
Bank angle 产生河流的硬度,数值越大水流的冲刷力度越强
Cut angle 山脉被侵蚀的程度,数值越大山脉被侵蚀的越厉害
Bank angle45,cut angle 80 

Bank angle70,cut angle 25

Hydro erosion 水里侵蚀
Removal Rate去除率 

Proportion of debris from hydro erosion that is deleted. This simulates water carrying away a certain amount of debris rather than it all accumulating. A value of 0 representes no deletion. Negative values correspond to the debris being less dense than the rock, so one unit of eroded rock produces more than one unit of debris.
Max Debris Depth最大碎屑深度 
Stop erosion when the debris layer reaches this depth.
Grid Bias栅偏压 
Controls how biased the movement of material is. Setting it to positive values would bias the movement in the direction of the principal axes, and when set to negative values, it would bias the movement at angles of 45 degree relative to the principal axes. The default value of zero would mean no bias in any direction.
Grid bias mask mode栅格偏移遮罩模式 Controls whether to use a mask for grid bias or not.控制是否对栅格偏移使用遮罩。
Grid Bias Mask栅格偏移遮罩 The name of the grid bias mask.栅格偏移遮罩的名称。

Erodability 可腐蚀性

Ramp-up Iterations    加速迭代
The iteration where erodability would get to its maximum value.可腐蚀性达到最大值的迭代

Initial Factor    初始因子
Controls how much of the set erodability would the material have on its initial movement. It would increase over the set spread iterations until the max iteration, where it would stay at maximum set value.控制材料在初始移动时的可腐蚀性。它将在集合扩散迭代中增加,直到最大迭代,在那里它将保持在最大集合值

Slope Factor    坡度系数
Control how much the slope of the terrain would affect the erosion amount. Higher values would increase the slope effecting the erosion, and lower values would decrease it. Lowing this value would increase erodability as a result.控制地形坡度对侵蚀量的影响程度。数值越大,影响侵蚀的坡度越大,数值越小,影响侵蚀的坡度越小。因此,降低这个值会增加可腐蚀性。

Riverbed 河床

Erosion Rate Factor    侵蚀率因子
A multiplier on Erosion Rate that would cause a change on the riverbed only. Increasing this value would cause a more aggressive erosion on the bed, and as a result, it would increase the depth of the incisions.侵蚀率的乘数,只会引起河床的变化。增加这个值会导致河床上更剧烈的侵蚀,因此,会增加切口的深度。

Deposition Rate    沉积速率
Controls the rate at which the excess sediment turns into debris. A value of zero means no sediment is turned into debris, while a value of one will convert all created sediment into debris, and the bedrock would in turn be protected more by the created debris.控制多余沉积物转化为碎屑的速率。值为零意味着没有沉积物变成碎片,而值为1则会将所有生成的沉积物转化为碎片,而基岩则会受到生成的碎片的更多保护。

depositionratemaskmode    沉积速率模式
Controls whether to use a mask for deposition rate or not.控制是否对沉积速率使用遮罩。

Deposition Rate Mask    沉积速率掩模
The name of the deposition rate mask.沉积速率掩码的名称。

Sediment Capacity    含沙量
The amount of sediment that can be carried per unit of moving water. The higher the capacity, the longer the material can erode before it starts depositing its excess sediment.每单位流动水可携带的泥沙量。容量越大,在开始沉积多余的沉积物之前,这种物质侵蚀的时间就越长

Riverbank 河堤,河岸

Erosion Rate Factor    侵蚀率因子
A multiplier on Erosion Rate that would cause a change on the riverbank only. Increasing this value would cause a more aggressive erosion on the bank, and as a result, it would increase the width of the incisions.侵蚀率的乘数,只会引起河岸的变化。增加这个值会导致河岸上更剧烈的侵蚀,结果会增加切口的宽度。

Max Bed to Bank Water Ratio    最大床岸比
The maximum of bank to bed water column height ratio that will be considered as river bank bank. Ratios higher than this number will not be considered as bank during erosion.将被视为河岸的最大岸床水柱高度比。在侵蚀期间,高于该数值的比率将不被视为河岸。

Thermal Erosion 热侵蚀

Removal Rate   去除率 
Proportion of debris from thermal erosion that is deleted. This simulates wind carrying away a certain amount of debris rather than it all accumulating. The default is 0 (no deletion). Negative values correspond to the debris being less dense than the rock, so one unit of eroded rock produces more than one unit of debris.被删除的热侵蚀碎片的比例。这是模拟风带走了一定数量的碎片,而不是全部堆积。默认值为0(不删除)。负值对应于比岩石密度小的碎屑,因此一个单位的侵蚀岩石产生超过一个单位的碎屑。

Max Debris Depth    最大碎屑深度
Stop erosion when the debris layer reaches this depth.当碎屑层达到这个深度时,停止侵蚀。

Grid Bias    栅偏压
Controls how biased the movement of material is. Setting it to positive values would bias the movement in the direction of the principal axes, and when set to negative values, it would bias the movement at angles of 45 degree relative to the principal axes. The default value of zero would mean no bias in any direction.控制材质移动的偏移程度。将其设置为正值将使运动偏向主轴方向,当设置为负值时,将使运动偏向与主轴成45度角。默认值为零意味着没有任何方向的偏差

gridbiasmaskmode    gridbiasmaskmode模式
Controls whether to use a mask for grid bias or not.控制是否对栅格偏移使用遮罩。

Grid Bias Mask    栅格偏移遮罩
The name of the grid bias mask.栅格偏移遮罩的名称。、

Precipitaion 降水量

Mask    蒙版遮罩
The name of a mask layer controlling rainfall. The values in the layer are a scale on the Amount parameter. This is read from the second input.控制降雨的遮罩层的名称。图层中的值是“数量”参数的比例。这是从第二个输入读取的。

Amount    数量
The amount of rainfall simulated in each frame. If you use very large amounts you will not see much erosion since essentially the entire terrain would be under water.每帧模拟的降雨量。如果你使用非常大的量,你将不会看到太多的侵蚀,因为基本上整个地形将在水下

Density    密度
How closely packed rain drops are. Smaller densities give more erosion lines. Larger densities create erosion cracks that are father apart and wider.雨滴是多么密集。密度越小,侵蚀线越多。密度越大,产生的侵蚀裂缝越裂越宽

Evaporation Rate    蒸发率
The rate of evaporation. A higher rate will leave less pooled water in each frame. If you want more water to pool you can increase Amount and/or decrease the evaporation rate蒸发率蒸发率。较高的速率将在每个帧中留下较少的汇集水。如果你想要更多的水,你可以增加水量和/或降低蒸发率

raindrop setting 雨滴设置

These settings can be used to control the size of raindrops. As you expand the radius of each raindrop you will have fewer drops to ensure the density of precipitation will stay constant.这些设置可用于控制雨滴的大小。当你扩大每个雨滴的半径时,你将有更少的雨滴,以确保降水的密度保持不变。

Water Flow 水流

Quantization    量化
Post Smooth    后平滑

Smooth the water on the terrain as a post processing step.作为后处理步骤,使地形上的水平滑

Debris Flow 泥石流

Spread Iterations    传播迭代
How many iterations of the spread algorithm to run for each frame.每帧要运行的扩展算法的迭代次数。

Quantization    量化
Controls the chunkiness of the debris flow. A lower value would make the flow more continuous and a higher value would make the flow more chunky.控制泥石流的块状。值越低,流越连续,值越高,流越粗。

Post Smooth    后平滑
Smooth the debris on the terrain as a post processing step.作为后处理步骤,平滑地形上的碎片。

Water Absorption    吸水率
Controls the movement of the debris based on last frame’s flow field. Higher values would stop the debris from moving near the flow channels, and lower values would cause the debris to ignore the flow channels, making it move independently.根据上一帧的流场控制碎片的移动。较高的值将阻止碎片在流道附近移动,较低的值将导致碎片忽略流道,使其独立移动。

Max Height    最大高度
The maximum height of wet debris that would not move due to water absorption. Beyond this limit the debris start to move again.由于吸水而不能移动的湿碎片的最大高度。超过这个限度,碎片又开始移动。

Repose Angle    休止角
The maximum slope (measured in degrees from the horizontal) at which loose solid material will remain in place without sliding.松散固体材料在不发生滑动的情况下保持原位的最大坡度(从水平方向以度数测量)。

repose angle mask mode     休止角遮罩模式
Controls whether to use a mask for repose angle or not.控制是否使用遮罩作为休息角度。

Repose Angle Mask    休止角蒙版
The name of the repose angle mask. 










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