







即可得v1= f•t=10*0.02=0.2,即刚体每帧增加0.2米,从而可得刚体的每秒移动速度为v2=(1/0.02)*v1=10m/s。







using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using SimpleJson;

//using System;
/// <summary>
/// 1、加载Document目录中的资源,
/// 分为dll代码和一个prefab的assetBundle
/// code通过getComponent累进行动态获取,
/// 更新的prefab通过从assetBundle中加载
/// </summary>
public class LocalResourceManager : MonoBehaviour

private static LocalResourceManager instance;
public static readonly string UPDATE_RES_LIST = "updateResList.txt";
public static readonly string Dll_VERSION_FLIE = "lxxc_dll.unity3d";
public static readonly string AB_VERSION_FLIE = "updatePrefab.unity3d";
//protobuff 加密协议
public static readonly string PROTO_BUFF = "protobuff.txt";

public static readonly string BATTLE_MONST_DATA = "BattleDemoMonsterData.txt";
public static readonly string BATTLE_DATA = "BattleDemoBattleData.txt";
public static readonly string BATTLE_PLAYER_DATA = "BattleDemoPlayerData.txt";

public delegate void HandleFinishDownload (WWW www);

private static string LOCAL_RES_PATH = "";

public DownLoadMananger.DownLoadResProgress downloadProgress;
public DownLoadMananger.DownFinish updateFinish;

public byte[] dbBytes;
public byte[] dbCompressBytes;
private List<string> loadResource;
private  static Assembly assembly;

private AssetBundle prefabAb;

private List<string> bundleList;

private static bool isFinish = false;

/// <summary>
/// 获取ResourceUpdate单例对象
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The instance.</returns>
public static LocalResourceManager GetInstance ()
return instance;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake ()
instance = this;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()


public void LoadedDocumentRes ()
if (isFinish) {
if (updateFinish != null) {
updateFinish ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
string filePath = GameUtils.GetAssetPath () + BundleManager.BundleConfigFileName;

DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = loadBundleCfgOneFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = LoadBundleCfgFinish;

List<string> list = new List<string> ();
list.Add (filePath);
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (list);

void loadBundleCfgOneFinish (string fileName, WWW wwwData)
BundleManager.GetInstance ().SetConfigData (wwwData.text);

void LoadBundleCfgFinish ()
LOCAL_RES_PATH = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath () + "/";
string result = GetOldUpdateList ();
bundleList = BundleManager.GetInstance ().GetBundleUrlList ();
if (loadResource == null) {
loadResource = new List<string> ();
loadResource.AddRange (bundleList);
if (result != "") {
string[] items = result.Split (new char[] { '\n' });
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) {
if (items [i] != "") {
loadResource.Add (LOCAL_RES_PATH + items [i]);
loadResource.AddRange (InitBattleDemoData());
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = LoadFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = DownLoadOneFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadProgress = downloadProgress;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (loadResource);

List<string> InitBattleDemoData(){
List<string> path = new List<string> ();
path.Add (GameUtils.getPersistentPath() + "BattleDemo/" + BATTLE_MONST_DATA);
path.Add (GameUtils.getPersistentPath() + "BattleDemo/" + BATTLE_DATA);
path.Add (GameUtils.getPersistentPath() + "BattleDemo/" + BATTLE_PLAYER_DATA);
return path;

void LoadFinish ()
isFinish = true;
SQLiteDataManager.GetInstance ().finishCallback = updateFinish;
LoginLoadingView.GetInstance ().SetLoadText ("正在解压配置,请稍等....");
SQLiteDataInit.GetInstance ().InitSQLiteData ();

void DownLoadOneFinish (string fileName, WWW wwwData)
if (fileName.IndexOf (Dll_VERSION_FLIE) >= 0) {
LoadAssembly (wwwData);
if (fileName.IndexOf (SQLiteDataInit.DBEncodeFileName) >= 0) {
dbBytes = wwwData.bytes;
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (SQLiteDataInit.DBCompressFileName) >= 0) {
dbCompressBytes = wwwData.bytes;
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (AB_VERSION_FLIE) >= 0) {
prefabAb = wwwData.assetBundle;
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (PROTO_BUFF) >= 0) {
Pomelo.DotNetClient.Protocol.protoBuffJson = (JsonObject)SimpleJson.SimpleJson.DeserializeObject (wwwData.text);
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (BATTLE_DATA) >= 0) {
GLogger.Log (wwwData.text);
BattleDemoManager.battleData = wwwData.text;
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (BATTLE_MONST_DATA) >= 0) {
BattleDemoManager.battleMonstData = wwwData.text;
} else if (fileName.IndexOf (BATTLE_PLAYER_DATA) >= 0) {
GLogger.Log (wwwData.text);
BattleDemoManager.battlePlayerData = wwwData.text;

for (int i = 0; i < bundleList.Count; i++) {
if (bundleList [i].IndexOf (fileName) >= 0) {
BundleManager.GetInstance ().SetBoundle (fileName, wwwData);

string GetOldUpdateList ()
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + UPDATE_RES_LIST;
CreateDic (path);
return GetFileContent (path);

void CreateDic (string filePath)
int index = filePath.LastIndexOf ('/');
string dir = filePath.Substring (0, index + 1);
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
public void AddComponentToResource (string className, GameObject gb)
System.Type type = assembly.GetType (className);
if (type == null) {
Assembly assembly2 = Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(ResourceUpdate));
type = assembly2.GetType (className);
// GLogger.Log (type  + "***************额额额额额***************************************************" + className);
if (gb != null && type != null && gb.GetComponent (type) == null) {
gb.AddComponent (type);

private void LoadAssembly (WWW assemblyBytes)
if (assemblyBytes == null) {
Assembly[] array = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ();
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
if(array[i].FullName.IndexOf("lxxc_dll") >= 0){
assembly = array[i];

AssetBundle bundle = assemblyBytes.assetBundle;
string loadName = Dll_VERSION_FLIE.Substring (0, Dll_VERSION_FLIE.LastIndexOf ('.'));
TextAsset asset = bundle.Load (loadName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load (asset.bytes);

// //使用当前程序集中的类
// assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(ResourceUpdate));
// #endif

string sapath = Application.streamingAssetsPath;
string BinPath = sapath.Substring (0, sapath.IndexOf ("lxxc"));
assembly = Assembly.LoadFile (BinPath + "lxxc_dll/obj/Debug/lxxc_dll.dll");

// System.Type[] types = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
// for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) {
// GLogger.Log(types[i].Name + "**************");
// }
assemblyBytes.Dispose ();


public AssetBundle HasInNewPrefab (string assetName)
if (prefabAb == null) {
return null;
if (prefabAb.Contains (assetName)) {
return prefabAb;
return null;


string GetFileContent (string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (path, Encoding.Default);
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) != null) {
sb.Append (line + "\n");
sr.Close ();
return sb.ToString ();


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System;

//using System;
/// <summary>
/// 1、从服务器获取版本号,和当前客户端存储的版本号进行对比,
///    a、如果相同则不更新
///    b、如果不同,则从服务器获取需要更新的资源列表文件version.txt,再没有进行大版本更新的时候,这个列表是进行累加的。;
///    c、文件更新后,修改客户端本地的版本号存储到version.txt文件中。
/// </summary>
/// /// <summary>
/// 1.在vs中新建一个代码库工程,命名为test
/// </summary>
public class ResourceUpdate : MonoBehaviour

private static ResourceUpdate instance;
public static readonly string UPDATE_RES_LIST = "updateResList.txt";
public static readonly string LOCAL_VERSION = "version.txt";
public static readonly string Dll_VERSION_FLIE = "lxxc_dll.unity3d";
public static readonly string Dll_TO_RES_VERSION_FLIE = "dynamicRes.txt";
public static string LOCAL_RES_URL = "";
public static string SERVER_RES_URL = "";
public static string LOCAL_RES_PATH = "";

public delegate void HandleFinishDownload (WWW www);

private static List<string> localResVersion;

private static List<string> totalUpdateResList;

//格式为:资源名, GameObject.name_c#clssName_GameObject.name_c#clssName;
private Dictionary<string, string> dll2Res;
private System.Reflection.Assembly assembly;

public DownLoadMananger.DownFinish updateFinish;
public DownLoadMananger.DownLoadResProgress downloadProgress;

public delegate void ParseUpdateListCallback ();

public ParseUpdateListCallback parseFinishCallBack;

public static float updateTotalSize;
public static bool isUpdateDB = false;
public static bool isDownloaded = true;
public static float currentDownNum = 0f;
private int totalNum = 1;
public static  WWW currentWWW;

/// <summary>
/// 获取ResourceUpdate单例对象
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The instance.</returns>
public static ResourceUpdate GetInstance ()
return instance;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake ()
LOCAL_RES_PATH = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath () + "/";
LOCAL_RES_URL = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath () + "/";
instance = this;
localResVersion = new List<string> ();
totalUpdateResList = new List<string> ();
GLogger.Log (Application.dataPath + "==========" + LOCAL_RES_URL);

void InitUpdateList ()
if (SERVER_RES_URL != "") {
ResetServerPath ();
string result = GetOldUpdateList ();
if (result != "") {
string[] items = result.Split (new char[] { '\n' });
totalUpdateResList = new List<string> (items);

void ResetServerPath ()
SERVER_RES_URL = GlobalConfig.ResUrl;
SERVER_RES_URL += "android/";
SERVER_RES_URL += "pc/";
SERVER_RES_URL += "ios/";
SERVER_RES_URL += "android/";

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()

public void DownloadServerVersionTxt ()
NetDataRequestTip.showLoading ();
isDownloaded = false;
InitUpdateList ();
updateTotalSize = 0;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = DownLoadUplistFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = DownUpdateListFinish;
List<string> list = new List<string> ();
list.Add (SERVER_RES_URL + UPDATE_RES_LIST + "?time=" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (list);

void DownLoadUplistFinish (string file, WWW wwwData)
NetDataRequestTip.removeLoading ();
ParseVersionFile (wwwData.text, localResVersion);

void DownUpdateListFinish ()
if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
parseFinishCallBack ();

public int GetTotalDownNum ()
return totalNum;

public void DownLoadRes ()
InitUpdateList ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = DownLoadFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = ReplaceLocalRes;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadProgress = downloadProgress;
List<string> urlList = new List<string> ();
for (int i = 0; i < localResVersion.Count; i++) {
urlList.Add (SERVER_RES_URL + localResVersion [i] + "?time=" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks);
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (urlList);

void DownLoadFinish ()
UpdateLocalVersion (GlobalConfig.version);
if (updateFinish != null) {
GLogger.Log ("=====DownLoadRes==finish=====" + GlobalConfig.version);
updateFinish ();

public bool isNeedDownloadRes ()
return totalUpdateResList.Count > 0;

private void ReplaceLocalRes (string fileName, WWW wwwData)
byte[] data = wwwData.bytes;
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "");
GLogger.Log (path + "      replace");
string filePath = path + fileName;
FileStream stream;
if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
} else {
CreateDic (filePath);
stream = File.Create (filePath);
stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
stream.Flush ();
stream.Close ();


public bool isHasNewRes (string assetName)
int index = totalUpdateResList.IndexOf (assetName);
// GLogger.Log (LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson (totalUpdateResList) + "   " + assetName + " " + index);
return index >= 0;

private void ParseVersionFile (string content, List<string> dict)
if (content == null || content.Trim ().Length == 0) {
isDownloaded = true;
// if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
// parseFinishCallBack ();
// }
string appendRes = "";
string[] items = content.Split ('\n');
string[] res;
isUpdateDB = false;
foreach (string item in items) {
if (item != null && item.Trim ().Length > 0) {
res = item.Split ('#');
if (res.Length >= 2) {
updateTotalSize += (float)System.Convert.ToDouble (res [1]);
dict.Add (res [0]);
if (res [0] == SQLiteDataInit.DBFileName) {
isUpdateDB = true;
if (totalUpdateResList.IndexOf (res [0]) < 0) {
totalUpdateResList.Add (res [0]);
appendRes += res [0] + "\n";
if (res.Length >= 3 && res [2] != "") {
string[] resNames = res [2].Split ('|');
for (int i = 0; i < resNames.Length; i++) {
totalUpdateResList.Add (resNames [i]);
appendRes += resNames [i] + "\n";
if (appendRes != "") {
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + UPDATE_RES_LIST;
CreateDic (path);
FileStream fs;
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
} else {
fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Append);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (appendRes);
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();
// updateTotalSize = updateTotalSize;
// if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
// parseFinishCallBack ();
// }

void CreateDic (string filePath)
int index = filePath.LastIndexOf ('/');
string dir = filePath.Substring (0, index + 1);
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);

string GetOldUpdateList ()
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + UPDATE_RES_LIST;
CreateDic (path);
return GetFileContent (path);

public void UpdateLocalVersion (string version)
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
CreateDic (path);
if (File.Exists (path)) {
File.Delete (path);
FileStream fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (version.ToString ());
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();

public void SaveDll (string version)
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
CreateDic (path);
if (File.Exists (path)) {
File.Delete (path);
FileStream fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (version.ToString ());
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();

public string GetLocalVersion ()
//Open the stream and read it back.
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
GLogger.Log (path);
string version = GetFileContent (path);
if (version == "") {
return GlobalConfig.version;
} else {
// int txtIndex = version.LastIndexOf (".");
// int txtVersion = Convert.ToInt32 (version.Substring (0, txtIndex).Replace (".", ""));
// int cfgIndex = version.LastIndexOf (".");
// int cfgVersion = Convert.ToInt32 (GlobalConfig.version.Substring (0, cfgIndex).Replace (".", ""));
int txtVersion = GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(version);
int cfgVersion = GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(GlobalConfig.version);

return  txtVersion >= cfgVersion ? version : GlobalConfig.version;

// return version.Replace ("\n", "");

string GetFileContent (string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (path, Encoding.Default);
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine ()) != null) {
sb.Append (line + "\n");
sr.Close ();
return sb.ToString ();

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System;

//using System;
/// <summary>
/// 1、从服务器获取版本号,和当前客户端存储的版本号进行对比,
///    a、如果相同则不更新
///    b、如果不同,则从服务器获取需要更新的资源列表文件version.txt,再没有进行大版本更新的时候,这个列表是进行累加的。;
///    c、文件更新后,修改客户端本地的版本号存储到version.txt文件中。
/// </summary>
/// /// <summary>
/// 1.在vs中新建一个代码库工程,命名为test
/// </summary>
public class ResourceUpdateFromLocal : MonoBehaviour

private static ResourceUpdateFromLocal instance;
public static readonly string UPDATE_RES_LIST = "updateResList.txt";
public static readonly string LOCAL_VERSION = "version.txt";
public static readonly string Dll_VERSION_FLIE = "lxxc_dll.unity3d";
public static readonly string Dll_TO_RES_VERSION_FLIE = "dynamicRes.txt";
public static string LOCAL_RES_URL = "";
public static string SERVER_RES_URL = "";
public static string LOCAL_RES_PATH = "";

public delegate void HandleFinishDownload (WWW www);

private static List<string> localResVersion;

private static List<string> totalUpdateResList;

//格式为:资源名, GameObject.name_c#clssName_GameObject.name_c#clssName;
private Dictionary<string, string> dll2Res;
private System.Reflection.Assembly assembly;

public DownLoadMananger.DownFinish updateFinish;
public DownLoadMananger.DownLoadResProgress downloadProgress;

public delegate void ParseUpdateListCallback();
public ParseUpdateListCallback parseFinishCallBack;

public static float updateTotalSize;
public static bool isUpdateDB = false;
public static bool isDownloaded = true;
public static float currentDownNum = 0f;
private int totalNum = 1;
public static  WWW currentWWW ;

/// <summary>
/// 获取ResourceUpdate单例对象
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The instance.</returns>
public static ResourceUpdateFromLocal GetInstance ()
return instance;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake ()
LOCAL_RES_PATH = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath() + "/";
LOCAL_RES_URL = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath () + "/";
instance = this;
localResVersion = new List<string> ();
GLogger.Log (Application.dataPath + "==========" + LOCAL_RES_URL);

void InitUpdateList(){
if (SERVER_RES_URL != "") {
ResetServerPath ();
string result = GetOldUpdateList ();
GLogger.Log (Application.dataPath + "=====3333=====" + result);
if (result != "") {
string[] items = result.Split (new char[] { '\n' });
totalUpdateResList = new List<string> (items);
} else {
totalUpdateResList = new List<string> ();

void ResetServerPath(){
SERVER_RES_URL = "file://" + Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/";
SERVER_RES_URL = "StreamingAssets/";
SERVER_RES_URL = "file://" + Application.dataPath + "/Raw/";
SERVER_RES_URL = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/";

// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()

public void DownloadServerVersionTxt ()
NetDataRequestTip.showLoading ();
isDownloaded = false;
InitUpdateList ();
updateTotalSize = 0;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = DownLoadUplistFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = DownUpdateListFinish;
List<string> list = new List<string> ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (list);

void DownLoadUplistFinish(string file, WWW wwwData){
ParseVersionFile (wwwData.text, localResVersion);

void DownUpdateListFinish(){
if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
parseFinishCallBack ();

public int GetTotalDownNum(){
return totalNum;

public void DownLoadRes ()
InitUpdateList ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().InitParam ();
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downFinish = DownLoadFinish;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadOneFinish = ReplaceLocalRes;
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().downLoadProgress = downloadProgress;
List<string> urlList = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < localResVersion.Count; i++) {
urlList.Add (SERVER_RES_URL + localResVersion[i]);
DownLoadMananger.GetInstance ().StartDownLoad (urlList);

void DownLoadFinish(){
UpdateLocalVersion (GlobalConfig.version);
if (updateFinish != null) {
GLogger.Log ( "=====DownLoadRes==finish=====" + GlobalConfig.version);
updateFinish ();

private void ReplaceLocalRes (string fileName, WWW wwwData)
byte[] data = wwwData.bytes;
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "");
GLogger.Log (path + "      replace");
string filePath = path + fileName;
FileStream stream;
if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
} else {
CreateDic (filePath);
stream = File.Create (filePath);
stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
stream.Flush ();
stream.Close ();


public bool isHasNewRes(string assetName){
int index = totalUpdateResList.IndexOf (assetName);
// GLogger.Log (LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson (totalUpdateResList) + "   " + assetName + " " + index);
return index  >= 0;

private void ParseVersionFile (string content, List<string> dict)
if (content == null || content.Trim().Length == 0) {
isDownloaded = true;
// if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
// parseFinishCallBack ();
// }
string appendRes = "";
string[] items = content.Split ('\n');
string[] res;
isUpdateDB = false;
foreach (string item in items) {
if (item != null && item.Trim().Length > 0) {
res = item.Split ('#');
if (res.Length >= 2) {
updateTotalSize += (float)System.Convert.ToDouble (res [1]);
dict.Add (res[0]);
if (res [0] == SQLiteDataInit.DBFileName) {
isUpdateDB = true;
if (totalUpdateResList.IndexOf (res [0]) < 0) {
totalUpdateResList.Add (res [0]);
appendRes += res [0] + "\n";
if (res.Length >= 3 && res [2] != "") {
string[] resNames = res [2].Split ('|');
for (int i = 0; i < resNames.Length; i++) {
totalUpdateResList.Add (resNames [i]);
appendRes += resNames [i] + "\n";
if (appendRes != "") {
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + UPDATE_RES_LIST;
CreateDic (path);
FileStream fs;
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
} else {
fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Append);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (appendRes);
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();
// updateTotalSize = updateTotalSize;
// if (parseFinishCallBack != null) {
// parseFinishCallBack ();
// }

void CreateDic(string filePath){
int index = filePath.LastIndexOf ('/');
string dir = filePath.Substring (0, index + 1);
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);

string GetOldUpdateList(){
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + UPDATE_RES_LIST;
CreateDic (path);
return GetFileContent(path);

public bool isNeedUnZipLocalRes(){
string dbDecompressPath = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath().Replace("file://", "") + "/" + LOCAL_VERSION;
if (File.Exists(dbDecompressPath))
string version = GetFileContent (dbDecompressPath);
if(GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(version) >= GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(GlobalConfig.version))
return false;
return true;

public void UpdateLocalVersion (string version)
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
CreateDic (path);
if (File.Exists (path)) {
File.Delete (path);
FileStream fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (version.ToString ());
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();

public void SaveDll (string version)
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
CreateDic (path);
if (File.Exists (path)) {
File.Delete (path);
FileStream fs = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Create);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (version.ToString ());
fs.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
fs.Flush ();
fs.Close ();

public string GetLocalVersion ()
//Open the stream and read it back.
string path = LOCAL_RES_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_VERSION;
GLogger.Log (path);
string version = GetFileContent(path);
if (version == "") {
return GlobalConfig.version;
// int txtIndex = version.LastIndexOf (".");
// int txtVersion = Convert.ToInt32 (version.Substring (0, txtIndex).Replace (".", ""));
// int cfgIndex = version.LastIndexOf (".");
// int cfgVersion = Convert.ToInt32 (GlobalConfig.version.Substring (0, cfgIndex).Replace (".", ""));

int txtVersion = GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(version);
int cfgVersion = GameUtils.ConvertVersionInt(GlobalConfig.version);

return  txtVersion >= cfgVersion ? version : GlobalConfig.version;

// return version.Replace("\n", "");

string GetFileContent(string path){
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path,Encoding.Default);
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) 
sb.Append(line + "\n");
sr.Close ();
return sb.ToString ();

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DownLoadMananger : MonoBehaviour {

private static DownLoadMananger instance;
public delegate void HandleFinishDownload (WWW www);
private List<string> localResVersion;

private  WWW currentWWW ;

public delegate void DownFinish();
public DownFinish downFinish;

public delegate void DownLoadResProgress(float progress);
public DownLoadResProgress downLoadProgress;

public delegate void DownLoadOneFinish(string fileName, WWW wwwData);
public DownLoadOneFinish downLoadOneFinish;

private int currentDownNum = 0;

private float totalNum = 0;
private float totalProgress = 0.0f;

public static DownLoadMananger GetInstance ()
return instance;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake () {
instance = this;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

if (currentWWW != null) {
totalProgress = (currentDownNum + currentWWW.progress) / totalNum;
if (downLoadProgress != null) {
downLoadProgress (totalProgress);
// GLogger.Log (downLoadProgress + "=====DownLoadRes=======" + totalProgress +  "  " + totalNum);


public void InitParam(){
downFinish = null;
downLoadProgress = null;
downLoadOneFinish = null;
currentDownNum = 0;
totalNum = 0;
totalProgress = 0f;

public void StartDownLoad (List<string> resList)
if (resList == null || resList.Count <= 0) {
FinishCallback ();
localResVersion = resList;
totalNum = (float)localResVersion.Count;
DownLoadFile ();

void FinishCallback(){
if (downFinish != null) {
downFinish ();


void DownLoadFile(){
if (localResVersion == null || (localResVersion != null && localResVersion.Count <= 0)) {
FinishCallback ();

string file = localResVersion [0];
if (file == null || file.Trim ().Length == 0) {
localResVersion.RemoveAt (0);
currentWWW = null;

StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (file, delegate(WWW w) {
if(downLoadOneFinish != null){
int end = file.Length - (file.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
int index = file.IndexOf("?");
if(index >= 0){
end = index - 1 - file.LastIndexOf('/');
// GLogger.LogError(file + "  " + end);
downLoadOneFinish(file.Substring((file.LastIndexOf('/') + 1),end), w);
localResVersion.RemoveAt (0);
if(localResVersion.Count > 0){
currentWWW = null;
DownLoadFile ();

private IEnumerator DownLoad (string url, HandleFinishDownload finishFun)
WWW www = new WWW (url);
GLogger.Log (url + "----------");
currentWWW =www;
yield return www;
bool hasError = false;
if (www.error != null) {
hasError = true;

if (www.isDone) {
if (www.bytesDownloaded > 0 && !hasError) {
if (finishFun != null) {
GLogger.LogWarning (url + "---------------------------");
finishFun (www);
} else {
GLogger.Log (url + " ***load error **www.bytesDownloaded is *****" + www.bytesDownloaded + " error is" + www.error.ToString() );
currentWWW = null;
www.Dispose ();
NetDataRequestTip.removeLoading ();
AlertConfirmController.GetInstance ().pushAlertMsg (CNString.DOWN_RES_ERROR, delegate(bool isConfirm){

StartCoroutine(DownLoad(url, finishFun));
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
Application.Quit ();
} else {
currentWWW = null;

www.Dispose ();
www = null;
System.GC.Collect ();


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


