1. Verilog表达式的位宽计算
Expression | Bit length | Comments |
unsized constant | 32 bits | Self-determined |
sized constant | as specified | Self-determined |
i + j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i – j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i * j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i / j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i % j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i & j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i | j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i ^ j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
i ^~ j | max(L(i),L(j)) | Context-determined |
~i | L(i) | Context-determined |
i == j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i !== j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i && j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i || j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i > j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i >= j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i < j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i <= j | 1 bit | Self-determined |
&i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
|i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
^i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
~&i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
~|i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
~^i | 1 bit | Self-determined |
i >> j | L(i) | j is self-determined |
{i{j}} | i*L(j) | j is self-determined |
i << j | L(i) | j is self-determined |
{i,…,j} | L(i)+…+L(j) | Self-determined |
{i {j,…,k}} | i*(L(j)+…+L(k)) | Self-determined |
i ? j : k | Max(L(j),L(k)) | i is self-determined |
2. 概念 (IEEE Std 1364-2001)
A self-determined expression is one where the bit length of the expression is solely determined by the
expression itself for example, an expression representing a delay value.
A context-determined expression is one where the bit length of the expression is determined by the bit length
of the expression and by the fact that it is part of another expression. For example, the bit size of the righthand side expression of an assignment depends on itself and the size of the left-hand side.
verilog 2001虽然提了这个概念,但是没有过多解释哪些表达式属于context-determined
3. Example
//Example 1
wire a[7:0];
wire b[7:0];
wire c[3:0];
assgin b = 8'h0;
assign c = 4'hf;
assign a = b + ~c;
//reselt : a = 8'h0 —— no
//result : a = 8'hf0 —— yes
a = 8’h0; + ~{4’h0,c};
a = 8’h0 + {4’hf,4’h0};
//Example 2
if ( ((1’b1 << 15) >> 15) == 1’b0 )
//This expression is ALWAYS true.
if ( (((1’b1 << 15) >> 15) | 20’b0) == 1’b0 )
//This expression is NEVER true.
这个是抄过来的例子,也是 | 20’b0 对位移表达式的位宽扩展了,结合表格自行理解。
4. REF
IEEE Standard Verilog® Hardware Description Language (IEEE Std 1364-2001)