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翻译 程序 卡塔_我想念微软恩卡塔

Microsoft Encarta came out in 1993 and was one of the first CD-ROMs I had. It stopped shipping in 2009 on DVD. I recently found a disk and was impressed that it installed just perfectly on my latest W...

2020-10-13 22:40:19 170

翻译 core razor是什么_什么是Blazor和什么是Razor Components?

I've blogged a little about Blazor, showing examples like Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor then Debugging .NET Source with Remote Debugging in Chrome DevTools as well as very early on asking ...

2020-10-13 22:21:15 974

翻译 程序员 rs编码_系统思考对于新编码员而言一如既往的重要

程序员 rs编码spent some time with a young university student who came prepared. I was walking between talks and he had a sheet of paper organized with questions. We 与一个年轻的准备学习的大学生呆了一段时间。 我在会谈之间走来走去,他有一张有问题...

2020-10-13 22:10:43 159

翻译 beetle psx_完全使用C#和.NET模拟PlayStation 1(PSX)

beetle psxI was reading an older post in an emulator forum where someone was asking for a Playstation 1 (PSX) emulator written in C#, and the replies went on and on about how C# and .NET are not suite...

2020-10-13 21:39:31 672

翻译 使用基于.NET Core的Technitium DNS服务器探索DNS

Earlier this week I talked about how Your Computer is not a Black Box and I spent some time in TCPView and at the command line exploring open ports on my computer. I was doing this in order to debug a...

2020-10-13 21:20:57 1334

翻译 Visual Studio Code远程开发可能会改变一切

OK, that's a little clickbaity but it's surely impressed the heck out of me. You can read more about VS Code Remote Development (at the time of this writing, available in the VS Code Insiders builds) ...

2020-10-13 21:00:15 188

翻译 控制台和终端区别_控制台,终端和外壳之间有什么区别?

控制台和终端区别I see a lot of questions that are close but the questions themselves show an underlying misunderstanding of some important terms. 我看到许多很接近的问题,但是问题本身显示出对一些重要术语的潜在误解。Why would I use Windows Ter...

2020-10-13 20:42:09 1151

翻译 xbox360链接pc_如何将PC游戏从Windows 10免费流式传输到Xbox One

I've been really enjoying my Xbox lately (when the family is asleep) as well as some fun Retrogaming on original consoles. Back in 2015 I showed how you can stream from your Xbox to any PC using the X...

2020-10-13 20:12:38 1154

翻译 为构建系统和Windows终端添加ReactGif

So, first, I'm having entirely too much fun with the new open source Windows Terminal. If you've got the latest version of Windows (go run Windows Update and do whatever it takes) then you can downloa...

2020-10-13 20:01:51 104

翻译 制作一个很小的.NET Core 3.0完全独立的单个可执行文件

I've always been fascinated by making apps as small as possible, especially in the .NET space. No need to ship any files - or methods - that you don't need, right? I've blogged about optimizations you...

2020-10-13 19:51:46 456

翻译 进程和线程上下文切换_编码人员:上下文切换对于计算机和关系而言都很难

进程和线程上下文切换Clive Thompson is a longtime contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and a columnist for Wired and now has a new book out called "Coders." 克莱夫·汤普森(Clive Thompson)是《纽约时报》(New York...

2020-10-13 19:41:37 147

翻译 永远的友谊_友谊的传递属性-温馨介绍的重要性

永远的友谊Per Wikipedia, "In mathematics, a binary relation ... is transitive if ... element a is related to an element b and b is related to an element c then a is also related to c." 每维基百科,“在数学,一个二元关系......

2020-10-13 17:50:38 144

翻译 .NET Core和Docker以及Microsoft容器注册表入门

It's super easy to get started with .NET Core and/or ASP.NET Core with Docker. If you have Docker installed you don't need to install anything to try out .NET Core, of course. 开始使用Docker的.NET Core和/或A...

2020-10-13 17:00:38 303

翻译 嘿Siri,我的血糖是多少? 学习使用Apple的iPhone快捷方式进行编码

Bear with me here. Apple Shortcuts (free on the App Store) is extraordinary and you shouldn't sleep on it. In fact, you should use it and explore it as it's amazing. I would go even further and say it...

2020-10-13 16:51:30 625

翻译 adafruit lcd_在AdaFruit PyPortal上显示NightScout的实时血糖

adafruit lcd for the kids - and me. It a little dakBoard, if you will - a tiny totally programmable display with Wi-Fi and lots of possibilities and sensors. Even better, you can just plug it in over...

2020-10-13 16:41:47 318

翻译 linux iso转img_如何在Windows 10上使用Linux轻松将IMG文件转换为标准ISO

The optical disc drive is giving out on my GoldStar 3DO machine. It's nearly 30 years old. I want to make sure that the kids and I can still play our 3DO discs. I ordered this fantastic USB mod for th...

2020-10-13 16:20:20 1609

翻译 回顾Elecrow CrowPi2 Raspberry Pi笔记本电脑和STEM教育平台

the Raspberry Pi and I am a fan of the CrowPi from Elecrow. I have two of their first CrowPi device and I use them in demonstrations and talks all the time, especially when talking to students.Raspber...

2020-10-13 16:10:59 1035

翻译 修改.csproj文件_从.NET Core将现有.NET项目文件升级为精益的新CSPROJ格式

修改.csproj文件If you've looked at csproj (C# (csharp) projects) in the past in a text editor you probably looked away quickly. They are effectively MSBuild files that orchestrate the build process. Phras...

2020-10-13 14:49:35 1221

翻译 yubikey复制_如何在Windows上使用YubiKey NEO和GPG和Keybase设置Signed Git提交

This week in obscure blog titles, I bring you the nightmare that is setting up Signed Git Commits with a YubiKey NEO and GPG and Keybase on Windows. This is one of those "it's good for you" things lik...

2020-10-13 14:40:12 2047

翻译 zeit.sh的api_改进Zeit的now.sh上的ASP.NET Core部署并制作小型容器映像

Back in March of 2017 I blogged about Zeit and their cool deployment system "now." Zeit will take any folder and deploy it to the web easily. Better yet if you have a Dockerfile in that folder as Zeit...

2020-10-13 14:20:30 184

翻译 net.core 容器化_尽可能小的完整的容器化.NET Core应用程序微服务

net.core 容器化OK, maybe not technically a microservice, but that's a hot buzzword these days, right? A few weeks ago I blogged about Improvements on ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit's now.sh and making ...

2020-10-13 13:41:45 197

翻译 如何使用Raspberry Pi和便宜的显示器构建壁挂式家庭日历和仪表板

raspberry piI love dashboards. I love Raspberry Pis (tiny $35 computers the size of a set of playing cards). And I'm cheap frugal. I found a 24" old LCD at Goodwill (a local thrift shop) and bought it...

2020-10-13 13:21:47 522

翻译 使用Selenium Standalone,Chrome和ASP.NET Core 2.1进行真实的浏览器集成测试

Buckle up kids, this is nuts and I'm probably doing it wrong. ;) And it's 2am and I wrote this fast. I'll come back tomorrow and fix the spelling.扣紧孩子们,这太疯狂了,我可能做错了。 ;)现在是凌晨2点,我写得很快。 我明天再来并解决拼写错误。I ...

2020-10-13 12:30:48 413

翻译 在Raspberry Pi(ARM32)上的Docker中构建,运行和测试.NET Core和ASP.NET Core 2.1

I love me some Raspberry Pi. They are great little learning machines and are super fun for kids to play with. Even if those kids are adults and they build a 6 node Kubernetes Raspberry Pi Cluster. 我爱我...

2020-10-13 12:20:28 886

翻译 女生说你无聊废话多_你怎么知道这个废话?

The Imposter's Handbook" I was LOVING IT. It's a fantastic book written for imposters by an imposter. Remember, I'm 冒名顶替者手册》时,我很喜欢它。 这是一本由冒名顶替者为冒名顶替者而写的绝妙书。 记住,我是the original phony.原始的假冒。Now he's wor...

2020-10-13 12:00:13 983

翻译 .NET Core和Docker

If you've got Docker installed you can run a .NET Core sample quickly just like this. Try it:如果您已安装Docker,则可以像这样快速运行.NET Core示例。 试试吧: docker run --rm microsoft/dotnet-samplesIf your Docker for Windo...

2020-10-13 11:49:29 162

翻译 使用Polly向您的.NET Core HttpClient添加弹性和瞬态故障处理

Http Client instances over to be created by the new HttpClientFactory. Now I have a single central place where my HttpClient objects are created and managed, Http Client实例移到了由新HttpClientFactory创建的位置。 ...

2020-10-13 11:11:01 254

翻译 在.NET Core中如何使用System.Drawing?

I've been doing .NET image processing since the beginning. In fact I wrote about it over 13 years ago on this blog when I talked about Compositing two images into one from the ASP.NET Server Side and ...

2020-10-13 10:51:37 1334

翻译 .net core sdk_删除旧的.NET Core SDK的脚本

.NET Core is lovely. Its usage is skyrocketing, it's open source, and .NET Core 2.1 has some amazing performance improvements. Just upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1 gave Bing a 34% performance boost..NET Co...

2020-10-13 10:31:41 714

翻译 两台电脑hdmi 扩展_在预算内在HDMI原始控制台上进行翻新

两台电脑hdmi 扩展My sons (10 and 12) and I have been enjoying Retrogaming as a hobby of late. Sure there's a lot of talk of 4k 60fps this and that, but there's amazing stories in classing video games. From ...

2020-10-13 10:11:13 554

翻译 开源协议 比较说明_开源.NET库作者的新说明性指南

开源协议 比较说明Perhaps you've got an open source (OSS) .NET Library on your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Go check out the open-source library guidance. 也许您在GitHub,GitLab或Bitbucket上有一个开源(OSS).NET库。 去查看开源库...

2020-10-13 08:51:56 147

翻译 在Windows 10上为Hyper-V使用增强模式Ubuntu 18.04

I run Windows as my daily driver but I use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) all day long but WSL is just the command-line and has some perf issues with heavy file system work. I use Docker for Window...

2020-10-13 08:31:04 2875

翻译 AltCover和ReportGenerator在.NET Core上提供了惊人的代码覆盖率

I'm continuing to explore testing and code coverage on open source .NET Core. Earlier this week I checked out coverlet. There is also the venerable OpenCover and there's some cool work being done to g...

2020-10-13 06:23:48 411

翻译 Linux或Docker以及跨平台SQL Operations Studio中SQL Server

I recently met some folks that didn't know that SQL Server 2017 also runs on Linuxbut they really needed to know. They had a single Windows desktop and a single Windows Server that they were keeping ...

2020-10-13 05:55:11 220

翻译 polly_程序员的后见之明-使用HttpClientFactory和Polly缓存第2部分

pollyAdding Cross-Cutting Memory Caching to an HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core with Polly I actually 使用Polly将交叉剪切内存缓存添加到ASP.NET Core中的HttpClientFactory中,我实际上failed to complete my mission. I talked t...

2020-10-13 05:06:04 285

翻译 使用Flurl轻松构建URL并在.NET中进行可测试的HttpClient调用

c# flurlI posted about using Refit along with ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory earlier this week. Several times when exploring this space (both on Twitter, googling around, and in my own blog comm...

2020-10-13 04:26:56 1704

翻译 在Linux的Windows 10子系统上构建0verkill-2D ASCII Art Deathmatch游戏

I'm a big fan of the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It's real Linux that runs real user-mode ELF binaries but it's all on Windows 10. It's not running in a Virtual Machine. I talk about it and some of t...

2020-10-13 03:27:54 200

翻译 raspberry pi_如何使用ARM Raspberry Pi构建Kubernetes集群然后在OpenFaas上运行.NET Core

raspberry piFirst, why would you do this? Why not. It's awesome. It's a learning experience. It's cheaper to get 6 pis than six "real computers." It's somewhat portable. While you can certainly quickl...

2020-10-13 03:08:00 1011

翻译 godaddy运行asp_在GoDaddy最便宜的共享Linux主机上运行ASP.NET Core-不要在家中尝试

First, a disclaimer. Don't do this. I did this to test a theory and to prove a point. ASP.NET Core and the .NET Core that it runs on are open source and run pretty much anywhere. I wanted to see if I ...

2020-10-13 02:47:57 406

翻译 使用GameSrv,DOSBox在Windows 10上运行BBS Door Games,并通过WSL进行telnet乐趣

I continue to enjoy seeing what can be done with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) but even more fun is combining CMD.exe (the Windows console), Ubuntu on Windows (WSL), and DOSBox (an x86 emulator th...

2020-10-13 02:38:39 446



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