【图像处理】边窗滤波 Side Window Filtering

上一篇我们介绍了导向滤波(Guide Filter),这次也介绍一个保边滤波,Side Window Filtering,这个是CVPR 2019的oral 论文,在现在深度学习相关论文占据大半的CVPR上能够脱颖而出非常了不起,而且文章的idea非常简单粗暴。值得学习。

boxfilter的边窗滤波版本: https://github.com/YuanhaoGong/SideWindowFilter






这8个方向在论文中是 上,下,左,右, 左上, 右上,左下,右下。以boxfilter为例子,kernel如下:


这个实验是作者分别对这6张图的实验,对比 boxfilter 和 side-boxfilter在边缘的滤波效果, 从曲线可以看到side-boxfilter的效果更好


side-window filter的应用很广,图像平滑,图像去噪,HDR tone mapping,colorization上色等各个领域。在这里插入图片描述

在colorization的时候能够很好的防止color leakage

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1,01.zipMFC Extension LibraryMFC扩展界面库, 使用Visual C++ 6.0(15KB)2,02.zipVisual Studio style UIVisual Studio风格的界面效果(15KB)3,03.zipInternet Explorer 4 style UIIE4.0风格的界面效果(29KB)4,04.zipOutlook Style UIOutlook风格的界面效果(16KB)5,05.zipDynamic child window repositioning动态改变对话框的大小, 对话框中的控件相应改变(15KB)6,06.zipEnhanced list control增强的List控件(43KB)7,07.zipCDialog using animated control在CDialog中使用动画(12KB)8,08.zipOpen Dialog with Bitmap Preview位图预览的打开文件对话框(43KB)9,09.zipStandard file open dialog with preview标准位图预览的打开文件对话框(24KB)10,10.zipBitmap Dialog Class位图对话框类(13KB)11,11.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog显示目录的树型结构, 可用于目录的选择(31KB)12,12.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs在对话框中使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(13KB)13,13.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs (2)使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(11KB)14,14.zipModeless child dialog in a Main Dialog with corrected tab order非模式对话框在主对话框中的TAB顺序(21KB)15,15.zipCostumizing CFileDialog定制的CFileDialog(22KB)16,16.zipAttaching Elements to Borders一个可以在对话框中改变按纽位置、大小的容器(26KB)17,17.zipScrolling credits dialog滚动信用对话框(12KB)18,18.zipColor Dialog with Persistent Custom Colors对话框继承了上一次的颜色风格(12KB)19,19.zipA Base Dialog Class for Modal/Modeless Dialog with Custom Background Color自定义背景的对话框(13KB)20,20.zipParse IP addresses解析IP地址(12KB)21,21.zipParse phone fields解析电话区域(11KB)22,22.zipChanging the default file open/save dialogs in an MFC doc/view application初始化对话框和支持动态数据交换(DDX)(15KB)23,23.zipDialog with Splash Screen Example Code...Splash对话框的例子(18KB)24,24.zipClass to select directory选择目录的类(13KB)25,25.zipClass to select directory (Enhancements)增强的选择目录的类(12KB)26,26.zipDirectory Picker Dialog目录采集对话框(42KB)27,27.zipSimple way to change dialog's background and text colors改变对话框背景颜色和文字颜色的简单途径(11KB)28,28.zipA Simple Dialog Layout Manager一个简单的对话框设计管理器(19KB)29,29.zipUsing Buttons on a Dialog Bar with CCmdUI通过CCmdUI在对话框条中使用按纽(19KB)30,30.zipDisplay help for dialog controls on the status bar在状态条中显示对话框中控件的帮助信息(12KB)31,31.zipDragging a dialog by clicking anywhere on it点击任何地方拖动对话框(11KB)32,32.zipSplash screen with text on it that uses its own thread通过自己的线程在Splash对话框中显示文字(136KB)33,33.zipCreating an expanding dialog创建一个可扩展的对话框(15KB)34,34.zipExpanding/Contracting Dialog Box扩展/缩小对话框(24KB)35,35.zipCFileDialog class that only displays folders让CFileDialog只显示目录(很有用)(2KB)36,36.zipFolder Browsing Dialog目录浏览对话框(3KB)37,37.zipFont dialog with custom text preview & color字体对话框中增加字体和颜色的预览(12KB)38,38.zipEmbedding an HTML Help window into a dialog嵌入一个超文本(HTML)的帮助窗口到对话框中(22KB)39,39.zipDialog which can be used as MDI child window使用MDI子窗口的对话框(13KB)40,40.zipConvert modal dialogs to modeless将模式对话框转换成非模式对话框(12KB)41,41.zipNetscape 4.x Preferences Dialog类似Netscape 4.x参数选择的对话框(7KB)42,42.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu itemsOnUpdate()处理菜单项(5KB)43,43.zipOptions Tree Dialog树状的配置对话框(25KB)44,44.zipCustomizing the font dialog定制的字体对话框(4KB)45,45.zipSizable dialogs at its easiest轻松改变对话框的大小(5KB)46,46.zipA Snap Size Dialog Class一个捕获对话框大小的类(5KB)47,47.zipCSplitterWnd in a Dialog based Application一个基于对话框的应用(6KB)48,48.zipSplash Screen with 256 color support支持256色的Splash对话框(7KB)49,49.zipSubselection Dialog 子项选择的对话框(5KB)50,50.zipSwitching dialog boxes in a dialog-based application在基于对话框应用中切换对话框(5KB)51,51.zipBetter Tip of the Day dialog典型的Did you konw...对话框(26KB)52,52.zipToolbars and Statusbars on Dialogs在对话框中增加工具条和状态条(7KB)53,53.zipTooltips in modal dialog boxes在模式对话框中实现工具提示(6KB)54,54.zipTooltips for dialog controls实现对话框控件的工具提示(4KB)55,55.zipTransparent Dialog透明的对话框(5KB)56,56.zipViewing Dialog Template Resources at Runtime运行时看对话框模板资源(5KB)57,57.zipAlternative Wizard Dialog一个Wizard对话框, 在安装程序中也有用(5KB)58,58.zipAVLTree实现AVL(Addison-Velski and Landis)树结构(5KB)59,59.zipTemplate class to manipulate bits of undefined type一个操作未知类型的模板库(5KB)60,60.zipBlowfish EncryptionBlowfish加密算法加密(4KB)61,61.zipBlowfish encryption classBlowfish加密类(5KB)62,62.zipExpression Evaluation数学公式识别类(5KB)63,63.zipA Y2.038K-Safe Replacement for CTimeCTime的替换类(5KB)64,64.zipIterating through List Containers关于List容器的话题(5KB)65,65.zipLexical Analyser词汇分析(8KB)66,66.zipLocales and Facets in Visual C++VC++的许多细节话题(10KB)67,67.zipA Generalized Parsing Class for MFC一个普通的MFC解析类(5KB)68,69.zipCreating Singleton Objects using Visual C++使用VC++创建一个单独的对象(9KB)69,69.zipSmart Pointers and other Pointer classes指针类(5KB)70,70.zipSortable CObArray class对CObArray类排序(5KB)71,71.zipSortable CObList class对CObList类排序(6KB)72,72.zipExtension to the STL find_if and for_each扩充STL库(5KB)73,73.zipChange from child window to popup window (and back) 将一个子窗口改成弹出式窗口(5KB)74,74.zipRestoring Window Position With Multiple Monitors在多层监视器中恢复窗口的位置(5KB)75,75.zipTransparent Window透明的窗口(6KB)76,CenterMDIWnd_demo.zipCenter CMDIChildWnds in the client area of the main frame window(151KB)77,TabbedMDI.zipA variation on the MDI that indicates the open child windows in a tab control. (400KB)78,AdvancedPrev.zipA simple class that helps provide faster Print Preview within MFC Doc/View applications(38KB)79,mditab.zipA dockable bar containing a tabbed list of open windows(91KB)80,CloseUnusedDocs_src.zipClosing unused MDI documents with 1 line of code(2KB)81,graphfx_demo.zipA Doc/View framework for displaying graphical data(192KB)82,WindowsManager.zipImplementing "Windows..." dialog(39KB)83,MultiMRUList_src.zipThis article describes how to maintain the separate MRU list for each document type that is needed in some applications(26KB)84,MultiTop.zipAllows an application to have multiple top-level windows. (22KB)85,PersistFrames.zipA collection of classes that allows MFC SDI and MDI applications to remember the positions and sizes of their main frame and child frame windows. (71KB)86,step0.zipA series of articles that resulted from experimenting with adding Drag and Drop features to my existing application. (16KB)87,undo.zipEasily add Undo/Redo to your CDocument/CView Based Applciation(2KB)88,PropertyView.zipA "Property Sheet"-like view class for MFC (108KB)89,DocViewWTL.zipA library that provides the easiest way to get loosely coupled components. (156KB)90,Dialog2.zipA step by step tutorial showing how to create your first windows program using MFC(112KB)91,MyMDIApp.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI and MDI based applications using the MFC Doc/View architecture.(54KB)92,sditutorial_demo.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI based application that does not use the MFC Doc/View architecture.(15KB)93,QuickWin.zipRedirect stdin, stdout and stderr into a window(125KB)94,GradientTitleBar.zipThis article shows you how to give your Win95/NT4 modeless dialogs a Win98/W2K like gradient title bar.(42KB)95,MsgBoxDemo.zipThe system Message Box that is closed atuomatically after some time(21KB)96,step1.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as child window.(21KB)97,step2.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as sibling of the app's main window.(22KB)98,ResizableDialog.zipA CDialog derived class to implement resizable dialogs with MFC (98KB)99,CenterAnywhere_demo.zipThis is a good replacement for CWnd::CenterWindow() that works. (43KB)100,CardDialog.zipA auto-sizing dialog used to store and display smaller child dialogs(22KB)101,scrolling_credits.zipA Scrolling Credits Dialog(209KB)102,snapdialog.zipDialog class that implement a snap-to-screen-border feature like Winamp(16KB)103,messagebox.zipA class which encapsulates MessageBoxIndirect.(18KB)104,rfldlg.zipThis article demonstrates how to add a recent file list to a dialog based application(25KB)105,dialogspl_demo.zipSplash screens are not only for Doc/View based applications(142KB)106,CClockCtrl_src.zipA Freeware MFC class to display an analog clock.(17KB)107,ChildDlg.zipChild Dialog (Sub Forms)(29KB)108,CIconDialog_src.zipA Freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon.(12KB)109,CPushPinFrame_src.zipA Freeware MFC PushPin property page dialog class.(19KB)110,showhide.zipA neat way to show/hide groups of related controls(13KB)111,ResizeCtrl.zipA resize control to implement resizable dialogs with MFC(38KB)112,DDXFile_src.zipA Freeware DDX routine for selecting a filename.(29KB)113,DynWindow_src.zipDescribes a method to implement resizable child windows.(108KB)114,DynamicDialog.zipCreate dialogs dynamically, and easily, without the need for a dialog resource script.(40KB)115,DlgExpand.zipThis article shows gives you the ability to make your dialogs expand or contract, depending on how much information the user wishes to view(15KB)116,TipDemo.zipImproved Tip-of-the-Day Dialog(149KB)117,layoutmgr.zipA framework to provide automatic layout control for dialogs and forms(101KB)118,MainWndPlacement.zipSave/restore the main window size at application exit/startup with a single function call in MDI, SDI and dialog based applications.(29KB)119,sizer_demo.zipAn article on extendable layout management classes(27KB)120,Splasher_src.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC.(62KB)121,StackDialog.zipCreating a stacked dialog such as Netscape's 'Preferences' dialog(22KB)122,bitmappreviewdialog_src.zipThis article describes a completely object oriented standard file open dialog with preview.(12KB)123,subselect_dialog.zipSubselection Dialog(123KB)124,TabDialog.zipA docking dialog that auto-expands when the mouse passes over it(35KB)125,TcxMsgBox.zipTCX Message Box (derived from CWnd)(35KB)126,ToolTips.zipA demonstration of how to show tooltips in modal dialog bozes(23KB)127,UpdateModalDlg_demo.zipHow to update a modal dialog contents using a callback function(17KB)128,WinampWnd_demo.zipAn article discussing a Plugin for Nullsoft Winamp which looks and behaves like the Winamp UI.(43KB)129,Skins.zipA mini library to build Bitmap based skinnable apps.(174KB)130,FaderWnd_demo.zipAn MFC class to fade any window with only one line of code.(28KB)131,Win2kFileDlg.zipEver wanted to use the new Office 2000 file dialogs on Win 95/98/NT/Me, including the file previewing? Well now you can.(76KB)132,win2000fd.zipHow to show the new Common File Dialog in MFC Apps in Windows 2000(36KB)133,Wizard2000.zipCreate Windows 2000 style Wizards with white backgrounds(109KB)134,FileExportDialog.zipAdding filters to the Open File dialog(24KB)135,customize_dialog.zipCustomizing the Windows Common File Open Dialog(15KB)136,SelectFolder.zipThe windows 'Select Folder' dialog with some extra functionality(41KB)137,animate_dlg.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a Dialog based Application(34KB)138,BmpDlg.zipBitmap Dialog Class(52KB)139,namespace.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog(78KB)140,OnUpdate_demo.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu items(10KB)141,DialogUpdates.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with all controls in a Dialog(18KB)142,override.zipCustomizing the font dialog(4KB)143,cmdlg.zipCostumizing CFileDialog(31KB)144,custom_open.zipCustom Open File or Save as Dialog(25KB)145,ColorFormView.zipCFormView Class with Custom Background Color(33KB)146,Banner.zipAnimated Background Banner(88KB)147,MDIClient.zipA Custom MDI Client Class(42KB)148,html_help_view.zipHTML Help In CView Window(5KB)149,MDIPreview_demo.zipPrint Preview in MDI Frame(20KB)150,zoom_scale.zipAdd Zoom and Scale Capabilities to CScrollView(338KB)151,autopan.zipAuto-Panning Windows(44KB)152,autopan2.zipMicrosoft Internet Explorer like Intellimouse AutoScroll(42KB)153,intellipan.zipIntellimouse panning (improved Auto-Panning Windows)(5KB)154,intellipan2.zipIntellimouse panning 2 (A universal Auto-Panning solution)(12KB)155,bigscroll.zipBreaking the CScrollView 32768 size limitation with CBigScrollView(90KB)156,variable_splitter.zipVariable splitter views(58KB)157,TabbedViews_src.zipTabbed Views(78KB)158,animate_icon_src.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a window(48KB)159,msdi1632.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface(77KB)160,msdidao.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface with DAO doc(508KB)161,ScreenSwitch_demo.zipMultiple Views Using SDI(26KB)162,multiview.zipMultiple views for a single document (MDI) 3(86KB)163,WinMenu_demo.zipHome made MDI windows list in Window menu(21KB)164,SdiMulti.zipSDI Interface with Multi-Views and Multi-Splitters(88KB)165,DocViewInDll_demo.zipSeparating the views of an MDI application into different DLLs(60KB)166,MultiFrame_demo.zipMultiple frame windows in SDI application(76KB)167,mrcext.zipResizable Docking Window(862KB)168,sizing.zipSizing TabControlBar(46KB)169,devstudio.zipAnother DevStudio-alike DialogBar(43KB)170,docking.zipResizable Docking Window 2(98KB)171,simple_splitter.zipGeneral Purpose Splitter Class(43KB)172,cxysplitter.zipA pair of splitter classes used in dialogbox(21KB)173,dynamic_splitter.zipSplitter Window - "True" dynamic splitter window(52KB)174,outlook_style.zipOutook Style Splitter Bar(59KB)175,minsplit.zipMinimum size splitter(36KB)176,scrbsplt.zipRemoving and reapplying splitter windows on-the-fly in Scribble with a custom splitter window class(157KB)177,switchviews_in_splitter.zipSwitching views in splitter panes (SDI)(44KB)178,rulers_src.zipImplementing Rulers inside of Splitter Panes(5KB)179,dynamic1.zipDifferent Views In Dynamic Splitter(202KB)180,dialogstartupanimation.zipThis sample shows you how to create dialog startup animation like that of Window 98'menu(18KB)181,yqeditgridcontrol.zipa grid control that enable keyboard input. That is to say, you can write data in it. (31KB)182,switchmdiviews.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one view to the other in a MDI splitter window application(31KB) 183,yqmdireplaceview.zipThis sample shows you how to replace different views in a MDI splitter window application(36KB) 184,switchview.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one MDI window to another by using the "Ctrl Tab" key.(29KB) 185,filterreturnkey.zipThis sample shows you how to trap, filter the ENTER and ESCAPE key of a dialog box (17KB)186,filterkey.zipThis sample shows you how to filter a certain key and mask that key(18KB)187,editenter.zipThis sample shows you how to use RETURN key to switch among edit controls of a dialog box(18KB)188,dialoghook.zipThis sample shows you how to set keyboard hook function of a dialog box to trap RETURN ,ESCAPE key.(17KB) 189,contexthelp.zipThis sample shows you how to create context sensitive help of a control of a dialog box(26KB) 190,traparrokey.zipThis sample describes how to trap arrow keys in an control of a dialog box (18KB)191,yqadvancedbtn.zipOwner draw hot button support both bitmap and icon, with flat, gripper property. (108KB)192,drawlistbo.zipOwner draw CTabCtrl with flat gripper property (40KB)193,startupanimation.zipCreate Window startup animation, including several kind of animation style, very interesting(23KB) 194,flatlistbox.zipusing a unique way to implement flat attribute( other than those published on the codegurn), as well as hot ,gripper attribute.(21KB) 195,yqhoteditctrl.zipCreate edit control with Hot , flat, gripper. separator attributes (21KB)196,3dmdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a MDI frame windows(32KB) 197,3dsdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a SDI frame windows(29KB)198,getfile.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve filenames(29KB)199,splasher.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC(62KB)200,pushpin.zipA pushpin button MFC class(12KB)201,getfolder.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve folders(30KB)202,ntray.zipAn MFC class to manipulate tray icons(17KB)203,hlinkctrl.zipAn MFC class to support hyperlinks on windows and dialogs(16KB)204,icondialog.zipAn icon selection dialog class for MFC(12KB)205,pushpinframe.zipAn MFC class to provide property dialogs ala Developer Studio(16KB)206,mappin.zipAn MFC class to implement map pins(286KB)207,iconcombobox.zip2 MFC classes to implement icon selection combo boxes(19KB)208,menuex_demo.zipImplementing an Ownerdrawn menu (35KB)209,bcmenu261.zipCool Owner Drawn Menus with BitmapsVersion 2.61(70KB)210,dynmenu.zipSome handy functions for adding and deleting submenus and menuitems in runtime (16KB)211,gradientmenu.zipCreate Popup menus in MFC with a gradient and text on the left side (89KB)212,menuicon_demo.zipGive your apps a unique look by adding a logo to your menu(48KB)213,bcgbappwizard.zipBCGControlBar library version 4.6(2121KB)214,mpcstatusbar.zipAn enhanced CStatusBar to easily and dynamically add/remove controls on a status bar (48KB)215,textonlystatusbar.zipAn easy to use and implement Text Only Status Bar with Tool tip text extracted from the status bar panes. (39KB)216,progressbar.zipShowing progress bar in a status bar pane(33KB)217,sizecbar_src.zipDevStudio-like docking window (64KB)218,sizing_tabct1_demo.zipCreates a dockable and resizable control bar. (46KB)219,dockview.zipA fairly simple way to incoporate views into sizing control bars(69KB)220,spin_slide_toolbar.zipHow to create toolbars with spinners and/or sliders(48KB)221,tearoffrebars_prj.zipThis article Implements the functionality similar to the Office 2000 toolbars(26KB)222,flatbar.zipA flat toolbar implementation that does not require the updated common controls library from Internet Explorer. (197KB)223,toolbar_droparrow_demo.zipDemonstrates how to use the new toolbar styles to add dropdown arrows to toolbar buttons (28KB)224,dynamictb.zipA simple tutorial that shows how to dynamically replace toolbars at runtime (35KB)225,toolbar_docking_demo.zipDemonstrates how to dock toolbars side-by-side (29KB)226,tapetoolbar.zipA spectacular variation on toolbars (35KB)227,chevions.zipAn introduction to using the cool new toolbar chevrons (18KB)228,toolgroupmanager.zipA reusable template class for managing multiple toolbars, only one of which is displayed at a time(30KB)229,toolbar_hotbuttons_demo.zipDemonstrates how to add rollover buttons to your toolbar(30KB)230,toolbar.zipWTL Tool Bar Drop-Down Extension(64KB)231,win95asm.zipIntroduction to Menus(113KB)232,outbar.zipCGfxOutBarCtrl, an Outlook98 bar-like control(163KB)233,tabstatus.zipAdvanced UI - MDI list in the status bar (and a custom Window List dialog)(62KB)234,gfxlist.zipList Control - Enhanced list control(1544KB)235,maillook.zipInternet Mail Look(42KB)236,cdxcdynamic.zipDynamic child window repositioning for dialogs, property sheets, form views and any other CWnd derived classes. (227KB)237,voicecmd.zipVoice Command Enabling Your Software (27KB)238,cj60lib.zipMFC Extension Library - CJ60 Version 6.07(1100KB)239,infobar.zipInformation Bar (62KB)240,switcher.zipA Switcher Control (like the Windows Task Bar) (40KB)
启点CE过NP中文December 24 2018:Cheat Engine 6.8.2 Released: Here's a new version for the hollidays. Mainly minor improvements and some small bugfixes, but also a new 'ultimap like' feature called Code Filter for which you don't need any special hardware for. (Just an extensive list of addresses) Download: Cheat Engine 6.8.2 Fixes: Disassembler: Several disassembler instructions had a comma too many or too few ,fixed those Disassembler: Fixed the description for ret # Disassembler/Debug: Fixed the address that is being edited when a breakpoint hits while editing an instruction Assembler: Fixed assembling reg*2/4/8+unquotedsymbol Plugin: Fixed the SDK for C plugins that use the disassembler callback Hotkeys: Fixed the attach to foreground hotkey Memory Scan: Fixed the percentage scan Memory Scan: Fixed a rare situation that could cause an error Memory Scan: Simple values now works with groupscan Memory Scan Lua: Scanfiles now also get deleted if the memory scan object is freed before the scan is fully done Fill Memory: Now allows 64-bit addresses Structure Dissect: Fixed the popupmenu "change type" so it now affects all selected entries instead of just the first PointerOrPointee window: Fix the debug pointer or pointee window button text when using access instead of writes GUI: Fixed and restored the DPI Aware option in setting GUI: Some DPI fixes/adjustments here and there Graphical Memory view: Fixed DPI issues Symbolhandler: When the symbolhandler now waits till it's done, it won't wait for the structures to be parsed anymore Additions and Changes: Lua Engine: Added autocomplete DLL injection: On DLL injection failure CE tries to fall back on forced injection methods Assembler: Added multibyte NOP Plugins: Plugins can now have side dll's that are statically linked in their own folder (Windows 7 with updates and later) Debugging: Improved the FPU window editing when single stepping, allowing you to change the FPU registers Debugging: Threadview now updates when single stepping and cnanges made there will affect the currently debugged thread (before it didn't) Debugging: Added Code Filter. This lets you filter out code based on if it has been executed or not (Uses software breakpoints) Debugging: Added an option to chose if you wish to break on unexpected breakpoints, and if CE should break on unexpected breakpoints, or only on specified regions (like AA scripts) Disassembler: The comments now show multiple parameters Pointerscan: Add option to allow negative offset scanning Pointerscan: Add extra types to the display Advanced Options/CodeList: Now uses symbolnames Tutorial Game: Added a levelskip option when you've solved a step Tutorial Game: Added a secondary test Compare memory: Added a limit to the number of address values shown per row (can be changed) Address List: When the option to deactivate children is set, the children will get deactivated first Memory Scan: Add a lua script in autorun that lets you specify which module to scan Lua: ExecuteCodeEx(Let's you execute code in the target and pass parameters) Added 2 new parameters to getNameFromAddress (ModuleNames and Symbols) Added addModule and deleteModule to the symbollist class Added the ModuleLoader class which can force load dll's Fixed endUpdate for the listview Thanks go out to SER[G]ANT for updating the russion translation files already June 23 2018:Cheat Engine 6.8.1 Released: Apparently 6.8 contained a couple of annoying bugs, so here's an update that should hopefully resolve most issues. Also a few new features that can come handy Download: Cheat Engine 6.8.1 Fixes: Fixed several issues with the structure compare Fixed the commonality scanner from picking up unrelated registers for comparison Fixed speedhack hotkeys Fixed ultimap 1 Fixed a bunch of random access violations Fixed Lua dissectCode.getStringReferences now also returns the string Fixed Lua breakpoints that specify a specific function Fixed Lua toAddress when the 2nd parameter is an address Fixed assembling xmm,m32 Fixed issue when disassembling AVX instructions Fixed rightclicking r8-r9 in the registers window Fixed the plugin system for DBVM Fixed DBVM memory allocations when smaller than 4KB Additions and changes: Added translation strings for the all type settings You can now drop files into the auto assembler auto assembler commands allocnx (allocate no execute) and allocxo (allocate execute only) The memoryview windows's hexadecimalview now shows the allocationbase as well, and can be doubleclicked to go there Added support for mono dll's that do not export g_free Changed "make page writable" to multiple options Improved DBVM speed slightly Lua: added RemoteThread class object June 8 2018:Cheat Engine 6.8 Released: Cheat Engine 6.8 has been released. Lots of new features like structure compare, AVX disassembling support, lua functions, etc... Download: If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker or by e-mail. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the forum Fixes: Fixed some more high dpi issues Fixed issues with the dropdown list in memory records Fixed pointer offset symbols not calculating properly Fixed registered binutils Fixed graphical issues with the tablist Fixed issue where memory blocks would get cut of before the page end Fixed some memory leaks Fixed some graphical issues in the addresslist Fixed rightclick on r8 and r9 in memoryview Fixed disassembling some instructions Fixed DBVM so it works on windows 1709 and later (tested on 1803) Fixed several DBVM offload crashes Fixed freeze with allow increase/decrease for 8 byte long values Fixed several issues where minimizing a window and then close it would hang CE Fixed file scanning Fixed crashes when editing memory in some some emulators Additions and changes: Text editor improvements Added hundreds of new cpu instructions Mono now has some new features like instancing of objects Mono instances window is now a treeview where you can see the fields and values "find what addresses this code accesses" can also be used on RET instructions now (useful to find callers) The graphical memory view now has a lot more options to set it just the way you need Codepage support in hexview structure data from PDB files can now be used, and are stored in a database for lookup later dissect structures form can now show a list of known structures (pdb, mono, ...) Added a "revert to saved scan" option (lets you undo changes) Added a "forgot scan" option (in case you forgot what you're doing) Pointerscan limit nodes is default on in a new ce install (remembers your choice when you disable it) Autoattach now happens using a thread instead of a gui blocking timer Some colorscheme enhancements Added a DBVM based "Find what writes/accesses" feature. (For pro users, enable kernelmode options for it to show) Changed the dissect data setup from seperate yes/no/value dialogs to a single window Added a bypass option for ultimap2 on windows 1709. When using ranges, do not use interrupts, or use DBVM Added find what writes/access to the foundlist Autoassembler scriptblocks are now grouped when written to memory Added {$try}/{$except} to auto assembler scripts Added an extra tutorial/practice target Added cut/copy/paste context menu items to pointer offset fields in add/change address, and added a context menu to the pointer destination Added an automated structure compare for two groups of addresses to find ways to distinguish between them lua: added automatic garbage collection and settings to configure it added new functions: gc_setPassive gc_setActive reinitializeSelfSymbolhandler registerStructureAndElementListCallback showSelectionList changed the getWindowlist output MainForm.OnProcessOpened (better use this instead of onOpenProcess) enumStructureForms cpuid getHotkeyHandlerThread bunch of dbvm_ functions (needs dbvm capable cpu, and intel only atm) and more, including class methods and fields (read celua.txt) Minor patches: 06/08/2018: - Fixed speedhack hotkey speed asignments and some commonalityscanner issues 06/09/2018: - Fixed only when down speedhack option 06/10/2018: - Fixed ultimap1 - Fixed ultimap2 on some systems - Fixed enableDRM() from crashing - Fixed one disassembler instruction Russian translation has been updated November 13 2017:Can't run Cheat Engine There is apparently some malware going around that blocks execution of Cheat Engine (Saying file missing, check filename, etc...) If you have been a victim of this then try this windows repair tool to fix your windows install: Download Repair Tool November 9 2017:Spanish(Latin) translation added Manuel Ibacache M. from Chile has provided us with spanish(Latin) translation files for Cheat Engine. They can be downloaded from the download section where you can find the other translation files, or right here June 7 2017:Cheat Engine 6.7 Released: Cheat Engine 6.7 has been released. New lua functions, GUI improvements, codepage scanning, several bugfixes and more(See below). Download: Cheat Engine 6.7 If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker, irc or by e-mail. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the forum , irc Fixes: Fixed some DPI issues at some spots Fixed the "Not" scan for ALL "simple values" now also applies to the All type Fixed not adding the 0-terminator to strings when the option was set to add it Fixed ultimap hotkeys Fixed ultimap2 filtering Changing pointers in the change address dialog won't set/override global memrec and address anymore (local now) Fixed show as signed not working for custom types Fixed several issues with the structure spider Fixed 64-bit registers in the tracer getting truncated on doubleclick, and fix r8 to r15 Fixed copy/paste in the scanvalue Fixed kernelmode QueryMemoryRegions for windows build 1607 Fixed some disassembler errors Fixed lua command fullAccess Fixed text to speech if launched from a different thread Fixed clicking on checkboxes when the dpi is different Fixed the found code dialog count size Fixed mono freezing Cheat Engine when it crashes/freezes Additions and changes: Changed the processlist and added an Applications view similar to the taskmanager Small change to the tutorial first step wording Structure Dissect: Added RLE compression (by mgr.inz.player) and other things to improve filesize Structure Dissect: If setting a name, it will also be shown in the header The symbolhandler can now deal with complex pointer notations Added support for single-ToPA systems for ultimap2 Added some more spots where the history will be remebered in memoryview Memoryrecords with auto assembler scripts can now execute their code asynchronous (rightclick and set "Execute asynchronous") Kernelmode memory reading/writing is safer now Added an option to filter out readable paths in the pointerscan rescan Added "codePage" support Added font/display options to several places in CE Added a search/replace to the script editors You can now delete addresses and reset the count from "Find what addresses this code accesses" Added a statusbar to the hexview in memoryview Pointerscan for value scans now add the results to the overflow queue Opening a file and changing bytes do not change them to the file anymore (you need to explicitly save now) Added an option to the processlist to filter out system processes Added a system to let users sign their tables so you know you can trust their tables. Memory record dropdown lists can now reference those of others. USe as entry text: (memoryrecorddescription) Added an option to notify users of new versions of Cheat Engine lua: Custom Types can now be referenced from Lua Auto assembler lua sections now have access to "memrec" which is the memory record they get executed from. Can be nil stringToMD5String now support strings with a 0 byte in them autoAssemble() now also returns a disableInfo object as 2nd parameter. You can use this to disable a script added Action and Value properties to MemoryRecordHotkey objects added screenToClient and clientToScreen for Control objects added readSmallInteger and writeSmallInteger added enableDRM() added openFileAsProcess/saveOpenedFile added saveCurrentStateAsDesign for CEForm objects added disableWithoutExecute and disableAllWithoutExecute added OnCustomDraw* events to the listview added being/endUpdate for the Strings class added SQL support added color overrides to the disassembler text added OnPaint to the CustomControl class added autoAssembleCheck to syntax check an AA script fixed the addresslist returning nil for PopupMenu (while popupMenu did work) added an timeout option for pipes added some graphical options added some low level system functions Russian translation has been updated Chinese translation has been updated May 15 2017:Korean language files Thanks to Petrus Kim there are now Korean language files for Cheat Engine. You can get them here Just extract it to the language folder in the Cheat Engine installation folder and you'll be able to use it April 13 2017:Cheat Engine for Macintosh download For the Mac users under us there is now a mac version available for download. It's based on Cheat engine 6.2 but I will be upgrading it to 6.6 and later based on the feedback I get. Tip:if you have trouble opening processes: Reboot your Mac and hold CMD+R during boot to enter the recovery console. There open the terminal (using the top menu) and enter "csrutil disable" . Then reboot and you'll be able to open most processes (Youtube video by NewAgeSoldier in case it's not clear) October 6 2016:Cheat Engine 6.6 Released: Cheat Engine 6.6 has been released. It has several fixes, new scan functionality, gui changes/improvements, Ultimap 2, better hotkeys, more programming options, and more(See below). Download: Cheat Engine 6.6 If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker, irc or by e-mail. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the forum or irc Fixes: Fixed saving of hotkey sounds Fixed the CF flag in the disassembler stepping mode Fixed Kernelmode VirtualQueryEx for Windows 10 build 14393 Fixed DBVM for Windows 10 build 14393 Fixed the shortest assembler instruction picking for some instructions Fixed a few bugs in the break and trace routine when you'd stop it while the thread still had a single step set Fixed several ansi to UTF8 incompatbilities that poped up between 6.5 and 6.5.1 Fixed the stackview not properly setting the color, and giving an error when trying to change a color Fixed the exe generator not adding both .sys files or the .sig files when using kernel functions Fixed some places of the disassembler where it helps guessing if something is a float or not When using the code finder, it won't show the previous instruction anymore if it's on a REP MOVS* instruction Fixed an issue when editing memoryrecords with strings, where wordwrap would add newline characters Fixed D3D alpha channel for textures and fontmaps Fixed the helpfile not being searchable The installer will now mark the CE destination folder as accessible by APPS. (fixes speedhack for some APPS) Fixed the form designed crashing is resized 'wrong' Additions and changes: Ultimap 2 for Intel CPU's of generation 6 and later (no DBVM needed for those) Language select if you have multiple language files for CE Memoryrecord pointer offsets can use calculations, symbols and lua code now While stepping in the debugger you can now easily change the EIP/RIP register by pressing ctrl+f4 changed the way CE is brought to front when a hotkey is pressed Made the GUI more adaptive to different fontsizes and DPI Several font and minor GUI changes Added DPIAware and a font override to the settings window. (DPI aware is on by default, but can be turned of if experiencing issues) Added option to enable pause by default Disassembling mega jumps/calls now show the code in one line The standalone auto assembler window will now give an option to go to the first allocated memory address Changed the point where the settings are loaded in CE's startup sequence The formdesigner now allows copy and paste of multiple objects, and uses text Added scrollbox and radiogroup to the formdesigner Added Middle, MB4 and MB5 as allowable hotkeys Added controller keys as hotkeys Single stepping now shows an indication if an condition jump will be taken Added a watchlist to the debugger Added the 'align' assembler pseudo command (allocates memory so the next line is aligned on a block of the required size) Added the 'Not' option for scans, which causes all addresses that match the given entry as invalid Changed the Unicode text to UTF-16. Text scans are now UTF8/UTF16 (no codepage) Hexview can now show and edit values in 3 different textencodings. (Ascii, UTF-8 and UTF-16) Rescan pointerscans on pointerscans that where done on a range can now change the offset lua: speak(): Text to speech hookWndProc: a function that lets you hook the windows message handler of a window registerEXETrainerFeature: Lets you add extra files to the exe trainer file packer getFileVersion(): A function to get version information from a file mouse_event() : Lets you send mouse events to windows. (move, click, etc...) loadFontFromStream() : Lets you load a font from a memory stream. (Useful for trainers that use a custom font) added several thread synchronization objects control class: added bringToFront and sendToBack lua changes: dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection() now also disables virtualprotectex calls from CE loadTable() can now also load from a Stream object. the addresslist has some Color properties published for better customization the LUA server has had some new commands added so hooked code can do more efficient calls. (LUAClient dll has been updated to use them in a basic way) Russian translation has been updated French tutorial only translation has been updated as well 10/10/2016: Fixed align May 19 2016:Cheat Engine 6.5.1 Released: 6.5.1 has been released. It's mainly a bugfix version to replace 6.5 which had a few minor bugs that needed solving. Download: Cheat Engine 6.5.1 Fixes: Fixed increased value by/decreased value by for float values Fixed disassembling/assembling some instructions (64-bit) Fixed the autoassembler tokenizing wrong words Fixed several bugs related to the structure dissect window (mainly shown when autodestroy was on) Fixed a small saving issue Groupscans now deal with alignment issues better Fixed java support for 32-bit Additions and changes: Signed with a sha256 signature as well (for OS'es that support it) Changed Ultimap to use an official way to get the perfmon interrupt instead of IDT hooking (less BSOD on win10 and 8) Individual hotkeys can now play sounds Now compiled with fpc 3.0/lazarus 1.6 (Previously 2.7/1.1) You can now search in the string list PEInfo now has a copy to clipboard Some places can now deal better with mistakes Lazarus .LFM files can now be loaded and saved lua: Fixed several incompatibilities between lua that popped up in 6.5 (due to the lua 5.1 to 5.3 change) Fixed the OnSelectionChange callback property in the memoryview object MemoryRecords now have an Collapsed property Added TCanResizeEvent to the splitter Fixed setBreakpoint not setting a proper trigger if not provided Fixed executeCode* parameter passing Fixed several memory leaks where unregistering hooks/addons didn't free the internal call object Some tableFile additions Fixed registerAssemble assembler commands Added kernelmode alloc and (un)mapping functionality Added an easy way to add auto assembler templates Added window related functions including sendMessage Added Xbox360 controller support functions Added more thread functions Post release fixes: Dealt with several gui issues like the mainform to front on modal dialogs, header resizing stuck with the cursor, treeview item selection/deletion being weird, etc... Added a disconnect to the client in pointerscans Fixed pointerscan issue with 32-bit aligned pointers in a 64-bit process Fixed a deadlock in threads when lua custom types where used Post release fixes: Dealt with several gui issues like the mainform to front on modal dialogs, header resizing stuck with the cursor, treeview item selection/deletion being weird, etc... Added a disconnect to the client in pointerscans fixed pointerscan issue with 32-bit aligned pointers in a 64-bit process Fixed a deadlock in threads when lua custom types where used Fixed pointerscan resume 6/1/2016: (major bugfix) properly fixed resume of pointerscans and alignment fix December 31 2015:Cheat Engine 6.5 Released: I'd like to announce the release of Cheat Engine 6.5 If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker, irc or by e-mail. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the forum or irc Fixes: Fixed page exception breakpoints from not working Fixed the save as button in the lua script assigned to the table Fixed the dotnetdatacollector from not fetching parent fields Fixed disassembling of some instructions Fixed assembling some instructions Fixed assembling instructions that referenced address 80000000 to ffffffff in 64-bit targets Fixed dealing with unexpected breakpoints Fixed several issues with the network scanner. (symbols, scanspeed, threads, etc...) Fixed "going to" 64-bit registers. Fixed pointerstrings for 64-bit Fixed the addressparser in memview's hexview not handing static 64-bit addresses Fixed r8 and r9 looking broken in the memoryview window Fixed hotkeys that set a value as hexadecimal and the value is smaller than 0x10 Fixed multiline string editing for memory records Fixed dragging cheat tables into CE Fixed VEH debug for 'Modern' apps Fixed several translation issues lua: fixed getStructureCount, writeRegionToFile, readRegionFromFile, readInteger, ListColum.GetCount fixed memoryleak in MemoryStream Several fixes to DBVM: added support for Windows 10 support for more than 8 cpu's support for newer cpu's fixed issue where calling CPUID right after setting the TF flag wouldn't trigger a breakpoint after it Additions and changes: Array of Byte's can now deal with nibble's. (e.g: 9* *0 90 is now a valid input- and scanstring) The auto assembler can now deal with some mistakes like forgetting to declare a label Added support to use binutils as assembler and disassembler, and a special scripting language for it Added support for 64-bit mono, and script support for cases where mono.dll isn't called mono.dll Added an option to get a list of all recently accessed memory regions. This is useful for the pointerscanner The pointerscanner can now use multiple snapshots (pointermaps) to do a scan. This basically lets you do a rescan during the first scan, saving your harddisk Made the pointerscan network scanner a bit easier to use. You can now join and leave a pointerscan session You can now stop pointerscans and resume them at a later time Pointerscan files can get converted to and from sqlite database files The pointerscan configuration window now has an advanced and basic mode display The all type now has a setting that lets you define what under "all" falls Custom types now also have access to the address they're being used on Split up the "(de)activating this (de)activates children" into two seperate options (one for activate, one for deactivate) Added some basic Thumb disassembling The xmplayer has been replaced with mikmod which supports many different module types (in lua you still call it xmplayer) Rightlicking on "your system supports dbvm" will let you manually load DBVM for each cpu. This is usefull if for some reason your system crashes when it's done too quickly In "Find what addresses this instruction accesses" you can now open the structure dissect window of your choice in case there are others. It will also fill in the base address, so no need to recalculate yourself AA command GlobalAlloc now has an optional 3th parameter that lets you specify the prefered region Added an option to record and undo writes. (Off by default, can be enabled in settings. Memview ctrl+z will undo the last edit) Added aobscanregion(name,startaddress,stopaddress,aob) lua: switched from Lua 5.1 to 5.3 debug_setBreakpoint can now take an OnBreakpoint parameter that lets you set a specific function just for that breakpoint added dbk_getPhysicalAddress(int) added dbk_writesIgnoreWriteProtection(bool) added getWindowList() And a bunch of other lua functions. (check out main.lua) Post release fixes (max 7 days after initial release *or 30 if a HUGE bug): 1/6/2016:Fixed structure dissect from crashing when autodestroy is on 1/6/2016:Fixed window position loading on multi monitor systems 1/6/2016:Fixed the lua customtype and 1/6/2016:Several minor gui fixe
FastReport.v4.15 for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source企业版含ClientServer中文修正版支持Delphi 4-XE5 and C++Builder 6-XE5. D2010以上版本(D14_D19)安装必读 delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)使用者安装时,请将res\frccD14_D19.exe更名名为frcc.exe frccD14_D19.exe是专门的delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)编码器。其他低delphi版本,请使用frcc.exe FastReport® VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the tools necessary for developing reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 4-XE5 and C++Builder 6-XE5. version 4.15 --------------- + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent version 4.14 --------------- + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 support - [Lazarus] fixed bug with text output - [Lazarus] fixed bug with some visual controls in designer - [Lazarus] improved interface of the report preview and designer - [Lazarus] fixed bug with boolean propertyes in script code and expressions - fixed bug with endless loop in TfrxRichView - fixed bug with Unicode in TfrxMemoView appeared in previous release - improved MAPI interface in TfrxExportMail export - fixed some problems with allpication styles XE2/XE3 - improved compatibility with Fast Report FMX version 4.13 --------------- + Added Lazarus Beta support starts from Fast Report Professionnal edition. Current version allows preview, print and design report template under Windows and Linux platform (qt). + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 support - fixed compatibility with Fast Report FMX installed in the same IDE. This version can co exist with Fast Report FMX version at the same time. + published "Quality" property of TfrxPDFExport object + published "UseMAPI" property of TfrxExportMail object + published "PictureType" property to ODF export - fixed bug with expressions in RichEdit - fixed bug in multi-column reports - fixed exception in the report designer - fixed bug with URLs in Open Document Text and Open Document Spreadsheet exports - fixed format string in XLS OLE export - fixed format string in XLS BIFF8 export - fixed output of the check boxes on the highlighted lines in PDF export - fixed bug with PDF anchors - fixed bug when using two or more macroses in memo version 4.12 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio EX2 (x32/x64) + added export of Excel formulas in the BIFF export + added export of external URLs in the PDF export + added converter from Rave Reports ConverterRR2FR.pas + added Cross.KeepRowsTogether property + optimised merging cells in the BIFF export + added property DataOnly to exports + pictures format in all exports switched to PNG + improved number formats processing in the BIFF export + added property DataOnly to exports + added property TfrxODFExport.SingleSheet + added property TfrxSimpleTextExport.DeleteEmptyColumns + added property TfrxBIFFExport.DeleteEmptyRows + added progress bar to the BIFF export - fixed bug with frame for some barcode types - fixed wrong metafiles size in the EMF export - fixed processing of negative numbers in the OLE export - fixed bug in handling exceptions in the OLE export - fixed bug in creation of the progress bar (applicable to many exports) - fixed bug in the ODF export in strings processing - fixed bug in the OLE export in numbers formatting - fixed bug in the PDF export in rotating texts 90, 180 and 270 degrees - fixed bug in the ODF export in processing of headers and footers - fixed bug in the Text export in computing object bounds - fixed bug in the ODF export in UTF8 encoding - fixed hiding gridlines around nonempty cells in the BIFF export - fixed images bluring when exporting - fixed word wrapping in the Excel XML export version 4.11 --------------- + added BIFF8 XLS export filter + added to ODF export the Language property + [enterprise] added "scripts" folder for additional units ("uses" directive in report script) + [enterprise] added logs for scheduler (add info in scheduler.log) + [enterprise] added property "Reports" - "Scripts" in server configuration - set the path for "uses" directive in report script + [enterprise] added property "Http" - "MaxSessions" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum session threads, set 0 for unlimit + [enterprise] added property "Reports" - "MaxReports" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum report threads, set 0 for unlimit + [enterprise] added property "Logs" - "SchedulerLog" in server configuration - set the scheduler log file name + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "Active" in server configuration - enable of scheduler + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "Debug" in server configuration - enable writing of debug info in scheduler log + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "StudioPath" in server configuration - set the path to FastReport Studio, leave blank for default - [enterprise] fixed bug with MIME types in http header (content-type) - [enterprise] fixed bug with default configuration (with missed config.xml) - [enterprise] fixed bug with error pages - fixed bug in XML export with the ShowProgress property - fixed bug in RTF export with font size in empty cells - fixed bug in ODF export with UTF8 encoding of the Creator field - fixed bug in XML export with processing special characters in strings - fixed bug in ODF export with properties table:number-columns-spanned, table:number-rows-spanned - fixed bug in ODF export with the background clNone color - fixed bug in ODF export with a style of table:covered-table-cell - fixed bug in ODF export with table:covered-table-cell duplicates - fixed bug in ODF export with excessive text:p inside table:covered-table-cell - fixed bug in ODF export with language styles - fixed bug in ODF export with spaces and tab symbols - fixed bug in ODF export with styles of number cells - fixed bug in ODF export with the background picture - fixed bug in ODF export with charspacing - fixed bug in ODF export with number formatting - fixed bug in ODF export with table-row tag - fixed bug in XLS(OLE) export with numbers formatting - fixed bug in RTF export with processing RTF fields - fixed bug with processing special symbols in HTML Export - fixed bug with UTF8 encoding in ODF export - fixed bug in PDF export with underlined, struck-out and rotated texts version 4.10 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE (Delphi EX/C++Builder EX) + added support of TeeChart 2010 packages (new series type aren't support in this release) + added a property TruncateLongTexts to the XLS OLE export that allows to disable truncating texts longer than a specified limit + added option EmbedProt which allows to disable embedding fonts into an encrypted PDF file + added TfrxDateEditControl.WeekNumbers property - fixed bug in XML and PDF exports with Korean charmap - fixed bug in the XLS XML export about striked-out texts - fixed bug about exporting an empty page via the XLS OLE export - fixed bug in the PDF export about coloring the background of pages - fixed bug in embedded designer when using break point in script - fixed bug with lost of focus in font size combo-box in designer - fixed bug with truncate of font size combo-box in Windows Vista/7 in designer (lost of vertical scroll bar) - fixed bug when lost file name in inherited report - fixed bug in multi-page report with EndlessHeight/EndlessWidth - fixed bug wit TfrxHeader.ReprintOnNewpage and KeepTogether - fixed bug in multi-column report with child bands - improved split mechanism (added TfrxStretcheable.HasNextDataPart for complicated data like RTF tables) - improved crosstab speed when using repeat band with crosstab object version 4.9 --------------- + added outline to PDF export + added anchors to PDF export - fixed bug with embedded TTC fonts in PDF export + added an ability to create multiimage TIFF files + added export headers/footers in ODF export + added ability to print/export transparent pictures (properties TfrxPictureView.Transparent and TfrxPictureView.TransparentColor) (PDF export isn't supported) + added new "split to sheet" modes for TfrxXMLExport + added support of /PAGE tag in TfrxRichView, engine automatically break report pages when find /PAGE tag + added ability to hide Null values in TfrxChartView (TfrxChartView.IgnoreNulls = True) + added ability to set any custom page order for printing (i.e. 3,2,1,5,4 ) + [enterprise] added variables "AUTHLOGIN" and "AUTHGROUP" inside the any report + [enterprise] now any report file can be matched with any (one and more) group, these reports are accessible only in matched groups + [enterprise] now you can set-up cache delays for each report file (reports.xml) + [enterprise] added new properties editor for reports in Configuration utility (see Reports tab) + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitType" in server configuration - allow to select split on pages type between none/pages/printonprev/rowscount + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitRowsCount" in server configuration - sets the count of rows for "rowscount" split type + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "Extension" in server configuration - allow select between ".xml" and ".xls" extension for output file + [enterprise] added property "Html" - "URLTarget" in server configuration - allow select the target attribute for report URLs + [enterprise] added property "ReportsFile" - path to file with reports to groups associations and cache delays + [enterprise] added property "ReportsListRenewTimeout" in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "ConfigRenewTimeout" in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "MimeType" for each output format in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "BrowserPrint" in server configuration - allow printing by browser, added new template nav_print_browser.html + [enterprise] added dynamic file name generation of resulting formats (report_name_date_time) * [enterprise] SERVER_REPORTS_LIST and SERVER_REPORTS_HTML variables (list of available reports) depend from user group (for internal authentification) + added drawing shapes in PDF export (not bitmap) + added rotated text in PDF export (not bitmap) + added EngineOptions.IgnoreDevByZero property allow to ignore division by zero exception in expressions + added properties TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownWidth, TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownRows + added event TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeginExport + added ability to decrease font size in barcode object + added ability to inseret FNC1 to "code 128" barcode + added event TfrxPreview.OnMouseDown + added support of new unicode-PDF export in D4-D6 and BCB4-BCB6 * improved AddFrom method - anchor coping - fixed bug with WordWrap in PDF export - fixed bug with underlines in PDF export - fixed bug with rounded rectangles in PDF export - fixed CSV export to fit to the RFC 4180 specification - fixed bug with strikeout text in PDF export - fixed bug with incorrect export of TfrxRichView object in RTF format (wrong line spacing) - [enterprise] added critical section in TfrxServerLog.Write - fixed bug with setting up of the Protection Flags in the PDF export dialog window - fixed bug in PDF export (file structure) - fixed bug with pictures in Open Office Writer (odt) export - [enterprise] fixed bug with TfrxReportServer component in Delphi 2010 - fixed minor errors in Embarcedero RAD Studio 2010 - fixed bug with endless loop with using vertical bands together with page header and header with ReprintOnNewPage - fixed bug when using "Keeping" and Cross tables (incorrect cross transfer) - fixed bug with [CopyName#] macros when use "Join small pages" print mode - fixed bug when try to split page with endless height to several pages (NewPage, StartNewPage) - fixed bug with empty line TfrxRichView when adding text via expression - fixed bug when Footer prints even if main band is invisible (FooterAfterEach = True) - fixed resetting of Page variable in double-pass report with TfrxCrossView - fixed bug with loosing of aligning when split TfrxRichView - fixed buzz in reports with TfrxRichView when using RTF 4.1 version 4.8 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio 2010 (Delphi/C++Builder) + added TfrxDBDataset.BCDToCurrency property + added TfrxReportOptions.HiddenPassword property to set password silently from code + added TfrxADOConnection.OnAfterDisconnect event + added TfrxDesigner.MemoParentFont property + added new TfrxDesignerRestriction: drDontEditReportScript and drDontEditInternalDatasets + adedd checksum calculating for 2 5 interleaved barcode + added TfrxGroupHeader.ShowChildIfDrillDown property + added TfrxMailExport.OnSendMail event + added RTF 4.1 support for TfrxRichText object + [enterprise] added Windows Authentification mode + added confirmation reading for TfrxMailExport + added TimeOut field to TfrxMailExport form + added ability to use keeping(KeepTogether/KeepChild/KeepHeader) in multi-column report + added ability to split big bands(biggest than page height) by default * [enterprise] improved CGI for IIS/Apache server * changed PDF export (D7 and upper): added full unicode support, improved performance, decreased memory requirements old PDF export engine saved in file frxExportPDF_old.pas - changed inheritance mechanism, correct inherits of linked objects (fixups) - fixed bug with Mirror Mrgins in RTF, HTML, XLS, XML, OpenOffice exports - fixed bug when cross tab cut the text in corner, when corner height greater than column height - [fs] improved script compilation - improved WatchForm TListBox changet to TCheckListBox - improved AddFrom method - copy outline - Improved functional of vertical bands, shows memos placed on H-band which doesn't across VBand, also calculate expression inside it and call events (like in FR2) - Improved unsorted mode in crosstab(join same columns correctly) - Improved converter from Report Builder - Improved TfrxDesigner.OnInsertObject, should call when drag&drop field from data tree - improved DrillDownd mechanism, should work correct with master-detail-subtetail nesting - fixed bug with DownThenAcross in Cross Tab - fixed several bugs under CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 - fixed bug with emf in ODT export - fixed bug with outline when build several composite reports in double pass mode - fixed bug when group doesn't fit on the whole page - fixed "Page" and "Line" variables inside vertical bands - fixed bug with using KeepHeader in some cases - fixed bug with displacement of subreport when use PrintOnParent property in some cases - fixed small memory leak in subreports - fixed problem with PageFooter and ReportSymmary when use PrintOnPreviousPage property - fixed bug when designer shows commented functions in object inspector - fixed bug when designer place function in commented text block - fixed bug when Engine try to split non-stretcheable view and gone to endless loop - fixed bug with HTML tags in memo when use shot text and WordWrap - [enterprise] fixed bug with variables lost on refresh/export - fixed bug whih PDF,ODT export in Delphi4 and CBuilder4 - fixed bug with some codepage which use two bytes for special symbols (Japanese ans Chinese codepages) - fixed bug when engine delete first space from text in split Memo - fixed bug in multi-column page when band overlap stretched PageHeader - fixed bug with using ReprintOnNewPage version 4.7 --------------- + CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 support + [enterprise] enchanced error description in logs + added properties TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBegin: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBody: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentEnd: TStrings + improved RTF export (with line spacing, vertical gap etc) + added support of Enhanced Metafile (EMF) images in Rich Text (RTF), Open Office (ODS), Excel (XLS) exports + added OnAfterScriptCompile event + added onLoadRecentFile Event + added C++ Builder demos + added hot-key Ctrl + mouseWheel - Change scale in designer + added TfrxMemoView.AnsiText property - fixed bug in RTF export with EMF pictures in OpenOffice Writer - fixed some multi-thread isuues in engine, PDF, ODF exports - [enterprise] fixed integrated template of report navigator - [enterprise] fixed bug with export in Internet Explorer browser - fixed bug with font size of dot-matix reports in Excel and XML exports - fixed bug in e-mail export with many addresses - fixed bug in XLS export (with fast export unchecked and image object is null) - [enterprise] fixed bug in TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables event - fixed bug in Calcl function - fixed memory leak in Cross editor - fixed progress bar and find dialog bug in DualView - fixed bug in PostNET and ean13 barcodes - fixed bug with TruncOutboundText in Dot Matrix report - fixed bugs with break points in syntaxis memo - improved BeforeConnect event in ADO - fixed bug in inhehited report with internal dataset - fixed bug in TfrxPanelControl with background color(Delphi 2005 and above) version 4.6 --------------- + added & , < , > to XML reader + added <nowrap> tag, the text concluded in tag is not broken by WordWrap, it move entirely + added ability to move band without objects (Alt + Move) + added ability to output pages in the preview from right to left ("many pages" mode), for RTL languages(PreviewOptions.RTLPreview) + added ability to storing picture cache in "temp" file (PreviewOptions.PictureCacheInFile) + added EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList (added for multi-thread applications) - set it to False if you don't want use Global DataSet list(use Report.EnabledDataSet.Add() to add dataset in local list) + added new property Hint for all printed objects, hints at the dialog objects now shows in StatusBar + added new property TfrxDBLookupComboBox.AutoOpenDataSet (automatically opens the attached dataset after onActivate event) + added new property TfrxReportPage.PageCount like TfrxDataBand.RowCount + added new property WordWrap for dialog buttons (Delphi 7 and above). + added sort by name to data tree + added TfrxDesigner.TemplatesExt property + added TfrxStyles class in script rtti + changes in the Chart editor: ability to change the name of the series, ability to move created series, other small changes + [enterprise] added configurations values refresh in run-time + [enterprise] added new demo \Demos\ClientServer\ISAPI + [enterprise] added output to server printers from user browser (see config.xml "AllowPrint", set to "no" by default), note: experimental feature + [enterprise] added reports list refresh in run-time + [enterprise] added templates feature + [enterprise] improved speed and stability + [fs] added TfsScript.IncludePath property + [fs] added TfsScript.UseClassLateBinding property + [fs] fixed type casting from variant(string) to integer/float - changes in report inherit: FR get relative path from current loaded report(old reports based on application path works too) - corrected module for converting reports from Report Builder - fixed bug in CrossTab when set charset different from DEFAULT_CHARSET - fixed bug in RTF export with some TfrxRichView objects - fixed bug when print on landscape orientation with custom paper size - fixed bug when use network path for parent report - fixed bug with Band.Allowslit = True and ColumnFooter - fixed bug with drawing subreport on stretched band - fixed bug with embedded fonts in PDF export - fixed bug with long ReportTitle + Header + MaterData.KeepHeader = true - fixed bug with minimizing of Modal designer in BDS2005 and above - fixed bug with paths in HTML export - fixed bug with RTL in PDF export - fixed bug with SubReport in multi column page - fixed bug with Subreport.PrintOnParent = true in inherited report - fixed bug with SYMBOL_CHARSET in PDF export - fixed bug with the addition of datasets by inheritance report - fixed bug with width calculation when use HTML tags in memo - fixed compatibility with WideStrings module in BDS2006/2007 - fixed flicking in preview when use OnClickObject event - fixed free space calculation when use PrintOnPreviousPage - fixed preview bug with winXP themes and in last update - fixed subreports inherit - Thumbnail and Outline shows at right side for RTL languages - [fs] fixed bug with late binding version 4.5 --------------- + added ConverterRB2FR.pas unit for converting reports from Report Builder to Fast Report + added ConverterQR2FR.pas unit for converting reports from QuickReport to FastReport + added support of multiple attachments in e-mail export (html with images as example) + added support of unicode (UTF-8) in e-mail export + added ability to change templates path in designer + added OnReportPrint script event + added PNG support in all version (start from Basic) + added TfrxDMPMemoView.TruncOutboundText property - truncate outbound text in matrix report when WordWrap=false + added new frames styles fsAltDot and fsSquare + added new event OnPreviewDblClick in all TfrxView components + added ability to call dialogs event after report run when set DestroyForms = false + added ability to change AllowExpressions and HideZeros properties in cross Cells (default=false) + added IgnoreDupParams property to DB components + added auto open dataset in TfrxDBLookupComboBox + added new property TfrxADOQuery.LockType + added define DB_CAT (frx.inc) for grouping DB components + added TfrxPictureView.HightQuality property(draw picture in preview with hight quality, but slow down drawing procedure) + [FRViewer] added comandline options "/print filename" and "/silent_print filename" + added unicode input support in RichEditor + added new define HOOK_WNDPROC_FOR_UNICODE (frx.inc) - set hook on GetMessage function for unicode input support in D4-D7/BCB4-BCB6 + added ability chose path to FIB packages in "Recompile Wizard" + added new function TfrxPreview.GetTopPosition, return a position on current preview page + added new hot-keys to Code Editor - Ctrl+Del delete the word before cursor, Ctrl+BackSpace delete the word after cursor(as in Delhi IDE) + added "MDI Designer" example - all language resources moved to UTF8, XML - fixed bug with html tags [sup] and [sub] - fixed width calculation in TfrxMemoView when use HTML tags - fixed bug with suppressRepeated in Vertical bands - fixed bug when designer not restore scrollbars position after undo/redo - fixed visual bug in toolbars when use Windows Vista + XPManifest + Delphi 2006 - fixed bug in CalcHeight when use negative LineSpace - fixed bug in frx2xto30 when import query/table components, added import for TfrDBLookupControl component - fixed bug with Cross and TfrxHeader.ReprintOnNewPage = true - fixed converting from unicode in TfrxMemoView when use non default charset - [fs] fixed bug with "in" operator - fixed bug with aggregate function SUM - fixed bug when use unicode string with [TotalPages#] in TfrxMemoView - fixed bug with TSQLTimeStampField field type - fixed designer dock-panels("Object Inspector", "Report Tree", "Data Tree") when use designer as MDI or use several non-modal designer windows - fixed bug with hide/show dock-panels("Object Inspector", "Report Tree", "Data Tree"), now it restore size after hiding - fixed bug in XML/XLS export - wrong encode numbers in memo after CR/LF - fiexd bug in RTF export - fixed bug with undo/redo commands in previewPages designer - fixed bug with SuppressRepeated when use KeepTogether in group - fixed bug with SuppressRepeated on new page all events fired twice(use Engine.SecondScriptcall to determinate it) version 4.4 --------------- + added support for CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 + improved speed of PDF, HTML, RTF, XML, ODS, ODT exports + added TfrxReportPage.BackPictureVisible, BackPicturePrintable properties + added rtti for the TfrxCrossView.CellFunctions property + added properties TfrxPDFExport.Keywords, TfrxPDFExport.Producer, TfrxPDFExport.HideToolbar, TfrxPDFExport.HideMenubar, TfrxPDFExport.HideWindowUI, TfrxPDFExport.FitWindow, TfrxPDFExport.CenterWindow, TfrxPDFExport.PrintScaling + added ability recompile frxFIB packages in "recompile wizard" + added ability to set color property for all teechart series which support it + added, setting frame style for each frame line in style editor + added TfrxPreview.Locked property and TfrxPreview.DblClick event + added 'invalid password' exception when load report without crypt + added new parameter to InheritFromTemplate (by default = imDefault) imDefault - show Error dialog, imDelete - delete duplicates, imRename - rename duplicates + added property TfrxRTFExport.AutoSize (default is "False") for set vertical autosize in table cells * redesigned dialog window of PDF export * improved WYSIWYG in PDF export - fixed bug, the PageFooter band overlap the ReportSummary band when use EndlessHeight - fixed bug with lage paper height in preview - fixed bug with outline and encryption in PDF export - fixed bug with solid arrows in PDF export - fixed bug when print TfrxHeader on a new page if ReprintOnNewPage = true and KeepFooter = True - fixed bug when used AllowSplit and TfrxGroupHeader.KeepTogether - fixed page numbers when print dotMatrix report without dialog - fixed bug with EndlessHeight in multi-columns report - fixed font dialog in rich editor - [fs] fixed bug when create TWideStrings in script code - fixed bug with dialog form when set TfrxButtonControl.Default property to True - fixed twice duplicate name error in PreviewPages designer when copy - past object - fixed bug with Preview.Clear and ZmWholePage mode - fixed bug with using "outline" together "embedded fonts" options in PDF export - fixed multi-thread bug in PDF export - fixed bug with solid fill of transparent rectangle shape in PDF export - fixed bug with export OEM_CODEPAGE in RTF, Excel exports - fixed bug with vertical size of single page in RTF export - fixed bug with vertical arrows in PDF export - fixed memory leak with inherited reports version 4.3 --------------- + added support for C++Builder 2007 + added encryption in PDF export + added TeeChart Pro 8 support + added support of OEM code page in PDF export + added TfrxReport.CaseSensitiveExpressions property + added "OverwritePrompt" property in all export components + improved RTF export (WYSIWYG) + added support of thai and vietnamese charsets in PDF export + added support of arrows in PDF export * at inheritance of the report the script from the report of an ancestor is added to the current report (as comments) * some changes in PDF export core - fixed bug with number formats in Open Document Spreadsheet export - fixed bug when input text in number property(Object Inspector) and close Designer(without apply changes) - fixed bug in TfrxDBDataset with reCurrent - fixed bug with memory leak in export of empty outline in PDF format - line# fix (bug with subreports) - fixed bug with edit prepared report with rich object - fixed bug with shadows in PDF export - fixed bug with arrows in designer - fixed bug with margins in HTML, RTF, XLS, XML exports - fixed bug with arrows in exports - fixed bug with printers enumeration in designer (list index of bound) - fixed papersize bug in inherited reports version 4.2 --------------- + added support for CodeGear Delphi 2007 + added export of html tags in RTF format + improved split of the rich object + improved split of the memo object + added TfrxReportPage.ResetPageNumbers property + added support of underlines property in PDF export * export of the memos formatted as fkNumeric to float in ODS export - fixed bug keeptogether with aggregates - fixed bug with double-line draw in RTF export - fix multi-thread problem in PDF export - fixed bug with the shading of the paragraph in RTF export when external rich-text was inserted - fixed bug with unicode in xml/xls export - fixed bug in the crop of page in BMP, TIFF, Jpeg, Gif - "scale" printmode fixed - group & userdataset bugfix - fixed cross-tab pagination error - fixed bug with round brackets in PDF export - fixed bug with gray to black colors in RTF export - fixed outline with page.endlessheight - fixed SuppressRepeated & new page - fixed bug with long time export in text format - fixed bug with page range and outline in PDF export - fixed undo in code window - fixed error when call DesignReport twice - fixed unicode in the cross object - fixed designreportinpanel with dialog forms - fixed paste of DMPCommand object - fixed bug with the export of null images - fixed code completion bug - fixed column footer & report summary problem version 4.1 --------------- + added ability to show designer inside panel (TfrxReport.DesignReportInPanel method). See new demo Demos\EmbedDesigner + added TeeChart7 Std support + [server] added "User" parameter in TfrxReportServer.OnGetReport, TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables and TfrxReportServer.OnAfterBuildReport events + added Cross.KeepTogether property + added TfrxReport.PreviewOptions.PagesInCache property - barcode fix (export w/o preview bug) - fixed bug in preview (AV with zoommode = zmWholePage) - fixed bug with outline + drilldown - fixed datasets in inherited report - [install] fixed bug with library path set up in BDS/Turbo C++ Builder installation - fixed pagefooter position if page.EndlessWidth is true - fixed shift bug - fixed design-time inheritance (folder issues) - fixed chm help file path - fixed embedded fonts in PDF - fixed preview buttons - fixed bug with syntax highlight - fixed bug with print scale mode - fixed bug with control.Hint - fixed edit preview page - fixed memory leak in cross-tab version 4.0 initial release --------------------- Report Designer: - new XP-style interface - the "Data" tab with all report datasets - ability to draw diagrams in the "Data" tab - code completion (Ctrl+Space) - breakpoints - watches - report templates - local guidelines (appears when you move or resize an object) - ability to work in non-modal mode, mdi child mode Report Preview: - thumbnails Print: - split a big page to several small pages - print several small pages on one big - print a page on a specified sheet (with scale) - duplex handling from print dialogue - print copy name on each printed copy (for example, "First copy", "Second copy") Report Core: - "endless page" mode - images handling, increased speed - the "Reset page numbers" mode for groups - reports crypting (Rijndael algorithm) - report inheritance (both file-based and dfm-based) - drill-down groups - frxGlobalVariables object - "cross-tab" object enhancements: - improved cells appearance - cross elements visible in the designer - fill corner (ShowCorner property) - side-by-side crosstabs (NextCross property) - join cells with the same value (JoinEqualCells property) - join the same string values in a cell (AllowDuplicates property) - ability to put an external object inside cross-tab - AddWidth, AddHeight properties to increase width&height of the cell - AutoSize property, ability to resize cells manually - line object can have arrows - added TfrxPictureView.FileLink property (can contain variable or a file name) - separate settings for each frame line (properties Frame.LeftLine, TopLine, RightLine, BottomLine can be set in the object inspector) - PNG images support (uncomment {$DEFINE PNG} in the frx.inc file) - Open Document Format for Office Applications (OASIS) exports, spreadsheet (ods) and text (odt) Enterprise components: - Users/Groups security support (see a demo application Demos\ClientServer\UserManager) - Templates support - Dynamically refresh of configuration, users/groups D2010以上版本(D14_D19)安装必读 delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)使用者安装时,请将res\frccD14_D19.exe更名名为frcc.exe frccD14_D19.exe是专门的delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)编码器。其他低delphi版本,请使用frcc.exe


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