宣布Unity 2D挑战赛获奖者

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our 2D Challenge! We received 212 awesome submissions that underlined the creativity, passion, and excitement among game developers across our 2D community and around the world.

感谢所有为我们的2D挑战做出贡献的人! 我们收到了 212篇 很棒的论文,突显了我们2D社区以及世界各地的游戏开发人员的创造力,激情和兴奋。

You produced some great art while helping optimize the new 2D tools we’re building for your future projects, and using the tools in real development scenarios is the best way to make sure they’ll work the way you need them to.  


2D always presents unique challenges and opportunities — and your entries hit an incredibly high bar, making clever use of many Unity 2D tools (see below for a list) in a very short time frame. Before you see the winners, take a look at these samples from some of the great submissions!

2D总是带来独特的挑战和机遇-您的 参赛作品的门槛很高,在非常短的时间内巧妙地使用了许多Unity 2D工具(请参见下面的列表)。 乙 EFORE你看到的赢家,看看这些样品从一些伟大的意见的!


获奖者是…… (And the winners are …)

Six judges reviewed and scored each project based on its “wow” factor, use of the new 2D tools listed below, project documentation, and overall creativity. The winners are:

六个评委 根据每个项目的“哇”因素,以下列出的新2D工具的使用,项目文档和整体创造力对每个项目进行了审查和评分。 获奖者是:

  1. A Matter Of Light, Angry Squirrels ($2000)

    光的问题 ,愤怒的松鼠 (2000美元)

  2. Ultimate Action Hero, Jaroslaw ($1000)

    Ultimate Action Hero ,Jaroslaw (1000美元)

  3. Deep Sea Colony, Magdalena & Marcin ($500)

    Deep Sea Colony ,Magdalena&Marcin($ 500)

Rounding out the top-10 finalists are: Onion Jam, Darkrun, LensScape, Kamé and the Guardians, Tess, Cosmic, and Llamakaria.

入围前10名的选手包括: 洋葱果酱 ( Onion Jam)暗黑 骑士 ( Darkrun)LensScape卡梅 ( Kamé)和卫报苔丝(Tess)宇宙(Cosmic )和 拉马卡里亚(Llamakaria)

In addition to the major awards, we gave a special $500 prize to LensScape for the best tool created with the new 2D tool APIs. The winner showed us an innovative way to extend 2D tool functionality by making SpriteShape the core of the gameplay.

除了主要奖项外,我们还授予 LensScape 500美元的特别奖,以 奖励 使用新的2D工具API创建的最佳工具。 获胜者向我们展示了一种将SpriteShape成为游戏核心的扩展二维工具功能的创新方法。

独特的Craft.io (Unique craftsmanship)

One of our judges, Pixel Reign’s Angelos Gkamiliaris, noted, “It is amazing to see such a variety of unique ideas combined with such craftsmanship in development. We were inspired to see how different each approach was and how creatively each participant spent their time while making their game. Well done! We really hope to see some finished games from you.”

我们的一位评委, 像素王朝 的安吉洛Gkamiliaris指出,“这 我 真神奇看到这样的各种独特的创意与发展这样的Craft.io相结合。 我们受到鼓舞,看到每种方法有多么不同,每个参与者在制作游戏时都花了很多时间。 做得好! 我们非常希望看到您的完成的游戏。”

And many thanks to all the 2D Challenge judges: Kenney Vleugels (Kenney/Pixeland), Angelos Gkamiliaris and Nick Larin (Pixel Reign), Ciro Continisio and Andy Touch (Unity evangelists), Rus Scammell (Unity 2D product manager), and Peter Lee (Unity art director).

非常感谢所有2D挑战赛的评委:Kenney Vleugels(肯尼/皮克斯兰),Angelos Gkamiliaris和Nick Larin(皮克塞尔统治),Ciro Continisio和Andy Touch(统一福音派),Rus Scammell(统一2D产品经理)和Peter Lee (统一艺术总监)。

评委的更多评论 (More comments from the judges)

  • “The contest attracted a wide variety of submissions. You can easily tell that the prescribed 2D tools really helped the participants bring their ideas into a functioning game. I’ve had fun playing and looking at the different projects and they’ve certainly inspired me in creating other game assets for developers to use.” – Kenney Vleugels

    “比赛吸引了各种各样的参赛者。 您可以很容易地看出,规定的2D工具确实有助于参与者将他们的想法带入有效的游戏中。 我玩得很开心,看着不同的项目,它们无疑激发了我创造其他游戏资产供开发人员使用的灵感。” – Kenney Vleugels

  • “I was impressed by the assortment of genres the contestants chose, as well as the number of custom tools and solutions that they came up with while building their games, enabled by the open APIs of Unity’s 2D tools. It’s always surprising to see the creative solutions developers come up with when they have that freedom.” – Ciro Continisio

    “我印象深刻的是,参赛者选择的各种游戏类型,以及他们在构建游戏时使用的自定义工具和解决方案的数量,这些都由Unity 2D工具的开放API支持。 看到具有创造力的创意解决方案开发人员时,总是感到惊讶。” – Ciro Continisio

  • It was great to see creators letting their imaginations run wild. What was truly inspiring and humbling, too, was how they used the 2D tools to shape those imaginings into worlds that were mesmerising to explore. Keep creating – I want to see more!” – Rus Scammell

    很高兴看到创作者放任自己的想象力疯狂。 真正令人鼓舞和谦虚的是他们如何使用2D工具将这些想象塑造成令人着迷的探索世界。 继续创作-我想看到更多!” – 拉斯卡梅尔

  • One of my favorite things about working at Unity is seeing the incredible things people do with our tools. We got an overwhelming number of entries that hit an incredibly high bar graphically and made some really clever use of our tools. As always, I’m humbled by just how creative and inventive our community can be in such a short space of time. This was a fantastic showcase of how our 2D tools can empower people to create even more inspiring content than ever before.” – Peter Lee

    在Unity工作时,我最喜欢的事情之一就是看到人们使用我们的工具所做的令人难以置信的事情。 我们有大量的条目,它们以图形方式达到了难以置信的高标准,并且对我们的工具进行了一些非常巧妙的使用。 一如既往,我为我们的社区在如此短的时间内具有创造力和创造力而感到沮丧。 这是关于我们的2D工具如何使人们能够创建比以往任何时候更具启发性的内容的绝佳展示。” – 彼得·李

  • “I was blown away by the wide range, variety, polish and complexity of the submissions for this 2D Challenge. It was also fascinating to see how the new 2D features can be used in different ways and to great effect. A huge thank you to everyone who took part in this contest for creating incredible projects and pushing what is possible with Unity.” – Andy Touch

    “这个2D挑战的参赛作品种类繁多,种类繁多,修饰复杂,这让我震惊。 看到如何以不同的方式使用新的2D功能并产生巨大的效果也很有趣。 非常感谢参与此竞赛的每个人,他们创造了令人难以置信的项目并推动了Unity的发展。” – Andy Touch

2D Challenge中使用的Unity工具 (Unity tools used in the 2D Challenge)

Discover the latest new features in the making and connect with the dev team on our 2D Forum.

发现制作过程中的最新功能,并在我们的 2D论坛 上与开发团队联系 。

To learn more about new and upcoming Unity tools for 2D games, watch this presentation from Unite Los Angeles.

要了解有关2D游戏的新的和即将推出的Unity工具的更多信息,请 观看 来自Unite Los Angeles的 演示文稿

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/01/22/announcing-the-unity-2d-challenge-winners/





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