最近在学习 ORB-SLAM3 的源代码,并模仿、重构了相机模型的实现
在学习的过程中发现针孔相机 (Pinhole) 与鱼眼相机 (Fisheye) 都有畸变参数,但是鱼眼相机无法使用 cv::undistort 函数去畸变
参考文献:A generic camera model and calibration method for conventional, wide-angle, and fish-eye lenses
utils/glog.hpp 中主要调用了 glog 库,并定义了 ASSERT(expr, msg) 宏
基类 Base 初始化时需要输入 imgSize (图像尺寸)、intrinsics (相机内参)、distCoeffs (畸变参数)
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <sophus/se3.hpp>
#include "utils/glog.hpp"
namespace camera {
typedef std::vector<float> Vectorf;
typedef std::vector<cv::Point2f> VectorPt2f;
typedef std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> VectorKp;
enum CameraType {
class Base {
cv::Size mImgSize;
Vectorf mvParam;
cv::Mat mMap1, mMap2; // 畸变矫正映射
Sophus::SE3f T_cam_imu;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Base> Ptr;
explicit Base(const cv::Size imgSize, const Vectorf &intrinsics, const Vectorf &distCoeffs,
const Sophus::SE3f &T_cam_imu = Sophus::SE3f()
) : mImgSize(imgSize), mvParam(intrinsics), T_cam_imu(T_cam_imu) {
ASSERT(intrinsics.size() == 4, "Intrinsics size must be 4")
mvParam.insert(mvParam.end(), distCoeffs.begin(), distCoeffs.end());
Base(const Base &) = delete;
virtual CameraType get_type() const = 0;
// 参数读写
inline void set_param(int i, float value, bool safe = false) {
if (!safe) LOG(WARNING) << "Unsafe set_param: " << i << " = " << value;
mvParam[i] = value;
inline float get_param(int i) const { return mvParam[i]; }
inline size_t get_param_size() const { return mvParam.size(); }
Vectorf get_distcoeffs() const { return {mvParam.begin() + 4, mvParam.end()}; }
// 内参矩阵 K
#define GETK(vp, K) (K << vp[0], 0.f, vp[2], 0.f, vp[1], vp[3], 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)
virtual cv::Mat getK() const { return GETK(mvParam, cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3)); };
virtual Eigen::Matrix3f getK_eig() const { return GETK(mvParam, Eigen::Matrix3f()).finished(); };
// 3D -> 2D
virtual cv::Point2f project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D) const = 0;
virtual Eigen::Vector2d project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D) const = 0;
virtual Eigen::Vector2f project_eig(const cv::Point3f &p3D) const = 0;
// 2D -> 3D
virtual Eigen::Vector3f unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D) const = 0;
// 去畸变
virtual void undistort(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dst) const = 0;
virtual void undistort(const VectorPt2f &src, VectorPt2f &dst) const = 0;
virtual void undistort(const VectorKp &src, VectorKp &dst) const {
VectorPt2f pts;
for (const auto &kp: src) pts.push_back(kp.pt);
undistort(pts, pts);
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) dst[i].pt = pts[i];
// 绘制归一化平面 (z=1)
void draw_normalized_plane(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dst) const;
因为在实现 C++ 的函数多态时,需要根据不同的输入值类型设计对应的计算过程 —— 但往往计算过程都是极其相似的,这给代码维护造成了麻烦
#include "base.hpp"
namespace camera {
// 最大视场角 (180)
// 3D -> 2D
#define KANNALA_BRANDT_PROJECT(vp, x, y, z) \
float R = this->computeR(atan2f(hypot(x, y), z)); \
float psi = atan2f(y, x); \
return {vp[0] * R * cosf(psi) + vp[2], vp[1] * R * sinf(psi) + vp[3]};
// 2D -> 3D
#define KANNALA_BRANDT_UNPROJECT(cache, p2D) \
cv::Mat wxy; \
cv::getRectSubPix(cache, {1, 1}, p2D, wxy); \
return {wxy.at<float>(0), wxy.at<float>(1), 1};
class KannalaBrandt : public Base {
cv::Mat mUnprojectCache;
void make_unproject_cache();
typedef std::shared_ptr<KannalaBrandt> Ptr;
using Base::undistort;
explicit KannalaBrandt(const cv::Size imgSize, const Vectorf &intrinsics, const Vectorf &distCoeffs,
const Sophus::SE3f &T_cam_imu = Sophus::SE3f()
) : Base(imgSize, intrinsics, distCoeffs, T_cam_imu), mUnprojectCache(mImgSize, CV_32FC3) {
ASSERT(distCoeffs.size() == 4, "Distortion coefficients size must be 4")
KannalaBrandt(const KannalaBrandt &) = delete;
CameraType get_type() const override { return CameraType::KANNALA_BRANDT; }
// 3D -> 2D
float computeR(float theta) const;
cv::Point2f project(const Eigen::Vector3f &v3D) const override { KANNALA_BRANDT_PROJECT(mvParam, v3D[0], v3D[1], v3D[2]) }
Eigen::Vector2d project(const Eigen::Vector3d &v3D) const override { KANNALA_BRANDT_PROJECT(mvParam, v3D[0], v3D[1], v3D[2]) }
Eigen::Vector2f project_eig(const cv::Point3f &p3D) const override { KANNALA_BRANDT_PROJECT(mvParam, p3D.x, p3D.y, p3D.z) }
// 2D -> 3D
float solveWZ(float wx, float wy, size_t iterations = 10) const;
Eigen::Vector3f unproject(const cv::Point2f &p2D) const override { KANNALA_BRANDT_UNPROJECT(mUnprojectCache, p2D) }
// 去畸变
void undistort(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dst) const override { if (src.data != dst.data) dst = src.clone(); }
void undistort(const VectorPt2f &src, VectorPt2f &dst) const override { if (src.data() != dst.data()) dst = src; }
void undistort(const VectorKp &src, VectorKp &dst) const override { if (src.data() != dst.data()) dst = src; }
与针孔类型相似的,鱼眼模型也有焦距 ,光心 ,以及畸变参数
借助这些参数,可以实现对世界坐标系下的点 、像素坐标系下的点 实现相互变换
project (世界坐标 → 像素坐标)
float KannalaBrandt::computeR(float theta) const {
float theta2 = theta * theta;
return theta + theta2 * (mvParam[4] + theta2 * (mvParam[5] + theta2 * (mvParam[6] + theta2 * mvParam[7])));
unproject (像素坐标 → 世界坐标)
根据 project 的过程,可以由像素坐标计算得到 ,并反向求得 :
由于 的取值是有上限的 (假设为 ),也就是说
所以当 时,应当检查相机内参是否出错
使用梯度下降法使得 ,以求解
由于 是一个凹函数,所以只要保证迭代量正负号正确即可
当求得 时,便可以得到 :
而由于单目相机的深度没有什么意义,把 作为对应的世界坐标
(这里使用缓存的方式实现 unproject)
void KannalaBrandt::make_unproject_cache() {
float wx, wy, wz;
for (int r = 0; r < mImgSize.height; ++r) {
wy = (r - mvParam[3]) / mvParam[1];
for (int c = 0; c < mImgSize.width; ++c) {
wx = (c - mvParam[2]) / mvParam[0];
wz = this->solveWZ(wx, wy);
mUnprojectCache.at<cv::Vec3f>(r, c) = {wx / wz, wy / wz, 1};
float KannalaBrandt::solveWZ(float wx, float wy, size_t iterations) const {
// wz = lim_{theta -> 0} R / tan(theta) = 1
float wz = 1.f;
float R = hypot(wx, wy);
if (R < this->computeR(theta)) {
// 最小化损失: (poly(theta) - R)^2
int i = 0;
float e;
for (; i < iterations; i++) {
float theta2 = theta * theta, theta4 = theta2 * theta2, theta6 = theta4 * theta2, theta8 = theta6 * theta2;
float k0_theta2 = mvParam[4] * theta2, k1_theta4 = mvParam[5] * theta4,
k2_theta6 = mvParam[6] * theta6, k3_theta8 = mvParam[7] * theta8;
e = theta * (1 + k0_theta2 + k1_theta4 + k2_theta6 + k3_theta8) - R;
// 梯度下降法: g = (poly(theta) - R) / poly'(theta)
theta -= e / (1 + 3 * k0_theta2 + 5 * k1_theta4 + 7 * k2_theta6 + 9 * k3_theta8);
if (i == iterations) LOG(WARNING) << "solveWZ(" << wx << ", " << wy << "): relative error " << abs(e) / R;
wz = R / tanf(theta);
return wz;
深度归一化平面,即世界坐标点在 平面上的投影,也就是一幅图像
基本思路就是,通过 unproject 获取深度归一化平面的边界,然后通过 project 获取平面上各个点对应图像中的位置
void Base::draw_normalized_plane(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dst) const {
undistort(src, dst);
cv::Mat npMap1 = cv::Mat(mImgSize, CV_32FC1), npMap2 = npMap1.clone();
// 获取归一化平面边界 (桶形畸变)
float x, y, w, h, W = mImgSize.width - 1, H = mImgSize.height - 1;
x = this->unproject({0, H / 2})[0], y = this->unproject({W / 2, 0})[1],
w = this->unproject({W, H / 2})[0] - x, h = this->unproject({W / 2, H})[1] - y;
LOG(INFO) << "Normalized plane: " << cv::Vec4f(x, y, x + w, y + h);
// 计算畸变矫正映射
for (int r = 0; r < H; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < W; ++c) {
cv::Point2f p2D = this->project(Eigen::Vector3f(w * c / W + x, h * r / H + y, 1));
npMap1.at<float>(r, c) = p2D.x;
npMap2.at<float>(r, c) = p2D.y;
cv::remap(dst, dst, npMap1, npMap2, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
本文使用了 TUM-VI 数据集进行实验,Kannala-Brandt 相机的参数如下:
resolution: [512, 512]
intrinsics: [190.97847715128717, 190.9733070521226, 254.93170605935475, 256.8974428996504]
dist_coeffs: [0.0034823894022493434, 0.0007150348452162257, -0.0020532361418706202, 0.00020293673591811182]
void fisheye_test() {
// 加载 TUM-VI 数据集 相机参数
dataset::TumVI tumvi("/home/workbench/data/dataset-corridor4_512_16/dso");
YAML::Node cfg = tumvi.loadCfg();
auto cam(camera::fromYAML<camera::KannalaBrandt8>(cfg["cam0"]));
// 加载图像列表, 读取第一张图像
GrayLoader loader;
dataset::Timestamps vTimestamps;
dataset::Filenames vFilename;
tumvi.loadImage(vTimestamps, vFilename);
cv::Mat img = loader(vFilename[0]), dst1;
// 显示原始图像, 以及去畸变后的图像
cv::imshow("Origin", img);
cam->drawNormalizedPlane(img, img);
cv::imshow("NormalizedPlane", img);