窥视新视觉效果图CineCast,这是我们的第一个示例游戏,以及来自Unite Los Angeles的更多内容

Unite Los Angeles has begun and let me tell you, it has already been one for the books. Want to find out what you’ve missed so far? You’re in the right place – read on to get the highlights!

团结洛杉矶开始了,让我告诉你,这已经是一本好书了。 想找出您到目前为止错过的一切吗? 您来对地方了-请继续阅读以获取重点!

Over the next two days, we’ll be streaming select sessions, including a full-day track on the Entity Component System. Please join us on YouTube via these links: Day 2, Day 3. Live streaming schedules are in the video descriptions.

在接下来的两天内,我们将流式传输选定的会话,包括在实体组件系统上的全天跟踪。 请通过以下链接在YouTube上加入我们: 第2 第3天 。 视频说明中包含实时流式传输时间表。


目录 (Table of contents)

Forged in Gaming – Continued innovation in games


CineCast Build on top of our first game project – FPS Sample Make your games beautiful with the Visual Effect Graph Create massive game worlds with ECS Real-time Multiplayer Alpha Universal GameDev Challenge Grand Prize Winner

CineCast 建立在我们的第一个游戏项目上– FPS示例 通过视觉效果图使您的游戏精美 通过ECS 实时多人Alpha 通用 游戏开发 挑战赛大奖获得者, 创建庞大的游戏世界

New horizons – going beyond gaming


Film and animation Joining the Unity family: Digital Monarch Media A new way of storytelling

电影和动画 加入Unity大家庭:Digital Monarch Media 一种讲故事的新方式

打造游戏–持续的游戏创新 (Forged in Gaming – Continued innovation in games)

It’s important to remember that Unity is forged in gaming. It’s in our DNA. It’s our origin. It’s what we know — and love. That’s why we are committed to making it easier for you to make performant, beautiful, successful, and massive games on Unity.

重要的是要记住,Unity是在游戏中伪造的。 这是我们的DNA。 这是我们的起源。 这就是我们所知道的-和爱。 因此,我们致力于使您更轻松地在Unity上制作高性能,精美,成功且庞大的游戏。

Here are just a few gaming announcements that we are absolutely ecstatic about and we hope that you will be too.


电影放映 (CineCast)

We had a vision of making a movie out of a game in real-time. But how can you film something when you don’t know what’s going to happen next? Great question!  So we built on top of Cinemachine and combined a number of powerful new systems to effectively make ‘Cinematography AI’, resulting in a feature we affectionately call CineCast.

我们的愿景是通过游戏实时制作电影。 但是,当您不知道接下来会发生什么时如何拍摄? 好问题! 因此,我们在Cinemachine的基础上构建了一个强大的新系统,并结合了许多强大的新系统来有效地制作“电影AI”,从而我们亲切地将其称为CineCast。

CineCast brings cutting-edge tech to Developers in these areas:


  • Replays – have movie-like cinematics from variable scenarios.

    重播 –在不同场景中具有类似电影的电影。

  • Cutscenes and game trailers – no more flying around with a manual marketing camera trying to get your shots.


  • eSports – give your viewers and Casters tools so they can make the most beautiful streams of your game, in real-time.


CineCast provides high-level, director-like controls so you can cinematically craft how you’d like a game to be filmed. You can choose to follow a particular player, pick from wide, normal, telephoto or follow cameraman shots and even control the speed of the edit. It’s like having your very own film crew inside the game, automatically making a movie of what’s happening in real-time and ready to take your direction at any time.

CineCast提供了类似于导演的高级控件,因此您可以通过电影方式制作想要拍摄游戏的方式。 您可以选择跟随特定的播放器,从宽广,正常,远摄中选择,或者跟随摄影师的镜头,甚至控制编辑的速度。 就像在游戏中拥有自己的电影摄制组一样,自动实时地制作电影,并随时准备向您指示。

And the best part – CineCast will be in beta early next year! We are thrilled to finally share this news. Learn more about CineCast.

最好的部分– CineCast将于明年年初发布Beta版! 我们很高兴能最终分享此消息。 了解有关CineCast的更多信息。


基于我们的第一个游戏项目– FPS示例 (Build on top of our first game project – FPS Sample)

We are happy to introduce our first sample game project, the FPS Sample. With this project we want to show you not just what you can do in Unity, but HOW you can do it. In this project, you can pick everything apart, tweak and experiment, and learn how to use the new features, including how to work with layered materials, post-processing, and light modes for the HD Render Pipeline (HDRP).

我们很高兴介绍我们的第一个示例游戏项目FPS示例。 通过这个项目,我们不仅要向您展示在Unity中可以做什么,而且还可以向您展示如何做到这一点。 在此项目中,您可以将所有内容分开,进行调整和进行实验,并学习如何使用新功能,包括如何使用分层材质,后处理以及HD Render Pipeline(HDRP)的光照模式。

Ask any passionate gamer and they will tell you that for a fast and fair multiplayer shooter you need an authoritative standalone server, client-side prediction, and lag compensation. The FPS Sample is a good starting point if you want to tackle any of these because you will find a full implementation of netcode, which uses our new transport layer. The transport layer is still only out in preview but in this project you get to try out many of Unity’s new features as they are made. Also, the FPS Sample demonstrates the use of our new HD Render Pipeline. Wrapping your head around a new renderer can be quite a task, and we hope this helps.

询问任何热情的游戏玩家,他们会告诉您,对于一个快速,公平的多人射击游戏,您需要一台权威的独立服务器,客户端预测和滞后补偿。 如果您想解决其中的任何一个问题,FPS示例都是一个很好的起点,因为您会发现使用我们新的传输层的netcode的完整实现。 传输层仍仅处于预览状态,但是在此项目中,您将尝试制作许多Unity的新功能。 同样,FPS示例演示了我们新的HD Render Pipeline的用法。 将头缠在新的渲染器上可能是一项艰巨的任务,我们希望这会有所帮助。

The FPS Sample is available today – take it for a spin!

FPS样品现已上市– 试试吧!


视觉效果图使您的游戏精美 (Make your games beautiful with the Visual Effect Graph)

Our new Visual Effect Graph gives you more power for creating beautiful effects. It is a node-based system that is both easy to use and flexible, empowering artists to create stunning VFX quickly. It’s also easily extendible so you can easily drag and drop ready-made nodes for simple effects or if you’d like, you can make something more involved.

我们新的视觉效果图为您创造美丽效果提供了更多功能。 它是一个基于节点的系统,既易于使用又非常灵活,使艺术家能够快速创建出色的VFX。 它也很容易扩展,因此您可以轻松地拖放现成的节点以获得简单的效果,或者如果您愿意,可以进行更多的操作。

The intuitive interface is artist-friendly, making it super accessible and fun to experiment with. It’s also ultra responsive, so you can see all your changes in real-time as you work! Another major innovation that the Visual Effect Graph architecture brings to Unity is the ability to do millions of particles on GPU – performantly!

直观的界面对艺术家友好,使其超级易用且有趣。 它还具有超级响应能力,因此您可以在工作时实时查看所有更改! 视觉效果图体系结构为Unity带来的另一项重大创新是能够高效地在GPU上处理数百万个粒子!

The Visual Effect Graph is available in preview in 2018.3 with HDRP (lightweight support will be coming later). We would love to hear what you think and get your feedback while we improve it.  Learn more about the Visual Effect Graph.

视觉效果图可在带有HDRP的2018.3中预览(稍后将提供轻量级支持)。 我们很乐意听到您的想法,并在我们改进它的同时获得您的反馈。 了解有关视觉效果图的更多信息。



使用ECS创建庞大的游戏世界 (Create massive game worlds with ECS)

Our Entity Component System (ECS) team has teamed up with two artists from the FPS Sample team and in just two months they have produced a futuristic cityscape showcasing our current progress on the ECS foundation and Burst.

我们的实体组件系统(ECS)团队与FPS Sample团队的两名艺术家合作,在短短两个月内,他们制作了一个具有未来派风格的城市景观,展示了我们在ECS基金会和Burst上的最新进展。

The demo was built using 2018.3 with some modification and the plan is to ship this demo to the public with full source and assets sometime in 2019. It heavily relies on the new Nested Prefab workflow also available in 2018.3, as well as newly developed features that enhance the experience of working with very large sets of GameObjects. It demos asynchronous scene streaming, a new ECS culling system, C# audio system, and HLOD among many improvements to ECS tooling and debugging features.

该演示使用2018.3进行了一些修改,并且计划在2019年的某个时候以全部资源和资产的形式将该演示发布给公众。它很大程度上依赖于2018.3中可用的新Nested Prefab工作流程以及新开发的功能。增强了使用大量GameObjects的体验。 它演示了异步场景流,新的ECS选择系统,C#音频系统和HLOD,其中包括对ECS工具和调试功能的许多改进。

You can learn more about all the new improvements and ECS features here. If you are at Unite Los Angeles you can check out the demo at the Intel booth on the Expo Floor or attend the Mega City ECS session track tomorrow Wednesday the 24th of October with 9 sessions.

您可以在此处了解有关所有新改进和ECS功能的更多信息 。 如果您在Unite Los Angeles,则可以在10月24日(星期三)举行的9场会议上,在博览厅的Intel展位上观看演示,或参加Mega City ECS的会议轨道。


实时多人Alpha (Real-time Multiplayer Alpha)

There are many challenges when creating real-time multiplayer games, but most of them boil down to two key things: performance and scale. As we rebuild the engine with performance at its core, new networking solutions will be built alongside it, starting with our new transport layer. The new transport layer will support multi-threading with the Job System and moving forward, new features will be provided as full source packages, so you can debug and optimize for your game.

创建实时多人游戏时会遇到很多挑战,但其中大多数都归结为两个关键因素:性能和规模。 当我们以性能为核心重建引擎时,将从我们的新传输层开始,与之一起构建新的网络解决方案。 新的传输层将支持Job System的多线程功能并向前发展,新功能将作为完整的源代码包提供,因此您可以为游戏进行调试和优化。

While some creators want to foster a tight experience between a few players, others want to connect hundreds and more. Both of these require performant code as well as a scalable network topology, so we’re enabling a dedicated server model so all Unity developers can benefit from consistent connection quality, scalability, and security. And to be truly successful, Unity and Google Cloud will ensure you can scale this model to all your players, across the globe.

有些创作者希望在少数玩家之间建立紧密的体验,而另一些创作者则希望联系成百上千的玩家。 这两个都需要高性能的代码以及可扩展的网络拓扑,因此我们启用了专用服务器模型,以便所有Unity开发人员都能从一致的连接质量,可扩展性和安全性中受益。 为了取得真正的成功,Unity和Google Cloud将确保您可以将此模型扩展到全球所有玩家。

We are at the very beginning of the journey, but what’s truly exciting is that we’re creating comprehensive solutions; everything required to create a successful real-time multiplayer game. We’re shipping an Alpha of everything we have today – from networking transport libraries to fully integrated game services and samples that tie it all together – check it out.

我们正处于征途的开始,但是真正令人兴奋的是我们正在创建全面的解决方案。 创建成功的实时多人游戏所需的一切。 从网络传输库完全集成的游戏服务和样品是将其结合在一起- -我们正在出货,我们今天所拥有的一切的阿尔法检查出来

Universal GameDev Challenge大奖获得者 (Universal GameDev Challenge Grand Prize Winner)

At GDC, we launched our largest, most ambitious challenge to date on Unity Connect: the Universal GameDev Challenge. Over the summer, six finalists were invited to an exclusive VIP Mentorship Summit at Universal Studios Los Angeles, where the largest companies in game development — including Microsoft and Intel — provided insights and built relationships with each team. During the Unite LA keynote, we granted the Grand Prize winner, Andreas Halter, the award for their entry: Voltron Cubes of Olkarion! Read more in Universal’s official press release.

在GDC,我们在Unity Connect上发起了迄今为止最大,最雄心勃勃的挑战: Universal GameDev Challenge 。 整个夏天,六名决赛入围者应邀参加了在洛杉矶环球影城举行的独家VIP导师峰会,包括微软英特尔在内的游戏开发领域的最大公司提供了见解并与每个团队建立了联系。 在Unite LA主题演讲中,我们授予了大奖得主安德烈亚斯·哈尔特(Andreas Halter),以表彰他们的参赛作品:奥尔卡里昂的Voltron Cubes! 在Universal的官方新闻稿中阅读更多内容。

Here’s a look at all six of the finalists.



新视野–超越游戏 (New horizons – going beyond gaming)

We recognize that building and innovating the best game engine allows us to expand and add specific technologies and tools to reach more creators in industries like automotive, film, architecture, engineering, construction and more. We are here to support all creators, from all industries, in creating brilliant, well-crafted, innovative experiences.

我们认识到,构建和创新最好的游戏引擎使我们能够扩展和添加特定的技术和工具,以覆盖汽车,电影,建筑,工程,建筑等行业的更多创作者。 我们在这里支持各行各业的所有创作者创造精湛,精心打造的创新体验。

电影和动画 (Film and animation)

Unity is pushing graphics capabilities even further and applying these innovations in gaming to power the latest workflows in episodic animation and short films. For animation studios, Unity is the creative center of your pipeline that lets you tell rich stories in a more intuitive way than traditional workflows.

Unity进一步推动了图形功能,并将这些创新应用到游戏中,以支持情节动画和短片中的最新工作流程。 对于动画工作室而言,Unity是您制作流程中的创意中心,可让您以比传统工作流程更直观的方式讲述丰富的故事。

There is no more exciting time than right now for filmmakers to start using Unity, whether it’s animation, virtual cinematography, virtual production, previs, performance capture, cinematic VR experiences, or other stories that break down genre barriers.


Learn more about Unity for Film.

了解更多有关 Unity for Film的信息


加入Unity大家庭:Digital Monarch Media (Joining the Unity family: Digital Monarch Media)

The team at Digital Monarch Media, led by Wes Potter and Habib Zargarpour, have a deep background in games, cinematics, and film. Both Unity and DMM are investing deeply in the success of the world’s best and brightest creators in filmmaking. This is why we are delighted that Digital Monarch Media will be joining the Unity family to pursue this mission together.

由Wes Potter和Habib Zargarpour领导的Digital Monarch Media团队在游戏,电影和电影领域拥有深厚的背景。 Unity和DMM都在为电影界世界上最优秀和最聪明的创作者的成功进行深入投资。 这就是为什么我们很高兴Digital Monarch Media将加入Unity大家庭一起共同追求这一使命。

Their suite of powerful virtual cinematography and production tools have already enabled world-class directors and cinematographers to craft incredible stories, such as Steven Spielberg for Ready Player One, Denis Villeneuve for Blade Runner 2049, and Jon Favreau for The Jungle Book. Unity is increasingly becoming an indispensable tool on-set for teams who want to harness the power of real-time to create films in a more intuitive way — a way that puts the art back in the artist’s hands, and ultimately ensures the final film is even closer to the director’s vision.

他们强大的虚拟电影摄影和制作工具套件已经使世界一流的导演和电影摄影师能够制作出令人难以置信的故事,例如Ready Player One的Steven Spielberg,Blade Runner 2049的Denis Villeneuve和The Jungle Book的Jon Favreau。 对于希望利用实时功能以更直观的方式制作电影的团队来说,Unity越来越成为不可缺少的工具,这种方式可以将艺术作品重新交到艺术家手中,并最终确保最终的电影能够被制作出来。甚至更接近导演的视野。

讲故事的新方法 (A new way of storytelling)

Baymax Dreams, a series of three broadcast television-quality shorts based on the “Big Hero 6 The Series” TV show (now available to stream on Disney NOW and on YouTube), was created using Unity. It was used for everything from layout, camera, and editorial to lighting, VFX, color correct and render, with the goal of consolidating as many disciplines as possible within the real-time engine environment.

Baymax Dreams是由Unity制作的一系列三部广播级电视短片,均基于“ Big Hero 6 The Series”电视节目(现已在Disney NOW和YouTube播放 )。 它用于从布局,相机,编辑到照明,VFX,色彩校正和渲染的所有内容,目的是在实时引擎环境中尽可能多地整合学科。

The workflow allowed the team to iterate quickly, and immediately see creative results in context from the start of production. Before the script was locked, the team began blocking out the story in the engine, using real production assets. Essentially they took animation and setting cameras down around the best performances, often inspiring new gags. This ability to “find the story” in real 3D world-space holds exciting possibilities for the future of storytelling.

该工作流使团队能够快速迭代,并从生产开始就立即在上下文中查看创意结果。 在脚本被锁定之前,团队开始使用实际的生产资产来屏蔽引擎中的故事。 从本质上讲,他们以最佳表现拍摄动画和设置相机,这常常激发新的想法。 这种在真实的3D世界空间中“查找故事”的能力为讲故事的未来提供了令人兴奋的可能性。

We have been incorporating updates and additions to the roadmap, inspired by learnings from this production. Now that we have everything in the Unity engine, we can easily create all kinds of experiences. In fact, as we speak, Disney ABC Television Group is doing just that: they’ll be launching a new tower-defense game, inspired by the Baymax Dreams shorts, early next year, using assets from our production.

我们从这次生产的经验中汲取了灵感,将路线图的更新和补充纳入其中。 现在我们已经在Unity引擎中拥有了所有东西,我们可以轻松地创建各种体验。 实际上,正如我们所说的那样,迪斯尼ABC电视集团就是这样做的:明年年初,他们将利用Baymax Dreams短裤创作的一款新型塔防游戏,使用我们生产的资产。


There’s more to come from Unite Los Angeles! We’ll be live streaming select sessions on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and Twitter tomorrow and Thursday. Join us via your favorite channel!

还有更多来自联合洛杉矶的信息! 明天和星期四,我们将在YouTubeTwitchFacebookTwitter上直播选择的会话。 通过您喜欢的频道加入我们!


Thank you to Nvidia for providing the PCs used during the Unity keynote, AutoTech Summit and Film & Animation Summit. 

感谢Nvidia提供Unity主题演讲,AutoTech峰会和Film&Animation Summit期间使用的PC。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/10/24/a-peek-at-the-new-visual-effect-graph-cinecast-our-first-sample-game-and-more-from-unite-los-angeles/

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