PMP新考纲 敏捷题目 (一)

本文探讨了敏捷项目管理中的挑战,如产品负责人可用性受限导致的延误,以及如何通过scrum master的有效介入来解决。此外,文章还涉及在敏捷转型中面对的合规性问题,强调了对合规性政策的筛选和分类以适应项目需求的重要性。在项目变更和迭代管理中,提出了通过回顾会议来优化流程和避免误解导致的重复工作。同时,文章指出在敏捷团队中,识别和激励团队成员,以及解决冲突和决策问题的关键作用。最后,敏捷教练如何帮助团队处理障碍,以及如何通过限制在制品和Scrum of Scrums会议来提高协作效率。

1、 在当前冲刺期间,产品负责人的可用性受到了其他承诺的限制。在每日站会上,团队成员抱怨他们不能从产品负责人那里得到答案,结果,产品增量的开发被延迟。对于scrum master来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
During the current sprint, the product owner's availability has been limited due to other commitments. At the daily standup, the team members complain that they cannot get answers from the product owner, and, as a result, the development of the product increment is delayed. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?

A: 让高级开发人员做出产品决策
Let the senior developers make the product decisions

B: 代表团队成员联系产品负责人
Contact the product owner on behalf of the team members

C: 在冲刺审查期间提及可用性问题
Mention the availability issue during the sprint review

D: 在冲刺回顾中讨论可用性问题
Discuss the availability issue at the sprint retrospective

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人Product Owner ·创建待办列表并排序 ·确认工作优先顺序 ·提供反馈 ·指导开发方向 PO的角色必不可少,因此需要与PO讨论让他参加项目。

You have just been assigned to an upcoming agile project. As part of pre-project work, you review all of the organization's policies and procedures regarding compliance. You realize that only some of them may be applicable to your project. What should you do first?

A: 将项目管理方法从敏捷切换到传统
Switch the project management approach from agile to traditional

B: 将所有合规政策和程序纳入实施战略
Incorporate all compliance policies and procedures in the implementation strategy

C: 确保合规活动包含在项目进度基准中
Ensure compliance activities are included in the project schedule baseline

D: 对合规性分类进行分类以确定项目资源的支出
Classify the compliance categories to determine the expenditure of project resources

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 消除组织障碍:仆人式领导还应该关注其他冗长的过程,这些过程往往造成瓶颈问题,阻碍团队或组织的敏捷性。可能需要处理的过程或部门的例子包括,财务部门、变更控制委员会或审计部门。 合规性一般都会成为敏捷项目的障碍,因此要消除这些障碍,只做必要的工作。

After six iterations, significant variations have occurred to project scope and schedule. These are due to the customer's technology regulations and security policies, which are regularly reviewed. The project manager wants to suggest a new approach to the next iteration to avoid possible delays. What should the project manager do first?

A: 对每个改进项目的重要性进行排序,然后实施上次回顾中确定的行动。
Rank the importance of each improvement item, then implement actions identified during the last retrospective.

B: 进行成本效益分析,以帮助预测下一阶段通过使用新技术可能实现的利润。
Engage in a cost-benefit analysis that can help predict the profits that could be realized through the use of new technology for the next phase.

C: 研究在类似项目中取得成功的新技术趋势和管理工具。
Research new technology trends and management tools that have been successful on similar projects.

D: 使用待办事项列表的细化会议,并将客户的变更请求包括在讨论中。
Use a backlog refinement meeting and include the customer's change requests in the discussion.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P51 章节:5.2.1 回顾 来自团队的一位促进者引导团队通过一个活动对所有改进事项的重要性进行排序。完成对改进事项的排序后,团队为下一次迭代选择合适的数量。

4、 一家沉浸于传统瀑布式项目管理中的PMO聘请了你,作为敏捷实践者,来指导组织向敏捷的转变。在完成对组织文化的初步评估之后,你已经意识到许多相关方都抵制变更。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
A PMO steeped in traditional waterfall project management has hired you, as an agile practitioner, to guide the organization's transformation to agile. After completing an initial assessment of the organizational culture, you have realized that many of the stakeholders are resistant to the change. What is your best course of action?

A: 提供培训来确保员工更加专业化
Provide training to ensure the employees are more highly specialized

B: 同时将所有项目向敏捷过渡
Transition all projects to agile at the same time

C: 寻求愿意支持这一事业的高层高管
Seek a high-level executive willing to champion the cause

D: 确保工作分解成孤岛
Ensure the work is decomposed into silos

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P73 章节:6.1.2 变革就绪情况: · 管理层的变革意愿; · 组织在员工认知、审核和评估方式上做出改变的意愿; · 集中或分散项目、项目集和项目组合管理职能; · 专注于短期预算和指标而不是长期目标;以及 · 人才管理成熟度和能力。 管理层的变更意愿,是组织是否变革就绪的重要前提。

5、 一个在瀑布式项目管理方法方面经验丰富的项目团队被分配到一个敏捷项目中。为了使转换更容易,已经决定保留瀑布方法的一些要素。在迭代审查期间,意识到开发团队之间的误解导致了工作的重复。项目经理如何处理这个问题?
A project team that is experienced in the waterfall project management approach has been assigned to their first agile project. To make the transition easier, it has been decided to keep some elements of the waterfall approach in place. During the iteration review, it was realized that a misunderstanding among the development team has led to a duplication of efforts. How might the project manager address this issue?

A: 在即将到来的迭代回顾中提出该话题
Bring up the topic during the upcoming iteration retrospective

B: 什么都不做,因为团队成员正在从瀑布过渡到敏捷
Do nothing since the team members are transitioning from waterfall to agile

C: 弹回到瀑布项目管理框架
Fallback to a waterfall project management framework going forward

D: 提交变更请求以更新沟通管理计划
Submit a change request to update the communications management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 迭代审查会过后,将发现的问题在后续的回顾总结会提出来。

6、一个敏捷团队正在努力实现一个积极的发布目标。scrum master最近注意到,其中一位开发人员的表现下降了,而且她参加小组讨论的次数似乎减少了。scrum master应该做什么?
An agile team is working to meet an aggressive release goal. The scrum master has recently noticed that the performance of one of the developers has dropped and the developer seems to be participating less in group discussions. What should the scrum master do?

A: 要求其余团队成员完成此开发人员的工作量
Request the rest of the team members to backfill the workload of the developer

B: 在冲刺回顾会议上讨论开发人员的绩效问题
Discuss the developer's performance issues at the sprint retrospective meeting

C: 私下与开发人员会面,并尝试确定激发他们动机的因素
Meet with the developer privately and try to determine what motivates them

D: 寻找替代者,因为敏捷团队需要最好的人才
Look for a replacement because agile teams require the best talent available

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P38 章节:4.3 仆人式领导:要善于激励项目人员,为他们提供所需的环境和支持,信任他们能够完成工作。 项目经理要激励成员,并提供支持。

7、敏捷团队正试图确定理想的迭代长度。团队成员对此进行了长时间的激烈争论,但没有人愿意妥协。scrum master被召来帮助解决冲突。对于scrum master来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
An agile team is trying to determine the ideal iteration length. The team members are having a long and intense argument about it, but no one is willing to compromise. The scru





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