

By Jason Aten

杰森·阿滕(Jason Aten)

Zoom quickly became the go-to tool for remote teams, teachers, and pretty much everyone who needs a little face-to-face time, even if only virtually. In fact, I wrote this week about how it’s quickly become one of the most important apps — period.

ZoomSwift成为远程团队 ,教师和几乎所有需要一点面对面时间的人的首选工具,即使只是虚拟的。 实际上,我本周写过关于它如何Swift成为最重要的应用程序之一的时期。

Of course, as the vast majority of people start working from home, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the hackers have gone to work. Apparently, one of their favorite new tricks is to crash your Zoom party. In some cases, the party crashes aren’t just there to snoop on your meeting or family reunion, they are taking over and sharing inappropriate material.

当然,随着绝大多数人开始在家工作 ,黑客上班就不足为奇了。 显然,他们最喜欢的新技巧之一是使您的Zoom派对崩溃。 在某些情况下,聚会崩溃不仅是在现场监视您的会议或家庭聚会,而且还接管并共享了不适当的资料。

To protect your meeting, here are a few things you should do:


1.禁用访客屏幕共享 (1. Disable Guest Screen Sharing)

By restricting screen sharing to the host, you can prevent anyone else from being able to display what is on their desktop. It won’t stop anyone from joining your meeting, but it will at least keep them from taking over the meeting and sharing inappropriate material.

通过将屏幕共享限制在主机上,可以防止其他任何人都能显示其桌面上的内容。 它不会阻止任何人加入您的会议,但至少可以阻止他们接管会议并共享不适当的材料。

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2.要求主持人在场 (2. Require the Host to be Present)

Zoom does provide the option for your meeting to start when the first person joins, even if it’s not the host. This can be convenient if you’re hosting a meeting but running a few minutes behind. Everyone else can get started in the meantime.

Zoom确实提供了让您的会议在第一人参加时开始的选项,即使该人不是主持人也是如此。 如果您要主持会议但要延迟几分钟,这会很方便。 在此期间,其他所有人都可以开始。

If you want to protect your meetings, however, it’s best to turn this off. That way, you’ll know that no one can start your meetings without you — including a hacker or “Zoombomber,” (yes, that’s apparently a real term). To do this, make sure the “Join before host” setting off (it’s off by default).

但是,如果要保护会议,最好将其关闭。 这样,您将知道没有您,没人会开始您的会议,包括黑客或“ Zoombomber”(是的,这显然是一个真实的名词)。 为此,请确保“主机先加入”设置为关闭(默认情况下处于关闭状态)。

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3.将您的个人会议ID保密 (3. Keep Your Personal Meeting ID Private)

Don’t share your personal meeting ID (PMI) online. If you do, it’s relatively easy for anyone to find it and join any meeting you’re hosting. Instead, use a unique meeting ID for each separate meeting. When you schedule a meeting, you can have Zoom do this by default. Just make sure the “Use Personal Meeting ID when scheduling a meeting” is toggled off.

不要在线共享您的个人会议ID(PMI)。 如果您这样做,那么任何人都可以轻松找到它并加入您正在主持的任何会议。 而是,为每个单独的会议使用唯一的会议ID。 安排会议时,默认情况下可以让“缩放”执行此操作。 只需确保已关闭“安排会议时使用个人会议ID”即可。

By the way, this is a good way to keep away not only bad actors, but helps make sure that you don’t accidentally end up with the attendees from your next meeting dropping in early.


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4.使用密码 (4. Use a Password)

If you do use your PMI, you can enable the feature in Zoom that protects those meetings with a password, and only share that with the people you want in your meeting. Just be careful not to share that online, otherwise it defeats the entire point.

如果您确实使用了PMI,则可以启用“缩放”功能,该功能使用密码保护这些会议,并且仅与您要在会议中与他人共享的功能。 请注意不要在网上共享该内容,否则将破坏整个观点。

5.使用候诊室 (5. Use The Waiting Room)

Another option is to enable to waiting room feature, which places every guest into a virtual ‘waiting room.’ When you start a meeting, you’ll then have to manually admit your guests. This gives you control over who can attend and makes it easier to keep unwanted guests out.

另一个选项是启用“候诊室”功能,该功能可将每个客人放置到虚拟“候诊室”中。 开始会议时,您将必须手动接纳客人。 这使您可以控制哪些人可以参加,并可以更轻松地将不需要的客人拒之门外。

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The downside is that if you’re meeting with a larger number of participants, it can be cumbersome to have to manually admit everyone. In addition, if someone joins the meeting late, you’ll need to be paying attention and let them in. Still, if it’s important to you that only your invited guests attend your meeting or webinar, this is probably the most reliable way to control who gets in.

不利的一面是,如果您要与更多的参与者会面,则必须手动招收所有人。 此外,如果某人迟到了会议,则需要引起注意并让他们参加。但是,如果对您来说重要的是,只有受邀的客人参加会议或网络研讨会,这可能是控制您的最可靠方法谁进来的

The opinions expressed here by Inc.com columnists are their own, not those of Inc.com.


翻译自: https://medium.com/inc./5-ways-to-protect-your-zoom-meetings-from-hackers-83e37b9236f8






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