unity 2019_Unity Hackweek 2019:解决棘手的问题,建立团队技能

unity 2019

What happens when you put 700+ people from Unity and our ecosystem in a secluded location once a year and tell them to solve hard tech, coding, and process problems? Their instructions? Unleash your creativity, collaborate like crazy, and embrace diverse perspectives.

如果您每年一次将700多名来自Unity和我们生态系统的人员放在一个僻静的地方,并告诉他们解决棘手的技术,编码和流程问题,会发生什么? 他们的指示? 释放您的创造力,疯狂地合作,并拥抱不同的观点。

This year, the Hackweek hundreds came from around the world, converging on a rural locale in Denmark on June 23-28. Under one roof, they brainstormed in order to tackle myriad challenges and had a boatload of fun.

今年,《黑客周刊》有数百人来自世界各地,于6月23日至28日聚集在丹麦的一个乡村地区。 在一个屋顶下,他们集思广益,以应对各种挑战,并获得了很多乐趣。

Why is this annual gathering so important for Unity?


“That’s an easy one,” says Anders Johansen, Global R&D HR Director. “It’s because we invest in our employees – which always bears a lot of fruit for our users. We never lose sight of that. So we put a full week on our calendars to disrupt ourselves and our usual processes. It’s all about collaboration, diversity, and innovation.”

“这很容易,”全球研发人力资源总监Anders Johansen说。 “这是因为我们对员工进行了投资–这始终为我们的用户带来很多成果。 我们永远不会忘记这一点。 因此,我们在日历上花了整整一周时间来扰乱自己和我们的日常流程。 这全都在于协作,多样性和创新。”

And Brett Bibby, VP of Engineering, adds, “What I love about Hackweek it brings together a dynamic mix of engineers, artists, product folks, customers and partners from all over the world. We work intensively for a week, which always results in incredible insights and outcomes that inform our roadmaps and advance our products and services.”

工程副总裁Brett Bibby补充说:“我最喜欢Hackweek,它汇集了来自世界各地的工程师,艺术家,产品人员,客户和合作伙伴的动态组合。 我们进行了为期一周的密集工作,总能获得令人难以置信的洞察力和成果,从而为我们的路线图提供依据并提高我们的产品和服务。”

有太多选择 (So much to choose from)

We kicked off the week with a lively Sunday. Attendees chose either Unity Bootcamp, where they learned the fundamentals of game-building, or Lightning Talks, where their colleagues presented – in less than 10 minutes – on a wide range of topics.

我们以一个活跃的星期日开始了这一周。 与会者选择了Unity训练营(那里他们学习了游戏构建的基础知识),或者选择了Lightning Talks(闪电讲座),他们的同事们在不到10分钟的时间内就各种主题进行了演讲。

For the week itself, there were around 200 projects to sign up for, encompassing every imaginable Unity technology, product, service or interest, such as plotting new frontiers for our Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) and Graphics tech, “dogfooding” our own products like the Editor and user services, hacking small features and improvements, innovating virtual sets, measuring player happiness, creating new tools for artists, building games, and pioneering use cases like Unity for Dance.

在本周本身,大约有200个项目要签署,涵盖了每一个可以想象到的Unity技术,产品,服务或兴趣,例如为我们的面向数据的技术栈(DOTS)和图形技术绘制新的领域,“为我们的食物“ dog花一现”。自己的产品(例如编辑器和用户服务),破解小功能和改进功能,创新虚拟设备,衡量玩家的幸福感,为艺术家创建新工具,构建游戏以及诸如Unity for Dance等开拓性用例。

Faced with this thought-provoking smorgasbord, Illia Komendantov, a Software Test Engineer, chose an intriguing project on future uses for DOTS.

面对这个发人深省的麻烦,软件测试工程师Illia Komendantov选择了一个有趣的项目,关于DOTS的未来用途。

“I love that you can freely choose to join a team that may be focused on a ‘crazy’ idea. And regardless of your background or expertise level in the subject, we’re all considering it from different angles and trying to solve it in the most creative, collaborative way. For me, that represents the best in Unity culture.”

“我喜欢您可以自由选择加入一个专注于'疯狂'想法的团队。 而且,无论您的背景知识或专业知识水平如何,我们都将从不同角度考虑该问题,并尝试以最具创意的协作方式加以解决。 对我来说,这代表着Unity文化中最好的。”

攻击文档错误 (Attacking documentation bugs)

Siobhan Gibson, the Chief Technical Editor on the Documentation team, launched and led the Attack the Docs! project. “We wanted to resolve all the bugs on the worst-performing pages in the Unity User Manual – pages that get the most visits per month, but have the lowest user ratings.”

文档团队的首席技术编辑Siobhan Gibson发起并领导了Attack the Docs! 项目。 “我们希望解决《 Unity用户手册》中性能最差的页面上的所有错误,这些页面是每月访问量最多但用户评分最低的页面。”

While the Docs team had been applying quality standards to new pages, they didn’t always have the bandwidth to tackle legacy pages.


During the week, Gibson’s project had around 10 core people, with another 20-30 dropping in to troubleshoot for a few hours here and there. What does she like best about the Hackweek format? “Everyone can make meaningful contributions regardless of their level of experience. What’s important is their ability to understand problems and investigate solutions – which everyone at Unity is good at!”

在一周中,Gibson的项目大约有10名核心人员,另有20-30名人员在这里和那里进行了几个小时的故障排除。 她最喜欢Hackweek格式的什么? “无论经验如何,每个人都可以做出有意义的贡献。 重要的是他们了解问题和研究解决方案的能力– Unity的每个人都擅长!”

So, how did her group do? “By the fourth day, we cleared 150 pages, which meant we opened a Phase 2 that allowed anyone to ‘attack’ problems on any page regardless of how well it had performed.”

那么,她的小组如何做? “到第四天,我们清除了150页,这意味着我们打开了第2阶段,该阶段使任何人都可以'攻击'任何页面上的问题,而不论其表现如何。”

At the last count, we improved 202 docs, and resolved 1882 bugs. That number is still climbing this morning. I’m so proud of this project, and this incredible team for bringing their enthusiasm, focus and spirit. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all 💕 #UnityHackweek #Unity3D pic.twitter.com/m8yE1NfEY4

最终,我们改进了202个文档,并解决了1882个错误。 今天早上这个数字还在攀升。 我为这个项目和这个令人难以置信的团队感到自豪,他们带来了他们的热情,专注和精神。 感觉有点被这一切淹没💕 #UnityHackweek #Unity3D pic.twitter.com/m8yE1NfEY4

— Siobhan Gibson (@siobhangx) June 28, 2019

-Siobhan Gibson(@siobhangx) 2019年6月28日

关注玩家的幸福 (Focusing on player happiness)

Kaisa Salakka, Director of Product Innovation, Engagement, signed up for the Player Happiness project so she could better understand how users react to a game while they’re playing it.

参与度产品创新总监Kaisa Salakka签约了Player Happiness项目,以便她更好地了解用户在玩游戏时对游戏的React。

“It was something that we hadn’t prioritized on our group’s roadmap because it’s risky – but there are big rewards for developers if we can get it working. Also, it’s a cool project since we get to work with different people and devices than we normally work with.”

“这是我们没有优先考虑的事情,因为这有风险–但是如果我们能够使其工作,那么开发人员将获得丰厚的回报。 而且,这是一个很酷的项目,因为我们可以与通常使用的人员和设备一起工作。”

When the week kicked off, the group explored multiple possibilities. As their ideas took shape, they got excited and brought more people on board to ensure they had the essential skills needed to build the solution they envisioned.

当一周开始时,小组探索了多种可能性。 随着他们想法的形成,他们感到很兴奋,并吸引了更多人加入,以确保他们具备构建他们所设想的解决方案所需的基本技能。

So what about Hackweek represents the best of Unity culture for Kaisa? “It brings diverse people together and encourages innovation. We get to form ‘dream teams’ of the people who inspire us, especially people we don’t get to work with every day – and they all bring great new product ideas.” Kaisa’s team included engineers, data science experts, product marketing managers, product managers, UX/UI designers, and more.

那么,Hackweek代表了Kaisa最好的Unity文化吗? “它将不同的人聚集在一起并鼓励创新。 我们必须组成激励我们的人们的“梦之队”,尤其是那些我们每天不与之共事的人-他们都带来了很棒的新产品创意。” Kaisa的团队包括工程师,数据科学专家,产品营销经理,产品经理,UX / UI设计师等。

So how did they do? “In just one week we built an end-to-end solution!”

那他们是怎么做的呢? “在短短一周内,我们构建了端到端解决方案!”

为新老员工提供游戏制作 (Game-making for new and seasoned employees alike)

On the Sunday before Hackweek proper kicked off, many chose to participate in a hands-on Unity Bootcamp.


“I’ve only been at Unity for three weeks, so Hackweek is my introduction to the company and many colleagues,” says Jo Riber, Team Lead – Core Developer Services. She built a Waffle Madness game, “because I figured this was the best way for me to get an understanding of what Unity is all about. It’s also inspired by my daughter, who bakes a lot. I thought it would be a great idea to make something for her.”

“我仅在Unity待了三个星期,所以Hackweek是我对公司和许多同事的介绍,”核心开发人员服务团队负责人Jo Riber说。 她制作了Waffle Madness游戏,“因为我认为这是了解Unity的最佳方式。 这也受到我女儿的启发,女儿经常烘烤。 我认为为她做点东西是个好主意。”

Laura Greenberg, Senior Leader Counsel EMEA, worked on Hangry Monster. She likes that “Hackweek teaches us how to use the product and we’re able to intensely focus on it, which the company believes is important. It’s fun, emphasizes teamwork, and pushes you to learn more.”

欧洲,中东和非洲地区高级法律顾问劳拉·格林伯格(Laura Greenberg)为Hangry Monster工作。 她喜欢“ Hackweek教我们如何使用该产品,并且我们能够集中精力专注于该产品,该公司认为这很重要。 这很有趣,强调团队合作,并促使您学习更多。”

Rósa Björk Einarsdóttir, Engineering Section Manager, worked on Learn My Number, a game to teach young children, like her daughter, how to memorize their parents’ phone numbers. Her Hackweek takeaway? “I love that the company is willing to invest in innovation, even if there are risks. I enjoyed meeting new people and having the time to learn something new.”

工程部经理RósaBjörkEinarsdóttir参与了“学习我的号码”游戏,该游戏旨在教小孩子(如女儿)如何记住父母的电话号码。 她的Hackweek外卖活动? “我喜欢即使存在风险,该公司也愿意投资于创新。 我很喜欢结识新朋友,并有时间学习新知识。”

从机器学习中学习 (Learning from machine learning)

As part of their day-to-day responsibilities, Kirk Chen, Leon Chen and Greg Chambers monitor some of Unity’s live services, but don’t often have the time to build new tools to deal with service anomalies.

作为日常职责的一部分,Kirk Chen,Leon Chen和Greg Chambers会监视Unity的一些实时服务,但通常没有时间来构建新的工具来处理服务异常。

In their Hackweek project, they explored how to automate detecting large data-set anomalies using machine learning technologies. Their progress? “The results have been encouraging,” says Greg Chambers, Senior Software Development Engineer in Test. “Using the same algorithm, we can even predict future trends and automate the job at a larger scale. We hope our project will benefit Unity’s Connected Services.”

在他们的Hackweek项目中,他们探索了如何使用机器学习技术自动检测大型数据集异常。 他们的进步? “结果令人鼓舞,” Test的高级软件开发工程师Greg Chambers说。 “使用相同的算法,我们甚至可以预测未来的趋势并大规模地自动化工作。 我们希望我们的项目将使Unity的Connected Services受益。”

What did they think of this opportunity to step outside their usual routines and focus on something unique? “Hackweek empowers Unity employees and developers to be creative. There are plenty of opportunities to explore new ideas. The sky’s the limit,” declares Kirk Chen, Senior Software Development Engineer.

他们如何看待这次机会,摆脱常规,专注于独特的事物? “ Hackweek使Unity员工和开发人员具有创造力。 有很多探索新想法的机会。 天空是极限”,高级软件开发工程师Kirk Chen说道。

游戏中的女性倡议 (Women in Gaming initiative)

To kick off Hackweek, Unity’s Inclusion team hosted a big brunch. Over 120 women attended from across Unity – from core R&D and Education to the Product team. Additionally, 50 talented developers and technologists from outside Unity were guests, not only for the brunch, but for the entire week.

为了启动Hackweek,Unity的Inclusion团队举办了一次大型早午餐。 从核心研发和教育到产品团队,来自Unity各个部门的120多名妇女参加了会议。 此外,来自Unity外部的50位才华横溢的开发人员和技术人员不仅是早午餐的嘉宾,还是整个一周的嘉宾。

During the brunch, the women spoke directly with Unity leaders, including Brett Bibby, VP of Engineering. They spent the morning networking, building community, and sharing experiences about career trajectories.

在早午餐期间,这些妇女直接与Unity领导人对话,包括工程副总裁Brett Bibby。 他们花了上午的时间进行社交,建立社区并分享有关职业发展轨迹的经验。

We invited the WiG participants to Hackweek to promote diversity and inclusion in R&D and the game industry. We believe that having more perspectives ultimately leads to better ideas. And Hackweek is at its core an investment in ideas – the single biggest such investment made by R&D each year.

我们邀请WiG参与者参加Hackweek,以促进研发和游戏行业的多样性和包容性。 我们认为,拥有更多观点最终会带来更好的想法。 Hackweek的核心是对创意的投资,这是研发部门每年进行的最大一笔投资。

“We had such a diverse set of guests and Unity employees from numerous cultures and countries this year,” says Lotte May of LotteMakesStuff. “It was wonderful to meet so many people and hear about their work. The games and technology sectors can have a problem with diversity – not just a lack of women but with other diverse intersections too – so being able to talk with women from Turkey or India or Russia was great.”

LotteMakesStuff的乐天·梅(Lotte May)说:“今年我们接待了来自不同文化和国家的众多嘉宾和Unity员工。” “见到这么多人并听到他们的工作真是太好了。 游戏和技术行业可能会遇到多样性问题-不仅缺少女性,而且还有其他多样化的交集-因此能够与来自土耳其,印度或俄罗斯的女性进行交流非常棒。”

We’ll be hosting this event again next year and we look forward to developing more diversity-focused events like this at Unity.


在Hackweek合作 (Partnering up at Hackweek)

The Unity ecosystem is extensive and encompasses partner companies as varied as ArenaNet, ARM, Google Cloud, Havok, Intel, Ludia, Mozilla, Nordeus, Quixel, The Pokemon Company, Ubisoft, Zynga, and more. We invited over 60 partners and customers to join us in Denmark.

Unity生态系统范围广泛,涵盖了ArenaNet,ARM,Google Cloud,Havok,Intel,Ludia,Mozilla,Nordeus,Quixel,Pokemon Company,Ubisoft,Zynga等合作伙伴。 我们邀请了60多个合作伙伴和客户加入丹麦。

Moe Sy, Customer Engineer at Google Cloud and one of three participants from the Google Cloud team, loved the opportunity to dive in and learn the A-Z workflow of the Unity Editor. “Having a full week to immerse myself in the Editor’s capabilities and sheer breadth was pure joy and a remarkable opportunity.” And while he was assisted by Unity experts, he also got to share his own expertise as people dropped by to learn more about Google Cloud.

Google Cloud客户工程师Moe Sy也是Google Cloud团队的三名参与者之一,非常喜欢有机会深入学习Unity编辑器的AZ工作流程。 “有整整一周的时间让自己沉浸在编辑的能力和广度中,这是纯粹的快乐,也是一次难得的机会。” 当他得到Unity专家的协助时,随着人们纷纷前来了解有关Google Cloud的更多信息,他还必须分享自己的专业知识。

What does Simon Donovan, Creative Director at Google Cloud, think of the Hackweek vibe and Unity culture in general? “It’s an awesome place – everyone, right up to the VP level – is so approachable. The fact that the VP of R&D sent an email asking people to focus on coding for a week and to not have too many meetings is amazing. While Unity only has a couple of thousand people, you’re creating tech and tools that will impact hundreds of millions.”

Google Cloud的创意总监Simon Donovan如何看待Hackweek的氛围和Unity文化? “这真是个很棒的地方-每个人,直到VP级别-都很容易接近。 研发副总裁发送了一封电子邮件,要求人们将精力集中在一个星期的编码上,并且没有太多的会议,这一事实令人惊讶。 虽然Unity只有几千人,但是您正在创建将影响数亿人的技术和工具。”

所有的工作都没有玩。 。 。 不是一个选择 (All work and no play . . . was not an option)

While most people were heads down all week, there were plenty of opportunities for sports and leisure too. Some went in big time for outdoor games like Jugger and Rundbold/Rounders, while there were ample opportunities for running, workouts, cycling, and quiet reflection. Meals were communal and snacks and refreshments were copious.

虽然大多数人整周都低着头,但运动和休闲也有很多机会。 一些人花时间参加户外运动,例如Jugger和Rundbold / Rounders,而跑步,锻炼,骑自行车和安静思考则有很多机会。 餐点是公用的,小吃和点心很多。

60秒后再说 (Say it in 60 seconds, and the year ahead)

Over the course of the week, everyone worked diligently . . . and collaboratively. There were setbacks, of course, but also many mini-epiphanies and high-fiving breakthroughs. On Friday before noon, all teams handed in a one-minute video that showcased their Hackweek achievements – small and large, human and technical.

在一周的时间里,每个人都勤奋工作。 。 。 和合作。 当然,也有挫折,但也有许多小型主显节和击掌的突破。 在中午之前的星期五,所有团队都提交了一个一分钟的视频,展示了他们在Hackweek上所取得的成就–大小,人力和技术。

Most importantly, Hackweek 2019 again “proved that when you put diverse, creative and talented people in a room and task them with finding solutions to tough problems, they will – and sometimes in the most surprising ways,” concludes Anders Johansen. “Along with everything we accomplished this week, we’re all riding a huge wave of creative energy, learning, and newfound connections that we’ll draw from all year long.”

最重要的是,Hackweek 2019再次“证明了,当您将多样化,有创造力和才华的人放在一个房间里,并让他们寻找解决棘手问题的方法时,他们将-有时甚至以最令人惊讶的方式,” Anders Johansen总结道。 “随着本周完成的所有工作,我们将整整一整年都在吸收巨大的创造力,学习和新发现的联系。”

对Unity和Hackweek感兴趣吗? (Intrigued about Unity and Hackweek?)

To learn more about Unity and dynamic events such as Hackweek, consider joining us. Start by checking out our open positions on the Careers page. And if you don’t see your dream job, consider applying for it here.

要了解有关Unity和动态事件(例如Hackweek)的更多信息,请考虑加入我们。 首先在“ 职业”页面上查看我们的空缺职位 。 如果您没有梦想中的工作,请考虑在这里申请。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/07/08/unity-hackweek-2019-tackling-hard-problems-building-team-skills/

unity 2019





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