项目管理 (Project Management)

Is it agile? Can you do that? Do you need this at all? What does it look like, the “right” program management in a “VUCA” world?

敏捷吗? 你能做到吗? 您根本需要这个吗? “ VUCA”世界中的“正确”程序管理是什么样子?

„Companies that successfully scale up agile see major changes in their business. Scaling up shifts the mix of work so that the business is doing more innovation relative to routine operations. The business is better able to read changing conditions and priorities, develop adaptive solutions, and avoid the constant crises that so frequently hit traditional hierarchies.“ — Jeff Sutherland, co-developer of the SCRUM framework

„成功地扩大敏捷规模的公司看到了他们业务的重大变化。 扩大规模可以改变工作组合,从而使企业相对于常规运营而言可以进行更多的创新。 该企业能够更好地读取不断变化的条件和优先级,开发自适应解决方案,并避免经常冲击传统层次结构的持续危机。” — SCRUM框架的共同开发者Jeff Sutherland

Everywhere we look, we see projects. More and more, simultaneously, interlocked, interdependent. Especially in large companies, professional project management is of immense importance. And so it is precisely these large companies that have to reorganize their project management — not with self-learning algorithms, but with intrinsically motivated, self-learning project managers. Today, it’s no longer just a matter of delivering on time and within budget. Project managers become change agents, ambassadors of a new mindset — multipliers within the company in a constantly changing world.

Ëverywhere我们看,我们看到的项目。 越来越多的同时,互锁,相互依存。 特别是在大公司中,专业项目管理非常重要。 因此,正是这些大公司才需要重组其项目管理,而不是使用自学算法,而是使用具有内在动力的自学项目经理。 今天,不再只是按时交付和在预算之内的问题。 项目经理成为变革的推动者,新思维的大使–在不断变化的世界中,公司内部的乘数。

VUCA, which stands for Volatility — Uncertainty — Complexity — Ambiguity. Everything is volatile. We live in a world that is constantly changing — in ever shorter cycles. Events occur unexpectedly and their course cannot always be explained by classical cause-and-effect principles. This increasingly poor predictability also increases uncertainty. Technology is developing virtually exponentially and is constantly creating new possibilities, which in turn give rise to new expectations.

VUCA,它代表当V olatility - U ncertainty - Visual C omplexity - mbiguity。 一切都是易变的。 我们生活在一个不断变化的世界中,周期越来越短。 事件出乎意料地发生,它们的过程不能总是用经典的因果原理来解释。 这种越来越差的可预测性也增加了不确定性。 技术实际上正以指数级的速度发展,并不断创造新的可能性,从而产生了新的期望。

The future is becoming much more complex — and less predictable. Globalization and digitization are creating a network of social, political and economic dependencies that is almost impossible to penetrate, especially when short-term decisions are required. If you shift your own perspective by just a few degrees, you often have to evaluate a situation in context completely differently. “The truth” is only the subjective perception of reality. Most of the time you have to realize that there are several truths, everything becomes ambiguous.

未来变得更加复杂,而且难以预测。 全球化和数字化正在创建几乎不可能渗透的社会,政治和经济依存关系网络,尤其是在需要短期决策的情况下。 如果您仅将自己的观点改变了几个角度,那么您通常就必须完全不同地评估上下文中的情况。 “ 真理 ”仅仅是对现实的主观感知。 大多数时候,您必须意识到有几个真理,所有事情都变得模棱两可。

These general conditions increasingly face projects with new challenges and require us to act faster and more flexibly.


Are there still waterfalls in a VUCA world?


The classic project management method is the Waterfall model, a linear, sequential process model. This sequential logic of the Waterfall model is best understood in the context of construction or IT projects. Business conception, technical conception, design, implementation, test, roll-out and operations are carried out one after the other. The previously planned phases are consistently run through, released after completion and transferred to the next process step.

吨他经典的项目管理方法是W aterfall模型,线性的,连续的过程模型。 在建筑或IT项目的上下文中,最好理解Waterfall模型的这种顺序逻辑。 业务构想,技术构想,设计,实施,测试,推出和操作是一个接一个地进行的。 先前计划的阶段会持续进行,在完成后发布并转移到下一个流程步骤。

Already when reading, a feeling of disturbance quickly arises, right? Does this model still fit into the world described above? The focus here is very clearly on absolute planning reliability — at the expense of any necessary adaptability and flexibility. This means that even complex projects can be planned precisely and carried out reliably. Since all phases are carried out one after the other, decisions from earlier phases can no longer be revised — or only with immense effort and time delays. If the world around us changes in an unpredictable way, Waterfall projects are sometimes stopped, but often continued as planned, because all stakeholders had committed themselves to this approach and too much budget has already been invested in the project — one of the classic cognitive errors beautifully described by the philosopher Rolf Dobelli.

已经在阅读时很快就出现了干扰的感觉,对吗? 这个模型仍然适合上述世界吗? 这里的重点非常明确地放在绝对的计划可靠性上,以牺牲任何必要的适应性和灵活性为代价。 这意味着即使是复杂的项目也可以精确计划并可靠地执行。 由于所有阶段都是一个接一个地执行的,因此不能再修改早期阶段的决策,或者只能付出巨大的努力和时间延迟。 如果我们周围的世界发生不可预测的变化,瀑布项目有时会停止,但通常会按计划进行,因为所有利益相关者都致力于这种方法,并且已经在该项目上投入了太多预算,这是经典的认知错误之一哲学家罗尔夫•多贝利 ( Rolf Dobelli)对其进行了精美的描述。

Often the need for necessary adaptations only becomes apparent when the project already is completed, as the business department usually withdraws from the project upon completion and handover of the business concept, devotes itself to its business again and waits for the project to be finalized. During implementation, the IT department is neither aware nor unaware that the business requirements have to change.

通常,只有在项目已经完成时才需要进行必要的调整,因为业务部门通常会在完成和移交业务概念后退出项目,重新投入业务并等待项目完成。 在实施过程中,IT部门既不知道也不知道业务需求必须更改。

In contrast, the agile project management of a young generation, the typical method hammer that makes every project look like a nail at first. Agile projects are driven by business throughout, are iterative, fast, flexible and adaptable, always delivered on time and always in-budget. Really? So, from now on, all projects are only agile?

相比之下,年轻一代的敏捷项目管理,就是使每个项目起初看起来像钉子的典型方法。 敏捷项目始终由业务驱动,是迭代,快速,灵活和适应性强的,始终按时交付且始终在预算内。 真? 那么,从现在开始,所有项目都是敏捷的吗?

Not at all. The agile methods originate from software development, the core of digitalization, and have their origins back in 2001. Even then, the focus was on speed and customer proximity. The product must be delivered to the customer. Period.

一点也不。 敏捷方法起源于软件开发(数字化的核心),其起源可以追溯到2001年 。 即使如此,焦点仍然集中在速度和与客户的接近上。 产品必须交付给客户。 期。

THE FOUR AGILE VALUES:Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan

And this is where you have to differentiate. Product and customer, two focal points of agile development. The more a project is a product to be developed and the closer it is developed to the end customer, the greater the benefits of agile development often become.

这是您必须与众不同的地方。 产品和客户是敏捷开发的两个重点。 一个项目是要开发的产品越多,并且它与最终客户的开发越紧密,那么敏捷开发的收益就越大。

On the other hand, the closer a project is aimed at industrial production or industrial processes, the more constant requirements and no short-term correction loops are expected, the more participants need to be involved, the more the advantages of the Waterfall model often outweigh the disadvantages. If a Waterfall approach were to throw the developer of a mobile app out of the race for quick success today, an iterative pretense of building a house would probably lead to a catastrophe in terms of time and money. Unfortunately, mistakes in planning or implementation usually only become apparent at the end of the project. Correcting these errors at this late stage is correspondingly costly — the dark side of Waterfall projects.

另一方面,项目针对工业生产或工业过程的目标越接近,要求就越恒定,并且没有短期的校正循环,需要参与的参与者越多,瀑布模型的优势往往越多缺点。 如果Waterfall方法将移动应用程序的开发人员赶出竞赛而无法在今天获得快速成功,那么反复假装盖房可能会导致时间和金钱上的灾难。 不幸的是,规划或实施中的错误通常只会在项目结束时才显现出来。 在后期纠正这些错误的代价是很高的-Waterfall项目的阴暗面。

Today, we can see that agile methods such as Scrum have found their way out of pure software development, but they are not always and everywhere the right answer to the question of management methods.


So it would also be a huge mistake to prescribe a complete, agile transformation to an existing company, just to achieve a faster reaction time as well as a higher adaptability. There are many ways to support a company become more agile with the help of a modern PMO, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

因此,为实现更快的响应时间和更高的适应性而规定对现有公司进行完整,敏捷的转换也是一个巨大的错误。 在现代PMO的帮助下,有很多方法可以使公司变得更加敏捷,但是没有一种万能的解决方案。

Linear or agile — black or white?


The two process models differ in terms of their static and variable project parameters: costs, time and scope. If costs and time are the variables in the Waterfall model, in the agile approach it is the to be delivered scope. A product can also be delivered with some features less or with higher but still calculable risks, as long as it fulfils its core function and reaches the customer quickly. The implementation of, for example, construction projects or the creation of production facilities, on the other hand, usually does not allow for any concessions in the scope of functions or quality and must be adjusted with regard to the completion date and budget.

这两个过程模型的静态和可变项目参数有所不同:成本,时间和范围。 如果成本和时间是瀑布模型中的变量,那么在敏捷方法中,这就是交付范围。 只要产品能够履行其核心功能并Swift到达客户手中,其交付的某些产品的功能也可能有所减少或具有较高但仍可计算的风险。 另一方面,例如建设项目的实施或生产设施的创建通常不允许在功能或质量范围上做出任何让步,必须根据完成日期和预算进行调整。

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Linear and agile managed projects differ according to their variables.

On the one hand, the established top management often sees a “red rag” when they hear, a project is to be implemented in an agile manner. Too often agile is combined with uncertainty and chaos. They insist on control or steering committees, on comprehensive PowerPoint project reports and traffic light charts.

一方面,既定的高层管理人员在听到一个项目时,就会经常看到“红布”,他们将以敏捷的方式实施项目。 敏捷常常与不确定性和混乱结合在一起。 他们坚持要求控制或指导委员会,全面的PowerPoint项目报告和交通信号图表。

At the same time, however, for the same stakeholders it often does not happen fast enough, the project progress is not visible enough and in the end, when both the budget and the deadline have been exceeded, the result is far too often not appreciated by the customer. It is not uncommon for the project to develop beyond market expectations or to fail to take account of changes in the market in the meantime.

但是,与此同时,对于相同的涉众,它往往发生得不够快,项目进度不够明显,最后,当预算和截止日期都被超过时,结果往往不被人们所重视。由客户。 项目开发超出市场预期或同时不考虑市场变化的情况并不少见。

The classic Waterfall method often robs many project participants of their actual motivation, their pleasure to make progress. Partial successes are hardly to be achieved or not really visible in the first phases — who celebrates the completion of a business or technical concept? — and the project participants often feel overwhelmed by the project bureaucracy.

经典的瀑布方法经常使许多项目参与者失去他们的实际动力和进步的乐趣。 在第一个阶段中很难获得部分成功,或者很难真正体现出部分成功-谁庆祝业务或技术概念的完成? —项目参与者经常感到项目官僚机构不知所措。

If Clayton M. Christensen, author of the 1997 fundamental book “The innovator’s dilemma”, accuses large companies of only being able to innovate incrementally, not disruptively, because they do not (cannot) question their traditional core business and do not (cannot) leave their evolutionary path, this can very well be transferred — beyond the question of disruption — to the topic of project management.

如果1997年基础著作“ 创新者的困境 ”的作者克莱顿·克里斯滕森(Clayton M. Christensen)指责大公司只能(而非)质疑传统的核心业务,并且(也不能)质疑渐进式创新,而不是破坏性创新。离开他们的进化之路,这很可能会转移到项目管理这一主题上,而不仅仅是破坏问题。

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Source: based on Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma, 1997
资料来源:根据Clayton M. Christensen,《创新者的困境》,1997年

Agile projects work empirically, in small steps and with hypotheses to be proven. If a Waterfall project is based on one big hypothesis whose core can only be proven or disproved after completion, this is already possible after every sprint in agile projects. However, precisely this procedure often leads to the assumption that the project is only being developed at sight. This is a mistake. Every project, whether managed linearly or iteratively, has a clear goal.

敏捷项目以经验为基础,以小步骤进行工作,并有待证明的假设。 如果Waterfall项目基于一个大的假设,其核心只能在完成后得到证明或反证,那么在敏捷项目中的每个冲刺之后这已经成为可能。 但是,正是这个过程常常导致一个假设,即该项目只是在眼前发展。 这是个错误。 每个项目,无论是线性管理还是迭代管理,都有一个明确的目标。

„Agile’s test-and-learn approach is often described as incremental and iterative, but no one should mistake incremental development processes for incremental thinking.“ — Jeff Sutherland

“敏捷的测试学习方法通​​常被描述为增量和迭代的,但是没有人应该将增量开发过程误认为是增量思维。” — Jeff Sutherland

The task of a modern Program Management Office is to meet management expectations with regard to the achievement of goals, adherence to schedules and budgets, to always have transparency about all projects currently running and yet to be able to reassess and prioritize partial scopes at certain points in time.


The contemporary PMO — an often underestimated function with many facets

当代的PMO –一个经常被低估的功能,具有很多方面

In the past, a Program or Project Management Office was often seen as a mainly administrative function — the team behind the project manager, which prepares reports and presentations, coordinates appointments and books premises. Even then, the responsibilities of a PMO were actually much more extensive and today — whether it is in relation to waterfall or agile projects — the importance of a professional PMO is even greater.

过去,程序或项目管理办公室通常被视为主要的行政职能-项目经理背后的团队,负责准备报告和演示文稿,协调约会和预定场所。 即使到那时,PMO的职责实际上也要广泛得多,而如今(无论是与瀑布项目还是敏捷项目有关),专业PMO的重要性甚至更高。

A PMO today has many roles to play:


· PMO as connector


Besides the provision of project managers and Scrum masters, the PMO also has the additional task of “collecting” ongoing projects, networking the respective product owners on the business side and thus forming and moderating an interest group. If a PMO tries to simply impose new models, structures and standards on existing projects and organizational units, success will be hard and a long time coming. A very central difference between linear and agile project management is the integration with the business. In a traditional Waterfall project, if the business was the client, who — if he conscientiously fulfilled his obligations — wrote a well thought-out and fully comprehensive business concept and then handed over accountability. The new, more agile set-up means that the responsibility for the success of the project until its completion lies with the product owner, usually a business representative. This makes close networking and coordination with regard to corporate goals and project portfolio all the more important.

除了提供项目经理和Scrum主管之外,PMO还具有“收集”正在进行的项目,在业务方面将各个产品所有者联网,从而形成和主持一个利益集团的附加任务。 如果PMO试图简单地在现有项目和组织单位上施加新的模型,结构和标准,那么成功将是困难的,而且需要很长时间。 线性和敏捷项目管理之间的一个非常重要的区别是与业务的集成。 在传统的Waterfall项目中,如果企业是客户,那么他(如果他认真地履行了自己的义务)就写了一个经过深思熟虑和全面的业务概念,然后移交责任制。 新的,更灵活的设置意味着项目成功直至完成的责任在于产品所有者,通常是业务代表。 这使得在公司目标和项目组合方面的紧密网络和协调变得更加重要。

· PMO as coach


In order to combine the best of both worlds — linear and agile — and thus be able to maximize the value for your own company, you first need to deeply know both worlds. Here it is not enough to have searched the Internet for SCRUM or PRINCE2 and scrolled through a few pages. A central task of the PMO is to support, develop and accompany employees and project managers. At best, they get the opportunity to attend appropriate training courses and also to get certified. This not only emphatically increases the quality of project management within the company, but also the motivation of the respective project managers. Not only do they get the chance to learn, to develop further and to increase their own value. The company benefits most from a trained and constantly developing team. Only if you know the standards and have really learned the methods will you be able to develop a hybrid process model tailored to your own company and to apply it in your project and daily business.

为了结合线性和敏捷两个方面的优势,从而能够为您自己的公司最大化价值,您首先需要深刻地了解两个方面。 在这里,仅在Internet上搜索SCRUM或PRINCE2并滚动浏览几页是不够的。 PMO的中心任务是支持,发展和陪伴员工和项目经理。 充其量,他们有机会参加适当的培训课程并获得认证。 这不仅着重提高了公司内部项目管理的质量,而且提高了各个项目经理的积极性。 他们不仅有机会学习,进一步发展并提高自己的价值。 该公司受益于训练有素且不断发展的团队。 只有了解标准并真正了解这些方法,您才能开发适合您自己的公司的混合流程模型,并将其应用于您的项目和日常业务中。

We all know the cartoons of social media sites in which the CFO rejects further training measures with the words “Imagine we invest in the further training of our employees and then they leave us”, to which the CHRO counters “Imagine we don’t do it and they stay!

我们都知道社交媒体网站的动画片,在这些动画片中,首席财务官拒绝用“ 想像我们对员工的进一步培训投入资金,然后他们离开我们 ”的字眼拒绝进一步的培训措施,而首席人力资源官反对“ 想像我们不这样做它,他们留下来!

· PMO as structuring agent


In order to take away the fear of top management that they shall decide in favor of agile management because the team does not know exactly what they want and thus demand carte blanche for everything, defined processes, structures and tools are required also in agile corporate settings. The art — and this is the PMO’s job — is to provide Scrum masters, product owners, project managers and teams with appropriate, company-wide governance structures, standards and documents. These include stakeholder maps, process descriptions or materials for onboarding, communication and reporting as well as the belonging tools.

为了消除对高层管理人员的恐惧,他们将决定支持敏捷管理,因为团队并不确切知道他们想要什么,因此要求所有方面都采用全权委托,因此在敏捷公司环境中也需要定义流程,结构和工具。 艺术(这是PMO的工作)是为Scrum主管,产品所有者,项目经理和团队提供适当的,全公司范围的治理结构,标准和文档。 其中包括利益相关者图,入职,交流和报告的过程说明或材料,以及相关工具。

· PMO as perpetual quality assurance


As in classic linear projects, where the quality or scope of the service usually remains unchanged and is checked at corresponding “gates”, the PMO in hybrid or purely agile projects has the task of ensuring iterative quality management. At the beginning of the sprints, quality criteria are defined, which are monitored after the sprints and over the entire duration of the project and, if necessary, adjusted to the changed project goals.

与经典线性项目中一样,服务质量或范围通常保持不变并在相应的“门”处进行检查,在混合项目或纯敏捷项目中,PMO的任务是确保迭代质量管理。 在冲刺开始时,定义了质量标准,在冲刺之后和项目的整个过程中对其进行监视,并在必要时根据更改的项目目标进行调整。

· PMO as central hub


A weak point of many historically grown companies are the so-called silos. Over the years, decentralized principalities have often been created, which over time have also established their own project landscape. While this model usually reduces the time-to-market significantly, it also leads to multiple redundant developments, often without adherence to the corresponding guidelines and policies. If the project is an IT-related or even a full IT project, this approach additionally often leads to bottlenecks, a complex, hardly controllable IT landscape and high operating costs.

许多历史悠久的公司的弱点是所谓的筒仓。 多年来,经常创建分散的公国,随着时间的流逝,它们也建立了自己的项目环境。 虽然此模型通常会大大缩短产品上市时间,但也会导致多个冗余的发展,通常不遵守相应的指南和政策。 如果项目是与IT相关的项目,甚至是完整的IT项目,那么这种方法通常还会导致瓶颈,复杂,难以控制的IT环境以及高昂的运营成本。

With a modern PMO as a central cross-sectional function, whose task is to avoid conflicts of objectives, prioritize projects, improve and accelerate according to the agile principle “Inspect & Adapt”, silo structures can be broken down. The PMO helps to better distribute tasks, plan and use resources more efficiently, avoid redundancies, achieve scalable projects across the group and overall higher productivity.

以现代PMO为中心的横截面功能(其任务是避免目标冲突,确定项目优先级,根据敏捷的“检查与适应”原则进行改进和加速),可以分解筒仓结构。 PMO有助于更好地分配任务,更有效地计划和使用资源,避免重复,在整个团队中实现可扩展的项目以及总体上更高的生产率。

· PMO as communicator


Projects serve to promote progress and progress motivates. Far too often, however, a well-structured, objective project manager is not at the same time a gifted communicator. Too often, the project team simply lacks the time to deal with seemingly unimportant issues such as an update on the intranet. Not only does the company want to know what is going on in the company, dynamism also leads to new dynamism. The PMO has its ear to the organization and knows what progress is best communicated in what media at what time. It should use this opportunity to take the business forward and demonstrate progress.

项目起到促进进步和促进进步的作用。 但是,一个结构良好,目标明确的项目经理常常不是一个天才的沟通者。 通常,项目团队根本没有时间来处理看似不重要的问题,例如Intranet上的更新。 公司不仅要了解公司的发展趋势,而且动态性还导致新的动态性。 PMO对组织负责,并且知道什么时间最好在哪种媒体上传达最佳进展。 它应该利用这个机会推动业务发展并展示进度。

· PMO as network headquarters and change agent


Hardly any other function in a company has broader stakeholder contact than the PMO. Project managers are responsible for projects in all areas of the company, from purchasing to personnel management and from product development to sales. And since projects are transitory, project managers are constantly expanding their own network. The PMO networks top with bottom, left with right. It views projects as value-driven and mediates between business units and individual stakeholders. The lynchpin is the mindset of the actors involved. In addition to methodological knowledge and the ability to apply it, a lot is at stake in empathy and the capability to motivate and inspire others. The PMO team has to drive excitement and lead by example.

与PMO相比,公司中几乎没有任何其他职能部门能够与利益相关者建立更广泛的联系。 项目经理负责公司各个领域的项目,从采购到人员管理,从产品开发到销售。 由于项目是暂时的,因此项目经理正在不断扩展自己的网络。 PMO网络从上至下,从左至右。 它认为项目是价值驱动的,并在业务部门和个人利益相关者之间进行调解。 关键是参与者的心态。 除了方法论知识和应用知识的能力外,移情以及激发和启发他人的能力也很多。 PMO团队必须激发激情并以身作则。

Let’s look at the PMO as a sales organization whose task it is to sell a new mindset. The PMO’s activities create more self-organisation in projects with distributed responsibility, empowerment of the individual project participants and a stronger ‘we’-feeling, an essential building block for cultural development. Visible results are achieved through knowledge of experts distributed throughout the company, networking among each other, cooperation across silos and flatter hierarchies within the project teams. Real outcomes are convincing of the new model, results that take away the uncertainty even of those who are still firmly attached to the Waterfall model today. Project managers become ambassadors of this ONE Team thought.

让我们将PMO视为一个销售组织,其任务是销售新思维。 PMO的活动在具有分散责任的项目中创建了更多的自组织组织,赋予了单个项目参与者以权力,并增强了我们的感觉,这是文化发展的重要组成部分。 通过在整个公司范围内分布的专家知识,彼此之间的联系,筒仓之间的合作以及项目团队内部更扁平的层次结构,可以实现可见的结果。 实际结果令人信服的新模型,这种结果甚至消除了不确定性,即使对于那些仍然坚定不移地支持“瀑布”模型的人也是如此。 项目经理成为“一个团队”思想的代言人。

Conclusion: agile PMO as a pioneer in a rocky environment


Even in times of ‘agile’, the Program Management Office is by no means a discontinued model. But it is important to develop the PMO from its administratively supporting, KPI-controlling role to a driver of change. Whereas the old PMO focused its control function primarily on budgetary and scheduling aspects, a modern, more contemporary PMO focuses more on the customer or business value that can be increased through the measures taken.

即使在“敏捷”时期,计划管理办公室也绝不是一个停产的模型。 但是,重要的是将PMO从其管理支持,KPI控制角色发展为推动变革的因素。 旧的PMO的控制功能主要集中在预算和调度方面,而现代的PMO则更多地关注可通过采取措施增加的客户或业务价值。

Linear projects according to the Waterfall method and agile projects managed with the help of the agile frameworks such as Scrum are not mutually exclusive. Both models have their justification and often a customizing leads to a hybrid set-up tailored to the own project best fitting for own corporate environment. Agile sub-projects, embedded in a structured Waterfall framework, are becoming increasingly important. So, in a Prince2 compliant project, sub-modules within phases and even entire phases can very well be managed in an agile manner.

根据瀑布方法的线性项目和在敏捷框架(例如Scrum)的帮助下管理的敏捷项目不是相互排斥的。 两种模型都有其合理性,并且通常会进行定制,从而根据自己的项目量身定制最适合自己公司环境的混合设置。 嵌入结构化的Waterfall框架中的敏捷子项目变得越来越重要。 因此,在符合Prince2的项目中,可以非常灵活地管理阶段甚至整个阶段中的子模块。

A PMO is certainly not the center of the entrepreneurial universe, but it is ideally placed to provide significant support for a planned or ongoing change process. It serves as a catalyst for a culture of cooperation and innovation, a more open mindset that sees change as an opportunity and standstill as a threat.

PMO当然不是企业家的中心,但在理想情况下,它可以为计划或正在进行的变更过程提供重要支持。 它是合作与创新文化的催化剂,更开放的思维方式将变革视为机遇,将停滞视为威胁。

„That’s agile in practice: big ambitions and step-by-step progress. It shows the way to proceed even when, as is so often the case, the future is murky.“ — Jeff Sutherland

“在实践中,这是敏捷的:雄心勃勃,步步为营。 它显示了前进的道路,即使在通常情况下,前途一片暗淡。” — Jeff Sutherland

For many companies, this represents a major change and often also a major challenge. Traditionally, hierarchically grown companies have to give up part of their hierarchical concept for more agility. The business moves away from the role of a mere requester and, with increasing agility, becomes more of an implementer with responsibility for the success of the full project. It is also about the path from control to more trust, because control costs time, money and motivation.

对于许多公司而言,这代表着重大的变化,通常也是重大的挑战。 传统上,分级增长的公司必须放弃其分级概念的一部分以提高敏捷性。 业务不再只是单纯的请求者,而是随着敏捷性的提高,更多地成为了对整个项目的成功负责的实施者。 它还涉及从控制到获得更多信任的途径,因为控制要花费时间,金钱和动力。

Even if the change from Waterfall to agile would be neither possible nor does it make sense for most companies in the short term, the change to a hybrid model adapted to the needs of one’s own company will also require a lot of commitment and time.


Regardless of the methodology used, the PMO no longer has the role of an administrator, but rather the very central role of a designer and enabler.


Further interesting sources on this topic


翻译自: https://medium.com/@tinokuehnel/the-modern-pmo-6c8163a8180f





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