A summary of OpenGL ES 3.1 demos and samples

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发贴人 hans-kristian 于2015-4-14 7:11:19在ARM Mali Graphics

About me

Hi, I am Hans-Kristian Arntzen! This is my first post here. I work in the Mali use cases team where we explore the latest mobile APIs to find efficient ways of implementing modern graphics techniques on the ARM Mali architecture.

Sometimes, we create small tech demos which result in Mali SDK samples, smaller code examples which you can take inspiration from when developing your own applications.

Since August, I've been writing quite a lot of code for OpenGL ES 3.1 and I will summarize what we have done with OpenGL ES 3.1 the last months.


About OpenGL ES 3.1

OpenGL ES 3.1 is an update to OpenGL ES 3.0 which recognizes the fact that OpenGL ES 3.0 capable hardware is already capable of much more, for example compute. OpenGL ES 3.1 now brings GPU compute support directly to OpenGL ES, so there is no longer any need to interface with external APIs to expose the compute capabilities of the hardware. The interface for compute is very clean, powerful and easy to use.


Compute support in graphics APIs means there are many more opportunities now for applications to offload parallel work to the GPU than before and being able to do this on mobile hardware is very exciting.

See Here comes OpenGL® ES 3.1! for more details.


Mali driver support for OpenGL ES 3.1

We released the r5p0 driver in December with support for OpenGL ES 3.1. The driver for Linux and Android platforms can be found here: Drivers - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center.


Update to the Mali OpenGL ES SDK

The latest Linux and Android OpenGL ES SDK has new sample code for compute shaders.

Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Linux - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

The samples can be built for Linux development platforms with fbdev.


There is also OpenGL ES emulator support included (OpenGL ES Emulator - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) so you can run the Linux fbdev samples on your desktop on Linux and Windows.

If your desktop implementation supports X11/EGL in Linux, you should be able to run the samples without emulator by leveraging the GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility extension which went  into core in OpenGL 4.5.


Introduction to Compute Shaders

Introduction to compute shaders - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

Compute is a new subject for many graphics programmers. This document tries to explain the different mind set you need to effectively use GPU compute and the new APIs found in OpenGL ES 3.1.

It goes through the major features of compute, and in-depth into some more difficult subjects like synchronization, memory ordering and execution barriers.

It is recommended that you read this before studying the examples below unless you're already familiar with compute shaders. 


Particle Flow Simulation with Compute Shaders

Particle Flow Simulation with Compute Shaders - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center


This sample implements a modern particle system. It uses compute shaders to sort particles back-to-front which is critical to obtain correct alpha blending.

Since we can sort now on the GPU, we can offload the entire particle system to the GPU.


It also implements cool things like 4-layer opacity shadow map for some sweet volumetric shadow effects and simplex noise to add turbulence to the particles.

Combining all these techniques together allow you to create a very nice particle system.


Occlusion Culling with Hierarchical-Z

Occlusion Culling with Hierarchical-Z - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center


Culling is important in complex scenes to keep vertex work down as mentioned in this blog post: Mali Performance 5: An Application's Performance Responsibilities

For game objects, there are many sophisticated CPU-based solutions which often rely on baking data structures based on how the scene is put together.

For example, in indoor scenes with separate rooms, it makes sense to only consider rendering the room you're in and objects from rooms with are visible from the room you're standing in. Doing this computation on-the-fly could get expensive, but once the information is baked, it is fairly simple.


However, when we add a large amount of "chaotic" elements to a more dynamic scene, it becomes more difficult to bake anything and we need to compute this on the fly. We have to look for some more general solutions for these scenarios.

The sample shows how you can use a low-resolution depth map and bounding spheres to efficiently cull entire instances in parallel before they are even rendered. It can also be combined with level-of-detail sorting to reduce geometry load even further.

Finally, the result is drawn with indirect draws, a new feature of OpenGL ES 3.1.


Using these kinds of techniques allow you to offload big "particle-like" systems to the GPU efficiently.


Game Developers Conference 2015


At GDC2015 we presented updated best practices for GLES 3.1 on Mali along with a newly developed tech demo. I manned our tech booth at the expo floor most of the time where I got to show my demo to other people, which was quite exciting.


Best Practices for OpenGL ES 3.1 on Mali

There are certain things you should think about when developing for Mali. During our work with OpenGL ES 3.1, we have found some general performance tips you should take into account.

Compute exposes more low level details about the architecture, and to get optimal performance for a particular architecture, you might need some specific optimizations.

If you are experienced with compute on desktop, you might find that many general truths about performance on desktop don't necessarily apply to mobile! Sometimes, performance tips are opposite of what you'd want to do on desktop.

If you have used OpenCL on Mali before, best practices for OpenCL also apply for compute shaders.



I presented at the GDC2015 along with Tom Olson (Chair of Khronos OpenGL ES and Vulkan working groups, Director of Graphics Research at ARM) and Dan Galpin (Developer Advocate, Google).

The presentation goes through OpenGL ES 3.1 (focus on compute), some of the techniques I mentioned in this post, best practices for OpenGL ES 3.1 and AEP on Mali and a small sneak peak on early Vulkan experiments on Mali.


Unleash the Benefits of OpenGL ES 3.1 and Android Extension Pack:



At the ARM Lecture Theater at GDC2015, I also did a short presentation with focus exclusively on compute. It goes a bit more in detail on compute shader basics compared to the full length GDC talk:



Caveats with r5p0 release

Unfortunately, there are some performance bugs with some features in r5p0 release. You might stumble into them when developing for OpenGL ES 3.1.

  • Indirect draws can slow down a lot compared to regular draws.
  • Compute shaders with smaller work groups (e.g. 4 or 8 threads) are much slower (3-4x) than compute shaders using 64 or 128 threads.


If you run into these issues, they have been addressed and should be fixed in future driver releases.



Occlusion Culling with Compute Shaders demo

I am very excited about compute shaders and culling, so much that I wanted to create a demo for it at GDC. We do have the Occlusion Culling sample code in the SDK, but it is far too bare-bones to show at an event.

I attended GDC 2015, where I manned our tech booth most of the time and I got to show this demo to many people passing by.


Instead of dull green spheres I went for some procedurally generated asteroids. All the asteroids look slightly different even if they are instanced due to the use of a 4-component RGBA8 heightmap. All asteroids have different random weighting factors which make them look a bit different. They have independent radii, rotation axes and rotation speeds as well which makes the scene look fairly complex. Diffuse textures and normal textures are shared for all asteroids. They are also generated procedurally with perlin noise and compressed with ASTC LDR.




There are over 27000 asteroids in the scene here spread out across a big sphere around the camera.

At highest quality, each individual asteroid has over 2500 triangles. If we were to just naively draw this without any kind of optimization, we would get a triangle count in the ballpark of 50+ million which is extremely overkill.


We need some culling. The first and obvious optimization is frustum culling, which can remove most of the asteroids outright. We can do this on the GPU very efficiently and parallel since it's just a couple of dot products per instance after all.

All the asteroids in the scene are represented as a flat linear array of per-instance data such as position, base radius, rotation axis, rotation speed and heightmap weighting factors. We combine frustum culling with the physics update (rotating the asteroids and creating a final rotation quaternion per asteroid). Since we need to update every asteroids anyways, might as well do frustum culling while they are in cache! 




Now we're looking at ~2000 asteroids being rendered, but just frustum culling is not enough! We also need LOD sorting to get the vertex count low enough.

The idea behind LOD sorting is that objects far away don't need high detail. We can add this technique to plain frustum culling and reduce the vertex count a lot. After these optimizations, we're looking at 500-600k triangles per frame, a 100x reduction from before. We can also use cheaper vertex shaders for objects far away, which reduces the vertex load even more. We can also do this efficiently in compute shaders, it's just a question of pushing per-instance data to one of many instance buffers if it passes the frustum test.



Here we see close objects in white and it gets darker as the LOD factor increases.


We can also use different shading for close objects. Here, close asteroids have full bling with normal mapping and specular highlights from the skydome, objects farther away are only diffuse with spherical harmonics for diffuse lighting.

This kept fragment shading load down quite a bit. Screenshot shows the debugged normals. The normals without normal mapping look a bit funky, but that's because the normals are computed directly in the vertex shader by sampling the heightmap multiple times. With shading applied it looks fine however 


But we can do even better. You might have noticed the transparent "glasslike" wall in front of the asteroids? It is supposed to be opaque. We wanted this to be a space station interior or something cool, but unfortunately we didn't have time for GDC 




The main point here is that there is a lot of stuff going on behind the occluder in the scene. There is no reason why we should waste precious bandwidth and cycles on vertex shading asteroids which are never seen.

Enter Occlusion Culling!


We can go from this:



to this:



After this optimization we cull over half the asteroids in the scene on average, and we are looking at a very manageable 200-300k triangles.

My hope for the future is that we'll be able to easily do all kinds of scene management directly on the GPU. It's not feasible to do everything on the GPU quite yet, the CPU is still very capable of doing things like these, but we can definitely accelerate massively instanced cases like these 




The skydome is procedurally generated with FBM noise. It is HDR and is used for all the lighting in the scene. I compressed it with ASTC HDR instead of RGB9E5, a 32-bit shared exponent format which is pretty much the only reasonable alternative if I didn't have ASTC HDR.



I squeezed out 60 fps at 1080p/4xMSAA on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (Mali-T628 MP6) and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Korean version, Mali-T760 MP6) when all culling was applied, which I'm quite happy with .

I used DS-5 (ARM DS-5 Streamline - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) to find bottlenecks when tuning along with (Mali Offline Compiler - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) to fine-tune the shaders (mediump varyings can make a lot of difference!).

发贴人 hans-kristian 于2015-4-14 7:11:19在ARM Mali Graphics

About me

Hi, I am Hans-Kristian Arntzen! This is my first post here. I work in the Mali use cases team where we explore the latest mobile APIs to find efficient ways of implementing modern graphics techniques on the ARM Mali architecture.

Sometimes, we create small tech demos which result in Mali SDK samples, smaller code examples which you can take inspiration from when developing your own applications.

Since August, I've been writing quite a lot of code for OpenGL ES 3.1 and I will summarize what we have done with OpenGL ES 3.1 the last months.


About OpenGL ES 3.1

OpenGL ES 3.1 is an update to OpenGL ES 3.0 which recognizes the fact that OpenGL ES 3.0 capable hardware is already capable of much more, for example compute. OpenGL ES 3.1 now brings GPU compute support directly to OpenGL ES, so there is no longer any need to interface with external APIs to expose the compute capabilities of the hardware. The interface for compute is very clean, powerful and easy to use.


Compute support in graphics APIs means there are many more opportunities now for applications to offload parallel work to the GPU than before and being able to do this on mobile hardware is very exciting.

See Here comes OpenGL® ES 3.1! for more details.


Mali driver support for OpenGL ES 3.1

We released the r5p0 driver in December with support for OpenGL ES 3.1. The driver for Linux and Android platforms can be found here: Drivers - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center.


Update to the Mali OpenGL ES SDK

The latest Linux and Android OpenGL ES SDK has new sample code for compute shaders.

Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Linux - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

Mali OpenGL ES SDK for Android - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

The samples can be built for Linux development platforms with fbdev.


There is also OpenGL ES emulator support included (OpenGL ES Emulator - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) so you can run the Linux fbdev samples on your desktop on Linux and Windows.

If your desktop implementation supports X11/EGL in Linux, you should be able to run the samples without emulator by leveraging the GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility extension which went  into core in OpenGL 4.5.


Introduction to Compute Shaders

Introduction to compute shaders - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center

Compute is a new subject for many graphics programmers. This document tries to explain the different mind set you need to effectively use GPU compute and the new APIs found in OpenGL ES 3.1.

It goes through the major features of compute, and in-depth into some more difficult subjects like synchronization, memory ordering and execution barriers.

It is recommended that you read this before studying the examples below unless you're already familiar with compute shaders. 


Particle Flow Simulation with Compute Shaders

Particle Flow Simulation with Compute Shaders - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center


This sample implements a modern particle system. It uses compute shaders to sort particles back-to-front which is critical to obtain correct alpha blending.

Since we can sort now on the GPU, we can offload the entire particle system to the GPU.


It also implements cool things like 4-layer opacity shadow map for some sweet volumetric shadow effects and simplex noise to add turbulence to the particles.

Combining all these techniques together allow you to create a very nice particle system.


Occlusion Culling with Hierarchical-Z

Occlusion Culling with Hierarchical-Z - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center


Culling is important in complex scenes to keep vertex work down as mentioned in this blog post: Mali Performance 5: An Application's Performance Responsibilities

For game objects, there are many sophisticated CPU-based solutions which often rely on baking data structures based on how the scene is put together.

For example, in indoor scenes with separate rooms, it makes sense to only consider rendering the room you're in and objects from rooms with are visible from the room you're standing in. Doing this computation on-the-fly could get expensive, but once the information is baked, it is fairly simple.


However, when we add a large amount of "chaotic" elements to a more dynamic scene, it becomes more difficult to bake anything and we need to compute this on the fly. We have to look for some more general solutions for these scenarios.

The sample shows how you can use a low-resolution depth map and bounding spheres to efficiently cull entire instances in parallel before they are even rendered. It can also be combined with level-of-detail sorting to reduce geometry load even further.

Finally, the result is drawn with indirect draws, a new feature of OpenGL ES 3.1.


Using these kinds of techniques allow you to offload big "particle-like" systems to the GPU efficiently.


Game Developers Conference 2015


At GDC2015 we presented updated best practices for GLES 3.1 on Mali along with a newly developed tech demo. I manned our tech booth at the expo floor most of the time where I got to show my demo to other people, which was quite exciting.


Best Practices for OpenGL ES 3.1 on Mali

There are certain things you should think about when developing for Mali. During our work with OpenGL ES 3.1, we have found some general performance tips you should take into account.

Compute exposes more low level details about the architecture, and to get optimal performance for a particular architecture, you might need some specific optimizations.

If you are experienced with compute on desktop, you might find that many general truths about performance on desktop don't necessarily apply to mobile! Sometimes, performance tips are opposite of what you'd want to do on desktop.

If you have used OpenCL on Mali before, best practices for OpenCL also apply for compute shaders.



I presented at the GDC2015 along with Tom Olson (Chair of Khronos OpenGL ES and Vulkan working groups, Director of Graphics Research at ARM) and Dan Galpin (Developer Advocate, Google).

The presentation goes through OpenGL ES 3.1 (focus on compute), some of the techniques I mentioned in this post, best practices for OpenGL ES 3.1 and AEP on Mali and a small sneak peak on early Vulkan experiments on Mali.


Unleash the Benefits of OpenGL ES 3.1 and Android Extension Pack:



At the ARM Lecture Theater at GDC2015, I also did a short presentation with focus exclusively on compute. It goes a bit more in detail on compute shader basics compared to the full length GDC talk:



Caveats with r5p0 release

Unfortunately, there are some performance bugs with some features in r5p0 release. You might stumble into them when developing for OpenGL ES 3.1.

  • Indirect draws can slow down a lot compared to regular draws.
  • Compute shaders with smaller work groups (e.g. 4 or 8 threads) are much slower (3-4x) than compute shaders using 64 or 128 threads.


If you run into these issues, they have been addressed and should be fixed in future driver releases.



Occlusion Culling with Compute Shaders demo

I am very excited about compute shaders and culling, so much that I wanted to create a demo for it at GDC. We do have the Occlusion Culling sample code in the SDK, but it is far too bare-bones to show at an event.

I attended GDC 2015, where I manned our tech booth most of the time and I got to show this demo to many people passing by.


Instead of dull green spheres I went for some procedurally generated asteroids. All the asteroids look slightly different even if they are instanced due to the use of a 4-component RGBA8 heightmap. All asteroids have different random weighting factors which make them look a bit different. They have independent radii, rotation axes and rotation speeds as well which makes the scene look fairly complex. Diffuse textures and normal textures are shared for all asteroids. They are also generated procedurally with perlin noise and compressed with ASTC LDR.




There are over 27000 asteroids in the scene here spread out across a big sphere around the camera.

At highest quality, each individual asteroid has over 2500 triangles. If we were to just naively draw this without any kind of optimization, we would get a triangle count in the ballpark of 50+ million which is extremely overkill.


We need some culling. The first and obvious optimization is frustum culling, which can remove most of the asteroids outright. We can do this on the GPU very efficiently and parallel since it's just a couple of dot products per instance after all.

All the asteroids in the scene are represented as a flat linear array of per-instance data such as position, base radius, rotation axis, rotation speed and heightmap weighting factors. We combine frustum culling with the physics update (rotating the asteroids and creating a final rotation quaternion per asteroid). Since we need to update every asteroids anyways, might as well do frustum culling while they are in cache! 




Now we're looking at ~2000 asteroids being rendered, but just frustum culling is not enough! We also need LOD sorting to get the vertex count low enough.

The idea behind LOD sorting is that objects far away don't need high detail. We can add this technique to plain frustum culling and reduce the vertex count a lot. After these optimizations, we're looking at 500-600k triangles per frame, a 100x reduction from before. We can also use cheaper vertex shaders for objects far away, which reduces the vertex load even more. We can also do this efficiently in compute shaders, it's just a question of pushing per-instance data to one of many instance buffers if it passes the frustum test.



Here we see close objects in white and it gets darker as the LOD factor increases.


We can also use different shading for close objects. Here, close asteroids have full bling with normal mapping and specular highlights from the skydome, objects farther away are only diffuse with spherical harmonics for diffuse lighting.

This kept fragment shading load down quite a bit. Screenshot shows the debugged normals. The normals without normal mapping look a bit funky, but that's because the normals are computed directly in the vertex shader by sampling the heightmap multiple times. With shading applied it looks fine however 


But we can do even better. You might have noticed the transparent "glasslike" wall in front of the asteroids? It is supposed to be opaque. We wanted this to be a space station interior or something cool, but unfortunately we didn't have time for GDC 




The main point here is that there is a lot of stuff going on behind the occluder in the scene. There is no reason why we should waste precious bandwidth and cycles on vertex shading asteroids which are never seen.

Enter Occlusion Culling!


We can go from this:



to this:



After this optimization we cull over half the asteroids in the scene on average, and we are looking at a very manageable 200-300k triangles.

My hope for the future is that we'll be able to easily do all kinds of scene management directly on the GPU. It's not feasible to do everything on the GPU quite yet, the CPU is still very capable of doing things like these, but we can definitely accelerate massively instanced cases like these 




The skydome is procedurally generated with FBM noise. It is HDR and is used for all the lighting in the scene. I compressed it with ASTC HDR instead of RGB9E5, a 32-bit shared exponent format which is pretty much the only reasonable alternative if I didn't have ASTC HDR.



I squeezed out 60 fps at 1080p/4xMSAA on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (Mali-T628 MP6) and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Korean version, Mali-T760 MP6) when all culling was applied, which I'm quite happy with .

I used DS-5 (ARM DS-5 Streamline - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) to find bottlenecks when tuning along with (Mali Offline Compiler - Mali Developer Center Mali Developer Center) to fine-tune the shaders (mediump varyings can make a lot of difference!).

OpenGL ES 3.0 英文版 第1章——OpenGL ES 3.0简介   第1章简单介绍OpenGL ES,概述了OpenGL ES 3.0图形管线,讨论了OpenGL ES 3.0的设计理念和限制,最后介绍了OpenGL ES 3.0中使用的一些约定和类型。   第2章——你好,三角形:一个OpenGL ES 3.0示例   第2章介绍绘制三角形的一个简单OpenGL ES 3.0示例。我们的目的是说明OpenGL ES 3.0程序的样子,向读者介绍一些API概念,并说明如何构建和运行OpenGL ES 3.0示例程序。   第3章——EGL简介   第3章介绍EGL——为OpenGL ES 3.0创建表面和渲染上下文的API。我们说明与原生窗口系统通信、选择配置和创建EGL渲染上下文及表面的方法,传授足够多的EGL知识,你可以了解到启动OpenGL ES 3.0进行渲染所需的所有知识。   第4章——着色器和程序   着色器对象和程序对象是OpenGL ES 3.0中最基本的对象。第4章介绍创建着色器对象、编译着色器和检查编译错误的方法。这一章还说明如何创建程序对象、将着色器对象连接到程序对象以及链接最终程序对象的方法。我们讨论如何查询程序对象的信息以及加载统一变量(uniform)的方法。此外,你将学习有关源着色器和程序二进制代码之间的差别以及它们的使用方法。   第5章——OpenGL ES着色语言   第5章介绍编写着色器所需的着色语言的基础知识。这些着色语言基础知识包括变量和类型、构造器、结构、数组、统一变量、统一变量块(uniform block)和输入/输出变量。该章还描述着色语言的某些更细微的部分,例如精度限定符和不变性。   第6章——顶点属性、顶点数组和缓冲区对象   从第6章开始(到第11章为止),我们将详细介绍管线,教授设置和编程图形管线各个部分的方法。这一旅程从介绍几何形状输入图形管线的方法开始,包含了对顶点属性、顶点数组和缓冲区对象的讨论。   第7章——图元装配和光栅化   在前一章讨论几何形状输入图形管线的方法之后,第7章将讨论几何形状如何装配成图元,介绍OpenGL ES 3.0中所有可用的图元类型,包括点精灵、直线、三角形、三角形条带和三角扇形。此外,我们还说明了在顶点上进行坐标变换的方法,并简单介绍了OpenGL ES 3.0管线的光栅化阶段。   第8章——顶点着色器   我们所介绍的管线的下一部分是顶点着色器。第8章概述了顶点着色器如何融入管线以及OpenGL ES 着色语言中可用于顶点着色器的特殊变量,介绍了多个顶点着色器的示例,包括逐像素照明和蒙皮(skinning)。我们还给出了用顶点着色器实现OpenGL ES 1.0(和1.1)固定功能管线的示例。   第9章——纹理   第9章开始介绍片段着色器,描述OpenGL ES 3.0中所有可用的纹理功能。该章提供了创建纹理、加载纹理数据以及纹理渲染的细节,描述了纹理包装模式、纹理过滤、纹理格式、压缩纹理、采样器对象、不可变纹理、像素解包缓冲区对象和Mip贴图。该章介绍了OpenGL ES 3.0支持的所有纹理类型:2D纹理、立方图、2D纹理数组和3D纹理。   第10章——片段着色器   第9章的重点是如何在片段着色器中使用纹理,第10章介绍编写片段着色器所需知道的其他知识。该章概述了片段着色器和所有可用的特殊内建变量,还演示了用片段着色器实现OpenGL ES 1.1中所有固定功能技术的方法。多重纹理、雾化、Alpha测试和用户裁剪平面的例子都使用片段着色器实现。   第11章——片段操作   第11章讨论可以适用于整个帧缓冲区或者在OpenGL ES 3.0片段管线中执行片段着色器后适用于单个片段的操作。这些操作包括剪裁测试、模板测试、深度测试、多重采样、混合和抖动。本章介绍OpenGL ES 3.0图形管线的最后阶段。   第12章——帧缓冲区对象   第12章讨论使用帧缓冲区对象渲染屏幕外表面。帧缓冲区对象有多种用法,最常见的是渲染到一个纹理。本章提供API帧缓冲区对象部分的完整概述。理解帧缓冲区对象对于实现许多高级特效(如反射、阴影贴图和后处理)至关重要。   第13章——同步对象和栅栏   第13章概述同步对象和栅栏,它们是在OpenGL ES 3.0主机应用和GPU执行中同步的有效图元。我们讨论同步对象和栅栏的使用方法,并以一个示例作为结束。   第14章——OpenGL ES 3.0高级编程   第14章是核心章节,将本书介绍的许多主题串联在一起。我们已经选择了高级渲染技术的一个样本,并展示了实现这些功能的示例。该章包含使用法线贴图的逐像素照明、环境贴图、粒子系统、图像后处理、程序纹理、阴影贴图、地形渲染




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