unity2018.2.x_Unity 3.x和4.x向前发展


Unity 4 was just announced, and many of you are probably thinking about if you should upgrade to Unity 4.0 now or later.

Unity 4刚刚发布,很多人可能正在考虑是否应该现在或以后升级到Unity 4.0。

Whither Unity 4.0?

还可以使用Unity 4.0吗?

We realized that it wasn’t scalable for us to keep grouping everything together in super-massive releases. Therefore we’re trying to spread them out instead. That’s unfortunately meant that not everyone feels there’s enough value in Unity 4.0 for them. In that case, you’re of course welcome to wait with upgrading until you feel you get enough value for your money.

我们意识到,要在超级大规模发行版中将所有内容分组在一起,这是不可扩展的。 因此,我们正在尝试将它们散布开来。 不幸的是,这意味着并非每个人都觉得Unity 4.0对他们有足够的价值。 在这种情况下,当然欢迎您等待升级,直到您觉得自己物有所值。

The alternative is to keep the stuff that is ready longer, just because some other features are not ready yet. That’s less awesome, so we’d rather offer features up sooner, and only wait with the stuff that isn’t ready. So to summarize, Unity 4.0 is just that – the first in a series of Unity 4.x releases, during which we’ll have some sweet things to share. More on that in upcoming posts.

另一种选择是将准备就绪的东西保留更长的时间,因为其他一些功能尚未准备就绪。 那就不那么棒了,所以我们宁愿提早提供功能,而只等还没有准备好的东西。 因此,总而言之,Unity 4.0就是这些– Unity 4.x系列发行中的第一个,在此期间我们将分享一些美好的东西。 有关更多信息,请参见即将发布的帖子。

Now, what about Unity 3.x?

现在,Unity 3.x呢?

We’ll keep delivering critical fixes for 3.5 at least through 2012. This means, when iOS 6, or Android 4.1, or Mac OS X “Mountain Lion”, or … comes out, and if some things in Unity 3.5 break because of them, we’ll fix them. These problems are usually in the form of “new mobile compiler toolchain breaks something” or “new popular phone is out with not-too-good drivers and some shaders do not work”, or other serious ship-stopper issues. We’ll simply fix them in minor 3.5.x releases.

至少到2012年,我们将继续提供3.5的关键修复程序 。 这意味着,当iOS 6,Android 4.1或Mac OS X“ Mountain Lion”或…出现时,如果Unity 3.5中的某些问题由于它们而中断,我们将对其进行修复。 这些问题通常以“新的移动编译器工具链破坏某些东西”或“新的流行电话因驱动程序不太好而某些着色器不起作用”或其他严重的问题而出现。 我们将在次要的3.5.x版本中对其进行修复。

Right now, Unity 3.5.3 is being tested (current release is 3.5.2), and will be out soon. (Edit: Unity 3.5.3 is out!) It improves some things, particularly some mobile performance regressions compared to Unity 3.4, improves mesh data handling in general, and fixes a bunch of issues. Here’s what it will have in more detail:

目前,正在测试Unity 3.5.3 (当前版本是3.5.2 ),并将很快推出。 (编辑: Unity 3.5.3出局了!)与Unity 3.4相比,它改善了某些功能,尤其是一些移动性能下降,总体上改善了网格数据处理,并修复了许多问题。 以下是它的详细信息:

Geometry data improvements


Unity can now completely remove parts of mesh data that are not used anywhere. For example, if you have a mesh with normals, tangents and two UV sets, but none of the shaders in any of the game scenes need tangents or UV2, then tangents and the second UV set will be stripped out from game data completely. The result is smaller game size, smaller memory usage, and faster performance for code parts that access mesh data often, like skinning and dynamic batching.

现在,Unity可以完全删除任何地方都不使用的网格数据部分。 例如,如果您有一个包含法线,切线和两个UV集的网格,但是任何游戏场景中的着色器都不需要切线或UV2,则切线和第二个UV集将从游戏数据中完全去除。 结果是较小的游戏大小,较小的内存使用量以及对于经常访问网格数据(如蒙皮和动态批处理)的代码部分而言,性能更快。

You can already achieve this in previous Unity versions by carefully setting up mesh import options (not generating UV2 when not needed; turning off calculation of mesh tangents etc.), but that’s quite a lot of manual work. In Unity 3.5.3, all that is completely automatic, just one option in Player Settings.

通过仔细设置网格导入选项(不需要时不生成UV2;关闭网格切线的计算等),您已经可以在Unity的早期版本中实现此目的,但这是很多手动工作。 在Unity 3.5.3中,所有这些都是全自动的,只是播放器设置中的一个选项。

In addition to the above, for procedurally created meshes, we’re extending mesh.Clear() function to be able to keep existing vertex layout. In Unity 3.5, Clear() was clearing mesh data completely, meaning that not only vertices and faces are gone, but vertex layout (whether mesh has normals or tangents or colors etc.) was reset to contain “nothing”. This is not very efficient if you’re recreating the mesh with different vertex count, but keeping the vertex layout the same. We’re fixing this, Clear() will take a parameter whether to keep the vertex layout or not (defaults to keep it).

除上述内容外,对于按程序创建的网格,我们还要扩展mesh.Clear()函数以保留现有的顶点布局。 在Unity 3.5中,Clear()完全清除了网格数据,这意味着不仅顶点和面都消失了,而且顶点布局(网格是否具有法线,切线或颜色等)也被重置为不包含任何内容。 如果要重新创建具有不同顶点数但保持顶点布局相同的网格,这不是很有效。 我们正在解决此问题,Clear()将采用一个参数来决定是否保留顶点布局(默认保留该布局)。

A small feature for 2D games


Some 2D games use a perspective camera to get parallax effects or because they want to mix some 3D elements in. However, for sorting semitransparent objects, Unity was taking actual distance from camera to the object as sort criteria, which produces wrong sorting order near edges of the screen. 2D games are better off sorting by “distance along camera’s view direction”, and in Unity 3.5.3 this mode can be set on your cameras.

一些2D游戏使用透视摄影机来获得视差效果,或者是因为它们想在其中混合一些3D元素。但是,为了对半透明对象进行排序,Unity将摄影机到对象的实际距离作为排序标准,这在边缘附近产生了错误的排序顺序屏幕的 2D游戏最好通过“沿相机视角方向的距离”进行排序,并且在Unity 3.5.3中可以在相机上设置此模式。



There’s about 40 issues fixed in 3.5.3, mostly falling under mobile (Android or iOS), editor, rendering and Native Client areas. This includes stuff like: working around a peculiar compositor bug on Kindle Fire that was affecting semitransparent objects; fixing some splash screen orientation bugs on iOS; fixing fog not rendering correctly in some shader model 3.0 shaders and so on.

在3.5.3中修复了大约40个问题,其中大部分涉及移动设备(Android或iOS),编辑器,渲染和本机客户端领域。 这包括:解决Kindle Fire上一个奇怪的合成器错误,该错误会影响半透明的对象; 修复了iOS上的一些初始屏幕方向错误; 修复在某些着色器模型3.0着色器等中无法正确渲染雾的问题。

So to recap, Unity 3.5.3 will be out real soon, and we’ll follow up with other 3.5.x releases through this year. Now go make some games!

回顾一下,Unity 3.5.3即将发布,我们将在今年继续跟进其他3.5.x版本。 现在去做一些游戏!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/06/24/unity-3-x-and-4-x-going-forward/






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