scrum sprint_在设计Sprint中利用敏捷Scrum

scrum sprint

Recently I was asked to design and facilitate a workshop for a governmental institution. They were looking for a new online platform to promote and support their start-up innovation program. The initial aim was to use a user-validated brainstorm approach, like a (Google) Design Sprint, where we would generate and validate different platform concepts. However, during several conversations in preparation of the workshop, it turned out that it was not yet decided whether they would develop the platform from scratch or preferred to leverage an existing market solution.

最近,有人要求我为政府机构设计和举办研讨会。 他们正在寻找一个新的在线平台来促进和支持他们的启动创新计划。 最初的目标是使用用户验证的头脑风暴方法,例如(Google)Design Sprint ,我们将在其中生成并验证不同的平台概念。 但是,在准备研讨会的几次对话中,结果尚未确定他们是否会从头开始开发平台,还是倾向于利用现有的市场解决方案。

Conducting a market consultation to explore what is available in the market can be a tedious exercise. I have experience with using Journey Maps and User Stories instead of creating long requirement lists. This makes a market consultation more user oriented, tangible and fun. That is how the idea popped-up; what if we use a Design Sprint to work towards a list of User Stories? This way we would be able to conduct a market consultation to explore possible alternatives, while at the same time getting a better understanding of our users, alignment of our own expectations and, above all, room to come-up with creative and innovative ideas.

进行市场咨询以探索市场上可用的东西可能是一个乏味的工作。 我有使用旅程地图用户故事而不是创建冗长的需求列表的经验。 这使得市场咨询更加面向用户,有形和有趣。 这就是这个想法的产生。 如果我们使用设计冲刺来创建用户故事列表怎么办? 这样,我们将能够进行市场咨询,以探索可能的替代方案,同时更好地了解我们的用户,符合我们自己的期望,最重要的是可以提出创新的想法。

什么是设计冲刺? (What is a Design Sprint?)

A Design Sprint is a five-day process for validating ideas and solving big challenges through prototyping and testing with (potential) users. Following the standard setup, the five days are roughly built up as follows:

设计冲刺是一个为期五天的过程,用于通过与(潜在)用户的原型制作和测试来验证想法并解决重大挑战。 按照标准设置,这五天大致如下:

  1. Understand: Map out the problem and pick an important area to focus.


  2. Ideate: Sketch out competing solutions.


  3. Decide: Make decisions and turn your best idea(s) into a testable hypothesis.


  4. Prototype: Build a realistic prototype together.

    原型:建造 一个现实的原型。

  5. Test: Get feedback from target users.


One of the strongest aspects of a Design Sprint is the built-in feedback loop with (potential) users through a prototype. It allows you to validate possible solutions quickly and with little resources, thereby avoiding the common pitfall of pursuing a wrong direction for too long.

Design Sprint的最强方面之一是内置的反馈环路,该环路具有(潜在的)用户通过原型。 它使您能够以很少的资源快速验证可能的解决方案,从而避免太长时间追求错误方向的常见陷阱。

The downside is that you do need to make quick decisions in order to get to a testable prototype in a limited time. This makes it hard to explain the (underlying) decisions that were made during the Design Sprint to outsiders. As such, it is recommended to include decision makers in your Design Sprint team (next to engineers and designers) to ensure the outcome of the Design Sprint has a big enough support base within the organisation. However, this does not cater for the possible need to gather additional input and feedback from stakeholders who were not involved in the Design Sprint or, in this particular case, for setting out a market consultation.

缺点是您确实需要做出快速决策,以便在有限的时间内获得可测试的原型。 这使得很难向外部人解释在设计Sprint期间做出的(基础)决策。 因此,建议将决策者包括在您的Design Sprint团队中(不包括工程师和设计师),以确保Design Sprint的结果在组织内具有足够大的支持基础。 但是,这不能满足可能需要从未参与设计Sprint的利益相关者那里收集更多的输入和反馈,或者在这种情况下,还需要进行市场咨询。

在敏捷Scrum中融合 (Blending in Agile Scrum)

Agile Scrum is a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products. It is an iterative, incremental and customer-first approach, focused on delivering tangible value as soon as possible (instead of focusing on documentation and negotiation). A key ingredient of the most common application of Agile Scrum is the User Story.

敏捷Scrum是用于开发,交付和维持复杂产品的框架。 它是一种迭代,增量和客户至上的方法,专注于尽快交付有形价值(而不是专注于文档编制和谈判)。 用户故事是敏捷Scrum最常见应用的关键组成部分。

Agile Scrum and a Design Sprint start - and end - with the perspective of the user (customer) in mind. This overlap allows for a smooth transition from a standard Design Sprint - that aims to create a user-validated prototype - towards a customized workshop - with the goal of creating a structured list of user-stories.

从用户(客户)的角度出发,敏捷Scrum和Design Sprint的开始和结束。 这种重叠允许从标准设计Sprint(旨在创建用户验证的原型)到定制车间的平稳过渡,目的是创建用户故事的结构化列表。

In both approaches the focus is first on understanding the context and the user(s). From there, you diverge from and converge on a multitude of ideas and directions to form concrete solutions (concepts). The key difference between the two approaches lies in the last two steps. In a standard Design Sprint you work from a selected solution towards a prototype which you test (validate) with real users on the final day. In the customized workshop outlined below, you work from a selection of different ideas and solutions towards a prioritized list of user stories.

在这两种方法中,重点首先在于理解上下文和用户。 在此,您可以从多种思想和方向上分歧并融合,以形成具体的解决方案(概念)。 两种方法之间的主要区别在于最后两个步骤。 在标准的Design Sprint中,您将从选定的解决方案过渡到原型,然后在最后一天与真实用户进行测试(验证)。 在下面概述的定制研讨会中,您可以从各种不同的想法和解决方案到优先的用户故事列表中进行工作。

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Mapping the different User Stories underneath the Journey Map

In short, the outline of the workshop is as follows:


  1. Understand.- Define the Long Term Goal and (if desired) the Principles and Questions.

    理解 。-确定长期目标以及(如果需要)原则和问题。

    - Based on Expert and User Interviews one or more


    Empathy Maps are filled in.


    - Based on the set Goal and the different personas from the Empathy Maps a Journey Map is created. Make sure to include all primary actors (personas) in the Journey.

    -根据设定的目标和移情图的不同角色创建旅程图。 确保在旅程中包括所有主要演员(角色)。

    - Define a focus based on the


    How Might We’s (HMW’s) captured during the Expert and User Interviews by making a voting-tree [optional].

    通过制作投票树[可选], 我们可以在专家和用户访谈期间捕获我们的表现(HMW)

  2. Ideate.- Start with the Lighting Demo’s for additional inspiration and input.

    Ideate。-从Lighting Demo的开始,以获得更多灵感和投入。

    - Each participant sketches out their individual ideal concept (4 steps: notes, ideate, crazy-8, solution sketch).


  3. Decide.


    - Create the “Art-Museum” by placing all solution sketches on the wall. Ask the participants to go over each solution and put any questions they might have on distinct post-it’s. Different from the regular Design Sprint, there is no heat-map voting yet.

    -通过将所有解决方案草图放置在墙上来创建“艺术博物馆”。 让参与者仔细研究每种解决方案,并将他们可能遇到的任何问题放在不同的便利贴上。 与常规的设计冲刺不同,尚无热图投票。

    - The facilitator summarizes the different solutions and addresses any possible questions that were written down. Ask one of the participants to write down the big ideas during your summary [optional].

    -主持人总结了不同的解决方案,并解决了所有可能记录下来的问题。 在摘要中,请一位参与者写下重要构想[可选]。

    - Everyone votes for their favorite ideas within the different solutions via heat-map voting. There is

    -每个人都通过热图投票对不同解决方案中自己喜欢的想法投票。 有

    no “super-vote” where the participants vote for their favorite solution.

    没有 “超级投票”,参与者会投票支持他们最喜欢的解决方案。

  4. Define.


    - Each participant transforms the ideas for their solution with (the most) votes into User Stories. Make sure these are all formatted in the same way:

    -每个参与者将(最多)票将其解决方案的想法转换为用户案例。 确保所有格式都相同:

    As a<Persona> I want to <Goal> so that < Reason>.

    作为 <Persona>, 我想要 <Goal>, 以便 <Reason>

    - Each participant reads/checks/adds User Stories for each-others solution [optional].


    - Map the different User Stories on the applicable touchpoint(s) of the Journey Map. Remove possible duplications and re-write/merge/split User Stories where needed during this exercise.

    -在旅程地图的适用接触点上映射不同的用户故事。 删除可能的重复项,并在本练习中根据需要重写/合并/拆分用户故事。

    - Check if there is a (important) part of the Journey Map which is not covered.


  5. Prioritize.


    - Define different categories and order the User Stories in these buckets. This also allows the team to have one last validation on the quality and added value of the User Stories.

    -定义不同的类别并在这些存储桶中订购“用户故事”。 这也使团队可以对用户故事的质量和附加价值进行最后一次验证。

    - Prioritize (high, medium, low) the User Stories.


After the workshop the facilitator translates the output of the workshop into a structured list (see below). All the different elements defined during the session (e.g. category, touchpoint, etc.) are captured in this list as part of the User Stories. The Journey Map with the different touchpoints is digitalized as a reference point for the User Stories on the list.

研讨会结束后,主持人将研讨会的输出转换为结构化列表(请参见下文)。 在会话期间定义的所有不同元素(例如类别,接触点等)都作为用户故事的一部分捕获在此列表中。 具有不同接触点的旅程地图被数字化为列表中“用户故事”的参考点。

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Snapshot of a few User Stories on the list

我们学到了什么 (What we learned)

Looking back, I expected the translation of the different ideas into User Stories by the participants to be difficult. However, this went surprisingly well. Because the format of a User Story is simple and we had clearly defined persona’s (users), nobody had a hard time making this translation.

回顾过去,我希望参与者将不同的想法转换为用户故事非常困难。 但是,这进行得非常好。 因为用户故事的格式很简单,并且我们已经明确定义了角色(用户),所以没有人会费力地进行翻译。

However, there are a couple of points to take into consideration:


  • During a normal Design Sprint you build and validate a prototype with actual users on the last day. This is a very powerful feedback mechanism. In the approach outlined here, the team interviews experts and users on the first day of the workshop, but there is no user validation afterwards.

    在正常的Design Sprint中,您需要在最后一天与实际用户一起构建并验证原型。 这是一个非常强大的反馈机制。 在此处概述的方法中,团队在研讨会的第一天采访了专家和用户,但此后没有用户验证。

  • A User Story tells you what you want, not how it will be achieved. With translating sketched ideas and concepts into User Stories, you lose the “how”. The advantage gained here is that external parties can come-up with their own fitting solutions. At the same time, you have the risk of losing some good ideas from the participants along the way.

    用户故事告诉您您想要什么,而不是如何实现。 将草拟的想法和概念翻译成用户故事,您就失去了“方法”。 此处获得的好处是,外部各方可以提出自己的合适解决方案。 同时,您有可能会丢失参与者的一些好主意。

  • Conducting the iterations with the team on the User Stories to get to a high quality and consistent list is intense. By using different ways of iterating (via rotating participants, using the journey map, introducing categories and applying a prioritization), you keep it engaging. However, we squeezed the workshop in two days, which made the last part a real pressure cooker.

    与“用户故事”团队一起进行迭代以获取高质量且一致的列表非常紧张。 通过使用不同的迭代方式(通过轮换参与者,使用旅程图,引入类别并应用优先级),可以保持吸引力。 但是,我们在两天的时间里挤满了车间,这使最后一部分成为真正的高压锅。

您如何使用相同的方法 (How you can use the same approach)

By blending Agile Scrum ingredients in a Design Sprint, we created an engaging, productive and inspirational workshop where we were able to generate a comprehensive list of desired features.


If you consider following a similar approach, I recommend the following:


  • Use this approach only if there is a direct need to gain input and feedback from additional stakeholders other than the participants of the workshop, or if you plan to set up a market consultation.

  • Combine it with a follow-up Design Sprint where you mix-in a selected external party and / or additional stakeholders after the initial market consultation / round of feedback.

  • Make sure to reserve enough breathing space and time to get to a high quality and coherent list of User Stories, which is likely to require several iterations.


Overall, my recommendation for the setup of any creative workshop format is to always start with defining the outcome first. Identify what delivers the most value giving the (business) context, challenge and phase you are in.

总体而言,我对设置任何创意工作室形式的建议始终是首先定义结果。 确定给您(业务)环境,挑战和阶段带来最大价值的方法。

In this particular case, a structured list of user stories proved out to be way more valuable than a user-validated prototype. In other creative workshops, we worked towards a theater play to be able to show-case our ideal concept to a wider audience. Don’t be hesitant to mix-in different types of formats, frameworks and interventions.

在这种特殊情况下,事实证明,结构化的用户故事列表比用户验证的原型更有价值。 在其他创意工作坊中,我们致力于戏剧表演,以便向更多观众展示我们的理想概念。 不要犹豫,混合使用不同类型的格式,框架和干预措施。

What type of workshop-cocktails have you used in the past?



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