g2o 边的源码
//***g2o源码 g2o/g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h ***//
* \brief 模板化 BaseUnaryEdge,单边
* D : int 类型,表示测量值的维度(Dimension)
* E : 测量值的数据类型
template <int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
class BaseUnaryEdge : public BaseEdge<D,E>{
// 类的具体实现...
//***g2o源码 g2o/g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h ***
* \brief 模板化 BaseBinaryEdge,双边
* D : int 类型,表示测量值的维度(Dimension)
* E : 测量值的数据类型
* VertexXi : 边连接的顶点类型
* VertexXj : 边连接的顶点类型
template <int D, typename E, typename VertexXi, typename VertexXj>
class BaseBinaryEdge : public BaseEdge<D, E>{
// 类的具体实现...
//***g2o源码 g2o/g2o/core/base_multi_edge.h ***//
* D : int 类型,表示测量值的维度(Dimension)
* E : 测量值的数据类型
template <int D, typename E>
using BaseMultiEdge = BaseVariableSizedEdge<D, E>;
一般来说定义 Edge 需要重写这几个函数 ,需要注意的是,一旦指定了linearizeOplus(),就会使用该雅可比矩阵进行优化;如果不对该函数进行重写,就会使用自动求导的方式进行优化。
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/core/optimizable_graph.h ***//
// 读盘、存盘函数,不需要进行读/写操作的话,仅仅声明一下就可以
// 纯虚函数,从流中读取顶点,即顶点的内部状态
virtual bool read(std::istream& is) = 0;
// 纯虚函数,将顶点写入到流
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
// 边误差计算函数,使用当前边对应顶点计算得到的测量值与真实的测量值之间的误差
// 计算边的误差并将其存储在内部结构中
virtual void computeError() = 0;
// 边雅可比函数,计算在当前顶点的值下,误差对优化变量的偏导数,即 Jacobian
// 将流形空间中边的约束线性化,并将结果存储在给定的工作空间中
virtual void linearizeOplus(JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace) = 0;
g2o 边模版
class myEdge: public g2o::BaseBinaryEdge<errorDim, errorType, Vertex1Type, Vertex2Type>{
// myEdge 类的构造函数,调用了基类 BaseBinaryEdge<D, E, VertexXi, VertexXj> 的构造函数,初始化该边。
myEdge() : BaseBinaryEdge<D, E, VertexXi, VertexXj>() {}
bool read(std::istream& is) override {
// 从输入流读取边数据的实现
bool write(std::ostream& os) const override {
// 将边数据写入输出流的实现
void computeError() override{
// 误差 = 估计值 - 测量值
_error = /* 估计值 */ - _measurement;
_error = /* _measurement 矩阵的逆*/ * /* 估计值 */;
// 误差对优化变量的偏导数
void linearizeOplus() override{
_jacobianOplusXi(pos, pos) = /* Jacobian */;
_jocobianOplusXj(pos, pos) = /* Jacobian */;
// data
g2o 中定义好的常用边的类型汇总如下,我们挑选几个常用的详细介绍
// 测量值:平面2D位姿,顶点:平面2D位姿
EdgeSE2Prior : public BaseUnaryEdge<3, SE2, VertexSE2>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:平面2D位姿
EdgeSE2XYPrior : public BaseUnaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexSE2>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:空间3D点
EdgeXYPrior : public BaseUnaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXY>
// 测量值:欧式变换矩阵(4x4),顶点:空间3D位姿(四元数旋转)
EdgeSE3Prior : public BaseUnaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D位姿(四元数旋转)
EdgeSE3XYZPrior : public BaseUnaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D点
EdgeXYZPrior : public BaseUnaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:平面2D点、平面2D点
EdgePointXY : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXY, VertexPointXY>
// 测量值:平面2D位姿,顶点:平面2D位姿、平面2D位姿
EdgeSE2 : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, SE2, VertexSE2, VertexSE2>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:平面2D位姿、平面2D点
EdgeSE2PointXY : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexSE2, VertexPointXY>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D点、空间3D点
EdgePointXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexPointXYZ>
// 测量值:欧式变换矩阵(4x4),顶点:空间3D位姿(四元数旋转)、空间3D位姿(四元数旋转)
EdgeSE3 : public BaseBinaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3, VertexSE3>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D位姿(四元数旋转)、空间3D点
EdgeSE3PointXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3, VertexPointXYZ>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D点、空间3D位姿(SE3,李代数旋转)
EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:空间3D点、空间3D位姿(SE3,李代数旋转)
EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
// 测量值:平面2D点,顶点:空间3D点、空间3D位姿(SE3,李代数旋转)
EdgeProjectXYZ2UV : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
// 测量值:空间3D点,顶点:空间3D点、空间3D位姿(SE3,李代数旋转)
EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
// 测量值:Sim3,顶点:Sim3、Sim3
EdgeSim3 : public BaseBinaryEdge<7, Sim3, VertexSim3Expmap, VertexSim3Expmap>
// 测量值:空间2D点,顶点:空间3D点、Sim3
EdgeSim3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSim3Expmap>
// 测量值:空间2D点,顶点:空间3D点、Sim3
EdgeInverseSim3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSim3Expmap>
一、EdgeSE3Prior : public BaseUnaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_prior.h ***//
#ifndef G2O_EDGE_SE3_PRIOR_H_
#define G2O_EDGE_SE3_PRIOR_H_
#include "vertex_se3.h"
#include "g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h"
#include "parameter_se3_offset.h"
#include "g2o_types_slam3d_api.h"
namespace g2o {
* \brief prior for an SE3 element
* Provides a prior for a 3d pose vertex. Again the measurement is represented by an
* Isometry3 matrix.
class G2O_TYPES_SLAM3D_API EdgeSE3Prior : public BaseUnaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3> {
virtual bool read(std::istream& is);
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
// return the error estimate as a 3-vector
void computeError();
// jacobian
virtual void linearizeOplus();
/* 类中其他函数 */
} // end namespace
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_prior.cpp ***//
#include "edge_se3_prior.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "isometry3d_gradients.h"
namespace g2o {
using namespace std;
// point to camera projection, monocular
EdgeSE3Prior::EdgeSE3Prior() : BaseUnaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3>() {
_cache = 0;
_offsetParam = 0;
installParameter(_offsetParam, 0);
bool EdgeSE3Prior::read(std::istream& is) {
bool state = readParamIds(is);
Vector7 meas;
state &= internal::readVector(is, meas);
state &= readInformationMatrix(is);
return state;
bool EdgeSE3Prior::write(std::ostream& os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, internal::toVectorQT(measurement()));
return os.good();
void EdgeSE3Prior::computeError() {
Isometry3 delta = _inverseMeasurement * _cache->n2w();
_error = internal::toVectorMQT(delta);
void EdgeSE3Prior::linearizeOplus() {
VertexSE3* from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
Isometry3 E;
Isometry3 Z, X, P;
X = from->estimate();
P = _cache->offsetParam()->offset();
Z = _measurement;
internal::computeEdgeSE3PriorGradient(E, _jacobianOplusXi, Z, X, P);
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/isometry3d_gradients.h ***//
template <typename Derived>
void computeEdgeSE3PriorGradient(Isometry3& E,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& JConstRef,
const Isometry3& Z, const Isometry3& X,
const Isometry3& P = Isometry3::Identity()) {
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& J =
J.derived().resize(6, 6);
// compute the error at the linearization point
const Isometry3 A = Z.inverse() * X;
const Isometry3& B = P;
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Ra = extractRotation(A);
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Rb = extractRotation(B);
Isometry3::ConstTranslationPart tb = B.translation();
E = A * B;
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Re = extractRotation(E);
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 3, 9, Eigen::ColMajor> dq_dR;
compute_dq_dR(dq_dR, Re(0, 0), Re(1, 0), Re(2, 0), Re(0, 1), Re(1, 1),
Re(2, 1), Re(0, 2), Re(1, 2), Re(2, 2));
// dte/dt
J.template block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Ra;
// dte/dq =0
// dte/dqj
Matrix3 S;
skew(S, tb);
J.template block<3, 3>(0, 3) = Ra * S;
// dre/dt =0
// dre/dq
number_t buf[27];
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 9, 3, Eigen::ColMajor> > M(buf);
Matrix3 Sx, Sy, Sz;
internal::skew(Sx, Sy, Sz, Rb);
// 检测当前编译器是否为 Clang
#ifdef __clang__
Matrix3 temp = Ra * Sx;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> M2(temp.data());
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mx(buf);
Mx = M2;
temp = Ra * Sy;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> My(buf + 9);
My = M2;
temp = Ra * Sz;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mz(buf + 18);
Mz = M2;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mx(buf);
Mx = Ra * Sx;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> My(buf + 9);
My = Ra * Sy;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mz(buf + 18);
Mz = Ra * Sz;
J.template block<3, 3>(3, 3) = dq_dR * M;
二、EdgeSE3XYZPrior : public BaseUnaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_xyzprior.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h"
#include "g2o_types_slam3d_api.h"
#include "parameter_se3_offset.h"
#include "vertex_se3.h"
namespace g2o {
* \brief Prior for a 3D pose with constraints only in xyz direction
* \brief 仅在 xyz 方向上具有约束的 3D位姿 先验
: public BaseUnaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3> {
virtual bool read(std::istream& is);
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
virtual void computeError();
virtual void linearizeOplus();
/* 类中其他函数 */
virtual bool resolveCaches();
ParameterSE3Offset* _offsetParam;
CacheSE3Offset* _cache;
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_xyzprior.cpp ***//
#include "edge_se3_xyzprior.h"
namespace g2o {
bool EdgeSE3XYZPrior::read(std::istream& is) {
internal::readVector(is, _measurement);
return readInformationMatrix(is);
bool EdgeSE3XYZPrior::write(std::ostream& os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
void EdgeSE3XYZPrior::computeError() {
const VertexSE3* v = static_cast<const VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
_error = v->estimate().translation() - _measurement;
void EdgeSE3XYZPrior::linearizeOplus() {
const VertexSE3* v = static_cast<const VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
_jacobianOplusXi.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = v->estimate().rotation();
_jacobianOplusXi.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
} // namespace g2o
三、 EdgePointXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexPointXYZ>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_pointxyz.h ***//
#include "g2o/config.h"
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o_types_slam3d_api.h"
#include "vertex_pointxyz.h"
namespace g2o {
: public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexPointXYZ> {
void computeError() {
const VertexPointXYZ* v1 = static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[0]);
const VertexPointXYZ* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]);
_error = (v2->estimate() - v1->estimate()) - _measurement;
virtual bool read(std::istream& is);
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
/* 类中其他函数 */
virtual void linearizeOplus();
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_pointxyz.cpp ***//
#include "edge_pointxyz.h"
namespace g2o {
: BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexPointXYZ>() {
bool EdgePointXYZ::read(std::istream& is) {
Vector3 p;
is >> p[0] >> p[1] >> p[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
is >> information()(i, j);
if (i != j) information()(j, i) = information()(i, j);
return true;
bool EdgePointXYZ::write(std::ostream& os) const {
Vector3 p = measurement();
os << p.x() << " " << p.y() << " " << p.z();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = i; j < 3; ++j) os << " " << information()(i, j);
return os.good();
void EdgePointXYZ::linearizeOplus() {
_jacobianOplusXi = -Matrix3::Identity();
_jacobianOplusXj = Matrix3::Identity();
} // namespace g2o
四、EdgeSE3 : public BaseBinaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3, VertexSE3>
其中,测量值是两个顶点之间的相对 3D 位姿测量
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3.h ***//
#ifndef G2O_EDGE_SE3_H_
#define G2O_EDGE_SE3_H_
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o_types_slam3d_api.h"
#include "vertex_se3.h"
namespace g2o {
* \brief Edge between two 3D pose vertices
* The transformation between the two vertices is given as an Isometry3.
* If z denotes the measurement, then the error function is given as follows:
* z^-1 * (x_i^-1 * x_j)
: public BaseBinaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3, VertexSE3> {
virtual bool read(std::istream& is);
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
void computeError();
/* 类中其他函数 */
void linearizeOplus();
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3.cpp ***//
#include "edge_se3.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "isometry3d_gradients.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/opengl_primitives.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/opengl_wrapper.h"
namespace g2o {
using namespace std;
EdgeSE3::EdgeSE3() : BaseBinaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3, VertexSE3>() {
bool EdgeSE3::read(std::istream& is) {
Vector7 meas;
internal::readVector(is, meas);
// normalize the quaternion to recover numerical precision lost by storing as
// human readable text
Vector4::MapType(meas.data() + 3).normalize();
if (is.bad()) return false;
return is.good() || is.eof();
bool EdgeSE3::write(std::ostream& os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, internal::toVectorQT(measurement()));
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
void EdgeSE3::computeError() {
VertexSE3* from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
VertexSE3* to = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]);
Isometry3 delta =
_inverseMeasurement * from->estimate().inverse() * to->estimate();
_error = internal::toVectorMQT(delta);
void EdgeSE3::linearizeOplus() {
// BaseBinaryEdge<6, Isometry3, VertexSE3, VertexSE3>::linearizeOplus();
// return;
VertexSE3* from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
VertexSE3* to = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]);
Isometry3 E;
const Isometry3& Xi = from->estimate();
const Isometry3& Xj = to->estimate();
const Isometry3& Z = _measurement;
internal::computeEdgeSE3Gradient(E, _jacobianOplusXi, _jacobianOplusXj, Z, Xi,
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/isometry3d_gradients.h ***//
template <typename Derived>
void computeEdgeSE3Gradient(Isometry3& E,
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const& JiConstRef,
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const& JjConstRef,
const Isometry3& Z, const Isometry3& Xi,
const Isometry3& Xj) {
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& Ji =
Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& Jj =
Ji.derived().resize(6, 6);
Jj.derived().resize(6, 6);
// compute the error at the linearization point
const Isometry3 A = Z.inverse();
const Isometry3 B = Xi.inverse() * Xj;
E = A * B;
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Re = extractRotation(E);
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Ra = extractRotation(A);
Isometry3::ConstLinearPart Rb = extractRotation(B);
Isometry3::ConstTranslationPart tb = B.translation();
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 3, 9, Eigen::ColMajor> dq_dR;
compute_dq_dR(dq_dR, Re(0, 0), Re(1, 0), Re(2, 0), Re(0, 1), Re(1, 1),
Re(2, 1), Re(0, 2), Re(1, 2), Re(2, 2));
// dte/dti
Ji.template block<3, 3>(0, 0) = -Ra;
// dte/dtj
Jj.template block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Re;
// dte/dqi
Matrix3 S;
skewT(S, tb);
Ji.template block<3, 3>(0, 3) = Ra * S;
// dte/dqj: this is zero
number_t buf[27];
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 9, 3, Eigen::ColMajor> > M(buf);
Matrix3 Sxt, Syt, Szt;
// dre/dqi
skewT(Sxt, Syt, Szt, Rb);
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mx(buf);
Mx.noalias() = Ra * Sxt;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> My(buf + 9);
My.noalias() = Ra * Syt;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mz(buf + 18);
Mz.noalias() = Ra * Szt;
Ji.template block<3, 3>(3, 3) = dq_dR * M;
// dre/dqj
Matrix3& Sx = Sxt;
Matrix3& Sy = Syt;
Matrix3& Sz = Szt;
skew(Sx, Sy, Sz, Matrix3::Identity());
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mx(buf);
Mx.noalias() = Re * Sx;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> My(buf + 9);
My.noalias() = Re * Sy;
Eigen::Map<Matrix3> Mz(buf + 18);
Mz.noalias() = Re * Sz;
Jj.template block<3, 3>(3, 3) = dq_dR * M;
五、EdgeSE3PointXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3, VertexPointXYZ>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_pointxyz.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o_types_slam3d_api.h"
#include "parameter_se3_offset.h"
#include "vertex_pointxyz.h"
#include "vertex_se3.h"
namespace g2o {
/*! \class EdgeSE3PointXYZ
* \brief g2o edge from a track to a point node
// first two args are the measurement type, second two the connection classes
: public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3, VertexPointXYZ> {
virtual bool read(std::istream& is);
virtual bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
// return the error estimate as a 3-vector
void computeError();
// jacobian
virtual void linearizeOplus();
/* 类中其他函数 */
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/edge_se3_pointxyz.cpp ***//
#include "edge_se3_pointxyz.h"
#include "parameter_se3_offset.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/opengl_wrapper.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "g2o/stuff/opengl_primitives.h"
#include "g2o/stuff/opengl_wrapper.h"
namespace g2o {
using namespace std;
// point to camera projection, monocular
: BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexSE3, VertexPointXYZ>() {
J.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = -Matrix3::Identity();
cache = 0;
offsetParam = 0;
installParameter(offsetParam, 0);
bool EdgeSE3PointXYZ::read(std::istream& is) {
Vector3 meas;
internal::readVector(is, meas);
return is.good() || is.eof();
bool EdgeSE3PointXYZ::write(std::ostream& os) const {
bool state = writeParamIds(os);
state &= internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
state &= writeInformationMatrix(os);
return state;
void EdgeSE3PointXYZ::computeError() {
// from cam to point (track)
// VertexSE3 *cam = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
VertexPointXYZ* point = static_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]);
Vector3 perr = cache->w2n() * point->estimate();
// error, which is backwards from the normal observed - calculated
// _measurement is the measured projection
_error = perr - _measurement;
// std::cout << _error << std::endl << std::endl;
void EdgeSE3PointXYZ::linearizeOplus() {
// VertexSE3 *cam = static_cast<VertexSE3 *>(_vertices[0]);
VertexPointXYZ* vp = static_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]);
Vector3 Zcam = cache->w2l() * vp->estimate();
// J(0,3) = -0.0;
J(0, 4) = -2 * Zcam(2);
J(0, 5) = 2 * Zcam(1);
J(1, 3) = 2 * Zcam(2);
// J(1,4) = -0.0;
J(1, 5) = -2 * Zcam(0);
J(2, 3) = -2 * Zcam(1);
J(2, 4) = 2 * Zcam(0);
// J(2,5) = -0.0;
J.block<3, 3>(0, 6) = cache->w2l().rotation();
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 3, 9, Eigen::ColMajor> Jhom =
offsetParam->inverseOffset().rotation() * J;
_jacobianOplusXi = Jhom.block<3, 6>(0, 0);
_jacobianOplusXj = Jhom.block<3, 3>(0, 6);
// std::cerr << "just linearized." << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "_jacobianOplusXi:" << std::endl << _jacobianOplusXi <<
// std::endl; std::cerr << "_jacobianOplusXj:" << std::endl <<
// _jacobianOplusXj << std::endl;
} // namespace g2o
六、EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam3d/vertex_pointxyz.h"
#include "g2o_types_sba_api.h"
#include "vertex_se3_expmap.h"
namespace g2o {
// Projection using focal_length in x and y directions
class G2O_TYPES_SBA_API EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ
: public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap> {
bool read(std::istream &is);
bool write(std::ostream &os) const;
void computeError();
bool isDepthPositive();
virtual void linearizeOplus();
Vector2 cam_project(const Vector3 &trans_xyz) const;
number_t fx, fy, cx, cy;
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz.h ***//
include "edge_project_xyz.h"
namespace g2o {
: BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>() {}
bool EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ::read(std::istream &is) {
internal::readVector(is, _measurement);
return readInformationMatrix(is);
bool EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ::write(std::ostream &os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
void EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ::computeError() {
const VertexSE3Expmap *v1 =
static_cast<const VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
const VertexPointXYZ *v2 = static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ *>(_vertices[0]);
Vector2 obs(_measurement);
_error = obs - cam_project(v1->estimate().map(v2->estimate()));
void EdgeSE3ProjectXYZ::linearizeOplus() {
VertexSE3Expmap *vj = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
SE3Quat T(vj->estimate());
VertexPointXYZ *vi = static_cast<VertexPointXYZ *>(_vertices[0]);
Vector3 xyz = vi->estimate();
Vector3 xyz_trans = T.map(xyz);
number_t x = xyz_trans[0];
number_t y = xyz_trans[1];
number_t z = xyz_trans[2];
number_t z_2 = z * z;
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 2, 3> tmp;
tmp(0, 0) = fx;
tmp(0, 1) = 0;
tmp(0, 2) = -x / z * fx;
tmp(1, 0) = 0;
tmp(1, 1) = fy;
tmp(1, 2) = -y / z * fy;
_jacobianOplusXi = -1. / z * tmp * T.rotation().toRotationMatrix();
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 0) = x * y / z_2 * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 1) = -(1 + (x * x / z_2)) * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 2) = y / z * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 3) = -1. / z * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 4) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 5) = x / z_2 * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 0) = (1 + y * y / z_2) * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 1) = -x * y / z_2 * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 2) = -x / z * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 3) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 4) = -1. / z * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 5) = y / z_2 * fy;
} // namespace g2o
七、EdgeProjectXYZ2UV : public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz2uv.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam3d/vertex_pointxyz.h"
#include "g2o_types_sba_api.h"
#include "parameter_cameraparameters.h"
#include "vertex_se3_expmap.h"
namespace g2o {
class G2O_TYPES_SBA_API EdgeProjectXYZ2UV
: public BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap> {
bool read(std::istream& is);
bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
void computeError();
virtual void linearizeOplus();
CameraParameters* _cam; // TODO make protected member?
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz2uv.cpp ***//
#include "edge_project_xyz2uv.h"
namespace g2o {
: BaseBinaryEdge<2, Vector2, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>() {
_cam = 0;
installParameter(_cam, 0);
bool EdgeProjectXYZ2UV::read(std::istream& is) {
internal::readVector(is, _measurement);
return readInformationMatrix(is);
bool EdgeProjectXYZ2UV::write(std::ostream& os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
void EdgeProjectXYZ2UV::computeError() {
const VertexSE3Expmap* v1 = static_cast<const VertexSE3Expmap*>(_vertices[1]);
const VertexPointXYZ* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[0]);
const CameraParameters* cam =
static_cast<const CameraParameters*>(parameter(0));
// cam_map():将相机坐标系下三维点(输入)用内参转换为像素坐标系下的图像坐标(输出)
// map():将世界坐标系下三维点转换到相机坐标系下
// v1->estimate().map(v2->estimate()
// 用 v1 估计的位姿(T_camera_world)把 v2 代表的三维点(P_world)转换到相机坐标系下
_error = measurement() - cam->cam_map(v1->estimate().map(v2->estimate()));
void EdgeProjectXYZ2UV::linearizeOplus() {
VertexSE3Expmap* vj = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap*>(_vertices[1]);
SE3Quat T(vj->estimate());
VertexPointXYZ* vi = static_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[0]);
Vector3 xyz = vi->estimate();
Vector3 xyz_trans = T.map(xyz); //相机坐标系下的点
number_t x = xyz_trans[0];
number_t y = xyz_trans[1];
number_t z = xyz_trans[2];
number_t z_2 = z * z;
const CameraParameters* cam =
static_cast<const CameraParameters*>(parameter(0));
// 重投影误差关于 三维点 的雅可比矩阵
// g2o 中 SE3Quat 的定义方式是旋转在前,平移在后
Eigen::Matrix<number_t, 2, 3, Eigen::ColMajor> tmp;
tmp(0, 0) = cam->focal_length;
tmp(0, 1) = 0;
tmp(0, 2) = -x / z * cam->focal_length;
tmp(1, 0) = 0;
tmp(1, 1) = cam->focal_length;
tmp(1, 2) = -y / z * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXi = -1. / z * tmp * T.rotation().toRotationMatrix();
// 重投影误差关于 相机位姿 的雅可比矩阵
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 0) = x * y / z_2 * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 1) = -(1 + (x * x / z_2)) * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 2) = y / z * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 3) = -1. / z * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 4) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 5) = x / z_2 * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 0) = (1 + y * y / z_2) * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 1) = -x * y / z_2 * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 2) = -x / z * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 3) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 4) = -1. / z * cam->focal_length;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 5) = y / z_2 * cam->focal_length;
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/parameter_cameraparameters.cpp ***//
Vector2 CameraParameters::cam_map(const Vector3 &trans_xyz) const {
Vector2 proj = project(trans_xyz);
Vector2 res;
res[0] = proj[0] * focal_length + principle_point[0];
res[1] = proj[1] * focal_length + principle_point[1];
return res;
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/slam3d/se3quat.h ***//
Vector3 map(const Vector3 & xyz) const
return _r*xyz + _t;
八、EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz2uvu.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam3d/vertex_pointxyz.h"
#include "g2o_types_sba_api.h"
#include "parameter_cameraparameters.h"
#include "vertex_se3_expmap.h"
namespace g2o {
// Stereo Observations
// U: left u
// V: left v
// U: right u
class G2O_TYPES_SBA_API EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU
: public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap> {
bool read(std::istream& is);
bool write(std::ostream& os) const;
void computeError();
// virtual void linearizeOplus();
CameraParameters* _cam;
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_xyz2uvu.cpp ***//
#include "edge_project_xyz2uvu.h"
namespace g2o {
: BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>() {
_cam = nullptr;
installParameter(_cam, 0);
void EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU::computeError() {
const VertexSE3Expmap* v1 = static_cast<const VertexSE3Expmap*>(_vertices[1]);
const VertexPointXYZ* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[0]);
const CameraParameters* cam =
static_cast<const CameraParameters*>(parameter(0));
_error = measurement() -
bool EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU::read(std::istream& is) {
internal::readVector(is, _measurement);
return readInformationMatrix(is);
bool EdgeProjectXYZ2UVU::write(std::ostream& os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
} // namespace g2o
九、EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ : public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_stereo_xyz.h ***//
#include "g2o/core/base_binary_edge.h"
#include "g2o/types/slam3d/vertex_pointxyz.h"
#include "g2o_types_sba_api.h"
#include "vertex_se3_expmap.h"
namespace g2o {
// Projection using focal_length in x and y directions stereo
class G2O_TYPES_SBA_API EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ
: public BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap> {
bool read(std::istream &is);
bool write(std::ostream &os) const;
void computeError() {
const VertexSE3Expmap *v1 =
static_cast<const VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
const VertexPointXYZ *v2 =
static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ *>(_vertices[0]);
Vector3 obs(_measurement);
_error = obs - cam_project(v1->estimate().map(v2->estimate()), bf);
bool isDepthPositive() {
const VertexSE3Expmap *v1 =
static_cast<const VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
const VertexPointXYZ *v2 =
static_cast<const VertexPointXYZ *>(_vertices[0]);
return (v1->estimate().map(v2->estimate()))(2) > 0;
virtual void linearizeOplus();
Vector3 cam_project(const Vector3 &trans_xyz, const float &bf) const;
number_t fx, fy, cx, cy, bf;
} // namespace g2o
//*** g2o源码 g2o/g2o/types/sba/edge_project_stereo_xyz.cpp ***//
#include "edge_project_stereo_xyz.h"
namespace g2o {
: BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap>() {}
Vector3 EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ::cam_project(const Vector3 &trans_xyz,
const float &bf) const {
const number_t invz = 1.0f / trans_xyz[2];
Vector3 res;
res[0] = trans_xyz[0] * invz * fx + cx;
res[1] = trans_xyz[1] * invz * fy + cy;
res[2] = res[0] - bf * invz;
return res;
bool EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ::read(std::istream &is) {
internal::readVector(is, _measurement);
return readInformationMatrix(is);
bool EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ::write(std::ostream &os) const {
internal::writeVector(os, measurement());
return writeInformationMatrix(os);
void EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ::linearizeOplus() {
VertexSE3Expmap *vj = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
SE3Quat T(vj->estimate());
VertexPointXYZ *vi = static_cast<VertexPointXYZ *>(_vertices[0]);
Vector3 xyz = vi->estimate();
Vector3 xyz_trans = T.map(xyz);
const Matrix3 R = T.rotation().toRotationMatrix();
number_t x = xyz_trans[0];
number_t y = xyz_trans[1];
number_t z = xyz_trans[2];
number_t z_2 = z * z;
_jacobianOplusXi(0, 0) = -fx * R(0, 0) / z + fx * x * R(2, 0) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(0, 1) = -fx * R(0, 1) / z + fx * x * R(2, 1) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(0, 2) = -fx * R(0, 2) / z + fx * x * R(2, 2) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(1, 0) = -fy * R(1, 0) / z + fy * y * R(2, 0) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(1, 1) = -fy * R(1, 1) / z + fy * y * R(2, 1) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(1, 2) = -fy * R(1, 2) / z + fy * y * R(2, 2) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(2, 0) = _jacobianOplusXi(0, 0) - bf * R(2, 0) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(2, 1) = _jacobianOplusXi(0, 1) - bf * R(2, 1) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXi(2, 2) = _jacobianOplusXi(0, 2) - bf * R(2, 2) / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 0) = x * y / z_2 * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 1) = -(1 + (x * x / z_2)) * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 2) = y / z * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 3) = -1. / z * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 4) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(0, 5) = x / z_2 * fx;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 0) = (1 + y * y / z_2) * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 1) = -x * y / z_2 * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 2) = -x / z * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 3) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 4) = -1. / z * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(1, 5) = y / z_2 * fy;
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 0) = _jacobianOplusXj(0, 0) - bf * y / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 1) = _jacobianOplusXj(0, 1) + bf * x / z_2;
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 2) = _jacobianOplusXj(0, 2);
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 3) = _jacobianOplusXj(0, 3);
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 4) = 0;
_jacobianOplusXj(2, 5) = _jacobianOplusXj(0, 5) - bf / z_2;
} // namespace g2o