karto算法论文阅读及代码讲解-扫描匹配(correlative scan matching,csm)

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图2 概率扫描匹配的图形模型

  帧间匹配可以理解成一个:已知x𝑖-1 和m,也测量到了u 和 z𝑖 ,如何尽可能准确的求出x𝑖 ?

即:p(x i|x i-1,u,m,z i)

应用高斯分布,p(x i|x i-1,u,m,z i)=p(z|x i,m) p(x i|x i-1,u) 。其中p(x i|x i-1,u)是我们熟悉的运动模型,p(z|x i,m) 是观测模型。前者容易求解;后者的计算是一个难题,容易陷入局部最优解。
  假设:第i次观测Z i中的各个激光点(以 z i k表示)位置的概率分布是彼此独立的,则:

  • 根据 前面的观测 m(或若干帧)建立出来的概率栅格地图!
  • 按照位姿xi把当前观测 zi投影到 m 中,把所有被击中的栅格的概率值相加,就是!在栅格地图的基础上,公式(3) 的求解。 所得的 即是位姿 的得分,代表着在这个位姿下,当前观测 与已知环境 相一致的程度(i.e., 相关性)。得分越高,表明这个位姿越靠谱。

  CSM帧匹配算法基于概率栅格地图运行,每个栅格都维护一个对数形式的占据概率;对于新进来的激光scan,将scan中所有点通过一个预估位姿投影到栅格地图上,这样每个激光点都会落到一个栅格中,激光点所在栅格的对数概率值之和既为当前位姿的得分,代表着这个位姿的可信度。但是预估位姿是不准确的,我们在预估位姿附近建立一个搜索空间,通过分支定界策略加速搜索,求出得分最高的备选位姿,作为最优结果输出 。



  • 生成角度查找表,实现暴力求解内部的两个循环(对于xˆ和yˆ)只是转换查询点。
  • 多分辨率概率查询表,先粗匹配计算位置协方差,输出坐标均值,再次进行精匹配,计算角度协方差。



2.1 前端匹配整体框架

  MatchScan函数主要完成当前激光pScan与rBaseScans进行扫描匹配,先在预估位姿投影到栅格地图上,计算当前位姿的得分,代表着这个位姿的可信度。由于预估位姿是不准确的,然后在预估位姿附近建立一个搜索空间,通过分支定界策略加速搜索,求出得分最高的备选位姿,作为最优结果输出 。

   * Match given scan against set of scans
   * @param pScan scan being scan-matched
   * @param rBaseScans set of scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match
   * @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match
   * @param doPenalize whether to penalize matches further from the search center
   * @param doRefineMatch whether to do finer-grained matching if coarse match is good (default is true)
   * @return strength of response
kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan,							//当前帧的scan数据
                                 const LocalizedRangeScanVector &rBaseScans,		//已经接收的scan的数组 map
                                 Pose2 &rMean,
                                 Matrix3 &rCovariance,
                                 kt_bool doPenalize,
                                 kt_bool doRefineMatch)
    // set scan pose to be center of grid

    // 1. get scan position	,获取当前激光雷达的位置
    Pose2 scanPose = pScan->GetSensorPose();

    // scan has no readings; cannot do scan matching
    // best guess of pose is based off of adjusted odometer reading
    if (pScan->GetNumberOfRangeReadings() == 0)
        rMean = scanPose;

        // maximum covariance
        rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;                                                      // XX
        rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;                                                      // YY
        rCovariance(2, 2) = 4 * math::Square(m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue()); // TH*TH

        return 0.0;

    // 2. get size of grid				网格:24m*24m,0.01,2431*2431个格子
    Rectangle2<kt_int32s> roi = m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI();

    // 3. compute offset (in meters - lower left corner)
    Vector2<kt_double> offset;
    offset.SetX(scanPose.GetX() - (0.5 * (roi.GetWidth() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));
    offset.SetY(scanPose.GetY() - (0.5 * (roi.GetHeight() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution()));
    // 4. set offset


    // set up correlation grid,使用已经接收到的激光数据rBaseScans,生成局部地图
    AddScans(rBaseScans, scanPose.GetPosition());

    // compute how far to search in each direction
	// m_pSearchSpaceProbs 是一个 31 * 31 大小的栅格地图,0. 01,XY=0.15
    Vector2<kt_double> searchDimensions(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetWidth(), m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetHeight());
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchOffset(0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetX() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                          0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetY() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // a coarse search only checks half the cells in each dimension
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchResolution(2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),				//0.02
                                              2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());				//0.02

    // actual scan-matching scan to map的过程
    kt_double bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,		//0.02
                                           m_pMapper->m_pCoarseSearchAngleOffset->GetValue(),		//0.349 
                                           m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),			//0.0349 
                                           doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

    if (m_pMapper->m_pUseResponseExpansion->GetValue() == true)
        if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0))
            std::cout << "Mapper Info: Expanding response search space!" << std::endl;
            // try and increase search angle offset with 20 degrees and do another match
            kt_double newSearchAngleOffset = m_pMapper->m_pCoarseSearchAngleOffset->GetValue();
            for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                newSearchAngleOffset += math::DegreesToRadians(20);

                bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,
                                             newSearchAngleOffset, m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                             doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

                if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0) == false)

            if (math::DoubleEqual(bestResponse, 0.0))
                std::cout << "Mapper Warning: Unable to calculate response!" << std::endl;

    if (doRefineMatch)
        Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchOffset(coarseSearchResolution * 0.5);
        Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchResolution(m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());
        bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, rMean, fineSearchOffset, fineSearchResolution,
                                     0.5 * m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                     doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, true);

    std::cout << "  BEST POSE = " << rMean << " BEST RESPONSE = " << bestResponse << ",  VARIANCE = "
              << rCovariance(0, 0) << ", " << rCovariance(1, 1) << std::endl;
    assert(math::InRange(rMean.GetHeading(), -KT_PI, KT_PI));

    return bestResponse;

2.2 使用滑动窗口法来生成局部地图


1) AddScans()

首先将 m_pCorrelationGrid 中栅格全置为 0 ;
然后遍历 running scan , 将每一帧雷达数据进行 AddScan();
然后将这些点对应的栅格地图中的点 不是占用状态的 设置成 占用状态,同时,更新当前坐标点周围的占用值, SmearPoint(gridPoint)

   * Marks cells where scans' points hit as being occupied
   * @param rScans scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param viewPoint do not add points that belong to scans "opposite" the view point
void ScanMatcher::AddScans(const LocalizedRangeScanVector &rScans, Vector2<kt_double> viewPoint)

    // add all scans to grid
    const_forEach(LocalizedRangeScanVector, &rScans)
        AddScan(*iter, viewPoint);

   * Marks cells where scans' points hit as being occupied.  Can smear points as they are added.
   * @param pScan scan whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param viewPoint do not add points that belong to scans "opposite" the view point
   * @param doSmear whether the points will be smeared
void ScanMatcher::AddScan(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan, const Vector2<kt_double> &rViewPoint, kt_bool doSmear)
    PointVectorDouble validPoints = FindValidPoints(pScan, rViewPoint);

    // put in all valid points
    const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &validPoints)
        Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(*iter);
        if (!math::IsUpTo(gridPoint.GetX(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI().GetWidth()) ||
            !math::IsUpTo(gridPoint.GetY(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetROI().GetHeight()))
            // point not in grid

        int gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);

        // set grid cell as occupied
        if (m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] == GridStates_Occupied)
            // value already set

        m_pCorrelationGrid->GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] = GridStates_Occupied;

        // smear grid
        if (doSmear == true)

2)FindValidPoints 函数

   * Compute which points in a scan are on the same side as the given viewpoint
   * @param pScan
   * @param rViewPoint
   * @return points on the same side
PointVectorDouble ScanMatcher::FindValidPoints(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan, const Vector2<kt_double> &rViewPoint) const
    const PointVectorDouble &rPointReadings = pScan->GetPointReadings();

    // points must be at least 10 cm away when making comparisons of inside/outside of viewpoint
    const kt_double minSquareDistance = math::Square(0.1); // in m^2

    // this iterator lags from the main iterator adding points only when the points are on
    // the same side as the viewpoint
    PointVectorDouble::const_iterator trailingPointIter = rPointReadings.begin();
    PointVectorDouble validPoints;

    Vector2<kt_double> firstPoint;
    kt_bool firstTime = true;
    const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &rPointReadings)
        Vector2<kt_double> currentPoint = *iter;

        if (firstTime && !std::isnan(currentPoint.GetX()) && !std::isnan(currentPoint.GetY()))
            firstPoint = currentPoint;
            firstTime = false;

        Vector2<kt_double> delta = firstPoint - currentPoint;
        if (delta.SquaredLength() > minSquareDistance)
            // This compute the Determinant (viewPoint FirstPoint, viewPoint currentPoint)
            // Which computes the direction of rotation, if the rotation is counterclock
            // wise then we are looking at data we should keep. If it's negative rotation
            // we should not included in in the matching
            // have enough distance, check viewpoint
            double a = rViewPoint.GetY() - firstPoint.GetY();
            double b = firstPoint.GetX() - rViewPoint.GetX();
            double c = firstPoint.GetY() * rViewPoint.GetX() - firstPoint.GetX() * rViewPoint.GetY();
            double ss = currentPoint.GetX() * a + currentPoint.GetY() * b + c;

            // reset beginning point
            firstPoint = currentPoint;

            if (ss < 0.0) // wrong side, skip and keep going
                trailingPointIter = iter;
                for (; trailingPointIter != iter; ++trailingPointIter)
    return validPoints;

3) SmearPoint()

  大致上感觉是:通过一个 6 * 6 的核函数,将当前坐标点附近 6*6 的点 做卷积,如果附近点的占用值小于核函数中的占用值,则将 核函数中的占用值 赋值给 附近点的占用值。

     * Smear cell if the cell at the given point is marked as "occupied"
     * @param rGridPoint
    inline void SmearPoint(const Vector2<kt_int32s> &rGridPoint)
        assert(m_pKernel != NULL);

        int gridIndex = GridIndex(rGridPoint);
        if (GetDataPointer()[gridIndex] != GridStates_Occupied)

        kt_int32s halfKernel = m_KernelSize / 2;

        // apply kernel
        for (kt_int32s j = -halfKernel; j <= halfKernel; j++)
            kt_int8u *pGridAdr = GetDataPointer(Vector2<kt_int32s>(rGridPoint.GetX(), rGridPoint.GetY() + j));

            kt_int32s kernelConstant = (halfKernel) + m_KernelSize * (j + halfKernel);

            // if a point is on the edge of the grid, there is no problem
            // with running over the edge of allowable memory, because
            // the grid has margins to compensate for the kernel size
            for (kt_int32s i = -halfKernel; i <= halfKernel; i++)
                kt_int32s kernelArrayIndex = i + kernelConstant;

                kt_int8u kernelValue = m_pKernel[kernelArrayIndex];
                if (kernelValue > pGridAdr[i])
                    // kernel value is greater, so set it to kernel value
                    pGridAdr[i] = kernelValue;

2.2 多分辨率概率查询表


  • 高分辨率m,按照某个分辨率(如:0.01)把世界栅格化;
  • 低分辨率栅格m,将分辨率高低(比如一倍,0.005),构建新的栅格地图。

  可以看到, m(红色)中的1个栅格覆盖了 m(黑色)中的4个栅格, 我们把4个黑色栅格概率值的最大值赋给对应的红色栅格!。

  搜索空间定义:我们记 xi 在 m中的搜索空间为 W,在m中同等物理尺度的搜索空间为 W 。 W 与 W的物理空间大小是一样的,但元素的数量却不一样!举个栗子,我们设定搜索空间的物理大小为预估位姿附近〔旋转 ±10 度、横向 ±1米、纵向 ±1 米〕的空间,这里只考虑平移。假定m的分辨率是10cm,则 W中元素的个数是 100个; W 的分辨率是20cm,则 W 中元素的个数是25个。

图4 高/低分辨率查询表(黑色/红色)及关系

在这里插入图片描述  加速搜索做法:

在这里插入图片描述加速的思想很简单:低分辨率栅格的得分是对应所有高分辨率栅格得分的上界,如果某个低分辨率栅格的得分低于 Hbest,则其对应的所有高分辨率栅格的得分必然也不会高于 Hbest,我们索性不再考虑这部分高分辨率栅格,这个过程,也叫做「剪枝」!我们正是通过剪掉不必考虑的分支,来实现加速的。

最外层遍历每一个角度,对各个角度下的平移空间进行「分支定界」加速搜索,获得最高得分;再对比各个角度的最高得分,获得整个搜索空间内的全局最高得分,该得分对应的那个位姿就是我们对 [公式] 的最准确估计(i.e., 全局最优解)



   * Match given scan against set of scans
   * @param pScan scan being scan-matched
   * @param rBaseScans set of scans whose points will mark cells in grid as being occupied
   * @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match
   * @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match
   * @param doPenalize whether to penalize matches further from the search center
   * @param doRefineMatch whether to do finer-grained matching if coarse match is good (default is true)
   * @return strength of response
kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan,							//当前帧的scan数据
                                 const LocalizedRangeScanVector &rBaseScans,		//已经接收的scan的数组 map
                                 Pose2 &rMean,
                                 Matrix3 &rCovariance,
                                 kt_bool doPenalize,
                                 kt_bool doRefineMatch)
    // ...省略
    // compute how far to search in each direction
	// m_pSearchSpaceProbs 是一个 31 * 31 大小的栅格地图,0. 01,XY=0.15
    Vector2<kt_double> searchDimensions(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetWidth(), m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetHeight());
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchOffset(0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetX() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),
                                          0.5 * (searchDimensions.GetY() - 1) * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());

    // a coarse search only checks half the cells in each dimension
    Vector2<kt_double> coarseSearchResolution(2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(),				//0.02
                                              2 * m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());				//0.02

    // actual scan-matching scan to map的过程
    kt_double bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, scanPose, coarseSearchOffset, coarseSearchResolution,		//0.02
                                           m_pMapper->m_pCoarseSearchAngleOffset->GetValue(),		//0.349 
                                           m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),			//0.0349 
                                           doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, false);

          // ...省略
    if (doRefineMatch)
        Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchOffset(coarseSearchResolution * 0.5);
        Vector2<kt_double> fineSearchResolution(m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution(), m_pCorrelationGrid->GetResolution());
        bestResponse = CorrelateScan(pScan, rMean, fineSearchOffset, fineSearchResolution,
                                     0.5 * m_pMapper->m_pCoarseAngleResolution->GetValue(),
                                     doPenalize, rMean, rCovariance, true);

    std::cout << "  BEST POSE = " << rMean << " BEST RESPONSE = " << bestResponse << ",  VARIANCE = "
              << rCovariance(0, 0) << ", " << rCovariance(1, 1) << std::endl;
    assert(math::InRange(rMean.GetHeading(), -KT_PI, KT_PI));

    return bestResponse;

2) CorrelateScan 扫描匹配的实际处理函数


  • 制作角度查找表 ;
  • 根据搜索空间和搜索分辨率求得搜索空间的个数,分别为x y angle 的个数;
  • 遍历搜索空间,求得所有搜索项的响应值
  • 在 所有搜索项的响应值 中寻找最大的响应值
  • 最大的响应值(同为最大)对应的位姿可能有很多种,求得 x y angle 的平均值
  • 保存最优位姿及其响应值 ;
   * Finds the best pose for the scan centering the search in the correlation grid
   * at the given pose and search in the space by the vector and angular offsets
   * in increments of the given resolutions
   * @param rScan scan to match against correlation grid
   * @param rSearchCenter the center of the search space
   * @param rSearchSpaceOffset searches poses in the area offset by this vector around search center
   * @param rSearchSpaceResolution how fine a granularity to search in the search space
   * @param searchAngleOffset searches poses in the angles offset by this angle around search center
   * @param searchAngleResolution how fine a granularity to search in the angular search space
   * @param doPenalize whether to penalize matches further from the search center
   * @param rMean output parameter of mean (best pose) of match
   * @param rCovariance output parameter of covariance of match
   * @param doingFineMatch whether to do a finer search after coarse search
   * @return strength of response
kt_double ScanMatcher::CorrelateScan(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan,
                                     const Pose2 &rSearchCenter,								//机器人位置
                                     const Vector2<kt_double> &rSearchSpaceOffset,				//0.15m
                                     const Vector2<kt_double> &rSearchSpaceResolution,			//0.01m
                                     kt_double searchAngleOffset,								//0.349
                                     kt_double searchAngleResolution,							//0.0349
                                     kt_bool doPenalize,
                                     Pose2 &rMean, Matrix3 &rCovariance,
                                     kt_bool doingFineMatch)									//false
    assert(searchAngleResolution != 0.0);

    // 1. 制作角度查找表  
    // setup lookup arrays	coarse_search_angle_offset: 0.349    coarse_angle_resolution: 0.0349
    m_pGridLookup->ComputeOffsets(pScan, rSearchCenter.GetHeading(), searchAngleOffset, searchAngleResolution);

    // only initialize probability grid if computing positional covariance (during coarse match)
    if (!doingFineMatch)

        // position search grid - finds lower left corner of search grid
        Vector2<kt_double> offset(rSearchCenter.GetPosition() - rSearchSpaceOffset);

    // 2. 求得搜索空间的个数,分别为x y angle 的个数
	//以下计算出需要的各种x,y,angle用于三重循环 ,在这里x有16个值,y有16个值,angle有21个值
    std::vector<kt_double> xPoses;
    kt_int32u nX = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX() *			//0.15
                                                      2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX()) +	//0.02
    kt_double startX = -rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX();					//0.15
    for (kt_int32u xIndex = 0; xIndex < nX; xIndex++)
        xPoses.push_back(startX + xIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX());
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(xPoses.back(), -startX));

    std::vector<kt_double> yPoses;
    kt_int32u nY = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY() *
                                                      2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY()) +
    kt_double startY = -rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY();
    for (kt_int32u yIndex = 0; yIndex < nY; yIndex++)
        yPoses.push_back(startY + yIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY());
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(yPoses.back(), -startY));

    // calculate pose response array size					0.349  * 2.0   / 0.0349 + 1
    kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(searchAngleOffset * 2.0 / searchAngleResolution) + 1);
	//													16					16			21
    kt_int32u poseResponseSize = static_cast<kt_int32u>(xPoses.size() * yPoses.size() * nAngles);

    // allocate array
    std::pair<kt_double, Pose2> *pPoseResponse = new std::pair<kt_double, Pose2>[poseResponseSize];

    Vector2<kt_int32s> startGridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(rSearchCenter.GetX() + startX, rSearchCenter.GetY() + startY));

    // 3. 遍历搜索空间,求得所有搜索项的响应值			16 * 16 * 21
    kt_int32u poseResponseCounter = 0;
    forEachAs(std::vector<kt_double>, &yPoses, yIter)
        kt_double y = *yIter;
        kt_double newPositionY = rSearchCenter.GetY() + y;
        kt_double squareY = math::Square(y);

        forEachAs(std::vector<kt_double>, &xPoses, xIter)
            kt_double x = *xIter;
            kt_double newPositionX = rSearchCenter.GetX() + x;
            kt_double squareX = math::Square(x);

            Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(newPositionX, newPositionY));
            kt_int32s gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);
            assert(gridIndex >= 0);

            kt_double angle = 0.0;
            kt_double startAngle = rSearchCenter.GetHeading() - searchAngleOffset;
            for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
                angle = startAngle + angleIndex * searchAngleResolution;
                // 由 angleIndex 和 gridIndex得出response   
                // 将旋转平移之后的这一帧数据和上一帧的数据进行匹配得分
                kt_double response = GetResponse(angleIndex, gridIndex);
                if (doPenalize && (math::DoubleEqual(response, 0.0) == false))
                    // simple model (approximate Gaussian) to take odometry into account

                    kt_double squaredDistance = squareX + squareY;
                    kt_double distancePenalty = 1.0 - (DISTANCE_PENALTY_GAIN *
                                                       squaredDistance / m_pMapper->m_pDistanceVariancePenalty->GetValue());
                    distancePenalty = math::Maximum(distancePenalty, m_pMapper->m_pMinimumDistancePenalty->GetValue());

                    kt_double squaredAngleDistance = math::Square(angle - rSearchCenter.GetHeading());
                    kt_double anglePenalty = 1.0 - (ANGLE_PENALTY_GAIN *
                                                    squaredAngleDistance / m_pMapper->m_pAngleVariancePenalty->GetValue());
                    anglePenalty = math::Maximum(anglePenalty, m_pMapper->m_pMinimumAnglePenalty->GetValue());

                    response *= (distancePenalty * anglePenalty);

                // store response and pose
                pPoseResponse[poseResponseCounter] = std::pair<kt_double, Pose2>(response, Pose2(newPositionX, newPositionY,

            assert(math::DoubleEqual(angle, rSearchCenter.GetHeading() + searchAngleOffset));

    assert(poseResponseSize == poseResponseCounter);

    // 4. 在 所有搜索项的响应值 中寻找最大的响应值
    // find value of best response (in [0; 1])
    kt_double bestResponse = -1;
    for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < poseResponseSize; i++)
        bestResponse = math::Maximum(bestResponse, pPoseResponse[i].first);

        // will compute positional covariance, save best relative probability for each cell
        if (!doingFineMatch)
            const Pose2 &rPose = pPoseResponse[i].second;
            Vector2<kt_int32s> grid = m_pSearchSpaceProbs->WorldToGrid(rPose.GetPosition());

            // Changed (kt_double*) to the reinterpret_cast - Luc
            kt_double *ptr = reinterpret_cast<kt_double *>(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetDataPointer(grid));
            if (ptr == NULL)
                throw std::runtime_error("Mapper FATAL ERROR - Index out of range in probability search!");

            *ptr = math::Maximum(pPoseResponse[i].first, *ptr);

    // 5. 最大的响应值(同为最大)对应的位姿可能有很多种,求得 x y angle 的平均值 

    // average all poses with same highest response
    Vector2<kt_double> averagePosition;
    kt_double thetaX = 0.0;
    kt_double thetaY = 0.0;
    kt_int32s averagePoseCount = 0;
    for (kt_int32u i = 0; i < poseResponseSize; i++)					//16 * 16 * 21
        if (math::DoubleEqual(pPoseResponse[i].first, bestResponse))
            averagePosition += pPoseResponse[i].second.GetPosition();

            kt_double heading = pPoseResponse[i].second.GetHeading();
            thetaX += cos(heading);
            thetaY += sin(heading);


    Pose2 averagePose;
    if (averagePoseCount > 0)
        averagePosition /= averagePoseCount;

        thetaX /= averagePoseCount;
        thetaY /= averagePoseCount;

        averagePose = Pose2(averagePosition, atan2(thetaY, thetaX));
        throw std::runtime_error("Mapper FATAL ERROR - Unable to find best position");

    // delete pose response array
    delete[] pPoseResponse;

    std::cout << "bestPose: " << averagePose << std::endl;
    std::cout << "bestResponse: " << bestResponse << std::endl;

    if (!doingFineMatch)
        ComputePositionalCovariance(averagePose, bestResponse, rSearchCenter, rSearchSpaceOffset,
                                    rSearchSpaceResolution, searchAngleResolution, rCovariance);
        ComputeAngularCovariance(averagePose, bestResponse, rSearchCenter,
                                 searchAngleOffset, searchAngleResolution, rCovariance);
// 6.保存最优位姿及其响应值 ; 
    rMean = averagePose;

    std::cout << "bestPose: " << averagePose << std::endl;

    if (bestResponse > 1.0)
        bestResponse = 1.0;

    assert(math::InRange(bestResponse, 0.0, 1.0));
    assert(math::InRange(rMean.GetHeading(), -KT_PI, KT_PI));

    return bestResponse;
(1)ComputeOffsets 生成角度查找表

  将当前scan按照不同角度进行旋转,每个旋转角度对应一个角度查找表。一个角度查找表中存储的是当前scan的每一个数据点 经过旋转后对应着栅格地图中格子的索引值,一个角度查找表存储了当前scan经过旋转后的索引值,这里并不是真正的将scan进行旋转了,只是记录下旋转后的对应的格子的索引,用于求取响应值。

/** coarse_search_angle_offset: 0.349    coarse_angle_resolution: 0.0349
     * Compute lookup table of the points of the given scan for the given angular space
     * @param pScan the scan
     * @param angleCenter
     * @param angleOffset computes lookup arrays for the angles within this offset around angleStart
     * @param angleResolution how fine a granularity to compute lookup arrays in the angular space
    void ComputeOffsets(LocalizedRangeScan *pScan,
                        kt_double angleCenter,
                        kt_double angleOffset,										//0.349 
                        kt_double angleResolution)									//0.0349 
        assert(angleOffset != 0.0);
        assert(angleResolution != 0.0);

		//nAngles 为21
        kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(angleOffset * 2.0 / angleResolution) + 1);

        // convert points into local coordinates of scan pose
        const PointVectorDouble &rPointReadings = pScan->GetPointReadings();

        // compute transform to scan pose
        Transform transform(pScan->GetSensorPose());

        Pose2Vector localPoints;				localPoints的所有数据的角度是 0.0
        const_forEach(PointVectorDouble, &rPointReadings)
            // do inverse transform to get points in local coordinates	进行逆变换以获取局部坐标中的点
            Pose2 vec = transform.InverseTransformPose(Pose2(*iter, 0.0));

        // create lookup array for different angles
        kt_double angle = 0.0;
        kt_double startAngle = angleCenter - angleOffset;		
        for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
            angle = startAngle + angleIndex * angleResolution;		
            ComputeOffsets(angleIndex, angle, localPoints, pScan);
        // assert(math::DoubleEqual(angle, angleCenter + angleOffset));
     * Compute lookup value of points for given angle
     * @param angleIndex
     * @param angle
     * @param rLocalPoints
    void ComputeOffsets(kt_int32u angleIndex, kt_double angle, const Pose2Vector &rLocalPoints, LocalizedRangeScan *pScan)
		//m_ppLookupArray 是个2维指针,存储不同角度下的雷达数据
        m_Angles.at(angleIndex) = angle;			// m_Angles 一维数组,只保存当前scan的角度

        // set up point array by computing relative offsets to points readings
        // when rotated by given angle

        const Vector2<kt_double> &rGridOffset = m_pGrid->GetCoordinateConverter()->GetOffset();

        kt_double cosine = cos(angle);
        kt_double sine = sin(angle);

        kt_int32u readingIndex = 0;

		// 第i个角度的所有扫描数据的指针,每一个扫描数据又是一个uint数组,
		// 这个uint数组的大小是LookupArray的m_Capacity, m_Capacity 的大小是rLocalPoints.size()
        kt_int32s *pAngleIndexPointer = m_ppLookupArray[angleIndex]->GetArrayPointer();

        kt_double maxRange = pScan->GetLaserRangeFinder()->GetMaximumRange();

        const_forEach(Pose2Vector, &rLocalPoints)
            const Vector2<kt_double> &rPosition = iter->GetPosition();

            if (std::isnan(pScan->GetRangeReadings()[readingIndex]) || std::isinf(pScan->GetRangeReadings()[readingIndex]))
                pAngleIndexPointer[readingIndex] = INVALID_SCAN;

            // counterclockwise rotation and that rotation is about the origin (0, 0).
			// 将rPosition相对于当前帧的sensor这个点(比如在tutorial1中第一次来这里时是1,1)逆时针旋转angle度,得到offset
            Vector2<kt_double> offset;
            offset.SetX(cosine * rPosition.GetX() - sine * rPosition.GetY());
            offset.SetY(sine * rPosition.GetX() + cosine * rPosition.GetY());

            // have to compensate for the grid offset when getting the grid index
			// rPosition 旋转后的坐标,加上 地图中心 与原点间的偏差?地图就是 pCorrelationGrid
            Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pGrid->WorldToGrid(offset + rGridOffset);

            // use base GridIndex to ignore ROI
			// lookupIndex 就是 雷达点经过旋转之后在地图中的索引值
            kt_int32s lookupIndex = m_pGrid->Grid<T>::GridIndex(gridPoint, false);

			// 所以一个角度值 angleIndex 对应的 查找表里 存储的是 一帧雷达数据 经过旋转后在地图中的索引值,
			// 也就是 只算出了scan旋转后的坐标值,并没有进行实际的雷达数据旋转
            pAngleIndexPointer[readingIndex] = lookupIndex;

        assert(readingIndex == rLocalPoints.size());
i.void ScanMatcher::ComputePositionalCovariance() 位置协方差计算


   * Computes the positional covariance of the best pose
   * @param rBestPose
   * @param bestResponse
   * @param rSearchCenter
   * @param rSearchSpaceOffset
   * @param rSearchSpaceResolution
   * @param searchAngleResolution
   * @param rCovariance
void ScanMatcher::ComputePositionalCovariance(const Pose2 &rBestPose, kt_double bestResponse,
                                              const Pose2 &rSearchCenter,
                                              const Vector2<kt_double> &rSearchSpaceOffset,
                                              const Vector2<kt_double> &rSearchSpaceResolution,
                                              kt_double searchAngleResolution, Matrix3 &rCovariance)
    // reset covariance to identity matrix

    // if best response is vary small return max variance
    if (bestResponse < KT_TOLERANCE)
        rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;                            // XX
        rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;                            // YY
        rCovariance(2, 2) = 4 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution); // TH*TH


    kt_double accumulatedVarianceXX = 0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceXY = 0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceYY = 0;
    kt_double norm = 0;

    kt_double dx = rBestPose.GetX() - rSearchCenter.GetX();
    kt_double dy = rBestPose.GetY() - rSearchCenter.GetY();

    kt_double offsetX = rSearchSpaceOffset.GetX();
    kt_double offsetY = rSearchSpaceOffset.GetY();

    kt_int32u nX = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(offsetX * 2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX()) + 1);
    kt_double startX = -offsetX;
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(startX + (nX - 1) * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX(), -startX));

    kt_int32u nY = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(offsetY * 2.0 / rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY()) + 1);
    kt_double startY = -offsetY;
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(startY + (nY - 1) * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY(), -startY));

    for (kt_int32u yIndex = 0; yIndex < nY; yIndex++)
        kt_double y = startY + yIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY();

        for (kt_int32u xIndex = 0; xIndex < nX; xIndex++)
            kt_double x = startX + xIndex * rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX();

            Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pSearchSpaceProbs->WorldToGrid(Vector2<kt_double>(rSearchCenter.GetX() + x,
                                                                                               rSearchCenter.GetY() + y));
            kt_double response = *(m_pSearchSpaceProbs->GetDataPointer(gridPoint));

            // response is not a low response
            if (response >= (bestResponse - 0.1))
                norm += response;
                accumulatedVarianceXX += (math::Square(x - dx) * response);
                accumulatedVarianceXY += ((x - dx) * (y - dy) * response);
                accumulatedVarianceYY += (math::Square(y - dy) * response);

    if (norm > KT_TOLERANCE)
        kt_double varianceXX = accumulatedVarianceXX / norm;
        kt_double varianceXY = accumulatedVarianceXY / norm;
        kt_double varianceYY = accumulatedVarianceYY / norm;
        kt_double varianceTHTH = 4 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

        // lower-bound variances so that they are not too small;
        // ensures that links are not too tight
        kt_double minVarianceXX = 0.1 * math::Square(rSearchSpaceResolution.GetX());
        kt_double minVarianceYY = 0.1 * math::Square(rSearchSpaceResolution.GetY());
        varianceXX = math::Maximum(varianceXX, minVarianceXX);
        varianceYY = math::Maximum(varianceYY, minVarianceYY);

        // increase variance for poorer responses
        kt_double multiplier = 1.0 / bestResponse;
        rCovariance(0, 0) = varianceXX * multiplier;
        rCovariance(0, 1) = varianceXY * multiplier;
        rCovariance(1, 0) = varianceXY * multiplier;
        rCovariance(1, 1) = varianceYY * multiplier;
        rCovariance(2, 2) = varianceTHTH; // this value will be set in ComputeAngularCovariance

    // if values are 0, set to MAX_VARIANCE
    // values might be 0 if points are too sparse and thus don't hit other points
    if (math::DoubleEqual(rCovariance(0, 0), 0.0))
        rCovariance(0, 0) = MAX_VARIANCE;

    if (math::DoubleEqual(rCovariance(1, 1), 0.0))
        rCovariance(1, 1) = MAX_VARIANCE;
ii.void ScanMatcher::ComputeAngularCovariance() 角度协方差计算
   * Computes the angular covariance of the best pose
   * @param rBestPose
   * @param bestResponse
   * @param rSearchCenter
   * @param rSearchAngleOffset
   * @param searchAngleResolution
   * @param rCovariance
void ScanMatcher::ComputeAngularCovariance(const Pose2 &rBestPose,
                                           kt_double bestResponse,
                                           const Pose2 &rSearchCenter,
                                           kt_double searchAngleOffset,
                                           kt_double searchAngleResolution,
                                           Matrix3 &rCovariance)
    // NOTE: do not reset covariance matrix

    // normalize angle difference
    kt_double bestAngle = math::NormalizeAngleDifference(rBestPose.GetHeading(), rSearchCenter.GetHeading());

    Vector2<kt_int32s> gridPoint = m_pCorrelationGrid->WorldToGrid(rBestPose.GetPosition());
    kt_int32s gridIndex = m_pCorrelationGrid->GridIndex(gridPoint);

    kt_int32u nAngles = static_cast<kt_int32u>(math::Round(searchAngleOffset * 2 / searchAngleResolution) + 1);

    kt_double angle = 0.0;
    kt_double startAngle = rSearchCenter.GetHeading() - searchAngleOffset;

    kt_double norm = 0.0;
    kt_double accumulatedVarianceThTh = 0.0;
    for (kt_int32u angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < nAngles; angleIndex++)
        angle = startAngle + angleIndex * searchAngleResolution;
        kt_double response = GetResponse(angleIndex, gridIndex);

        // response is not a low response
        if (response >= (bestResponse - 0.1))
            norm += response;
            accumulatedVarianceThTh += (math::Square(angle - bestAngle) * response);
    assert(math::DoubleEqual(angle, rSearchCenter.GetHeading() + searchAngleOffset));

    if (norm > KT_TOLERANCE)
        if (accumulatedVarianceThTh < KT_TOLERANCE)
            accumulatedVarianceThTh = math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

        accumulatedVarianceThTh /= norm;
        accumulatedVarianceThTh = 1000 * math::Square(searchAngleResolution);

    rCovariance(2, 2) = accumulatedVarianceThTh;
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Cartographer主要理论是通过闭环检测来消除构图过程中产生的累积误差[1]。用于闭环检测的基本单元是submap。一个submap是由一定数量的laser scan构成。将一个laser scan插入其对应的submap时,会基于submap已有的laser scan及其它传感器数据估计其在该submap中的最佳位置。submap的创建在短时间内的误差累积被认为是足够小的。然而随着时间推移,越来越多的submap被创建后,submap间的误差累积则会越来越大。因此需要通过闭环检测适当的优化这些submap的位姿进而消除这些累积误差,这就将问题转化成一个位姿优化问题。当一个submap的构建完成时,也就是不会再有新的laser scan插入到该submap时,该submap就会加入到闭环检测中。闭环检测会考虑所有的已完成创建的submap。当一个新的laser scan加入到地图中时,如果该laser scan的估计位姿与地图中某个submap的某个laser scan的位姿比较接近的话,那么通过某种 scan match策略就会找到该闭环。Cartographer中的scan match策略通过在新加入地图的laser scan的估计位姿附近取一个窗口,进而在该窗口内寻找该laser scan的一个可能的匹配,如果找到了一个足够好的匹配,则会将该匹配的闭环约束加入到位姿优化问题中。Cartographer的重点内容就是融合多传感器数据的局部submap创建以及用于闭环检测的scan match策略的实现。
评论 2




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