雷达数据 障碍物判断_数据科学的进入障碍

雷达数据 障碍物判断

A Beacon of Comfort to the Weary Aspiring Data Scientist


Getting started in data science, or any sub-field of tech in general, is enormously frustrating. The barrier to entry is often sufficient as a gatekeeper in itself, and by the barrier to entry, I mean:

数据科学或一般技术的任何子领域的入门非常令人沮丧。 进入壁垒本身就足以作为网守,而进入壁垒意味着:

  • having access to a computer with sufficient speed and power on which to effectively learn

  • non-existent conceptual awareness of things like terminal, bash, unix, IDE, ipython notebooks, kernels, dependencies, libraries, frameworks, packages, imports, scripts, editors, shells, virtual environments, Docker containers, and that only touches the surface of the arcane vocabulary of the general abstractions of tech


  • business knowledge, or prior awareness of the intent of an ecosystem, such as UX and Web Dev with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS; or Python and Jupyter notebooks or R for Data Science; or Java and C++ for God knows what

    商业知识或对生态系统意图的事先了解,例如具有JavaScript,HTML和CSS的UX和Web Dev; 或Python和Jupyter笔记本或R for Data Science; 或Java和C ++,上帝知道
  • the sheer scope and intimidating mystique surrounding the culture of tech, by which I most often mean arrogance and a blazing lack of traditional teaching, or empathetic pedagogy

    围绕技术文化的纯粹范围和令人生畏的神秘色彩 ,我通常指的是傲慢自大,缺乏传统教学或善解人意的教学法

The most common half-joke which describes the experience of learning in tech is:


“Learn how to Google.” -Anonymous, with a smug smirk

“我赚钱了如何使用Google 。” -匿名,自鸣得意

While this descriptively true, as in it captures the feeling of learning from the perspective of someone with lots of prior tech experience, it fails to reflect how learning actually happens for a beginner. While some folks with a prior penchant for research and Googling may be comfortable with the process of learning-through-searching, I’ve found that most often Googling is incomprehensibly harder than it seems.

尽管这在描述上是正确的,但是它从具有很多先验技术经验的人的角度捕捉了学习的感觉 ,但它未能反映出学习对于初学者的实际情况。 虽然有些人对研究和谷歌搜索有先入为主的习惯,可能对通过搜索学习的过程感到满意,但我发现,谷歌搜索通常比看起来难得多。

Ever time I hear this suggestion, ‘just Google it’, whenever confronting a bug or a problem, I seethe with mild existential fury at the smugness which accompanies it 95% of the time, because such a suggestion fails to acknowledge the necessity of understanding a problem in order to even Google it, and to understand any problem, whether in the context of JavaScript or Python, is to already have a framework for identifying a potential solution.


This is a very subtle concept to convey.


为什么这是一个非常微妙的概念 (Why This is a Very Subtle Concept to Convey)

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source) 来源 )

It is the mark of a good teacher to understand the conceptual environment of the learner. In order to understand the conceptual environment of the learner, a teacher must remember or simulate what it must be like to learn, as a beginner does, in ignorance of what they don’t know.

了解学习者的概念环境是一位好老师的标志。 为了理解学习者的概念性环境,教师必须像初学者一样记住或模拟学习所要学习的内容, 而对他们所不知道的东西一无所知

The hard sciences have a pedagogical advantage, despite their complexity, because their objects of inquiry are already pre-defined through human beings’ tendency to see objects as separate based on their physical properties and to infer relevant abstractions between them.


  • One organism is different from another because they are separate in space, surrounded by different, visible bundles of skin containing organs (Biology)

  • Two species are different by certain variations in how they look (phenotype), at least until DNA was discovered, which offered up new invisible properties of distinction through genotype (Genetics)

  • Laws of motion were inferred from watching rocks fall and arrows fly and obsessing over circles and divine Aether (Aristotelian physics), until Keplerian ovals witnessed through telescopes implied gravitational force, leading to Newtonian physics in a classic scientific revolution (Physics)

    通过观察岩石落下,箭头飞翔,迷恋圆圈和神圣的以太(亚里斯多德物理学)来推断运动定律,直到通过望远镜目睹的凯普勒椭圆形暗示引力,从而导致牛顿物理学发生了一次经典的科学革命 (物理学)

  • One pile containing four apples contains two less apples than a pile containing six apples. A child learning these abstractions known as numbers happens through observation (the senses), coupled with a natural human tendency for abstraction in language (Mathematics)

    一堆包含四个苹果的苹果比一堆包含六个苹果的苹果少两个。 一个学习这些称为数字的抽象的孩子通过观察(感觉)发生,再加上人类自然的语言抽象倾向(数学)

What is happening in tech?


There is a tendency to view tech and “computer science” as, well, a science. That may have to do something with the fact that the word ‘science’ is included in the phrase ‘computer science’. As a result, the protective aura of STEM embalms the environment and practitioners of tech.

人们倾向于将技术和“计算机科学”视为一门科学。 这可能与“计算机科学”一词中包含“科学”一词有关。 结果,STEM的保护光环使环境和技术从业人员陷入困境。

But in my experience, learning a programming language is a lot more like studying comparative literature.


为什么学习编程语言更像是学习比较文学 (Why Learning a Programming Language is a Lot More Like Studying Comparative Literature)

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source) 来源 )

For starters, take a look at dependency hell right off Wikipedia.


Dependency hell is a colloquial term for the frustration of some software users who have installed software packages which have dependencies on specific versions of other software packages.[1]

依赖地狱是一个通俗的术语 ,它使安装了依赖于其他软件包特定版本软件包的某些软件用户感到沮丧。 [1]

Amazing. Software has its own named problem for the complexities of a system designed by humans, not for humans.

惊人。 软件因人为设计的系统而不是人为设计的系统的复杂性而有其自身的命名问题。

Additionally, let’s take a look at the phrase ‘programming language’.


It’s called a programming language. The proper metaphor of inquiry for making sense of the world of tech has been lurking in plain sight, but the High Augury of STEM has shielded it from being associated with anything so viscerally surface-level different than linguistics, language, and literature.

它称为编程语言 。 理解技术世界的探究性隐喻一直潜伏在眼前,但STEM的高级研究使它无法与表面上与语言学,语言和文学不同的事物联系起来。

Things, finally, begin to make a lot more sense when we view the frustrations of aspiring data scientists through the lens of an ancient explorer coming across the Rosetta Stone for the first time, an explorer who can neither speak nor read Ancient Greek or Ancient Egyptian, and so trivially obviously is incapable of Googling what he cannot understand, especially if the independent problem he is trying to solve is in Greek, Egyptian or, say, Python.


Many tutorials are obviously designed around teaching such fundamentals, yet perhaps 1 in 20 tutorials doesn’t begin with a disclaimer saying you’re gonna have a bad time if you’re unfamiliar with [X language, framework, package, library, etc.]

很显然,许多教程都是围绕教授这样的基础知识而设计的,但是,也许20分之一的教程并不是以免责声明开头的, 如果您不熟悉[X语言,框架,程序包,库等,那将是一个糟糕的时光。 ]

The culture surrounding the pedagogy of tech and data science isn’t anyone’s fault, but rather the reflection of the brutally chaotic history of programming itself, on top of the fact that computers are not intuitive objects of human inquiry. They are the bizarre mess of accumulated lower level languages compiled, transpiled, deprecated, compiled again, upgraded, lost, bugged, debugged, and then made obsolete just as things were looking good.

围绕技术和数据科学教学法的文化并不是任何人的错,而是在计算机不是人类查询的直观对象这一事实之上,反映了编程本身残酷混乱的历史。 它们是累积的低级语言的怪异混乱,它们会被编译,转译,弃用,再次编译,升级,丢失,错误,调试,然后在看起来还不错的时候过时。

The ultimate point of this post is not to suggest quixotic change, because it’s not going to happen. It’s merely to offer a spot of warmth, a small lantern of welcome in the icy desert of learning, and to reminder any learners coming across this post in the tedium of endless Medium tutorials, that it’s not your fault, it’s just absurdly complex and wasn’t designed for people, and hopefully this little article is enough of a respite to propel you onto the next with renewed encouragement. You’ll get there eventually, and maybe I will too.

这篇文章的最终目的是不建议出现古怪的变化,因为这不会发生。 这仅仅是为了在温暖的学习沙漠中提供一个温暖的地方,一个小小的欢迎之灯,并提醒所有学习者在无休止的中级教程的乏味乏味中阅读这篇文章, 这不是你的错这简直是​​错综复杂的并非为人们设计的,希望这篇小文章能给您带来些许喘息的机会,并以新的鼓励将您带入下一个。 您最终会到达那里,也许我也会。

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And thanks for reading.


翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/the-barrier-to-entry-in-data-science-ec875077e467

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