集团 SFP - 基本合并(修订)- ACCA Group SFP - Basic consolidation (revision) - ACCA Financial Reporting (FR)

this is a lecture from open tuition to benefit from the lecture you should download the free lecture notes from open tuition com so we're gonna go through now and look at our group accounts so remember group accounts will potentially be a question in Section C and it will either be a group accounts question or a published company accounts question so we could spend a lot of time working through the group accounts and it not arise in Section C it could though then be a couple of multiple-choice questions in Section A or potentially as a question in Section B okay so remember a lot of what you've already seen already has been covered in financial accounting so it should be relatively fresh in the mind because we've got it as brought forward assume knowledge from financial accounting we're not going to go back and look at the detail fundamental concepts all over again what we're going to go through and do is we are going to work it slowly but we're going to go through there and bring in examples a bit quicker as opposed to just going through there and looking at all the basics I'm going to build it up gradually into the more complicated aspects so we have three chapters the first one here goes through and looks at the consolidated statement of financial position next cap that goes through that and looks at the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income so thinking about our performance and then the final chapter looked at associates so whereby we do not have control but we have influence and how we go through that and heck with the account for that associate company okay so let's go through there and start with the consolidated statement of financial position and start thinking about what a group of companies is so remember you've got their the parent company at the top the subsidiary at the bottom and the reason why we have a parent and a subsidiary is because the parent has control so that's the key aspect in order to prepare the group set of accounts you've got the parents that control the subsidiary and control is usually evidenced by greater than 50% of the voting rights which gives you the power to direct the activities you can go through there and with your voting rights you can as the parents appoint the directors in the subsidiary cast your votes at the Annual General Meeting pass through that vote to put in the director that you have nominated and if the director that you have nominated you will effectively tell that director what to do



okay so what you have there is a parent of subsidiary the parent has control over the subsidiary the power to direct the activities of the sub because it owns greater than 50% of the ordinary or equity share capital okay if that's the case we have the group set of accounts and where we are preparing the group set of accounts we are looking there at the concept of substance over legal form the fact that in substance we have one separate entity of the group but legally we have to legally separately identifiable entities the parent and the subsidiary each of which must produce their own individual set of company accounts for P limited and for s limited but we don't look at the legal form we look at the substance and in the substance what we're saying there is that the parent shareholders own P they have control of s or effectively P and s form one large group of companies okay so that's your concept of substance over legal form in terms of control and ownership that's what we begin to look at in detail as we go and look at the position statement and the performance statement because when we're looking at control and going back to the definition of your assets you recognize an asset if you have control so we control the assets we control the liabilities of the subsidiary so we are going to consolidate them add them together one hundred percent on a line by line basis and exactly the same isn't it if you revenue and you cost within the statement of profit or loss however we only need greater than 50% so there could be a scenario whereby we have control at 80% we've gone through consolidated the assets the liabilities the income the expense but we don't own all of the subsidiary do we only own 80% so therefore we need to distinguish between the control and the ownership and how we go through and adjust for that ownership percentage to show that we own 80 and that somebody else own 20 is that we account separately for that 20% and refer to it as the non controlling interest we still go through and show control by consolidating line by line and the assets the liabilities the income expense but what we'll see is one line item in the position statement one line item in the performance statement they referred to as your your non-controlling interest okay so they are the the key on the line principles that you need to bear in mind when it comes to the preparation of your group accounts so if we go and look at the basic consolidation from a statement of financial position perspective and look at the fundamental steps you've got they're effectively three steps to consider first of all if the parent has control over the subsidiary you put in 100% of P 100% of S is assets and liabilities on a line by line basis and then just be careful we ignore the investments that we have in the subsidiary why because that investment that we have is being replaced by the assets by the liabilities of that subsidiary that's what the investment represents doesn't it it's an investment there's given us control over the assets and the liabilities 



so if we are consolidating the assets and the liabilities we don't want to include the investment because effectively it's saying we've got an investment in ourselves when we're looking at it from a group perspective and also it will be effectively double counting the investment because it will be there in the assets and the liabilities and it would also be as a separate line item in the investment line okay so we ignore any investments in X if there's any investments at any other businesses over which we don't have control so too normal financial asset investment in some shares whereby maybe we have two or three percent then we still show that hey that would appear and it will be consolidating the investment in the subsidiary is ignored hey we then go through and put in is it 100 percent of P share capital and share premium only because we are reporting back to the parent shareholders and that is ultimately what they own isn't it okay they are or the share capital all the share premium of the parents okay and then for now we're then going to put in the retained earnings we're going to cheat and have it in there as a balancing figure hey you know you consolidated assets we know the consolidated liabilities we know the share capital we know the ship premium so the only bit that is they're missing is is the retained earnings okay it's about this moment in time that's about anything but it won't stay like that for long okay so we go through there and have a look at a basic consolidation question it wants us to go through here and prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for the peter group so Peter must be the parents on the date that we have here is the 30th of December 28th the background the scenario is that Peter who we know is the parents acquired 100% of the equity share captain Stephen so Peter is the parent Stephen is the subsidiary so we have control okay we own greater than 50% of that equity share notes the acquisition date is on the 30th 31st of December 20 X 4 so the acquisition date is bang-on the reporting date one of the last things that we do at the end of the year we're told here that the investment was there for 1 million dollars so effectively what we will have gone through and done that is based upon the legal form we will have gone that I'm debited the investment and assuming it's the cash to keep it simple we all have credited the money with the 1 million and that's where you can then see this investment in Stephen







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