python matrix to rotation

# # -----------------------Rotation-----------------------------------------
# import warnings
# import numpy as np
# import re
# _AXIS_TO_IND = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
# def _elementary_basis_vector(axis):
#     b = np.zeros(3)
#     b[_AXIS_TO_IND[axis]] = 1
#     return b
# def _compute_euler_from_dcm(dcm, seq, extrinsic=False):
#     if extrinsic:
#         seq = seq[::-1]
#     if dcm.ndim == 2:
#         dcm = dcm[None, :, :]
#     num_rotations = dcm.shape[0]
#     # Step 0
#     # Algorithm assumes axes as column vectors, here we use 1D vectors
#     n1 = _elementary_basis_vector(seq[0])
#     n2 = _elementary_basis_vector(seq[1])
#     n3 = _elementary_basis_vector(seq[2])
#     # Step 2
#     sl =, n2), n3)
#     cl =, n3)
#     # angle offset is lambda from the paper referenced in [2] from docstring of
#     # `as_euler` function
#     offset = np.arctan2(sl, cl)
#     c = np.vstack((n2, np.cross(n1, n2), n1))
#     # Step 3
#     rot = np.array([
#         [1, 0, 0],
#         [0, cl, sl],
#         [0, -sl, cl],
#     ])
#     res = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', c, dcm)
#     dcm_transformed = np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', res,
#     # Step 4
#     angles = np.empty((num_rotations, 3))
#     # Ensure less than unit norm
#     positive_unity = dcm_transformed[:, 2, 2] > 1
#     negative_unity = dcm_transformed[:, 2, 2] < -1
#     dcm_transformed[positive_unity, 2, 2] = 1
#     dcm_transformed[negative_unity, 2, 2] = -1
#     angles[:, 1] = np.arccos(dcm_transformed[:, 2, 2])
#     # Steps 5, 6
#     eps = 1e-7
#     safe1 = (np.abs(angles[:, 1]) >= eps)
#     safe2 = (np.abs(angles[:, 1] - np.pi) >= eps)
#     # Step 4 (Completion)
#     angles[:, 1] += offset
#     # 5b
#     safe_mask = np.logical_and(safe1, safe2)
#     angles[safe_mask, 0] = np.arctan2(dcm_transformed[safe_mask, 0, 2],
#                                       -dcm_transformed[safe_mask, 1, 2])
#     angles[safe_mask, 2] = np.arctan2(dcm_transformed[safe_mask, 2, 0],
#                                       dcm_transformed[safe_mask, 2, 1])
#     if extrinsic:
#         # For extrinsic, set first angle to zero so that after reversal we
#         # ensure that third angle is zero
#         # 6a
#         angles[~safe_mask, 0] = 0
#         # 6b
#         angles[~safe1, 2] = np.arctan2(
#             dcm_transformed[~safe1, 1, 0] - dcm_transformed[~safe1, 0, 1],
#             dcm_transformed[~safe1, 0, 0] + dcm_transformed[~safe1, 1, 1]
#         )
#         # 6c
#         angles[~safe2, 2] = -np.arctan2(
#             dcm_transformed[~safe2, 1, 0] + dcm_transformed[~safe2, 0, 1],
#             dcm_transformed[~safe2, 0, 0] - dcm_transformed[~safe2, 1, 1]
#         )
#     else:
#         # For instrinsic, set third angle to zero
#         # 6a
#         angles[~safe_mask, 2] = 0
#         # 6b
#         angles[~safe1, 0] = np.arctan2(
#             dcm_transformed[~safe1, 1, 0] - dcm_transformed[~safe1, 0, 1],
#             dcm_transformed[~safe1, 0, 0] + dcm_transformed[~safe1, 1, 1]
#         )
#         # 6c
#         angles[~safe2, 0] = np.arctan2(
#             dcm_transformed[~safe2, 1, 0] + dcm_transformed[~safe2, 0, 1],
#             dcm_transformed[~safe2, 0, 0] - dcm_transformed[~safe2, 1, 1]
#         )
#     # Step 7
#     if seq[0] == seq[2]:
#         # lambda = 0, so we can only ensure angle2 -> [0, pi]
#         adjust_mask = np.logical_or(angles[:, 1] < 0, angles[:, 1] > np.pi)
#     else:
#         # lambda = + or - pi/2, so we can ensure angle2 -> [-pi/2, pi/2]
#         adjust_mask = np.logical_or(angles[:, 1] < -np.pi / 2,
#                                     angles[:, 1] > np.pi / 2)
#     # Dont adjust gimbal locked angle sequences
#     adjust_mask = np.logical_and(adjust_mask, safe_mask)
#     angles[adjust_mask, 0] += np.pi
#     angles[adjust_mask, 1] = 2 * offset - angles[adjust_mask, 1]
#     angles[adjust_mask, 2] -= np.pi
#     angles[angles < -np.pi] += 2 * np.pi
#     angles[angles > np.pi] -= 2 * np.pi
#     # Step 8
#     if not np.all(safe_mask):
#         warnings.warn("Gimbal lock detected. Setting third angle to zero since"
#                       " it is not possible to uniquely determine all angles.")
#     # Reverse role of extrinsic and intrinsic rotations, but let third angle be
#     # zero for gimbal locked cases
#     if extrinsic:
#         angles = angles[:, ::-1]
#     return angles
# def _elementary_basis_vector(axis):
#     b = np.zeros(3)
#     b[_AXIS_TO_IND[axis]] = 1
#     return b
# class Rotation(object):
#     def __init__(self, quat, normalized=False, copy=True):
#         self._single = False
#         quat = np.asarray(quat, dtype=float)
#         if quat.ndim not in [1, 2] or quat.shape[-1] != 4:
#             raise ValueError("Expected `quat` to have shape (4,) or (N x 4), "
#                              "got {}.".format(quat.shape))
#         if quat.shape == (4,):
#             quat = quat[None, :]
#             self._single = True
#         if normalized:
#             self._quat = quat.copy() if copy else quat
#         else:
#             self._quat = quat.copy()
#             norms = scipy.linalg.norm(quat, axis=1)
#             zero_norms = norms == 0
#             if zero_norms.any():
#                 raise ValueError("Found zero norm quaternions in `quat`.")
#             self._quat[~zero_norms] /= norms[~zero_norms][:, None]
#     def __len__(self):
#         return self._quat.shape[0]
#     @classmethod
#     def from_dcm(cls,dcm):
#         is_single = False
#         dcm = np.asarray(dcm, dtype=float)
#         if dcm.ndim not in [2, 3] or dcm.shape[-2:] != (3, 3):
#             raise ValueError("Expected `dcm` to have shape (3, 3) or "
#                              "(N, 3, 3), got {}".format(dcm.shape))
#         # If a single dcm is given, convert it to 3D 1 x 3 x 3 matrix but set
#         # self._single to True so that we can return appropriate objects in
#         # the `to_...` methods
#         if dcm.shape == (3, 3):
#             dcm = dcm.reshape((1, 3, 3))
#             is_single = True
#         num_rotations = dcm.shape[0]
#         decision_matrix = np.empty((num_rotations, 4))
#         decision_matrix[:, :3] = dcm.diagonal(axis1=1, axis2=2)
#         decision_matrix[:, -1] = decision_matrix[:, :3].sum(axis=1)
#         choices = decision_matrix.argmax(axis=1)
#         quat = np.empty((num_rotations, 4))
#         ind = np.nonzero(choices != 3)[0]
#         i = choices[ind]
#         j = (i + 1) % 3
#         k = (j + 1) % 3
#         quat[ind, i] = 1 - decision_matrix[ind, -1] + 2 * dcm[ind, i, i]
#         quat[ind, j] = dcm[ind, j, i] + dcm[ind, i, j]
#         quat[ind, k] = dcm[ind, k, i] + dcm[ind, i, k]
#         quat[ind, 3] = dcm[ind, k, j] - dcm[ind, j, k]
#         ind = np.nonzero(choices == 3)[0]
#         quat[ind, 0] = dcm[ind, 2, 1] - dcm[ind, 1, 2]
#         quat[ind, 1] = dcm[ind, 0, 2] - dcm[ind, 2, 0]
#         quat[ind, 2] = dcm[ind, 1, 0] - dcm[ind, 0, 1]
#         quat[ind, 3] = 1 + decision_matrix[ind, -1]
#         quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat, axis=1)[:, None]
#         if is_single:
#             return cls(quat[0], normalized=True, copy=False)
#         else:
#             return cls(quat, normalized=True, copy=False)
#     def as_dcm(self):
#         x = self._quat[:, 0]
#         y = self._quat[:, 1]
#         z = self._quat[:, 2]
#         w = self._quat[:, 3]
#         x2 = x * x
#         y2 = y * y
#         z2 = z * z
#         w2 = w * w
#         xy = x * y
#         zw = z * w
#         xz = x * z
#         yw = y * w
#         yz = y * z
#         xw = x * w
#         num_rotations = len(self)
#         dcm = np.empty((num_rotations, 3, 3))
#         dcm[:, 0, 0] = x2 - y2 - z2 + w2
#         dcm[:, 1, 0] = 2 * (xy + zw)
#         dcm[:, 2, 0] = 2 * (xz - yw)
#         dcm[:, 0, 1] = 2 * (xy - zw)
#         dcm[:, 1, 1] = - x2 + y2 - z2 + w2
#         dcm[:, 2, 1] = 2 * (yz + xw)
#         dcm[:, 0, 2] = 2 * (xz + yw)
#         dcm[:, 1, 2] = 2 * (yz - xw)
#         dcm[:, 2, 2] = - x2 - y2 + z2 + w2
#         if self._single:
#             return dcm[0]
#         else:
#             return dcm
#     def as_euler(self, seq, degrees=False):
#         if len(seq) != 3:
#             raise ValueError("Expected 3 axes, got {}.".format(seq))
#         intrinsic = (re.match(r'^[XYZ]{1,3}$', seq) is not None)
#         extrinsic = (re.match(r'^[xyz]{1,3}$', seq) is not None)
#         if not (intrinsic or extrinsic):
#             raise ValueError("Expected axes from `seq` to be from "
#                              "['x', 'y', 'z'] or ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], "
#                              "got {}".format(seq))
#         if any(seq[i] == seq[i+1] for i in range(2)):
#             raise ValueError("Expected consecutive axes to be different, "
#                              "got {}".format(seq))
#         seq = seq.lower()
#         angles = _compute_euler_from_dcm(self.as_dcm(), seq, extrinsic)
#         if degrees:
#             angles = np.rad2deg(angles)
#         return angles[0] if self._single else angles
# # -----------------------Rotation-----------------------------------------


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