双重沟通特性 (水平, 垂直方向)


 项目规模大小
 战略重要性
 新颖性和创新需要
 整合的需要(涉及多个部门)
 环境复杂程度(涉及众多外部因素)
 预算和时间限制
 需求资源的稳定性

Organizational Culture

 Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that characterize the functioning of an organization.
 Many experts believe the underlying causes of many companies’ problems are not the structure or staff, but the culture.
 组织文化指的是一个有共同的规范、信仰、价值观及假设而将人们联系到一起,从而对事物产生共同理解的系统。

 文化是河,项目是舟。
 在组织文化有益于项目管理的组织中,组织于完成项目就如顺水行舟。

  The Project Management Profession

 PM Associations
        美国:项目管理学会(Project Management Institute, PMI),成立于1969年
        欧洲:国际项目管理协会(International Project Management Association, IPMA)
        Other PM Associations:
                American Project Management Forum
                        Online forum, links, white papers, some articles
                        Very useful, free


 PMBOK(项目管理知识体系,Project Management Body of Knowledge)是美国项目管理协会(PMI)的标准和指南。

Chapter Summary

 As the number and complexity of projects continue to grow, it is becoming even more important to practice good project management.
 A project has several attributes, such as being unique, temporary and developed incrementally.
 A framework for project management includes project stakeholders, the nine knowledge areas, tools and techniques, and creating project portfolios to ensure enterprise success.
 Successful project managers must possess and development many skills and lead their teams by example.
 The project management profession continues to mature as more people become certified and more tools are created.

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