


在SINS/NHC组合导航中,需要得到IMU和车辆之间的安装角,以及IMU和车轮(非转向轮)之间的杆臂。论文《Estimation of IMU Mounting Angles for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System》给出了一种基于EKF的估计安装角的方法,有相应的论文和代码,代码链接如下:
Estimation of IMU Mounting Angles for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System




% 推导观测方程中和杆臂相关的量
syms oumiga_x oumiga_y oumiga_z % IMU和车辆之间安装角
syms lever_x lever_y lever_z % IMU和车辆之间的杆臂
syms b_x b_y b_z % 陀螺零偏

b = [b_x;b_y;b_z];
lever = [lever_x;lever_y;lever_z];

Cvb = [             0,-oumiga_z, oumiga_y;
            oumiga_z,               0,-oumiga_x;
          -oumiga_y,oumiga_x,                0];
 cross_lever = [ 0, -lever_z,  lever_y;
            lever_z,    0, -lever_x;
           -lever_y,  lever_x,   0];
 cross_b = [ 0, -b_z,   b_y;
                b_z,      0, -b_x;
               -b_y,  b_x,     0];
data1 = Cvb * -cross_b * lever;
data2 = Cvb * cross_lever * b;

%lever_x*(b_y*oumiga_y + b_z*oumiga_z) - b_x*lever_y*oumiga_y - b_x*lever_z*oumiga_z
%lever_y*(b_x*oumiga_x + b_z*oumiga_z) - b_y*lever_x*oumiga_x - b_y*lever_z*oumiga_z
%lever_z*(b_x*oumiga_x + b_y*oumiga_y) - b_z*lever_x*oumiga_x - b_z*lever_y*oumiga_y

%b_y*lever_x*oumiga_y - b_x*(lever_y*oumiga_y + lever_z*oumiga_z) + b_z*lever_x*oumiga_z
%b_x*lever_y*oumiga_x - b_y*(lever_x*oumiga_x + lever_z*oumiga_z) + b_z*lever_y*oumiga_z
%b_x*lever_z*oumiga_x - b_z*(lever_x*oumiga_x + lever_y*oumiga_y) + b_y*lever_z*oumiga_y

% data1 = data2
% b_y*lever_x*oumiga_y - b_x*lever_y*oumiga_y + b_x*lever_z*oumiga_z + b_z*lever_x*oumiga_z
% b_x*lever_y*oumiga_x - b_y*lever_x*oumiga_x + b_y*lever_z*oumiga_z + b_z*lever_y*oumiga_z
% b_x*lever_z*oumiga_x - b_z*lever_x*oumiga_x + b_z*lever_y*oumiga_y + b_y*lever_z*oumiga_y



function main()

close all;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This open-source program implementing the IMU mounting angle estimation
% KF may help the readers in understanding the algorithm designed in the 
% manuscript - 
%  Qijin Chen, Xiaoji Niu, Jingnan Liu, "Estimation of 
%  IMU Mounting Angles for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System"
%  Please read the user manual for the definitions of the raw data format. 
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% close all; clear; clc
% step 1: set configuration 
cfg.fins = '.\data\ains_imu2.bin';   % raw GNSS/INS smoothing result; change to process different IMU data.
cfg.imutype = 'imu2';       % IMU type; 'imu1', 'imu2', 'imu3' for the three simulated IMUs
cfg.session = [800; 1200];  % time segment of the trajectory used as input to the KF estimator

% preprocess the GNSS/INS smoothing solution :1) derive traveled distance
% from GNSS/INS position; 2) resample GNSS/INS smoothing solution in
% distance domain. 
% 0.1米
cfg.fds = 0.1; % distance interval for resample the raw GNSS/INS smoothing solution
data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg);

% Kalman filter tuning, P0, Q, R matrice.
cfg = paraTuning(cfg);

% step 2: KF estimator
nav = mas_ekf(data_ains, cfg);

% step 3: show results
cfg.plot_ma = 1;
cfg.plot_att_err = 1;
cfg.plot_odosf = 1;
plotResult(nav, cfg);


function cfg = paraTuning(cfg)
%% P0 matrix
% Uncertainty of the initial mounting angles(zeros). 
cfg.ini_ma_std = [1; 2] *pi/180.0;       % 1 deg for pitch-, 2 deg for heading-mounting angle, respectively.

% Uncertainty of the scale factor error of the distance measurement derived
% from GNSS/INS smoothing position. 
% 标度因子
cfg.ini_odosf_std = 100 *1.0e-6;         % 100 ppm

% Scale to enlarge the initial attitude uncertainty. 
cfg.attstd_scale = 1.0; % 欧拉角不确定度的倍数

%% Q matrix
% ARW: angular random walk, i.e., white noise. of the gyro outputs
% 角度随机游走
switch cfg.imutype
    case 'imu1'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.0022 *pi/180.0/60; % deg/sqrt(h) -> rad/sqrt(s)       
    case 'imu2'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.15 *pi/180.0/60;
    case 'imu3'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.1 *pi/180.0/60;
        cfg.q_arw = 0.1 *pi/180.0/60;
% covariance of the noise in modeling the pitch- and heading-mounting angles
cfg.q_ma_p = 0.001 *pi/180.0/60;    % for pitch-mounting angle
cfg.q_ma_y = 0.001 *pi/180.0/60;    % for heading-mounting angle
cfg.q_odosf = 1.0 *1.0e-6;          % for scale factor error of the distance measurement
cfg.q_dt = 0.1;                     % average time interval between two DR epoch. 

%% R matrix
cfg.kf.up_interval = 0.2;   % the distance interval to use GNSS/INS position update.
% 位置置信度的倍数
cfg.kf.sf_R_pos = 3;      % scale to enlarge the uncertainty of GNSS/INS position


function data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%DATAPREPROC Preprocess the GNSS/INS smoothing solution: 1) calculate the 
%            traveled distance from GNSS/INS smoothing position; 2) resample 
%            GNSS/INS smoothing solution along distance. Prepare data for
%            DR and mounting angle KF estimator.     
%	data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg)
%	cfg = the configuration
%   imu_ains = the data used as input to DR and mounting angle
%              estimator. refer to table 2 for the format definition
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% read the GNSS/INS smoothing solution; refer to table 1 for the format 
fid = fopen(cfg.fins, 'rb');
if fid == -1
    disp('Cannot open the file!');
    data_ains = [];
% GNSS/INS data
data = fread(fid, [21,inf], 'double')';
fclose(fid); clear fid;

% the segment of trajectory used to estimate the mounting angles
n1 = find(data(:,1)>cfg.session(1), 1);
n2 = find(data(:,1)>cfg.session(2), 1);
data = data(n1:n2, :);

% calculate velocity in v-frame to help computing the distance increment
% data(idx,7:9):北东地速度(后处理结果)
v_v = zeros(size(data,1), 3);
for idx = 1:size(v_v,1)
    cbn = eul2dcm(data(idx,10)*pi/180.0, data(idx,11)*pi/180.0, data(idx,12)*pi/180.0);
    v_v(idx, :) = (cbn' * data(idx,7:9)')'; % 转到imu坐标系
dt = diff(data(:,1));
% 前,右,下(载体坐标系)
ds = v_v(1:end-1,1).*dt; %前进方向
vdist = [0; cumsum(ds(:))]; %里程累积值
ts_vel = [data(:,1), vdist];

[~, m, ~] = unique(ts_vel(:,2)); % 静止段去掉
ts_vel = ts_vel(m, :);
data = data(m,:);

% compute traveled distance from GNSS/INS smoothing position 
s1 = min(ts_vel(:,2)):cfg.fds:max(ts_vel(:,2));
t1 = interp1(ts_vel(:,2), ts_vel(:,1), s1); % 插值
t1 = t1(:);

pos = interp1(data(:,1), [data(:,5:6) data(:,4)], t1);
dpos = diff(pos);
ds = zeros(size(pos,1), 1);
for idx = 1:size(dpos,1)
    ds(idx+1,1) = sqrt(dpos(idx,1)*dpos(idx,1)+dpos(idx,2)*dpos(idx,2)+dpos(idx,3)*dpos(idx,3));
ts_pos = [t1, cumsum(ds)]; % GPS里程累积


% resample the GNSS/INS smoothing solution according to the distance
data(:,12) = yawSmooth(data(:,12));
data = interp1(data(:,1),data, ts_pos(:,1));
data(:,12) = data(:,12)-floor(data(:,12)/360)*360;%??

n = isnan(data(:,1));
data(n, :) = [];

% Unit conversion
data(:,2:3) = data(:,2:3)*pi/180; % rad
data(:,10:12) = data(:,10:12)*pi/180; % rad 
data(:,19:21) = data(:,19:21)*pi/180; % rad 

data_ains = [data, ts_pos(:,2)];  % GPS里程累积

function Az = yawSmooth(Az)

N = length(Az);
A_threshold = 180;
for i = 2:N
    if Az(i) - Az(i-1) > A_threshold
        Az(i:N) = Az(i:N) - 360;
    elseif Az(i) - Az(i-1) < -A_threshold
        Az(i:N) = Az(i:N) + 360;



function nav = mas_ekf(data_ains, cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%MASEKF implementation of the mounting angle estimation Kalman filtering 
%	dcm = eul2dcm(roll, pitch, heading)
%   1. imu_ains = the data used as input to DR and mounting angle
%              estimator. refer to table 2 for the format definition
%   2. cfg = the configuration
%	1. nav = Nx21 matrix, each column is defined as
%       nav(i,1) = time in seconds
%       nav(i,2) = distance in meters
%       nav(i,3:5) = latitude(in radians),longitude(in radians), height
%                   (in meters); 
%       nav(i,6:7) = pitch-mounting angle(in radians),heading-mounting angle
%                   (in radians);
%       nav(i,8:10) = estimated attitude errors in GNSS/INS smoothing roll, 
%                     pitch and heading angle (in radians); 
%       nav(i,11) = scale factor error of the distance measurement. 
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

ds = [0; diff(data_ains(:,22))];  % distance increment between two epochs. 

% initialize the dead reckoning positioning. 
[nav, P, x, Q, G, Phi, datum] = initDR(data_ains, cfg);
cbv = eye(3);   % initialize the mounting angles as zeros

% progress bar
num = size(data_ains,1);
if num > 100
    fric = floor(num/100);
    handle = waitbar(0, 'DR aided by GNSS/INS position!', 'Name', 'IMU Mounting Angle Estimator');
    WaitTitle = 'Filtering...';

% DR/AINS position filtering
s_prev = data_ains(1,22);
for idx = 2:size(data_ains,1)
    % show current progress
    if num > 100
        if mod(idx, fric) == 0
            waitbar(idx/num, handle, WaitTitle);
    meas = data_ains(idx,:);
    cbn = eul2dcm(meas(10), meas(11), meas(12));

    % feedback the estimated mounting angles to compensate the GNSS/INS attitude
    % 车辆坐标系到导航系
    cvn = cbn*cbv'; 
    % distance increment resolved in navigation frame 
    % 导航系的里程增量
    ds_n = cvn*[ds(idx); 0; 0]; 
    % the radii of curvature along lines of constant longitude and
    % latitude.
    Rm = datum.a*(1-datum.e2)/((1-datum.e2 * sin(data_ains(idx,2))^2)^(3/2));  
    Rn = datum.a/sqrt(1-datum.e2 * sin(data_ains(idx,2))^2);
    % DR position update
    nav(idx, 3) = nav(idx-1,3) + ds_n(1)/(Rm + data_ains(idx,4));
    nav(idx, 4) = nav(idx-1,4) + ds_n(2)/(Rn + data_ains(idx,4))/cos(data_ains(idx,2));
    nav(idx, 5) = nav(idx-1,5) - ds_n(3);

    % Set the state transition matrix PHI
    M = [0 0; 0 -abs(ds(idx)); abs(ds(idx)) 0];
    % 4-5:安装角
    % 6-8:欧拉角
    % 9:标度因子
    % 公式推导
    Phi(1:3,4:5) = -cvn*M;
    Phi(1:3,6:8) = cp_form(ds_n);
    Phi(1:3,9) = ds_n(:);

    % Kalman filter prediction, time update of the state and P matrix
    [x, P] = Kalman_predict(x, P, Phi, G, Q);
    % Kalman filter measurement update
    % The aided INS positioning solution is used as measurement update for
    % the DR system
    % up_interval:the distance interval to use GNSS/INS position update
    if abs(data_ains(idx,22)-s_prev) > cfg.kf.up_interval  
        r_gps_e = blh2xyz(datum.e2, Rn, data_ains(idx,2:4)');
        % nav(idx,3:5):DR推算位置
        r_ins_e = blh2xyz(datum.e2, Rn, nav(idx,3:5)');
        la_r = zeros(3,1);
        C_en = cne(data_ains(idx,2), data_ains(idx,3))';
        % 观测数据
        z = C_en * (r_ins_e - r_gps_e) + la_r;
        % Measurement equations
        % Hm:观测转测矩阵
        Hm = zeros(3,9);
        Hm(1:3,1:3) = eye(3);      
        % 新息:inno
        inno = z - Hm * x;    % innovation 
        R = diag((cfg.kf.sf_R_pos*data_ains(idx,13:15)).^2);
        [x, P, pdf] = Kalman_update(x, P, inno, Hm, R);
        if pdf ~= 0
        % position feedback
        % 反馈了位置
        d_lat = x(1)/(Rm + nav(idx,5));
        d_lon = x(2)/(Rn + nav(idx,5))/cos(nav(idx,3));
        d_theta = [d_lon * cos(nav(idx,3)); -d_lat; -d_lon * sin(nav(idx,3))];   
        % rv2quat:旋转变量转四元数
        qn = rv2quat(-d_theta);
        q_ne = qne(nav(idx,3), nav(idx,4));
        q_ne = quatprod(q_ne, qn);
        [nav(idx,3), nav(idx,4)] = qne2bl(q_ne);
        nav(idx,5) = nav(idx,5) + x(3); % 高程直接反馈
        % Update the mounting angle estimates
        % 反馈了安装角
        cvv = eul2dcm(0, x(4), x(5));
        cbv = cvv*cbv; % 更新车辆坐标系到导航系
        % set the state components as zeros after feedback
        % 状态变量置0
        x(1:5,1) = zeros(1,5);
    [~, nav(idx,6), nav(idx,7)] = dcm2eul(cbv);
    nav(idx,8:10) = x(6:8);
    nav(idx,11) = x(9);  

% close progress bar
if num > 100

% Navigation initialization
function [nav, P, x, Q, G, Phi, datum] = initDR(imu, cfg)

datum = earthModel();

% initialize the DR position with adied INS positioning solutions
nav = zeros(length(imu), 11);	
nav(:,1:2) = [imu(:,1), imu(:,22)];    % time and distance index.
nav(1,3:5) = imu(1,2:4);    % initialize the DR position from GNSS/INS smoothing position

% Initialize the state error covariance matrix, P0
% 9维:
% 1-3:位置
% 4-5:安装角
% 6-8:欧拉角
% 9:标度因子
P = zeros(9,9);
% 位置不确定度使用PPK的位置不确定度
P(1:3,1:3) = diag(1.0*(imu(1,13:15)).^2);       % position !!!! 1.0 位置的不确定度
P(4:5,4:5) = diag(cfg.ini_ma_std.^2);           % mounting angles 安装角度
P(6:8,6:8) = diag((cfg.attstd_scale*imu(1,19:21)).^2);  % attitude uncertainty 欧拉角不确定度
P(9,9) = cfg.ini_odosf_std^2;	% incremental distance scale factor error 标度因子

% state vector initialization
x = zeros(9,1);	

% set system noise covariance matrix, Q, time-invariant
Q = diag([cfg.q_ma_p; % for pitch-mounting angle
    cfg.q_ma_y; % for heading-mounting angle
    cfg.q_arw; % 角度随机游走
    cfg.q_odosf].^2)*cfg.q_dt; % for scale factor error of the distance measurement

% discrete-time system noise distribution matrix
% 噪声转换矩阵
% 安装角:4-5
% 欧拉角:6-8
% 标度因子:9
G = zeros(9,6);
G(4:9, 1:6) = eye(6);

% initilization of the discrete-time transition matrix
% 状态转移矩阵
Phi = eye(9);

% Kalman Filter prediction
function [x_pred, P_pred] = Kalman_predict(x, P, PHI, Gamma, Qw)
x_pred = PHI * x;
P_pred = PHI * P * PHI' + Gamma * Qw * Gamma';

% Kalman filter measurement update
function [x_up, P_up, pdf] = Kalman_update(x, P, inno, H, R)
PHt = P * H'; 
HPHt = H * PHt;
RHPHt = R + HPHt;
% chol??
[U, pdf] = chol(RHPHt);

if pdf == 0 % positive definite
    U = inv(U);
    U = U * U';
    K = PHt * U;
    dx = K * inno;
    x_up = x + dx; % 状态变量更新
    IKH = eye(length(x)) - K * H;
    P_up = IKH * P * IKH' + K * R * K'; % P矩阵更新
    x_up = 0;
    P_up = zeros(5);



function plotResult(nav, cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%PLOTRESULT plot the results
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

t0 = floor(nav(1,1)/100)*100;

%%  Figure1, plot the mounting angle estimate
if cfg.plot_ma
    figure,plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,6:7)*180/pi, 'linewidth', 2.0);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('deg', 'fontsize', 12);
    legend({'\delta\theta', '\delta\psi'}, 'orientation', 'horizontal', 'Box', 'off', 'fontsize', 13);
    title('Mounting Angle Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');
    ylim([0 4]);

%% figure2, plot the estimated errors in the GNSS/INS smoothing attitude 
if cfg.plot_att_err
    f1 = subplot(311); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,8)*180/pi, 'color', [0.3 0.3 0.3]);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\phi / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    title('Attitude Error Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');
    f2 = subplot(312); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,9)*180/pi, 'color', [0.3 0.3 0.3]);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\theta / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    f3 = subplot(313); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,10)*180/pi, 'color', [0.3 0.3 0.3]);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\psi / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    linkaxes([f1 f2 f3], 'x');

%% figure3, plot the estimated scale factor of the distance measurements.
if cfg.plot_odosf
    figure,plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,11)*1.0e6, 'color', [0.3 0.3 0.3]);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('PPM', 'fontsize', 12);
    title('Odometer Scale Factor Error Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');




function main()

close all;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This open-source program implementing the IMU mounting angle estimation
% KF may help the readers in understanding the algorithm designed in the 
% manuscript - 
%  Qijin Chen, Xiaoji Niu, Jingnan Liu, "Estimation of 
%  IMU Mounting Angles for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System"
%  Please read the user manual for the definitions of the raw data format. 
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% close all; clear; clc
% step 1: set configuration 

%cfg.fins = '.\data\20211203T093011_5X_ie_psins_test_nhc_simVRS.txt';   % raw GNSS/INS smoothing result; change to process different IMU data.
%cfg.fins = '.\data\20211203T093011_5X_ie_psins_VRS.txt';   % raw GNSS/INS smoothing result; change to process different IMU data.
cfg.fins = '.\data\20211125T152144_ie_psins_jizhan.txt';   % raw GNSS/INS smoothing result; change to process different IMU data.
cfg.imutype = 'imu4';       % IMU type; 'imu1', 'imu2', 'imu3' for the three simulated IMUs
%cfg.fins = '.\data\20211125T152144_ie_psins_jizhan.txt';   % raw GNSS/INS smoothing result; change to process different IMU data.
%cfg.imutype = 'imu5';       % IMU type; 'imu1', 'imu2', 'imu3' for the three simulated IMUs
cfg.session = [500; 680];  % time segment of the trajectory used as input to the KF estimator

% preprocess the GNSS/INS smoothing solution :1) derive traveled distance
% from GNSS/INS position; 2) resample GNSS/INS smoothing solution in
% distance domain. 
% 0.1米
cfg.fds = 0.1; % distance interval for resample the raw GNSS/INS smoothing solution
data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg);

% Kalman filter tuning, P0, Q, R matrice.
cfg = paraTuning(cfg);

% step 2: KF estimator
nav = mas_ekf(data_ains, cfg);

% step 3: show results
cfg.plot_ma = 1;
cfg.plot_att_err = 1;
cfg.plot_odosf = 1;
plotResult(nav, cfg);

function cfg = paraTuning(cfg)
%% P0 matrix
% Uncertainty of the initial mounting angles(zeros). 
cfg.ini_ma_std = [1; 2] *pi/180.0;       % 1 deg for pitch-, 2 deg for heading-mounting angle, respectively.

% Uncertainty of the scale factor error of the distance measurement derived
% from GNSS/INS smoothing position. 
% 标度因子
cfg.ini_odosf_std = 100 *1.0e-6;         % 100 ppm

% Scale to enlarge the initial attitude  uncertainty. 
cfg.attstd_scale = 3.0; % 欧拉角不确定度的倍数
%% Q matrix
% ARW: angular random walk, i.e., white noise. of the gyro outputs
% 角度随机游走
switch cfg.imutype
    case 'imu1'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.0022 *pi/180.0/60; % deg/sqrt(h) -> rad/sqrt(s)       
    case 'imu2'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.15 *pi/180.0/60;
    case 'imu3'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.1 *pi/180.0/60;
    case 'imu4'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.1 *pi/180.0/60; % FSAS
     case 'imu5'
        cfg.q_arw = 0.5 *pi/180.0/60; % CPT7
        cfg.q_arw = 0.1 *pi/180.0/60;
% covariance of the noise in modeling the pitch- and heading-mounting angles
cfg.q_ma_p = 0.01 *pi/180.0/60;    % for pitch-mounting angle
cfg.q_ma_y = 0.01 *pi/180.0/60;    % for heading-mounting angle
cfg.q_odosf = 1.0 *1.0e-6;          % for scale factor error of the distance measurement
cfg.q_dt = 0.05;                     % average time interval between two DR epoch. 
%% R matrix
cfg.kf.up_interval = 0.2;   % the distance interval to use GNSS/INS position update.
% 位置置信度的倍数
cfg.kf.sf_R_pos = 3;      % scale to enlarge the uncertainty of GNSS/INS position

2. mas_ekf函数

% 状态变量:
% 9维:
% 1-3:位置 
% 4-5:安装角
% 6-8:欧拉角
% 9:标度因子

% data_ains(1,):时间戳
% data_ains(1,2:4):经度,纬度,高程(后处理结果)
% data_ains(1,5:6): 东,北位置
% data_ains(1,7:9):东北天速度(后处理结果)
% data_ains(1,10:12):pitch,roll,yaw(后处理结果)
% data_ains(1,13:15):位置置信度 (经度,纬度,高程)
% data_ains(1,16:18):速度置信度(东,北,天速度)
% data_ains(1,19:21):欧拉角置信度(pitch,roll,yaw)
% data_ains(1,22):GPS累积里程
function nav = mas_ekf(data_ains, cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%MASEKF implementation of the mounting angle estimation Kalman filtering 
%	dcm = eul2dcm(roll, pitch, heading)
%   1. imu_ains = the data used as input to DR and mounting angle
%              estimator. refer to table 2 for the format definition
%   2. cfg = the configuration
%	1. nav = Nx21 matrix, each column is defined as
%       nav(i,1) = time in seconds
%       nav(i,2) = distance in meters
%       nav(i,3:5) = longitude(in radians)latitude(in radians), height
%                   (in meters); 
%       nav(i,6:7) = pitch-mounting angle(in radians),heading-mounting angle
%                   (in radians);
%       nav(i,8:10) = estimated attitude errors in GNSS/INS smoothing pitch, 
%                      roll and heading angle (in radians); 
%       nav(i,11) = scale factor error of the distance measurement. 
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

ds = [0; diff(data_ains(:,22))];  % distance increment between two epochs. 


% initialize the dead reckoning positioning. 
[nav, P, x, Q, G, Phi, datum] = initDR(data_ains, cfg);
cbv = eye(3);   % initialize the mounting angles as zeros

% progress bar
num = size(data_ains,1);
if num > 100
    fric = floor(num/100);
    handle = waitbar(0, 'DR aided by GNSS/INS position!', 'Name', 'IMU Mounting Angle Estimator');
    WaitTitle = 'Filtering...';

% DR/AINS position filtering
s_prev = data_ains(1,22);
x_pos_sum = zeros(size(data_ains,1) - 1,3);
x_post_pos_sum = zeros(size(data_ains,1) - 1,3);
inno_sum = zeros(size(data_ains,1) - 1,3);
for idx = 2:size(data_ains,1)
    % show current progress
    if num > 100
        if mod(idx, fric) == 0
            waitbar(idx/num, handle, WaitTitle);
     % data_ains(idx,10:12):姿态角,方位角(后处理结果)
    meas = data_ains(idx,:);
    cbn = a2mat([meas(10),meas(11),meas(12)]);

    % feedback the estimated mounting angles to compensate the GNSS/INS attitude
    % 车辆坐标系到导航系
    % cbn:IMU坐标系到导航坐标系
    % cvn = cbn * cvb
    cvn = cbn*cbv'; 
    % distance increment resolved in navigation frame 
    % 导航系的里程增量
    % 注意:不是速度
    % 车辆坐标系,隐含车辆约束(NHC)
    % 这里坐标系:右,前,上
    % 【车辆坐标系】里程增量转【导航系】里程增量
    % sim_dr_ratio:模拟里程计标度因子,查看估计出来的标度因子和实际的相不相符
    sim_dr_ratio = 0.999;
    ds_n = cvn*[0;ds(idx) * sim_dr_ratio;0]; 
    % the radii of curvature along lines of constant longitude and
    % latitude.
    % 全局变量
    Rm = datum.a*(1-datum.e2)/((1-datum.e2 * sin(data_ains(idx,3))^2)^(3/2));  
    Rn = datum.a/sqrt(1-datum.e2 * sin(data_ains(idx,3))^2);
    % DR position update
    % 导航坐标系
    % DR过程
    % 弧度
    nav(idx, 3) = nav(idx-1,3) + ds_n(1)/(Rn + data_ains(idx,4))/cos(data_ains(idx,3)); % 经度
    nav(idx, 4) = nav(idx-1,4) + ds_n(2)/(Rm + data_ains(idx,4)); % 纬度
    nav(idx, 5) = nav(idx-1,5) + ds_n(3); % 高程

    % Set the state transition matrix PHI
    M = [0 abs(ds(idx)); 0 0; -abs(ds(idx)) 0]; %更改!!
    % 4-5:安装角
    % 6-8:欧拉角
    % 9:标度因子
    % 公式推导
    % Phi:状态转移矩阵
    % 参考论文公式(27Phi(1:3,4:5) = -cvn*M; % 和IMU安装角相关
    % cp_form:叉乘形式
    Phi(1:3,6:8) = cp_form(ds_n); % 和失准角相关
    Phi(1:3,9) = ds_n(:); % 和标度因子相关,正负号不影响结果

    % Kalman filter prediction, time update of the state and P matrix
    [x, P] = Kalman_predict(x, P, Phi, G, Q);
    x_pos_sum(idx - 1,:) = x(1:3)';
    % Kalman filter measurement update
    % The aided INS positioning solution is used as measurement update for
    % the DR system
    % up_interval:the distance interval to use GNSS/INS position update
    % cfg.kf.up_interval = 0.2; the distance interval to use GNSS/INS position update.
    % data_ains(idx,22):累加值
    if abs(data_ains(idx,22)-s_prev) > cfg.kf.up_interval  

        z = nav(idx,3:5)' - data_ains(idx,2:4)';
        z(1) = z(1) * Rn * cos(data_ains(idx,3));
        z(2) = z(2) * Rm;
        % Measurement equations
        % Hm:观测转换矩阵
        % Hm(1:3,1:3) = eye(3);    
        % 只有位置观测
        Hm = zeros(3,9);
        Hm(1:3,1:3) = eye(3);      
        % 新息:inno
        % 只有位置观测
        inno = z - Hm * x;    % innovation
        inno_sum(idx -1,:) = inno';
        % 观测噪声
        R = diag((cfg.kf.sf_R_pos*data_ains(idx,13:15)).^2);
        [x, P, pdf] = Kalman_update(x, P, inno, Hm, R);
        x_post_pos_sum(idx - 1,:) = x(1:3)';
        if pdf ~= 0
        % position feedback
        % 反馈了位置
        % d_lat:单位:弧度
        % d_lon:单位:弧度
        d_lon = x(1)/(Rn + nav(idx,5))/cos(nav(idx,4));
        d_lat = x(2)/(Rm + nav(idx,5));
        nav(idx,3) =  nav(idx,3) - d_lon;
        nav(idx,4) =  nav(idx,4)  - d_lat;
        nav(idx,5) = nav(idx,5) - x(3); % 高程直接反馈 
        % Update the mounting angle estimates
        % 反馈了安装角
        %cvv = eul2dcm(0, x(4), x(5));
        cvv = a2mat([x(4),0, x(5)]);
        cbv = cvv*cbv; % 更新车辆坐标系到导航系
        % set the state components as zeros after feedback
        % 状态变量置0
        x(1:5,1) = zeros(1,5);
    %nav(i,6:7) = pitch-mounting angle(in radians),heading-mounting angle(in radians)
    %[~, nav(idx,6), nav(idx,7)] = dcm2eul(cbv);
    att = m2att(cbv);
    nav(idx,6) = att(1);
    nav(idx,7) = att(3);
    %nav(i,8:10) = estimated attitude errors in GNSS/INS smoothing roll
    nav(idx,8:10) = x(6:8);
    %scale factor error of the distance measurement.
    nav(idx,11) = x(9);

hold on;
hold on;
axis equal;

% close progress bar
if num > 100

% Navigation initialization
function [nav, P, x, Q, G, Phi, datum] = initDR(imu, cfg)

datum = earthModel();

% initialize the DR position with adied INS positioning solutions
% 9维:
% 1-3:位置:经度,纬度,高程
% 4-5:安装角
% 6-8:欧拉角
% 9:标度因子
nav = zeros(length(imu), 11);	
nav(:,1:2) = [imu(:,1), imu(:,22)];    % time and distance index.
nav(1,3:5) = imu(1,2:4);    % initialize the DR position from GNSS/INS smoothing position

% Initialize the state error covariance matrix, P0
% 9维:
% 1-3:位置
% 4-5:安装角
% 6-8:欧拉角
% 9:标度因子
P = zeros(9,9);
% 位置不确定度使用PPK的位置不确定度
P(1:3,1:3) = diag(1.0*(imu(1,13:15)).^2);       % position !!!! 1.0 位置的不确定度
P(4:5,4:5) = diag(cfg.ini_ma_std.^2);           % mounting angles 安装角度
P(6:8,6:8) = diag((cfg.attstd_scale*imu(1,19:21)).^2);  % attitude uncertainty 欧拉角不确定度
P(9,9) = cfg.ini_odosf_std^2;	% incremental distance scale factor error 标度因子

% state vector initialization
x = zeros(9,1);	

% set system noise covariance matrix, Q, time-invariant
Q = diag([cfg.q_ma_p; % for pitch-mounting angle
    cfg.q_ma_y; % for heading-mounting angle
    cfg.q_arw; % 角度随机游走
    cfg.q_arw; % 角度随机游走
    cfg.q_arw; % 角度随机游走
    cfg.q_odosf].^2)*cfg.q_dt; % for scale factor error of the distance measurement

% discrete-time system noise distribution matrix
% 噪声转换矩阵
% 安装角:4-5
% 欧拉角:6-8
% 标度因子:9
G = zeros(9,6);
G(4:9, 1:6) = eye(6);

% initilization of the discrete-time transition matrix
% 状态转移矩阵
Phi = eye(9);

% Kalman Filter prediction
function [x_pred, P_pred] = Kalman_predict(x, P, PHI, Gamma, Qw)
x_pred = PHI * x;
P_pred = PHI * P * PHI' + Gamma * Qw * Gamma';

% Kalman filter measurement update
function [x_up, P_up, pdf] = Kalman_update(x, P, inno, H, R)
PHt = P * H'; 
HPHt = H * PHt;
RHPHt = R + HPHt;

[U, pdf] = chol(RHPHt); % Cholesky分解

if pdf == 0 % positive definite 正定
    U = inv(U);
    U = U * U';
    K = PHt * U;
    dx = K * inno;
    x_up = x + dx; % 状态变量更新
    IKH = eye(length(x)) - K * H;
    P_up = IKH * P * IKH' + K * R * K'; % P矩阵更新
    x_up = 0;
    P_up = zeros(5);



function data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%DATAPREPROC Preprocess the GNSS/INS smoothing solution: 1) calculate the 
%            traveled distance from GNSS/INS smoothing position; 2) resample 
%            GNSS/INS smoothing solution along distance. Prepare data for
%            DR and mounting angle KF estimator.     
%	data_ains = dataPreproc(cfg)
%	cfg = the configuration
%   imu_ains = the data used as input to DR and mounting angle
%              estimator. refer to table 2 for the format definition
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% read the GNSS/INS smoothing solution; refer to table 1 for the format
% data(1,):时间戳
% data(1,2:4):经度,纬度,高程(后处理结果)
% data(1,5:6): 东,北位置
% data(1,7:9):东北天速度(后处理结果)
% data(1,10:12):pitch,roll,yaw(后处理结果)
% data(1,13:15):位置置信度 (经度,纬度,高程)
% data(1,16:18):速度置信度(东,北,天速度)
% data(1,19:21):欧拉角置信度(pitch,roll,yaw)

fid = fopen(cfg.fins, 'rb');
if fid == -1
    disp('Cannot open the file!');
    data_ains = [];
% GNSS/INS data
%data = fread(fid, [21,inf], 'double')';
data = load(cfg.fins);
fclose(fid); clear fid;

% the segment of trajectory used to estimate the mounting angles
% data(:,1):时间戳
% cfg.session(1):开始时间
% cfg.session(2):结束时间
n1 = find(data(:,1)>cfg.session(1), 1);
n2 = find(data(:,1)>cfg.session(2), 1);
data = data(n1:n2, :);

%位置: 经度,纬度,高程
lat = data(:,2);
lon = data(:,3);
data(:,2) = lon;
data(:,3) = lat;

% 北东地速度转换为东北天速度
n_vel = data(:,7);
e_vel = data(:,8);
d_vel = data(:,9);
data(:,7) = e_vel;
data(:,8) = n_vel;
data(:,9) = -d_vel;

% pitch和roll交换
roll = data(:,10);
pitch = data(:,11);
data(:,10) = pitch;
data(:,11) = roll;

sd_lat = data(:,13);
sd_lon = data(:,14);
data(:,13) = sd_lon;
data(:,14) = sd_lat;

sd_vel_n = data(:,16);
sd_vel_e = data(:,17);
data(:,16) = sd_vel_e;
data(:,17) = sd_vel_n;

sd_roll = data(:,19);
sd_pitch = data(:,20);
data(:,19) = sd_pitch;
data(:,20) = sd_roll;

% calculate velocity in v-frame to help computing the distance increment
v_v = zeros(size(data,1), 3);
for idx = 1:size(v_v,1)
    cbn = a2mat([data(idx,10)*pi/180.0, data(idx,11)*pi/180.0, data(idx,12)*pi/180.0]);
    v_v(idx, :) = (cbn' * data(idx,7:9)')'; % 转到imu坐标系

dt = diff(data(:,1));
% 右,前,上(载体坐标系)
ds = v_v(1:end-1,2).*dt; 
vdist = [0; cumsum(ds(:))]; %里程累积值
ts_vel = [data(:,1), vdist];

% 静止或者低速条件下,不满足车辆约束
[~, m, ~] = unique(ts_vel(:,2)); % 静止段去掉
ts_vel = ts_vel(m, :);
data = data(m,:);

% compute traveled distance from GNSS/INS smoothing position 
s1 = min(ts_vel(:,2)):cfg.fds:max(ts_vel(:,2));
t1 = interp1(ts_vel(:,2), ts_vel(:,1), s1); % 插值 等时间段
t1 = t1(:)

pos = interp1(data(:,1), [data(:,5:6) data(:,4)], t1);
dpos = diff(pos);
ds = zeros(size(pos,1), 1);
for idx = 1:size(dpos,1)
    ds(idx+1,1) = sqrt(dpos(idx,1)*dpos(idx,1)+dpos(idx,2)*dpos(idx,2)+dpos(idx,3)*dpos(idx,3));
ts_pos = [t1, cumsum(ds)]; % GPS里程累积  

% resample the GNSS/INS smoothing solution according to the distance
% data(idx,10:12):姿态角,方位角(后处理结果)
data = interp1(data(:,1),data, ts_pos(:,1));

n = isnan(data(:,1));
data(n, :) = [];

% Unit conversion
data(:,2:3) = data(:,2:3)*pi/180; % rad 位置
data(:,10:12) = data(:,10:12)*pi/180; % rad 欧拉角
data(:,19:21) = data(:,19:21)*pi/180; % rad 欧拉角置信度

data_ains = [data, ts_pos(:,2)];  % GPS里程累积

% 设定范围:-180->180
function Az = yawSmooth(Az)

N = length(Az);
A_threshold = 180;
for i = 2:N
    if Az(i) - Az(i-1) > A_threshold
        Az(i:N) = Az(i:N) - 360;
    elseif Az(i) - Az(i-1) < -A_threshold
        Az(i:N) = Az(i:N) + 360;


function plotResult(nav, cfg)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%PLOTRESULT plot the results
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author:
% Qijin Chen, GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, China.;
% chenqijin@whu.edu.cn;
% Nov. 2019;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

t0 = floor(nav(1,1)/100)*100;

%%  Figure1, plot the mounting angle estimate
% nav(i,6:7) = pitch-mounting angle(in radians),heading-mounting angle
if cfg.plot_ma
    figure,plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,6:7)*180/pi, 'linewidth', 2.0);
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('deg', 'fontsize', 12);
    legend({'\delta\theta', '\delta\psi'}, 'orientation', 'horizontal', 'Box', 'off', 'fontsize', 13);
    title('Mounting Angle Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');
    ylim([-2 4]);

%% figure2, plot the estimated errors in the GNSS/INS smoothing attitude 
if cfg.plot_att_err
    f1 = subplot(311); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,8)*180/pi, 'b-*');
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\phi / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    title('Attitude Error Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');
    f2 = subplot(312); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,9)*180/pi, 'b-*');
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\theta / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    f3 = subplot(313); plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,10)*180/pi, 'b-*');
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('\psi / deg', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'r');
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    linkaxes([f1 f2 f3], 'x');

%% figure3, plot the estimated scale factor of the distance measurements.
if cfg.plot_odosf
    figure,plot(nav(:,1)-t0, nav(:,11)*1.0e6, 'b-*');
    set(gca, 'fontsize', 12);
    xlabel(['Time -' num2str(t0) ' / s'], 'fontsize', 12);
    ylabel('PPM', 'fontsize', 12);
    title('Odometer Scale Factor Error Estimate', 'fontsize', 12, 'color', 'k');




1.Estimation of IMU Mounting Angles for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System

评论 11




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