Lidar SLAM Review

[WIP] Lidar SLAM Review(Mainly focus on lidar slam pipeline, especially the backend)


Point Cloud Preprocess

  • remove nan point cloud
  • remove points that are too close to lidar, such as < 0.1m

Feature Extraction

  • calculate smoothness for each scan in point cloud
  • classify points into four types of feature points according to the smoothness
    • edge points: sharp, less sharp
    • plane points: flat, less flat

Lidar Odometry

  • input: two lidar frame(last frame and current frame), there are four types point features in each frame. 如果使用了ROS来处理传感器的消息,要注意消息的同步。first lidar frame到达的时候系统还不能运行,标记为initialized状态,second lidar frame到达的时候,开始运行LO系统
  • output: delta pose

Algorithm Steps

  • For sharp edge and flat plane point features current lidar frame, do undistortion. 所谓undistortion就是把所有points transform 到 start timestamp 或者 end timestamp来进行对齐。利用了匀速运动模型,也就是用last delta pose对latest lidar frame做undistortion
  • Use KNN to do association
    • last lidar frame as the tgt frame, use less flat plane features and less sharp features to build knn separately, denote as: last_plane_knn_, last_edge_knn_
    • current lidar frame as the src frame, 给当前frame中的flat plane features and sharp edge features 用knn去找associated features,搜索距离 5.0 m。
      • edge: current lidar frame edge point, denote as i, 利用knn找到一个,denote as j, 在 j的上下2条附近的laser scan中找到最近的一个,denote as l. correspondences denote as (i, j , l)
      • plane: current lidar frame plane point, denote as i, 利用knn找到一个,denote as j, 在 j的的同一条laser scan中找到最近的一个,denote as l,上下2条附近的laser scan 中找到一个point, denote as m. correspondences denote as (i, j , l, m)
  • Build optimization problem with edge and plane correspondences.
    • edge factor: optimize distance point i to line jl to zero.
    • plane factor: optimize distance point i to plane jlm to zero.
  • accumulate odometry to world pose
  t_w_curr_ = t_w_curr_ + q_w_curr_ * optimized_t_last_curr_;
  q_w_curr_ = q_w_curr_ * optimized_q_last_curr_;
  • 每5帧发布一次 last_edge_features_, last_plane_features_,其实就是关键帧。后续利用关键帧构建地图,优化 map_to_last_frame_pose.


  • measurements data sync(feature cloud and odometry): 以其中一个measurement type为参考,始终将该type的measurement保持为最新,其他的几类measurements逐个进行drop处理,保证align到同一个时间戳上。
  • init odomety to world pose
  optimized_q_w_curr_ = q_wmap_wodom_ * q_wodom_curr_;
  optimized_t_w_curr_ = q_wmap_wodom_ * t_wodom_curr_ + t_wmap_wodom_;
  • map construction and update
  • build optimization problem between last feature cloud to map
    • transform point in feature cloud in to map cs with optimized_q_w_curr_, optimized_t_w_curr_
    • use knn to find correspondences between the transformed last feature cloud and map feature cloud
    • build optimization problem and solve
  • update poses
  q_wmap_wodom_ = optimized_q_w_curr_ * q_wodom_curr_.inverse();
  t_wmap_wodom_ = optimized_t_w_curr_ - q_wmap_wodom_ * t_wodom_curr_;
  • transform last feature cloud to map cs
  Eigen::Vector3d point_w = optimized_q_w_curr_ * point_curr + optimized_t_w_curr_;
  • visualization
    • downsampled cloud that need to be visualized

Conclusion and Comment

  • A-LOAM相比LOAM,相当于重构了一遍代码,但是也有细微的区别
    • 使用ceres求解代替复杂的解析公式推导
    • undistortion没有使用IMU,直接假设的匀速运动模型
  • A-LOAM, LOAM, LeGO-LOAM,在undistortion的实现上可读性都比较差。更好的一个工程实践是,拿到点云后,做完预处理,最后一步,统一进行去畸变,全部align到某一个时间戳下面(start, mid, end都可)。
  • A-LOAM 中LO这一步,last frame中点云没有进行undistortion,但是current frame中点云在optimization过程中进行了一次undistortion。虽然看起来work,但个人认为这是不符合实际情况的,一旦车辆运动比较激进导致导致点云畸变的厉害,用去畸变点云和畸变点云进行匹配就会出比较大的问题。。
  • mapping 部分找correspondences的时候,利用了PCA方法,PCA是依赖geometry-feature-based LO的核心。许多特征提取的方法的背后都和PCA有关系。
  • 用更清晰的定义来描述各坐标系:
    • mapping part(input: keyframes, output: optimized T_ra and maps)
      • T_ra = T_map_to_odometry * T_odometry_to_ra, optimized parameters
      • T_map_to_odometry: middle variables
    • odometry part(input: two consecutive lidar frames, output: accumulated T_odometry_to_ra)
      • T_odometry_to_ra = T_odometry_to_ra * T_last_ra_to_curr_ra
      • T_last_ra_to_curr_ra = T_delta_ra_pose, optimized parameters.


Point Cloud Preprocess

  • extract ground points, use the easiest algorithm ground points satisfy: tan-1(|delta_z|, |delta_xy|) < thresold. 缺点就是车辆在平地上时候,斜坡上的地面不能被很好的分割,显然kitti中没这个场景,所以对作者的实验影响也不大
  • do segmentation for non-ground points and reject small size cluster, which are noise points. (BFS-based)

Feature Extraction

  • do undistortion for segmented cloud with IMU, inherited from LOAM method
  • calculate smoothness
  • mark occluded points
  • extract features from unpicked segmented cloud, curvature > threshold


Conclusion and Comments

  • 相比LOAM,有一些创新改动
    • 增加了前端点云预处理部分,提取了地面点。
    • 两步优化,ground来优化roll pitch z, 非ground来优化x y yaw

Reference && Appendix

  • 欧拉角和旋转矩阵之间的转换
    • euler angle的叫法跟坐标轴强相关。对于ADV来说,一般定义:x front(roll), y left(pitch), z up(yaw). 对于loam中定义的相机坐标系而言,z front(roll), x left(pitch), y up(yaw).
    • euler angle 正负:右手定则,四个手指的方向为正方向
    • euler angle range: 如果是ADV,roll/pitch in (-90, +90], yaw in (-180, +180]; 如果是飞机坐标系, roll/pitch/yaw in (-180, + 180]
    • 旋转顺序和旋转轴
      • 三个轴不同的顺序共有6种,欧拉角wiki上定义的更为详细,按照静态和动态分类共有12种。
      • 旋转轴为饶固定轴(外旋),和绕旋转后的自身轴(内旋)两种
    • 欧拉角的叫法虽说和坐标轴的定义强相关,但是按照roll, pitch, yaw的物理意义表示之后,旋转矩阵的计算方式是唯一的。 R(yaw) * R(pitch) * R(roll). 对ADV来讲,我们可以这样解释这个公司:ZYX顺序的内旋(right multiply)等价于XYZ顺序的外旋(left multiply),表示 transform_curr_imu_to_init_imu
    • 简单来说,euler angle是根据一个物体的姿态来定义的,翻滚角,俯仰角,航向角。为了和坐标轴对应起来,人们定义了12中旋转方式,但是无论哪种旋转方式,最终得到的旋转矩阵的形式都是唯一的,即R(yaw) * R(pitch) * R(roll)。
  • LeGO-LOAM中的坐标系
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