unity lts
Unity 2019.1, 2019.2, and 2019.3 have brought lots of improvements in rendering, Editor UI, node-based authoring tools, and more. Today, we’re releasing Unity 2019 LTS, which includes all of these features, as well as additional fixes for maximum stability.
Unity 2019.1、2019.2和2019.3在渲染,编辑器UI,基于节点的创作工具等方面进行了许多改进。 今天,我们将发布Unity 2019 LTS ,其中包括所有这些功能以及最大稳定性的其他修复程序。
As part of our commitment to improving the development process for users, Unity is now shifting to offering LTS as the default version of the platform, and we have committed to doing fewer releases per year. You have been incredible in helping us understand your needs and we’re grateful for your feedback. In response to this we have improved, and will continue to improve, workflows and modernize Unity to be more flexible, focusing on delivering stability and interoperability of features.
作为我们致力于改善用户开发过程的承诺的一部分,Unity现在正在转变为提供LTS作为平台的默认版本,并且我们承诺每年减少发行量。 您在帮助我们了解您的需求方面发挥了不可思议的作用,我们感谢您的反馈。 响应于此,我们改进了并将继续改进工作流程,并使Unity更加现代化,从而更加 灵活,专注于提供功能的稳定性和互操作性。
Beginning today with the release of 2019 LTS, the LTS versions of Unity will become the default available for download from the Unity Hub. Moving forward, Unity will issue up to two TECH stream releases per year followed by the annual LTS release. The TECH Stream is for creators who demand to be on the cutting edge as technologies and workflows are evolving, while LTS is suggested for creators aiming to ship their projects in the near future, or for those who have everything they need in 2019 LTS. This shift in release philosophy will ensure that you are installing the most stable version for projects in production.
从2019年LTS的发布开始 ,Unity的LTS版本将成为可从Unity Hub下载的默认版本。 展望未来,Unity每年将发行最多两个TECH流,随后是年度LTS。 TECH Stream适用于需要随着技术和工作流程的发展而处于最前沿的创作者,而LTS则建议旨在在不久的将来发布其项目的创作者,或那些在2019 LTS中拥有所需功能的创作者。 发布理念的这种转变将确保您为生产中的项目安装最稳定的版本。
2019 LTS中有什么? (What’s in the 2019 LTS?)
The new Long-Term Support (LTS) version of Unity contains everything from the previous three TECH stream releases with all the fixes and improvements we added to Unity 2019.3.0 since it was released. Similar to our previous LTS releases the focus for 2019 LTS isn’t new features, API changes or enhancements, but defect rectification and usability upgrades aimed at improving the stability of the product. In short, it’s a continuation of the 2019 TECH stream without new features which is why we also call it Unity 2019.4.0.
新的Unity长期支持(LTS)版本包含前三个TECH流版本的所有内容,以及 自 发布 以来 我们添加到 Unity 2019.3.0中的 所有修复和改进 。 与我们之前的LTS版本类似,2019年LTS的重点不是新功能,API更改或增强,而是旨在改善产品稳定性的缺陷纠正和可用性升级。 简而言之,这是2019 TECH流的延续,没有新功能,这就是为什么我们也将其称为Unity 2019.4.0。
不同版本如何影响您 (How the different versions impact you )
If your project is shipping soon you’ll want to lock in on 2019 LTS to ensure maximum stability. If you are in the pre-production phase the Unity 2020.1 TECH stream release is recommended as a great fit for those who want to explore bleeding-edge technologies and will be coming out of beta in a few weeks.
如果您的项目即将交付,则需要锁定2019 LTS以确保最大的稳定性。 如果您正处于预生产阶段,则建议将Unity 2020.1 TECH流发行版非常适合那些想要探索尖端技术的人,并将 在几周内发布 Beta版 。
For users currently building on 2017 LTS we also highly recommend upgrading to the new 2019 LTS, keeping in mind that the two-year support stream for this version ended in April 2020. You’ll find more info and links to the upgrade guides in our blog post from April.
对于当前基于2017 LTS的用户,我们也强烈建议升级到新的2019 LTS,同时要记住此版本的两年支持流已于2020年4月结束。您将在 我们的网站中 找到更多信息和升级指南的链接。 四月的博客文章 。
If you are coming from Unity 2018.4 LTS you’ve already heard about tools like the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), the Visual Effect Graph, the Shader Graph, Nested Prefabs, Addressables and new 2D tools. All of these tools are now verified for the 2019 LTS release and are recommended for use in productions.
如果您来自 Unity 2018.4 LTS, 您已经听说过诸如 可脚本渲染管道(SRP) , 视觉效果图 , 着色器图 , 嵌套预制件 ,可寻址对象和新 2D工具之类的工具 。 所有这些工具现在都已针对2019 LTS版本进行了验证,建议在生产中使用。
For those adopting 2019 LTS you will benefit from all the features released in Unity 2019.1, 2019.2 and 2019.3. Here is a quick overview of some of those features:
对于那些采用2019 LTS你将受益于所有发布的功能 统一2019.1 , 2019.2 和 2019.3 。 以下是其中一些功能的快速概述:
编辑和团队工作流程 (Editor and team workflows)
The Editor UI got a major overhaul in 2019 with a look and feel with new icons, a new font, visual feedback, and much more to improve usability, legibility and performance, as well as to support high-DPI display resolutions. The 2019 LTS also has a number of new features to make your daily life easier and more efficient such as Quick Search, a Shortcut Manager and Presets which allow you to customize your editor experience to your specific workflow needs.
该 编辑器UI 在2019年得到了重大改革与外观 的新图标,新的字体,视觉反馈,以及更多以提高可用性,易读性和性能,以及支持高DPI显示分辨率。 2019年LTS也有一些新的功能,使您的生活更轻松,更高效,如 快速搜索 ,一个 快捷方式管理 和 预设 ,让你可以定制你的编辑经验,您的特定的工作流程需求。
Other upgrades to workflows include the new Asset Import Pipeline v2 which in combination with the Accelerator saves you time with faster platform switching and lays the foundation for faster imports as we continue to optimize how large projects are supported in Unity. The Addressable Asset System also provides an easy way to load assets by “name” while automatically handling asset management overhead by simplifying content pack creation and deployment. Additionally, UIElements helps you make Editor tools with reusable styling, create complex layouts with ease and achieve better performance.
工作流程的其他升级包括新的 Asset Import Pipeline v2 ,与 Accelerator 结合使用,可 通过更快的平台切换为您节省时间,并为加快导入奠定了基础,因为我们将继续优化Unity中支持的大型项目。 该 寻址资产系统 也被“名”提供了一个简单的方法来负载资产,同时通过简化内容包的创建和部署自动处理资产管理开销。 此外, UIElements 可以帮助您使编辑器工具具有可重复使用的样式,轻松创建复杂的布局并获得更好的性能。
改善了程序员的工具和工作流程 (Improved tooling and workflows for programmers)
You will experience significantly reduced waiting times when testing your scenes by configuring the Domain and Scene Reload actions. You will also see fewer performance stutters caused by garbage collection with the new Incremental Garbage Collector. IDE support and development have moved to packages, and we upgraded from a 3.5 to a .NET 4.x Scripting Runtime. Additionally, 2019 LTS offers a physics upgrade to PhysX 4.1 giving higher quality simulation and improved performance and several Profiling improvements to help identify potential performance gains and much more.
通过 配置“域”和“场景重载” 操作, 在测试场景时将大大减少等待时间 。 您还将看到新的 Incremental Garbage Collector 减少了由垃圾收集引起的性能停顿 。 IDE支持和开发已移至软件包 ,并且我们从 3.5 升级 到了.NET 4.x脚本运行时 。 此外,2019 LTS对 PhysX 4.1 进行 了物理升级,可 提供更高质量的仿真和更高的性能,并进行了一些性能上的 改进, 以帮助确定潜在的性能提升 以及更多其他方面。
改善艺术家和一流的视觉效果 (Improvements for artists and best-in-class visuals)
Shader Graph is now our production-ready solution for building shaders visually. Visual Effect Graph empowers you to create beautiful VFX in real-time without coding and is now compatible with Shader Graph. Unity 2019 LTS also helps artists achieve more straight in the Unity editor with new and improved terrain tools and ProBuilder, our unique hybrid of 3D modeling and level design tools.
现在, Shader Graph 是我们的可生产的解决方案,用于可视化地构建着色器。 视觉效果图 使您无需编码即可实时创建精美的VFX,并且现在与Shader Graph兼容。 Unity 2019 LTS还通过新的和改进的 地形工具 和 ProBuilder (我们独特的3D建模和关卡设计工具的混合) 帮助艺术家在Unity编辑器中更直接地实现目标 。
Unity’s Scriptable Render Pipeline allows you to control and customize graphics rendering via C# scripts with both Universal Render Pipeline and High Definition Render Pipeline verified with Unity 2019 LTS. Also our suite of 2D tools from 2D Animation along with worldbuilding tools such as 2D Sprite Shape and 2D Tilemap Editor gives you everything you need to create 2D games.
使用Unity的可脚本化渲染管道,您可以通过C#脚本控制和自定义图形渲染,同时使用 通用渲染管道 和 经Unity 2019 LTS验证的 高清渲染管道 。 另外我们的一套 2D工具 从 2D动画 与worldbuilding一些工具,例如 2D雪碧形状 和 2D tilemap的编辑器 给你你需要创建2D游戏的一切。
延伸触角 (Extending reach )
Unity 2019 LTS will allow you to reach broad audiences with best-in-class visuals and performance on Unity’s growing number of supported platforms. With AR Foundation you can build robust AR experiences with core features from ARKit, ARCore, Magic Leap and HoloLens, as well as unique Unity features, then deploy across multiple mobile and wearable AR devices. Updates to tools for mobile app development include the Device Simulator (Preview) which allows you to simulate what your content will look like, as well as preview the behaviors and physical characteristics of your app on a broad range of devices. With Unity as a Library you can also insert features powered by Unity directly into your native mobile applications.
通过Unity 2019 LTS,您可以在Unity越来越多的受支持平台上以一流的视觉效果和性能吸引广泛的受众。 借助 AR Foundation, 您可以利用ARKit,ARCore,Magic Leap和HoloLens的核心功能以及独特的Unity功能构建强大的AR体验,然后在多个移动和可穿戴式AR设备中进行部署。 更新 工具为移动 应用开发包括 设备模拟器(预览版) ,它允许你模拟内容将是什么样子,以及预览您的应用程序的行为和物理特性上的各种设备。 使用 Unity作为库, 您还可以将Unity支持的功能直接插入本地移动应用程序中。
With improvements to the new Input System you can now integrate device controls in your projects and take advantage of a new workflow designed around Input Actions. This comes with an extendable, customizable interface that allows for separating controls binding from the code logic.
通过对新 输入系统的 改进, 您现在可以将设备控件集成到项目中,并利用围绕输入操作设计的新工作流程。 它带有一个可扩展的,可定制的接口,该接口允许将控件绑定与代码逻辑分开。
Starting today, you can download Unity 2019 LTS from the Unity Hub or from the Unity LTS download archive. To learn more check out some of the highlights in the video below and learn more on our 2019 LTS page.
从今天开始,您可以从Unity Hub或 Unity LTS下载档案中 下载Unity 2019 LTS 。 要了解更多信息,请查看下面视频中的一些亮点,并在我们的 2019 LTS页面 上了解更多信息 。
Unity 2020发布计划 (Unity 2020 release plans)
We are reducing the number of TECH stream releases from three to two per year in order to enable more stable use of the platform. More and more features are being distributed as packages and are being continuously updated and the longer release cycle provides the extended stabilization phase needed to validate and improve the stability and quality of our tools in between releases. As a result you will have fewer major releases to upgrade between updates.
我们将每年TECH流发布的数量从三个减少到两个,以便能够更稳定地使用该平台。 越来越多的功能作为软件包进行分发,并且会不断更新,更长的发布周期提供了扩展的稳定阶段,以验证和改进两次发布之间工具的稳定性和质量。 结果,您将有较少的主要版本在更新之间进行升级。
In a few weeks we’re also shipping the first TECH stream release of this year – Unity 2020.1, which will bring even more usability improvements and stabilized workflows to features introduced in previous releases. These improvements are part of our renewed focus and investment in better workflows, stability, quality and interoperability for all of Unity’s features in upcoming releases. If you’re eager to learn and try out what the latest features offer, check out our beta blog post.
再过几周,我们还将交付今年的第一个TECH流版本-Unity 2020.1,它将为以前版本中引入的功能带来更多的可用性改进和稳定的工作流程。 这些改进是我们重新关注和投资的一部分,这些投资用于改进即将发布的版本中所有Unity功能的工作流程,稳定性,质量和互操作性。 如果您想学习并尝试最新功能,请查看我们的 beta博客文章 。
让我们知道您的想法! (Let us know what you think!)
You can provide feedback on the new features and updates in our forums. As always you can also find the complete list of updates in our release notes.
您可以在我们的 论坛中 提供有关新功能和更新的反馈 。 与往常一样,您还可以在我们的发行说明中找到更新的完整列表。
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/06/09/unity-2019-lts-is-now-available/
unity lts