
Drought events and its associated characteristics, encompassing drought duration (Dd), frequency (Df), intensity (Ds), and peak (Dp) are determined through the application of the run theory [32]. The Run Theory is a statistical method used to identify and analyse drought events based on predefined thresholds applied to time series data of drought indices, such as the SSMI and the SPEI. This approach allows us to systematically detect periods of drought by observing when the index values fall below specific threshold levels, indicating a deviation from normal SM/rainfall conditions. In this study, we implement a three-threshold system to capture a nuanced spectrum of drought conditions and the methodology for identifying drought events using the SSMI and SPEI time series is visually depicted in Fig. 3. The three thresholds chosen are: x0 = ¶ 0.5,x1 = ¶ 1 and x2 = 0.5, where x0, x1 and x2 represent the values of the SSMI and SPEI [10]. proposed this multi threshold approach which was later used by Ref. [17,33]; and using these thresholds, the drought events are identified as follow: 1st Step: Examine whether the monthly value of SSMI or SPEI is below x0. A value below x0, indicates the drought occurrence, marking it as a potential event. Consequently, the events E1 to E6 are identified in this step as illustrated in Fig. 2.

2nd Step: From the screened ones in previous step E1 to E6, eliminate events those lasting for only one month and not reaching the threshold x1. For instance, E1 is a minor event and is excluded from further analysis. Consequently, E2 to E6 are retained for subsequent steps.

3rd Step: Merge adjacent events with an interval of 1 month but not reaching the x2, into a singular event. In this step, E2 and E3 are consolidated into a unified event.

干旱事件及其相关特征,包括干旱持续时间(Dd)、频率(Df)、强度(Ds)和峰值(Dp),都是通过应用径流理论确定的[32]。Run Theory是一种用于识别和分析干旱事件的统计方法,该方法基于预定义的阈值,应用于干旱指数(如SSMI和SPEI)的时间序列数据。这种方法允许我们通过观察指数值何时低于特定阈值水平来系统地检测干旱时期,这表明偏离正常的SM/降雨条件。在本研究中,我们实施了一个三阈值系统来捕捉干旱条件的细微谱,使用SSMI和SPEI时间序列识别干旱事件的方法如图3所示。选择的三个阈值分别为:x0 =¶0.5,x1 =¶1和x2 = 0.5,其中x0, x1和x2分别代表SSMI和SPEI的值[10]。提出了这种多阈值方法,后来被文献[17,33]采用;并利用这些阈值对干旱事件进行如下识别:第一步:检查SSMI或SPEI的月值是否低于x0。低于x0的值表示发生干旱,将其标记为潜在事件。因此,在此步骤中识别事件E1到E6,如图2所示。



As a result, based on the above three steps, the identified drought events from Fig. 2 coalesce into E2-E3, E4, E5, and E6, totaling 4 distinct drought events. Following the identification of the drought events the associated Dd, Df, Ds and Dp are ascertained. The Average Annual Drought Frequency is computed by dividing the total number of drought events in the study period by the number of years. The Dd for a individual event is defined as the temporal span between its start and end time. The Average Annual Drought Duration is calculated by dividing the collective duration in months of all drought events by the total number of years. The Di for each drought event is calculated as the sum of SSMI/SPEI values divided by the duration of that particular drought event. Dp at each grid is pinpointed as the smallest SPEI value throughout the entire time period.


In this study, both the SSMI and the SPEI are found to be consistent with each other, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of drought risk in the Southern Plateau and Hills (SPH) region. Drought event identification, a crucial step in drought risk analysis, is accomplished using run theory, enabling the calculation of average annual drought duration (Dd), frequency (Df), intensity (Ds), and peak (Dp). These characteristics; Dd, Df, Ds, and Dp are derived from the identified drought events using 1- month SSMI and SPEI data for the period 1991 to 2020. These patterns are spatially presented in Fig. 5, representing agricultural (SSMI) and meteorological (SPEI) drought risk. Both indices indicated higher drought risk in terms of Df, shown in yellow colour. The observed spatial distribution of Df aligns with Dd for both indices suggesting that regions with longer drought events (higher Dd) also tended to experience more frequent drought occurrences (higher Df), indicating a strong relation between frequency and duration in the study area. Furthermore, the comparison between SSMI and SPEI revealed slightly lower drought risk concerning Dd, Df, and Ds for SSMI compared to SPEI, while SPEI indicated relatively lower risk concerning Dp. This finding indicates that meteorological droughts tend to be more intense (higher Ds), occur more frequently (higher Df), have longer durations (higher Dd by SSMI), but are less severe (lower Dp) compared to agricultural droughts in the SPH region from 1991 to 2020. The slight discrepancies between SSMI and SPEI in assessing drought risk stem from their foundational differences.

SSMI, which directly measures SM, reflects the immediate availability of water to plants. In contrast, SPEI incorporates both rainfall and PET, offering a broader view of water deficit that includes atmospheric demand for water. The regions showing higher Df and Ds as per SPEI might thus be experiencing not just reduced rainfall but also increased evaporation and transpiration, exacerbating the water stress on vegetation.

These variations influence how each index captures and characterizes drought events. Notably, the differences in Dd, Df, Ds, and Dp between both indices are relatively small, suggesting a relatively close agreement in their assessments. Overall, this comprehensive analysis enhances our understanding of drought risk in the SPH region, providing valuable insights for drought management and water resource planning.

在本研究中,SSMI和SPEI具有较好的一致性,可以对南部高原丘陵地区的干旱风险进行综合分析。干旱事件识别是干旱风险分析的关键步骤,利用运行理论实现了年平均干旱持续时间(Dd)、频率(Df)、强度(Ds)和峰值(Dp)的计算。这些特征;Dd、Df、Ds和Dp是根据1991 - 2020年1个月SSMI和SPEI数据确定的干旱事件得出的。这些模式在空间上呈现在图5中,代表了农业(SSMI)和气象(SPEI)干旱风险。这两个指数都表明干旱风险较高的Df,用黄色表示。观测到的Df与Dd的空间分布一致,表明干旱事件发生时间越长(Dd越高)的地区,干旱事件发生频率越高(Df越高),表明研究区干旱发生频率与持续时间之间存在较强的相关性。此外,SSMI和SPEI的比较表明,SSMI在Dd、Df和Ds方面的干旱风险略低于SPEI,而SPEI在Dp方面的风险相对较低。这一结果表明,与1991 - 2020年SPH地区的农业干旱相比,气象干旱的强度更大(高Ds),发生频率更高(高Df),持续时间更长(SSMI Dd更高),但严重程度更低(Dp更低)。SSMI和SPEI在干旱风险评估中的细微差异源于它们的基础差异。



4.3. Dd Df Ds Dp的联合出现

To better assess agricultural drought risk, a joint distribution is employed between various pairs of drought characteristics as: Dd_Ds, Dd_Df, Ds_Df, Dd_Dp, Dd_Dp, Df_Dp, derived from SSMI. Specifically, the agricultural drought risk for the driest year, 2003, is comprehensively evaluated using Archimedean copula functions to capture the joint occurrence of pairs of Dd, Df, Ds, and Dp. Fig. 6 present the joint occurrence of pairs of drought characteristics through conditional probability. The analysis reveals notable differences in the joint occurrences between various pairs of drought characteristics. Specifically, the joint occurrences of Dd and Dp (Fig. 6c), Ds and Df (Fig. 6d), Df and Dp (Fig. 6e), and Dd and Dp (Fig. 6f) are relatively high compared to those of Dd and Df (Fig. 6a) and Dd and Ds (Fig. 6b). The higher joint occurrences of Dd and Dp suggest that droughts with longer durations are more likely to coincide with severe drought peaks, indicating prolonged drought events reaching their most intense phases. Likewise, the elevated joint occurrences of Ds and Df imply that frequent drought events are more likely to have higher severity levels, reflecting a recurring pattern of droughts with varying degrees of intensity in the region. The findings of high joint occurrences between these pairs of drought characteristics; Dd and Dp, and Ds and Df, signal underlying hydrological and agricultural dynamics that drive drought behaviour in the SPH region. For instance, the strong association between drought duration and peak suggests that longer droughts tend to culminate in more severe conditions, possibly due to cumulative deficits in SM and escalating water stress on vegetation over time. Similarly, the correlation between drought frequency and intensity highlights the region’s vulnerability to repeated, severe drought conditions, which can have profound impacts on soil health, crop yields, and water availability. Additionally, the increased joint occurrences of Df and Dp indicate that droughts with higher frequency are also prone to more severe peak phases, suggesting that frequent drought events not only commonly occur but can also reach severe levels during their most intense periods. Conversely, the lower joint occurrences of Dd and Df suggest that longer drought events are less likely to occur frequently, indicating that prolonged droughts in the region exhibit more sporadic recurrence. Similarly, the reduced joint occurrences of Dd and Ds imply that droughts with longer durations are less likely to be extremely severe in terms of their intensity, suggesting that prolonged droughts might not necessarily reach the highest levels of severity. These insights into the joint occurrences of drought characteristics have direct implications for drought management strategies.


Understanding the probability of concurrent drought extremes can inform risk assessments and guide the development of more resilient agricultural practices and water resource management plans. For example, the knowledge that prolonged droughts are likely to reach severe peaks could motivate the implementation of long-term water conservation measures and the adoption of drought-resistant crop varieties.In a nutshell, this comprehensive analysis of joint occurrences using Archimedean copulas offers valuable insights into the interrelationships between different drought characteristics, enhancing our understanding of agricultural drought risk in the SPH. The use of Archimedean copula functions for analysing joint occurrences of drought characteristics is grounded in their ability to capture the dependency structure between different drought characteristics beyond linear correlations. This methodological choice is particularly relevant in the context of agricultural drought risk assessment, where the relationships between Dd, Df, Ds, and Dp are complex and multifaceted as seen in Fig. 6. These copula functions allow for the modelling of these relationships in a way that accounts for tail dependencies, highlighting extreme co-occurrences that traditional correlation measures might miss. This is crucial for understanding the behaviour of droughts, especially in capturing the likelihood of simultaneous extreme conditions.


5. 结论 

The present study conducted a comprehensive agricultural drought risk assessment in the SPH region using Multi Threshold Run Theory and analyzing two drought indices, the SSMI and SPEI. The objective was to investigate the agricultural drought risk by examining the joint occurrences of drought characteristics by employing copula functions.

• The temporal analysis of SSMI and SPEI revealed their consistency in identifying wet and dry years in the SPH region. This consistency provides confidence in the reliability of both SSMI and SPEI as effective tools for monitoring drought conditions over time • The assessment of drought events using copula functions enabled the investigation of joint occurrences of key drought characteristics: drought duration (Dd), drought frequency (Df), drought intensity (Ds), and drought peak (Dp). The results demonstrated that the joint occurrences of Dd_Dp, Ds_Df, Df_Dp, and Dd_Dp are high compared to the joint occurrences of Dd_Df and Dd_Ds. These findings suggest the presence of strong relationships between these drought characteristics, indicating potential patterns of drought behavior in the SPH region.

• The analysis further revealed that the drought risk assessed by SSMI differed slightly from that of SPEI. The region showed slightly lower drought risk in terms of Dd, Df, and Ds when using SSMI compared to SPEI. However, SPEI indicated relatively lower drought risk in terms of Dp compared to SSMI. These variations in drought risk assessments emphasize the importance of considering multiple drought indices and copula functions to capture the diverse characteristics of agricultural droughts in different climatic and hydrological contexts.

• The methodological approach of employing run theory with multiple thresholds allows for a nuanced detection of drought events that vary in intensity and duration. This approach, coupled with the standardized nature of SSMI and SPEI, ensures that the characterization of drought events is consistent and comparable across different spatial grids within the SPH region. However, the inherent differences in the indices’ focus—SM versus meteorological conditions—naturally lead to slight variations in the identification and characterization of drought events, emphasizing the complementary nature of using both indices for a holistic drought risk assessment.






•在本研究的背景下,应该承认几个局限性:分析依赖于使用copula函数和多阈值运行理论评估干旱特征所固有的某些假设。这些方法选择,包括在所有栅格中选择相同的三个阈值,假设干旱行为具有一定程度的均匀性和可预测性,这可能无法完全捕捉到SM条件的空间异质性。用于估计干旱指数和分析其相互关系的理论模型可能无法考虑到影响干旱风险的所有可能的气候和水文变量。此外,研究中潜在的误差来源来自使用的数据集和用于计算干旱指数的计算方法。基于模式的降雨和温度估算(ERA5 Land)的准确性和可靠性受到不确定性和误差的影响。这些问题可能源于测量不准确、算法偏差,以及为了准确地表示地面条件而对数据进行内插和外推所固有的挑战。未来的研究可能旨在扩大干旱风险评估的地理和气候范围,纳入更多的干旱指数和数据集,以捕捉更广泛的干旱现象,并改进方法方法,以减少假设和潜在的错误。


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