- 博客分类:
- 机器人和PLC
A Twist is the 6x1 matrix that represents the velocity of a Frame using a 3D translational velocity Vector vel and a 3D angular velocity Vector rot:
<equation id="twist"><equation>
Creating Twists
Twist t1; //Default constructor, initializes both vel and rot to Zero
Twist t2(vel,rot);//Vector vel, and Vector rot
Twist t3 = Twist::Zero();//Zero twist
Note: in contrast to the creation of Frames, the order in which vel and rot Vectors are supplied to the constructor is important.
Getting values
Using the operators [ ] and ( ), the indices from 0..2 return the elements of vel, the indices from 3..5 return the elements of rot:
double vx = t1(0);
double omega_y = t1[4];
t1(1) = vy;
t1[5] = omega_z;
Because some robotics literature put the rotation part on top it is safer to use the vel, rot members to access the individual elements:
double vx = t1.vel.x();//or
vx = t1.vel(0);
double omega_y = t1.rot.y();//or
omega_y = t1.rot(1);
Multiply/Divide with a scalar
The same operators as for Vector are available:
Adding/subtracting Twists
The same operators as for Vector are available:
Comparing Twists
Element by element comparison with or without user-defined accuracy:
A Wrench is the 6x1 matrix that represents a force on a Frame using a 3D translational force Vector force and a 3D moment Vector torque:
<equation id="wrench"><equation>
Creating Wrenches
Wrench w1; //Default constructor, initializes force and torque to Zero
Wrench w2(force,torque);//Vector force, and Vector torque
Wrench w3 = Wrench::Zero();//Zero wrench
Getting values
Using the operators [ ] and ( ), the indices from 0..2 return the elements of force, the indices from 3..5 return the elements of torque:
double fx = w1(0);
double ty = w1[4];
w1(1) = fy;
w1[5] = tz;
Because some robotics literature put the torque part on top it is safer to use the torque, force members to access the individual elements:
double fx = w1.force.x();//or
fx = w1.force(0);
double ty = w1.torque.y();//or
ty = w1.torque(1);
Multiply/Divide with a scalar
The same operators as for Vector are available:
Adding/subtracting Wrenchs
The same operators as for Twist are available:
Comparing Wrenchs
Element by element comparison with or without user-defined accuracy:
Twist and Wrench transformations
Wrenches and Twists are expressed in a certain reference frame; the translational Vector vel of the Twists and the moment Vector torque of the Wrenches represent the velocity of, resp. the moment on, a certain reference point in that frame. Common choices for the reference point are the origin of the reference frame or a task specific point.
The values of a Wrench or Twist change if the reference frame or reference point is changed.
Changing only the reference point
If you want to change the reference point you need the Vector v_old_new from the old reference point to the new reference point expressed in the reference frame of the Wrench or Twist:
t2 = t1.RefPoint(v_old_new);
w2 = w1.RefPoint(v_old_new);
Changing only the reference frame
If you want to change the reference frame but want to keep the reference point intact you can use a Rotation matrix R_AB which expresses the rotation of the current reference frame B wrt to the new reference frame A:
ta = R_AB*tb;
wa = R_AB*wb;
Note: This operation seems to multiply a 3x3 matrix R_AB with 6x1 matrices tb or wb, while in reality it uses the 6x6 Screw transformation matrix derived from R_AB.
Changing both the reference frame and the reference point
If you want to change both the reference frame and the reference point you can use a Frame F_AB which contains (i) Rotation matrix R_AB which expresses the rotation of the current reference frame B wrt to the new reference frame A and (ii) the Vector v_old_new from the old reference point to the new reference point expressed in A:
ta = F_AB*tb;
wa = F_AB*wb;
Note: This operation seems to multiply a 4x4 matrix F_AB with 6x1 matrices tb or wb, while in reality it uses the 6x6 Screw transformation matrix derived from F_AB.
First order differentiation and integration
t = diff(F_w_A,F_w_B,timestep)//differentiation
F_w_B = F_w_A.addDelta(t,timestep)//integration
t is the twist that moves frame A to frame B in timestep seconds. t is expressed in reference frame w using the origin of A as velocity reference point.