PMP 多选题型

1、 一个组织建立了一个控制型项目管理办公室 (PMO)。PMO 的首要任务是更新组织中的项目合规性准则。PMO 可以强制执行以下哪一项?(选择三个)

An organization has established a controlling project management office (PMO). The first task of the PMO is to update the guidelines for project compliance in the organization. Which of the following could the PMO enforce? (Choose three)

A: 特定项目管理方法的使用

Use of particular project management methodologies

B: 采用特定的模板、表单和工具

Adoption of specific templates, forms, and tools

C: 遵守当地卫生法规

Adherence to local health regulations

D: 与治理框架保持一致

Conformance to governance frameworks

E: 项目管理办公室指派的项目经理

Assignment of project managers by the PMO

F: 发放管理储备

Release of management reserves

正确答案:A,B,D 你的答案:A,B,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P48 章节: 项目管理办公室:控制型PMO不仅提供支持,而且通过各种手段要求项目服从 · 采用项目管理框架或方法论 · 使用特定的模板、格式、工具 · 服从治理

2、你正在管理一个项目团队,该团队最新新增来自另一个国家的成员。他们的角色已经被概述为初步的团队章程。然而,你已经注意到团队中相当缺乏对文化差异的接受,这导致了频繁的冲突。 以下哪一种技巧可以在这种情况下帮助你?(选择三个)

You are managing a project team that has recently been expanded by new team members working remotely from another country. Their roles have been outlined to form a preliminary team charter. Nevertheless, you have noticed a considerable lack of acceptance of cultural differences in the team, resulting in frequent conflicts. Which of the following techniques could help you in this situation? (Choose three)

A: 焦点小组

Focus groups

B: 角色定义

Role definition

C: 基本规则

Ground rules

D: 能力测试

Ability tests

E: 会议


正确答案:A,C,E 你的答案:A,C,E

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P336 章节:9.4 建设团队:建设团队是提高工作能力,促进团队成员互动,改善团队整体氛围,以提高项目绩效的 过程。 本过程的主要作用是,改进团队协作、增强人际关系技能、激励员工、减少摩擦以及提升整体项目绩效。 B和D非PMBOK中的正式工具。


A few stakeholders are unhappy about the progress of the project. They claim information about the project status is always late and the meeting about the status are unproductive. What plans should the project manager update to fix this situation? (Choose 2)

A: 沟通管理计划

Communication management plan

B: 范围管理计划

Scope management plan

C: 相关方参与计划

Stakeholder engagement plan

D: 风险管理

RISK management

E: 问题管理计划

Issue management plan

正确答案:A,C 你的答案:A,C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划:沟通管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通,以提高沟通的有效性。该计划包括如下信息: · 相关方的沟通需求 凡信息,找沟通 遇抵制,找计划

4、在项目的第一个阶段发布给客户的最新软件充满了缺陷。客户很生气,并要求计划在第二阶段交付的新版本的开发过程更加透明。客户希望更有规律地看到团队的结果,而不需要很长的开发间隔。 项目团队可以在第二阶段引入下列哪项来更好地满足客户的要求? (选择四个)

The latest software released to the customer in the first project phase is full of defects. The customer is angry and demands that the development of the new release, which is planned to be delivered in the second phase, is much more transparent. The customer wants to see the team’s results more regularly and without very long development intervals in-between. Which of the following could the project team introduce in the second phase to better comply with the customer's demand? (Choose four)

A: 有规律时间框的节奏

A cadence with regular timeboxes

B: 定期和频繁的回顾

Regular and frequent retrospectives

C: 在每个团队成员的层次上进行优化

Optimization at the level of each individual team member

D: 测试驱动的开发实践

Test-driven development practices

E: 使用待办事项列表进行增量交付

Incremental delivery using a backlog

F: 在软件发布之前限制更改的数量

Limiting the number of changes before the software is released

正确答案:A,B,D,E 你的答案:A,B,D,E

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P9 章节:2.2 敏捷的12条原则 排除法 C:敏捷注重团队协作,而非单兵作战 F:敏捷拥抱变化

5、 敏捷团队正在监视项目进度计划的状态。他们可能会使用哪些工具?(选择两项)
An agile team is monitoring the status of the project schedule. What tools will they likely use? (Choose 2)

Burnup Chart

Network Diagram

C: 帕累托图
Pareto Chart

Burndown Chart

E: 鱼骨图
Fishbone diagram

正确答案:A,D 你的答案:A,D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P62 章节:5.4.1 燃尽图&燃起图:某些基于迭代的项目使用燃尽图查看项目随时间的进展情况,某些团队更喜欢燃起图。 两张图除了方向,本质上没有差别。


To develop Project Deliverable, Project Management plan specifies that an analyst should provide data sets to project team at the beginning of each iteration. At the daily standup developer reported that there are no data sets available as analyst left company and role is not backfilled. Which action is appropriate out of following (Choose Two)

A: 提交变更请求以更新成本和进度基准

Submit a change request to update cost and schedule baseline

B: 检查风险登记册,看是否有足够的应对

Check the risk register and see if there is an adequate response

C: 与负责人一起将问题记录在风险登记册中

Record the problem in risk register with responsible person

D: 终止项目,因为现在没有前进计划

Terminate the project as there is no path forward now

正确答案:B,C 你的答案:B,C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P455 章节: 风险登记册 · 已识别单个项目风险 · 风险责任人 · 商定的风险应对策略 · 以及具体的应对措施。 遇风险,先查册。


Midway into project execution, a key stakeholder leaves the company. A new stakeholder fills in the vacant role. The project manager understands that the stakeholder engagement plan should be updated to reflect the strategies and actions required to involve the new stakeholder in the project. The project manager meets with the new stakeholder for an interview. Which of the following questions would be the most helpful for the project manager in updating the plan? (Choose four)

A: 你以前管理过项目吗?

Have you ever managed a project before?

B: 为了获得预期的收益,你愿意承担多大的风险?

How much risk are you willing to take for an anticipated benefit?

C: 你在以前的公司担任什么职务?

What position did you hold in your previous company?

D: 你的沟通偏好是什么?

What are your communication preferences?

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