Place:713 - IOB component “ddr2_dq<18>” and IODELAY component “U0_ddr_dut/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/u_idelay_dq” must be placed adjacent to each other into the same I/O tile in order to route net “U0_ddr_dut/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/dq_in”. The following issue has been detected:
Some of the logic associated with this structure is locked. This should cause the rest of the logic to be locked.A problem was found at site IODELAY_X0Y62 where we must place IODELAY U0_ddr_dut/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dq[18].u_iob_dq/u_idelay_dq in order to satisfy the relative placement requirements of this logic. IODELAY U0_ddr_dut/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dqs[3].u_iob_dqs/u_iodelay_dq_ce appears to already be placed there which makes this design unplaceable.
Pack:1654 - The timing-driven placement phase encountered an error.
现在还不清楚它怎么改的,我这里是有别人的例程所以这样搞,我认为源头就是ddr ip生成的时候就别选DCI,无论是data还是什么,两个都别选,DCI有规则限定的,我们的初衷是加上Ip核生成时绑不上的管脚(硬件要求),因此需要灵活一些的约束