错题整理:专题练习-风险管理 (11)


1、 [单选] 在监督和控制风险时,项目经理看过月度项目绩效报告后,发现需要实施应急计划,项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
When monitoring and controlling risks, the project manager has seen the monthly project performance report and found that the contingency plan needs to be implemented. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:更新项目进度计划和预算,以配合应急计划的实施;
    Update the project schedule and budget to coincide with the implementation of the contingency plan;
  • B:提出变更请求,在应急计划实施前获得批准;
    Make a change request and get approval before the implementation of the contingency plan;
  • C:记录因实施应急计划而获得的经验教训;
    Record the lessons learned from the implementation of the contingency plan;
  • D:将实施应急计划的信息通知所有相关方。
    Inform all stakeholders about the implementation of the contingency plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


2、 [单选] 项目经理在海外某国实施一个技术涉密的项目,该国发生了暴乱,尽管项目经理启动了应急响应机制,升级了安保措施,但武装分子不断冲击项目现场。在来不及获得批准的情况下,项目经理下令销毁了项目机密数据,并立即组织人员撤离。这属于风险应对的哪一种?
The project manager is carrying out a project involving technical secrets in a foreign country. The country has had a riot, and the project manager has launched an emergency response mechanism to upgrade security standards, but the militants continue to hit the site. In no time to get approval, project manager ordered the destruction of the confidential data, and organize personnel to evacuate immediately. Which of these is the risk response?

  • A:应急计划
    contingency plan
  • B:弹回计划
    fallback plan
  • C:权变措施
    workaround response
  • D:减轻风险
    risk mitigation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


3、 [单选] 客户要求项目经理提前一个月让系统上线。项目经理组织团队进行了影响分析后提出了两个变更请求,一是将自己团队不擅长的子项目M分包给更为专业的外部团队,二是申请将需要创新性研发,且不确定性很强的功能X从本项目范围中移出,上交给由技术总监负责的开发团队。项目经理分别采取的是哪种风险应对策略?
The client asked the project manager to release the system one month in advance. Project manager and team evaluated the influence, and then puts forward two change requests, one is to subcontract sub-project M to a professional external team which his team is not good at, the other, removing function X which is uncertainty and needs innovative research from the project scope, and transfer it to the development team directly lead by technical director. What is the risk response strategy for the project manager?

  • A:转移、上报
    transfer and report.
  • B:转移、减轻
    transfer and mitigation.
  • C:转移、规避
    transfer and avoid.
  • D:规避、上报
    avoid and report.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


4、 [单选] C2B2D175-6559-4737-9960-0EC6F0E0EDE8.png影响评分(如图):项目团队识别出若干风险发生的概率和每个风险对成本、进度的潜在影响。这些信息已在表中显示出来,对项目而言,进度和成本的权重比为4:1。那么评级最高的风险是哪一个?
Impact scores: A project team identifies 4 risks and assesses probability of occurrence and potential impact on cost and schedule for each risk. This information is presented in the table shown.This information has been shown in the table. For the project, the weight ratio of progress and cost is 4:1.Which is the most critical risk for the project?

  • A:风险 A
    Risk A
  • B:风险 B
    Risk B
  • C:风险 C
    Risk C
  • D:风险 D
    Risk D

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:进度和成本的权重比为 4:1,这说明要采用加权的风险影响与概率矩阵,(进度影响分数进度权重 80%+成本影响分数成本权重 20%)*风险概率,看哪个结果(风险评级)最高。

5、 [单选] 项目经理正在为项目准备两个备选方案,方案1成功的概率80%,如果成功可以为项目节省100万美元,但是失败了的话要增加100万美元的成本;方案2成功的概率50%,成功的话可以节省200万美元,失败会增加100万美元的成本。那么项目经理应该推荐哪个方案?理由是?
The project manager is comparing two solutions for the project. The probability of success is 80% for solution 1. If it works it could save $1 million for the project but if it doesn’t work it’s going to cost you a million dollars on the project. Solution 2 has 50% probability of success success can save $2 million failure would increase the cost of $1 million. So which solution should the project manager recommend? What is the reason?

  • A:方案1 因为预期货币价值EMV比方案2多10万
    Solution 1 because the EMV of solution1 is $100000 more than the EMV of solution 2.
  • B:方案2 因为成功的话比方案1多节省100万
    Solution 2 because it can save a million more than the solution1.
  • C:方案1 因为成功的概率比方案2高30%
    Solution 1 because its probability of success is 30% higher than that of solution 2.
  • D:方案2 因为预期货币价值EMV比方案1多20万
    solution 2 because the EMV of solution2 is $200000 more than the EMV of solution 1.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:决策树,分别计算每个方案成功和失败的收益/损失*概率,省的钱就是收益,取正值;增加的钱就是损失,取负值。 最终取预期货币价值 EMV 高的方案。

6、 [单选] 在项目预算评审会上,项目经理说以目前的预算可以完成项目的把握是75%,并解释了这是由多种风险综合影响的结果。发起人问如果将完成的概率提高到85%,需要追加多少预算?项目经理要想回答这个问题,需要用到下面哪一种技术?
At the project budget review meeting, the project manager said that with current budget the project could be completed at probability of 75% and explained that this was the result of a combination of risks. The sponsor asked how much additional budget would be required if the probability of completion increased to 85%? Which of the following techniques is needed to answer this question?

  • A:敏感性分析
    Sensitivity analysis
  • B:决策树分析
    Decision tree analysis.
  • C:趋势分析
    Trend analysis
  • D:蒙特卡洛分析
    Monte Carlo analysis.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:蒙特卡洛分析是量化风险分析的一种,通过计算机模拟每增加单位预算(如 1 万美元)对应的项目完成的概率变化,来分析预算变化与项目完成概率的关系曲线。因此有了这个曲线,就可以回答发起人,从 75%的概率提高到 85% 需要追加的预算。


28、 [单选] IT小组拒收一个项目可交付成果,称其不符合现有过程。项目团队认为,对该可交付成果进行返工会导致项目交付延迟三周时间。 项目经理应该怎么做?
An IT group rejects a project deliverable citing noncompliance with existing processes.The project team believes that reworking the deliverable would delay project delivery by three weeks. What should the project manager do?

  • A:在风险登记册和问题日志中记录该拒收
    Document the rejection in the risk register and issue log.
  • B:向IT小组沟通返工影响
    Communicate the impact of the rework to the IT group.
  • C:将该问题上报给项目发起人
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  • D:请IT经理对问题进行根本原因分析
    Ask the IT manager to conduct a root cause analysis of the issue.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P417-,P418-记录发现的新问题或当前问题的变化。

31、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个沟通项目制定—份进度计划。可用的项目信息很模糊, 若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is developing a schedule for a communication project. The available project information is vague. What should a project manager do to address this?

  • A:增加所有活动的总浮动时间
    Increase the total float of all activities
  • B:使用三点估算确定活动持续时间
    Determine activity durations using three-point estimating.
  • C:为不确定的活动分配应急储备
    Assign a contingency reserve for uncertain activities.
  • D:与项目团队一起开会,估算活动持续时间
    Meet with the project team to estimate activity durations.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P449-11.6 信息模糊意味着潜在风险,且该风险属于一致的,应增加应急储备。B 不选,三点估算考虑到风险,但进度计划内容较多,题目没有问如何估算,问的是解决风险。

36、 [单选] 某个特定采购商品的原料成本预计增加发生,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:通知发起人
    Inform the sponsor
  • B:执行储备分析
    Perform a reserve analysis
  • C:执行实施整体变更控制过程
    Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  • D:研究偏差的原因
    Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的456页11.7.2.1要通过储备分析来监督项目中应急储备和管理储备的使用情况,从而判断是否还需要这些储备,或者是否需要增加额外的储备。

49、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个价值200,000美元项目的风险管理计划,该计划中提出的其中一个风险已经出现,项目经理按照风险管理计划执行,但是,他们担心尚未考虑到某些结果。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is following the risk management plan for a $200,000 project. One of the risks proposed in the plan has made realize And The project manager implements the plan as outlined, however,they are concerned that some outcomes have not been considere What should a project manager do?

  • A:将该问题升级上报给相关方以做出决定
    escalate the issue to the stakeholders for a decision
  • B:使用专家判断来获得其他观点
    Use expert judgment to obtain other perspectives
  • C:应用头脑风暴技术来选择解决方案
    Employ brainstorming techniques to choose a solution
  • D:执行敏感性分析以了解风险应对的结果
    Perform a sensitivity analysis to understand the outcome of the risk response

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析: 实施风险应对:工具与技术 专家判断 在确认或修改(如必要)风险应对措施,以及决定如何以最有效率和最有效果的方 式加以实施时,应征求具备相应专业知识的个人或小组的意见。

64、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个复杂的电子商务应用程序工作。客户同意在项目开始时向应用程序测试团队提供数据。但是,在用户验收测试(UAT)之前,客户数据将不可用。项目经理首先应该怎么做
A project manager is working on a complex e-commerce application. The client agrees to provide data to the test application team at beginning of the project. However, client data will be unavailable until user acceptance testing (UAT). What should the project manager do first?

  • A:将该问题升级上报给客户
    Escalate the issue to the client
  • B:让团队创建用于测试的虚拟数据
    Have the team create dummy data to use for testing
  • C:评估影响,并将其提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
    Evaluate the impact and raise it to the change control board (CCB)
  • D:将该情况记录在风险登记册中
    Note it in the risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK11.2.3 风险登记册,客户的一个重要承诺无法兑现,将可能影响项目,属于风险。

67、 [单选] 在一个系统开发项目的执行阶段,一位关键开发人员由于个人原因,需要延长并进行计划外休假。项目经理知道,如果没有替代资源,项目进度计划就会面临风险。项目经理应该立即采取哪些措施来确保进度计划不会受到不利影响?
During the execution phase of a system development project, a key developer takes extended and unplanned leave due to personal reasons. The Project manager knows that without a replacement resource, the project schedule is at risk. What should the project manager do immediate to ensure that the schedule is not adversely affected?

  • A:与所有开发人员开会,以确定重新分配开发任务的方案
    Meet with all developers to determine options for reassigning development tasks
  • B:请求职能经理提供另一位技能熟练的开发人员
    Ask the functional manager for another skilled developer
  • C:请求项目发起人提供有关处理资源问题的建议
    Ask the project sponsor for suggestions for handing the resource issues
  • D:审查项目范围以减少开发任务,并相应的重新调整进度计划
    Review the project scopes to reduce development tasks and realign the schedule accordingly

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK9.3因为集体劳资协议、分包商人员使用、矩阵型项目环境、内外部报告关系或其他原因,项目管理团队可能或可能不对资源选择有直接控制权。 项目经理或项目团队应该进行有效谈判,并影响那些能为项目提供所需团队和实物资源 的人员。

84、 [单选] 一个施工项目位于热带地区,该项目的风险登记册包括雨季洪水的风险。现在雨季已经结束,项目即将完成。应使用哪一项工具或技术来管理这个风险?
A construction project is located in the tropics area , and the project’s risk register includes the risk of flooding during the rainy season.Now that the rainy season is over, the project is nearing completion. Which tool or technology should be used to manage this risk?

  • A:风险规避
    Risk avoidance.
  • B:风险审计
    Risk audits.
  • C:风险接受
    Risk acceptance.
  • D:风险转移
    Risk transference.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:考点:11.7.2监督风险的工具——审计 分析:定期开展风险审计,确定风险管理的有效性,更新风险状态。ACD均为风险应对措施,不符合题意。

86、 [单选] 在项目的最后一个星期,一场强风暴造成损害并影响项目的交付日期,项目经理应该怎么做?
During the last week of the project,a strong storm causes damage and impacts the project’s delivery date ?What should the project manager do?

  • A:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request.
  • B:将其报告给项目发起人
    Report it to the project sponsors.
  • C:使用储备分析技术
    Use the reserve analysis technique.
  • D:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


95、 [单选] —家公司计划推出一个新的数字银行解决方案。在项目启动时,识别到一个关键依赖关系,需要在产品推出前获得监管部门的批准。这被添加到风险登记册,并由项目经理积极监控。目前,仍未得到监管部门的批准,这可能会导致产品推出延期。 项目经理如何能够减轻该风险
A company plans to introduce a new digital banking solution. At the project kick-off, a key dependency is identified that requires regulatory approval before the product launch. This is added to the Risk Register and is actively monitored by the project manager. Currently, it has not yet been approved by the regulatory authority, which may lead to delay of product rollouts. How can a project manager mitigate this risk?

  • A:准备风险应对措施
    To prepare for risk response action
  • B:在风险登记册中更新并跟踪该风险
    To update and track the risk in the Risk Register
  • C:调整项目进度计划,包含应急应对措施
    To adjust the project schedule, including emergency response action
  • D:评估被监管拒绝的可能性
    To evaluate the possibility of being rejected by the regulatory

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:答案:A 解析:要想减轻相关风险,需要首先制定风险应对措施,通过各种规定的方式来减轻风险,A选项为最佳答案。

99、 [单选] 项目经理面对一个由两个合资企业组成的指导委员会,他们拥有对立的优先级。一个伙伴希望加快进度;而第二个合作伙伴想要高质量,并且愿意接受更长时间的进度。项目经理应该如何解决这个冲突?
A project manager is confronted by a steering committee composed of two joint venture partners with opposing priorities.One partner wants a tighter schedule;the second partner wants superior quality and will accept a longer schedule. What should the project manager do to address this conflict?

  • A:将该冲突作为一项风险纳入风险管理计划中
    Incorporate the conflict as a risk in the risk management plan
  • B:更新问题日志并监督该冲突的解决方案
    Update the issue log and monitor the resolution of the conflict…
  • C:启动一个新的范围定义,并与所有项目相关方进行协商
    Initiate a new scope definition and negotiate with all project stakeholders.
  • D:将该问题包含在质量管理计划中
    Include the issue in the quality management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:如何解决冲突?要根据选项倒推。A,冲突首先属于问题,不能直接当成风险另外即使是风险,记录在风险管理计划里也是严重错误;C,找所有相关方协商,没有必要;D的错误类似于A,质量管理计划是程序型计划;B,冲突是问题,记录在问题日志。

103、 [单选] 项目经理正在启动一个项目,而项目地点在历史上受到自然灾害。由于这个问题,之前有许多项目都出现延期问题。 制定风险管理计划来解决这一风险时,项目经理应该首先参考什么
The project manager is kicking off a project, and the project site has historically been affected by natural disasters. Due to this problem, many projects have been delayed before. When developing a risk control plan to solve this risk, what should the project manager first refer to?

  • A:事业环境因素
    Business environment factors
  • B:过往项目的经验教训
    Lessons learned from past projects
  • C:重新配置资源和业务连续性的应急计划
    Emergency plan for reassigning resources and business continuity
  • D:保险合同的采购管理计划
    Procurement management plan for insurance contracts

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:本题考规划风险管理过程的输入,前车之覆,后车之鉴,过往项目的教训属于组织过程资产。

104、 [单选] 项目团队包括一名资源,但该资源同时致力于其他四个项目,项目经理得知该资源可能在计划的时间不可用。项目经理计划持续评估项目的进展,并根据该资源的可用性计划制定应急计划。 这属于下列哪一项的实例?
The project team includes one resource, but the resource is dedicated to the other four projects. The project manager is aware that the resource may not be available at the planned time. The project manager plans to continuously evaluate the project progress and work out the contingency plan according to the availability plan of the resource. Which of the following items is an example of this situation?

  • A:接受风险
    Accept risk
  • B:回避风险
    Avoid risk
  • C:转移风险
    Transfer risk
  • D:控制风险
    Control risk

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目经理并未制定措施,而是决定等资源出现问题(风险发生)后再制定应急计划,属于等发生再随机应变,即接受。

110、 [单选] 据报告,项目所在地区存在严重的健康风险, 当地卫生局要求限制团队成员进出该地区。若要管理这个风险,项目经理应该做什么?
A serious health risk is reported in the area where a project is locateLocalheath authoritiea require that team members limit travel in and out of this are What should the project manager do first to manage the risk?

  • A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  • B:执行定性和定量风险分析
    Perform qualitative and qualitative risk analyses.
  • C:评估对项目的影响
    Assess the impact on the project.
  • D:通知项目发起人
    Inform the project sponsor.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


113、 [单选] 用作产品可交付成果组成部分的一种原材料可能不符合质量标准,发生风险的概率很低,但是影响很大,因为公司将承担供应商错误的成本,而且没有经过批准的二级供应商。项目经理应使用什么风险策略?
A raw material being used as part of the product deliverable may not comply with quality standards.The probability of a risk occurrence is low;however,the impact is high because the company would absorb the cost of the vendor’s mistake.There is an approved secondary supplier.What risk strategy should the project manager use?

  • A:回避
  • B:升级上报
  • C:接受
  • D:分享

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


116、 [单选] 项目经理识别并登记多个风险,然后为项目起草一份风险应对计划。然而,由于资金限制以及发起人不愿意为不确定的活动创建预算,风险应对计划未获批准。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager identifies and registers multiple risk, and then drafts a risk response plan for the project. However, due to funding constraints and the sponsor’s unwillingness to create a budget for uncertain activities, the risk response plan is not approve What should the project manager do?

  • A:将该问题升级上报给高级相关方
    Escalate the issue to senior stakeholders.
  • B:请求批准风险应对计划,以解决高优先级风险
    Request approval of a risk response plan that addresses the high-priority risks.
  • C:将其他项目的预算利用情况审查组织过程资产
    Review the organizational process assets regarding budget utilization from other projects.
  • D:接受发起人的决定,并继续执行项目
    Accept the sponsor’s decision, and continue with project.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 参见PMBOK第6版规划风险应对-威胁应对策略-上报。如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或提议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略风险应对。


4、 [单选] 某软件开发项目的项目发起人对于整体负面项目风险可能会导致项目目标无法实现一事表示忧虑。项目经理可以采取以下哪种策略来调整整体项目风险的级别并优化实现项目目标的可能性
The project sponsor of a software development project are concerned that overall negative project risks may result in the failure of the project objectives. Which of the following strategies can the project manager adopt to adjust the overall project risk level and optimize the likelihood of achieving project objectives?

  • A:举行风险评估研讨会,以便最大程度地降低风险影响估算
    Execute risk assessment workshops to minimize risk impact estimation
  • B:将高收益要素增加到项目范围之中
    Add high-yield elements to the project scope
  • C:将风险转移给第三方
    Transfer risks to a third party
  • D:更改项目的范围和界限
    Change the project scope and boundary

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


8、 [单选] 某项目开始时,项目团队全面地识别并记录了相关风险。但仍可能会发生某些风险,客户对此情况颇为不满。项目经理该做什么
At the beginning of a project, the project team fully identifies and documents the risks involved. However, some risks can still occur, and customers are unhappy with the situation. What should the project manager do?

  • A:在项目的整个生命周期内继续监控风险
    Continue to monitor risks throughout the life cycle of the project
  • B:向客户提供详细的风险应对计划
    Provide customers with a detailed risk response plan
  • C:将目前的项目风险状况告知所有项目相关方
    Inform all project stakeholders of the current project risk status
  • D:对项目进行影响分析
    Execute an impact analysis on the project

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


9、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个新的组织以及一个正在执行的项目,该项目超出预算,在与团队成员交谈时,项目经理得知在这个组织中超出预算是正常的。项目经理希望减少进一步增加成本的机会。若要实现这个目标,项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager joins a new organization and an on-going project that is over the budget, and when talking to team members, the project manager finds that over the budget is normal in the organization. The project manager wants to reduce possibility of further increased cost. What should the project manager do to achieve this objective?

  • A:查阅风险登记册。并与相关方讨论解决方案。
    Refer to the risk register, and discuss with the stakeholder for a solution
  • B:要求举行项目每日站会,并继续监测进展情况
    Request to hold daily scrum meetings on the project and continue to monitor the progress
  • C:识别可以释放的资源以降低成本
    Identify resources that can be released to reduce costs
  • D:接受超出预算在该组织中并不罕见
    Accept the fact that over the budget is not uncommon in the organization

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


17、 [单选] 在某道路基础设施项目施工过程中,已根据官方气象预报针对天气情况方面的风险估算安排了部分应急储备。但与项目规划过程中使用的最初预测相比,最新气象预报预测接下来数周的气象条件将更加恶劣。项目经理该做什么?
During the construction of a road infrastructure project, some contingency reserves have been arranged according to the official weather forecast’s risk estimates for weather conditions. However, the latest weather forecast predicts worse weather conditions in the coming weeks than the initial forecasts used in the project planning process. What should the project manager do?

  • A:分析风险相对较小的项目活动剩余未用的应急储备,并在必要时动用它们
    Analysis of unused contingency reserves for relatively low-risk project activities and, where necessary, their use
  • B:由于根据气象预报可能会出现额外风险,向变更控制委员会(CCB)提出动用管理储备的请求
    Submit a request to the Change Control Board (CCB) to use the management reserve, as additional risks may arise based on weather forecasts
  • C:确定剩余的应急储备是都足以应对不确定的气象条件,并在必要时提出变更请求
    Determine that the remaining contingency reserves are sufficient to cope with uncertain weather conditions and, if necessary, propose change requests
  • D:检查剩余的项目预算是否足以涵盖更加恶劣的气象条件可能会造成的额外风险
    Check that the remaining project budget is sufficient to cover the additional risks that may result from harsher weather conditions

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


18、 [单选] 项目经理向某部门交付系统。其中一个项目供应商在交付关键系统组件方面总是延迟。该项目非常重要,不得落后于所承诺的进度。项目经理应如何避免将来发生这种情况
The project manager delivers the system to a department. One of the project vendors is always delayed in delivering critical system components. The project was too important to fall behind the promised schedule. What should the project manager do to avoid this happening in the future?

  • A:通过聘请有着出色交付业绩记录的另一个供应商避免风险
    Avoid risks by hiring another vendor with an excellent delivery track record
  • B:将风险上报给项目发起人,因为风险超出了项目控制
    Escalate the risk to the project sponsor because the risk is beyond the control of the project
  • C:通过与现任供应商商定经济处罚条款减轻风险
    Mitigate risk by agreeing on economic penalties with current vendors
  • D:通过购买针对现任供应商迟延交付的保险来转移风险
    Transfer risk by purchasing insurance against delayed delivery by current vendors

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


19、 [单选] 在某项目执行阶段,项目经理获悉,某项目需求可能会发生变更,这可能会对该项目的成本和进度产生重大影响。在这种情况下,项目经理应该做什么?
During a project execution phase, the project manager is informed that the requirements for a project may change, which can have a significant impact on the cost and schedule of the project. What should the project manager do in this case?

  • A:将对该需求的潜在变更增加到项目章程中,然后立即调整项目成本和进度计划文件
    Add potential changes to the requirement to the project charter, and then immediately adjust the project cost and schedule documentation
  • B:对风险登记册不作修改,但就对项目成本和进度计划的影响征得项目发起人批准
    There are no changes to the risk register, but the impact on project cost and schedule is approved by the project sponsor
  • C:分配必要人员应对该潜在变更,尽管该应对措施未在风险应对计划中获批
    Assign the necessary personnel to respond to this potential change, although the response was not approved in the risk response plan
  • D:提出针对潜在变更的变更请求,并征得变更控制委员会(CCB)批准
    Make a change request for a potential change and obtain approval from the Change Control Board (CCB)

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK 实施风险应对-输出-项目团队派工单;关键词“执行阶段,PM获悉,可能变更,重大影响”表明这是一个风险,且已被识别,应当规划并实施应对,其中实施应对的一个关键措施就是分配资源以应对风险。项目章程变更意味着项目的重新授权,排除A,从题目中很明显发现了新的风险,需要更新风险登记册,排除B。变更还没有发生就直接申请潜在变更不正确,排除D。

20、 [单选] 某弱矩阵型组织的项目经理负责在一个月内完成产品测试。项目开始后一周,项目经理获悉。职能部门经理将撤掉某资源。项目经理该做什么
The project manager for a weak matrix organization is responsible for completing product testing within a month. A week after the project began, the project manager was informed. The functional manager will remove a resource. What should the project manager do?

  • A:赶工加快进度计划
    Work to speed up the schedule
  • B:实施风险应对计划
    Implement a risk response plan
  • C:实施资源平衡
    Implement Resource Leveling
  • D:请求更换资源
    Request a replacement of the resource

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:这是一个典型的实施风险应对的案例,PMBOK 11.6,P449~452。关键词“将撤掉”还未发生,在发生前实施风险应对;赶工和资源平衡都会影响项目进度的时间,需要变更,排除AC。PMP原则不抛弃不放弃,排除D。

25、 [单选] 用于构建一个关键项目组件的设备所报的成本超过了预算金额和应急储备,但是,由于 已记录该风险并执行了风险应对措施,因此该组件已成功构建。项目经理应该更新什么?
The reported cost of the equipment used to build a key project component exceeds the budgeted amount and contingency reserve; however, due to the risk has been documented and a risk response implemented, so the component has been built successfully. What should the project manager update?

  • A:经验教训登记册
    The lessons learned register
  • B:风险登记册
    The risk register
  • C:问题日志
    The issue log
  • D:假设日志
    The assumption log

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK P452 实施风险应对,输出,项目文件更新,经验教训登记册。关键词“执行了风险应对措施,已经成功构建”表示风险应对已实施,后续就是总结经验用于后续项目,选A;

29、 [单选] 一个项目需要使用新技术,若要管理这个风险,项目经理应参考哪份文件
What document should the project manager refer to in order to manage the risk of a project requiring new techniques?

  • A:风险报告
    The risk reports
  • B:风险应对计划
    The risk response plan
  • C:风险登记册
    The risk register
  • D:风险管理计划
    The risk management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK P405 风险管理计划定义:描述如何安排与实施风险管理活动。关键词“若要管理这个风险”;风险报告是向相关方提供的风险的情况信息;风险应对计划是用来应对风险降低风险发生概率或危害的;风险登记册是用来跟踪风险的,都不用用来管理风险,排除ABC。





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