转录因子功能域预测数据库_使用内置转录功能的Microsoft Word节省时间


Thanks to a powerful new productivity enhancement, Microsoft 365 subscribers can now transcribe audio files with multiple speakers, at no extra cost. Our tips and tricks show you how to save time and money with Transcribe.

借助功能强大的新生产力增强功能,Microsoft 365订阅者现在可以使用多个扬声器转录音频文件,而无需支付额外费用。 我们的提示和技巧向您展示了如何使用Transcribe节省时间和金钱。

By Jill Duffy


Microsoft recently announced a new feature in Word that automatically transcribes audio files, specifically conversations between two or more speakers. For people who regularly record interviews, talks, and other conversations, this new transcription tool lets them get written text of their audio files with very little work and no extra cost, which is all a productivity boost.

Microsoft最近宣布了Word中的一项新功能,该功能可以自动转录音频文件,特别是两个或多个扬声器之间的对话。 对于经常记录访谈,谈话和其他对话的人们来说,这种新的转录工具使他们只需很少的工作即可获得音频文件的书面文本,而无需花费额外的成本,这全都是生产率的提高

I gave the new feature a spin and have to admit that even with a few first-timer problems, it saved me between one and two hours of time for a 22-minute recording. Plus, thanks to the way the feature is implemented, it’s easy to listen to the audio file and make corrections to the text at the same time. I found Word’s transcription feature to be an incredibly useful time-saver. Here’s what you need to know about it, how to get it, and how to use it.

我试了一下新功能,不得不承认,即使遇到一些初学者问题,它也为我节省了一到两个小时的22分钟录制时间。 另外,由于该功能的实现方式,可以轻松收听音频文件并同时对文本进行更正。 我发现Word的转录功能非常有用,可以节省时间。 这是您需要了解的内容,获取方法以及使用方法。

如何获取文字转录 (How to Get Transcribe for Word)

Transcribe for Word is currently available in the web version of Microsoft Word, and you have to be a Microsoft 365 subscriber to get it. You also must use the Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser to access this feature. To find the tool, go to the Home toolbar and look on the far right side for Dictate. Click it, and find the Transcribe option from the short drop-down menu (it’s the second choice).

网络版Microsoft Word当前提供Transcribe for Word,并且您必须是Microsoft 365订阅者才能获得它。 您还必须使用Chrome或Microsoft Edge浏览器访问此功能。 要找到该工具,请转到“主页”工具栏,然后在最右侧查找“听写”。 单击它,然后从快捷下拉菜单中找到“转录”选项(这是第二选择)。

As of this writing, Transcribe is only available for American English, though, in the future, it will work with whatever language you set as your preference in Word. For uploaded audio files, there is a size limit of 4MB. Finally, you need an internet connection for the feature to work.

在撰写本文时,Transcribe仅适用于美国英语,但是将来,它将与您在Word中设置为首选的任何语言一起使用。 对于上传的音频文件,大小限制为4MB。 最后,您需要互联网连接才能使用该功能。

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什么是转录,它与听写有何不同? (What Is Transcribe, and How Is It Different From Dictate?)

Transcribe is a new feature that transcribes an audio file into text. You can record audio directly in Word or upload an audio file that you record elsewhere.

转录是一项将音频文件转录为文本的新功能。 您可以直接在Word中录制音频,也可以上传在其他位置录制的音频文件。

How is it different from the Dictate feature? Dictation interprets one person speaking. Transcribe handles multiple speakers. Dictate is something you do instead of writing but usually while still thinking about how you will turn your words into a final piece of writing. When you use the Transcribe tool, you likely want to focus on the conversation and save your thoughts about how you will use those words in the final piece for later.

它与听写功能有何不同? 听写解释一个人讲话。 转录可处理多个扬声器。 听写是您要做的事情,而不是写东西,但通常在考虑如何将您的文字变成最后的写作时。 使用“转录”工具时,您可能希望专注于对话,并保留有关如何在最终作品中使用这些单词的想法,以备后用。

Microsoft Transcribe的安全性和隐私 (Security and Privacy With Microsoft Transcribe)

How does Microsoft turn audio into text, and is it private and secure? According to a press briefing, the company uses AI rather than humans to transcribe the audio. Any file you upload or record gets saved to your OneDrive account. Look for a new folder called Transcribed Files in OneDrive. These files are protected by the same privacy policy as other files you save to OneDrive.

Microsoft如何将音频转换为文本,并且是私有且安全的? 根据新闻发布会,该公司使用人工智能而不是人类来转录音频。 您上载或记录的任何文件都会保存到您的OneDrive帐户中。 在OneDrive中寻找一个名为“转录文件”的新文件夹。 这些文件与您保存到OneDrive的其他文件受相同的隐私策略保护。

When you share a Word document with someone and it contains a transcribed file, the recipient can see everything in the Transcribe pane. In other words, they can see the full, original transcribed text in text blocks with time stamps. They cannot, however, play the audio file.

当您与某人共享Word文档并且其中包含转录文件时,收件人可以在“转录”窗格中看到所有内容。 换句话说,他们可以在带有时间戳的文本块中看到完整的原始转录文本。 但是,他们无法播放音频文件。

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Microsoft抄写如何工作? (How Does Microsoft Transcribe Work?)

As mentioned, you can record conversations from Word or upload an audio file to be transcribed. I tested the feature by uploading a 22-minute file, and it took about 30 minutes to transcribe. If you record in real time using Word, however, the app sends pieces of your audio to the AI transcriber as you go, which means you get the final transcription back much faster.

如前所述,您可以记录来自Word的对话或上载要转录的音频文件。 我通过上传22分钟的文件来测试该功能,而转录大约需要30分钟。 但是,如果您使用Word进行实时录制,则该应用程序会在您运行时将音频片段发送到AI转录器,这意味着您可以更快地获得最终转录。

In my test file, and in other demos I watched from Microsoft, the app was pretty good at differentiating voices. My test file had two female speakers. The app initially decided there were three people. It labels people as Speaker 1, Speaker 2, and so on. In the end, the app only misidentified one line as from a third speaker, so it was very easy to correct.

在我的测试文件中,以及从Microsoft观看的其他演示中,该应用程序在区分声音方面都非常出色。 我的测试文件有两名女性发言人。 该应用程序最初确定有3个人。 它将人标记为发言人1,发言人2,依此类推。 最后,该应用程序只将第三条扬声器中的一行错误地识别出来,因此很容易纠正。

The final transcription appears in a panel to the right of your document, rather than in the document itself. That way, you can choose to include the entire transcription or just certain quotes.

最终转录出现在文档右侧的面板中,而不是文档本身。 这样,您可以选择包含整个转录或仅包含某些引号。

微软转录技巧和窍门 (Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Transcribe)

Here are a few tips to working productively with the new Transcribe tool.


  1. Rename Speaker 1, Speaker 2 First. Before doing any other editing, you should rename Speaker 1, Speaker 2, and so forth in the Transcribe panel. You can do it once and then choose to correct all instances. If you have more than two speakers, you probably should double-check any quotes you use by listening to the audio and making sure the voice lines up with the name, as it can still go wrong.

    首先重命名扬声器1,扬声器2。 在进行其他任何编辑之前,应在“转录”面板中重命名“扬声器1”,“扬声器2”等。 您可以执行一次,然后选择更正所有实例。 如果您有两个以上的扬声器,您可能应该通过听音频并确保语音与名称对齐来仔细检查您使用的所有引号,因为它仍然可能出错。

  2. Add Text to Your Document Piece by Piece or All at Once. Each transcribed block of text has a plus sign in its block. When you click that plus sign, it adds the text to your document wherever your cursor is. Alternatively, you can add all the text to your document by choosing the option at the bottom of the panel that says Add all to document.

    逐个或全部添加文本到文档中。 每个转录的文本块在其块中都有一个加号。 当您单击该加号时,它会将文本添加到文档中的任意位置。 或者,您可以通过选择面板底部显示“全部添加到文档”的选项,将所有文本添加到文档中。

  3. Pay Attention to Time Stamps. Each transcribed block of text has a time stamp on it. Those are helpful when you want to back up the audio to listen again and make sure the AI transcribed the text correctly.

    注意时间戳。 每个转录的文本块上都有一个时间戳。 当您想要备份音频以再次收听并确保AI正确转录文本时,这些功能将非常有用。

  4. Check for Random Capitalization. One of the most common errors I saw was the random capitalization of words. Pay attention as you edit your final copy.

    检查随机大写。 我看到的最常见错误之一是单词的随机大写。 编辑最终副​​本时请注意。

  5. Bad Words Get Bleeped. My test transcription contained the phrase “piss pouring” and the transcription came out as “**** pouring.” Depending on how you intend to use your final document, you may want to look out for bleeped words.

    坏话会流血。 我的测试抄本中包含“撒尿”一词,抄录结果为“ ****浇”。 根据您打算使用最终文档的方式,您可能需要注意单词的含义。

生产力助推器 (Productivity Booster)

The next time you have to transcribe an interview or your want a recording and typed transcript of a meeting, you can use Word to do it with no extra cost (as long as you’re a Microsoft 365 subscriber) and a whole lot less effort than doing it by hand.

下次您不得不转录采访或想要录制会议的录音和打字稿时,您可以使用Word进行此操作,而无需支付额外的费用(只要您是Microsoft 365订户),并且省去了很多麻烦比手工做。

For groups that transcribe audio in bulk, a transcription service may be a better bet. Some of these services are even free. Office 365 is not free, but for the right user, having a built-in transcription feature that’s so tightly integrated with Word is a game-changer.

对于大量转录音频的团体,转录服务可能是更好的选择。 其中一些服务甚至是免费的。 Office 365不是免费的,但对于合适的用户,具有与Word紧密集成的内置转录功能可以改变游戏规则。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.


翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/save-time-with-microsoft-words-built-in-transcription-feature-ba485fbeab22






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