使用OpenCV作图像检测, 使用HOG检测过程,其中一部分源代码如下:
1.HOG 检测底层栈的检测计算代码:
void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img,
vector<Point>& hits, vector<double>& weights, double hitThreshold,
Size winStride, Size padding, const vector<Point>& locations) const
if( svmDetector.empty() )
if( winStride == Size() )
winStride = cellSize;
Size cacheStride(gcd(winStride.width, blockStride.width),
gcd(winStride.height, blockStride.height));
size_t nwindows = locations.size();
padding.width = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.width, 0), cacheStride.width);
padding.height = (int)alignSize(std::max(padding.height, 0), cacheStride.height);
Size paddedImgSize(img.cols + padding.width*2, img.rows + padding.height*2);
HOGCache cache(this, img, padding, padding, nwindows == 0, cacheStride);
if( !nwindows )
nwindows = cache.windowsInImage(paddedImgSize, winStride).area();
const HOGCache::BlockData* blockData = &cache.blockData[0];
int nblocks = cache.nblocks.area();
int blockHistogramSize = cache.blockHistogramSize;
size_t dsize = getDescriptorSize();
double rho = svmDetector.size() > dsize ? svmDetector[dsize] : 0;
vector<float> blockHist(blockHistogramSize);
for( size_t i = 0; i < nwindows; i++ )
Point pt0;
if( !locations.empty() )
pt0 = locations[i];
if( pt0.x < -padding.width || pt0.x > img.cols + padding.width - winSize.width ||
pt0.y < -padding.height || pt0.y > img.rows + padding.height - winSize.height )
pt0 = cache.getWindow(paddedImgSize, winStride, (int)i).tl() - Point(padding);
CV_Assert(pt0.x % cacheStride.width == 0 && pt0.y % cacheStride.height == 0);
double s = rho;
const float* svmVec = &svmDetector[0];
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int j;
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < nblocks; j++, svmVec += blockHistogramSize )
const HOGCache::BlockData& bj = blockData[j];
Point pt = pt0 + bj.imgOffset;
const float* vec = cache.getBlock(pt, &blockHist[0]);
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
Ipp32f partSum;
s += (double)partSum;
for( k = 0; k <= blockHistogramSize - 4; k += 4 )
s += vec[k]*svmVec[k] + vec[k+1]*svmVec[k+1] +
vec[k+2]*svmVec[k+2] + vec[k+3]*svmVec[k+3];
for( ; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
s += vec[k]*svmVec[k];
if( s >= hitThreshold )
2. HOG invoker的对象重载:
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
int i, i1 = range.start, i2 = range.end;
double minScale = i1 > 0 ? levelScale[i1] : i2 > 1 ? levelScale[i1+1] : std::max(img.cols, img.rows);
Size maxSz(cvCeil(img.cols/minScale), cvCeil(img.rows/minScale));
Mat smallerImgBuf(maxSz, img.type());
vector<Point> locations;
vector<double> hitsWeights;
for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ )
double scale = levelScale[i];
Size sz(cvRound(img.cols/scale), cvRound(img.rows/scale));
Mat smallerImg(sz, img.type(), smallerImgBuf.data);
if( sz == img.size() )
smallerImg = Mat(sz, img.type(), img.data, img.step);
resize(img, smallerImg, sz);
//使用HOG 进行检测
hog->detect(smallerImg, locations, hitsWeights, hitThreshold, winStride, padding);
Size scaledWinSize = Size(cvRound(hog->winSize.width*scale), cvRound(hog->winSize.height*scale));
for( size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++ )
scaledWinSize.width, scaledWinSize.height));
if (scales)
if (weights && (!hitsWeights.empty()))
for (size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++)
void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(
const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations, vector<double>& foundWeights,
double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding,
double scale0, double finalThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) const
double scale = 1.;
int levels = 0;
vector<double> levelScale;
for( levels = 0; levels < nlevels; levels++ )
if( cvRound(img.cols/scale) < winSize.width ||
cvRound(img.rows/scale) < winSize.height ||
scale0 <= 1 )
scale *= scale0;
levels = std::max(levels, 1);
std::vector<Rect> allCandidates;
std::vector<double> tempScales;
std::vector<double> tempWeights;
std::vector<double> foundScales;
Mutex mtx;
parallel_for_(Range(0, (int)levelScale.size()),
HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates, &mtx, &tempWeights, &tempScales));
std::copy(tempScales.begin(), tempScales.end(), back_inserter(foundScales));
std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), back_inserter(foundLocations));
std::copy(tempWeights.begin(), tempWeights.end(), back_inserter(foundWeights));
if ( useMeanshiftGrouping )
groupRectangles_meanshift(foundLocations, foundWeights, foundScales, finalThreshold, winSize);
groupRectangles(foundLocations, foundWeights, (int)finalThreshold, 0.2);
HOGCache::HOGCache(const HOGDescriptor* _descriptor,
const Mat& _img, Size _paddingTL, Size _paddingBR,
bool _useCache, Size _cacheStride)
init(_descriptor, _img, _paddingTL, _paddingBR, _useCache, _cacheStride);
void HOGCache::init(const HOGDescriptor* _descriptor,
const Mat& _img, Size _paddingTL, Size _paddingBR,
bool _useCache, Size _cacheStride)
descriptor = _descriptor;
cacheStride = _cacheStride;
useCache = _useCache;
descriptor->computeGradient(_img, grad, qangle, _paddingTL, _paddingBR);
imgoffset = _paddingTL;
winSize = descriptor->winSize;
Size blockSize = descriptor->blockSize;
Size blockStride = descriptor->blockStride;
Size cellSize = descriptor->cellSize;
int i, j, nbins = descriptor->nbins;
int rawBlockSize = blockSize.width*blockSize.height;
nblocks = Size((winSize.width - blockSize.width)/blockStride.width + 1,
(winSize.height - blockSize.height)/blockStride.height + 1);
ncells = Size(blockSize.width/cellSize.width, blockSize.height/cellSize.height);
blockHistogramSize = ncells.width*ncells.height*nbins;
if( useCache )
Size cacheSize((grad.cols - blockSize.width)/cacheStride.width+1,
blockCache.create(cacheSize.height, cacheSize.width*blockHistogramSize);
size_t cacheRows = blockCache.rows;
for(size_t ii = 0; ii < cacheRows; ii++ )
ymaxCached[ii] = -1;
Mat_<float> weights(blockSize);
float sigma = (float)descriptor->getWinSigma();
float scale = 1.f/(sigma*sigma*2);
for(i = 0; i < blockSize.height; i++)
for(j = 0; j < blockSize.width; j++)
float di = i - blockSize.height*0.5f;
float dj = j - blockSize.width*0.5f;
weights(i,j) = std::exp(-(di*di + dj*dj)*scale);
// Initialize 2 lookup tables, pixData & blockData.
// Here is why:
// The detection algorithm runs in 4 nested loops (at each pyramid layer):
// loop over the windows within the input image
// loop over the blocks within each window
// loop over the cells within each block
// loop over the pixels in each cell
// As each of the loops runs over a 2-dimensional array,
// we could get 8(!) nested loops in total, which is very-very slow.
// To speed the things up, we do the following:
// 1. loop over windows is unrolled in the HOGDescriptor::{compute|detect} methods;
// inside we compute the current search window using getWindow() method.
// Yes, it involves some overhead (function call + couple of divisions),
// but it's tiny in fact.
// 2. loop over the blocks is also unrolled. Inside we use pre-computed blockData[j]
// to set up gradient and histogram pointers.
// 3. loops over cells and pixels in each cell are merged
// (since there is no overlap between cells, each pixel in the block is processed once)
// and also unrolled. Inside we use PixData[k] to access the gradient values and
// update the histogram
count1 = count2 = count4 = 0;
for( j = 0; j < blockSize.width; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < blockSize.height; i++ )
PixData* data = 0;
float cellX = (j+0.5f)/cellSize.width - 0.5f;
float cellY = (i+0.5f)/cellSize.height - 0.5f;
int icellX0 = cvFloor(cellX);
int icellY0 = cvFloor(cellY);
int icellX1 = icellX0 + 1, icellY1 = icellY0 + 1;
cellX -= icellX0;
cellY -= icellY0;
if( (unsigned)icellX0 < (unsigned)ncells.width &&
(unsigned)icellX1 < (unsigned)ncells.width )
if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height &&
(unsigned)icellY1 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
data = &pixData[rawBlockSize*2 + (count4++)];
data->histOfs[0] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
data->histWeights[0] = (1.f - cellX)*(1.f - cellY);
data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
data->histWeights[1] = cellX*(1.f - cellY);
data->histOfs[2] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[2] = (1.f - cellX)*cellY;
data->histOfs[3] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[3] = cellX*cellY;
data = &pixData[rawBlockSize + (count2++)];
if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
icellY1 = icellY0;
cellY = 1.f - cellY;
data->histOfs[0] = (icellX0*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[0] = (1.f - cellX)*cellY;
data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[1] = cellX*cellY;
data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
if( (unsigned)icellX0 < (unsigned)ncells.width )
icellX1 = icellX0;
cellX = 1.f - cellX;
if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height &&
(unsigned)icellY1 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
data = &pixData[rawBlockSize + (count2++)];
data->histOfs[0] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY0)*nbins;
data->histWeights[0] = cellX*(1.f - cellY);
data->histOfs[1] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[1] = cellX*cellY;
data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
data = &pixData[count1++];
if( (unsigned)icellY0 < (unsigned)ncells.height )
icellY1 = icellY0;
cellY = 1.f - cellY;
data->histOfs[0] = (icellX1*ncells.height + icellY1)*nbins;
data->histWeights[0] = cellX*cellY;
data->histOfs[1] = data->histOfs[2] = data->histOfs[3] = 0;
data->histWeights[1] = data->histWeights[2] = data->histWeights[3] = 0;
data->gradOfs = (grad.cols*i + j)*2;
data->qangleOfs = (qangle.cols*i + j)*2;
data->gradWeight = weights(i,j);
assert( count1 + count2 + count4 == rawBlockSize );
// defragment pixData
for( j = 0; j < count2; j++ )
pixData[j + count1] = pixData[j + rawBlockSize];
for( j = 0; j < count4; j++ )
pixData[j + count1 + count2] = pixData[j + rawBlockSize*2];
count2 += count1;
count4 += count2;
// initialize blockData
for( j = 0; j < nblocks.width; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < nblocks.height; i++ )
BlockData& data = blockData[j*nblocks.height + i];
data.histOfs = (j*nblocks.height + i)*blockHistogramSize;
data.imgOffset = Point(j*blockStride.width,i*blockStride.height);