【论文阅读】15-Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps

0 basic information

Merrell P , Akbarzadeh A , Wang L , et al. Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps[C]// IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14-20, 2007. IEEE, 2007.

1 aims and characteristic

  1. 解决depth map fusion问题:
  • based on visibility constraint—2 method
  • 作用: depth accurate , data not redundancy
  1. Two stage – depth estimate & depth fusion
  • 可单独进行(并行化),速度提升(GPU)
  • 处理video – real-time

2 method

2.1 depth map estimate

2.1.1 depth 计算–plane-sweeping stereo

  1. Referring image — neighboring images N

  2. Divide into 2 group N_previous & N_follow

  3. Each pixel in I_refer:

1)多个假想Plane ---多个假想深度值
2) 对于每一个假想平面,计算cost, 选择lowest cost 作为深度值


N_previous每张图像 :

像素p 根据plane—homography — 对应像素p’ 在Square windows内—计算 absolute difference of intensity: c_pre_i

Cost-previous = sum(c_pre_i)

同理,Cost-following = sum(c_fol_i)

当前plane对应的 depth-cost-plane = min ( Cost-previous ,Cost-following)

2.1.1 depth confidence计算

  1. 假设Cost(x,d)的噪声服从高斯分布(noise strength -sigma)
  2. 计算confidence的意义:衡量真正depth 所对应的cost不是所有cost中的最小值的可能性(负相关关系)
  3. 公式:

PS :
This equation produces a high confidence when the cost has a single sharp minimum. The confidence is low when the cost has a shallow minimum or several low minima.

2.2 depth map fusion

  1. other views — center view ( referring view)
  2. STEP1 ( common): depth map redering

other view + other depth map----- 3D point X -----projection ----center view depth map2 -D

  1. 几个概念:

R: distance measurement
D: camera project to form the depth map
hypothesis ( R& D 一般不同,存在误差)

几种visibility conflict:
Free-space : center 2( rendering) other A < A’ — close
Occlusion : other 2(rendering) center C’< C ---- far away

2.2.1 stability fusion

  1. 实质:穷举所有的occlusion + free-space 迭代得到fused depth
  2. 步骤:
  • Step2–Initial :
    center depth = closest depth( D_refer & D_other_2_refer)

  • Step3–计算stability:
    公式 = the number of views (
    occlusion ) - the number of views (free-space )
    含义:衡量当前depth close
    or far away
    stability value :
    0-- suitbale
    正-- away
    负 – close

  • Step4–调整depth:
    move to the next closest,使得Stability 朝着0变化
    Final/fused depth: 使得Stability-非负的最小depth

  • Step5-- add confidence
    The confidence of fused depth : add the confidence of the pixel in other views which supporting the fused depth
    supporting 的判断标砖: Di vs fused depth 阈值

2.2.2 confidence fusion

  1. Based on confidence,depth先合并combine再 test
  2. 步骤
  • Step2 --Initial: the highest confidence –depth0

  • Step3 —迭代combine (公式如下): depth:与depth0 closest( 阈值内)的depth1,二者加权(confidence)融合 PS :记录depth 迭代combine的次数K—the level
    of supporting Confidence: 采用相加操作

  • Step4:验证fused depth 的有效性-- Conflict Detection Total supporting: == k (上文) > C_threshold 不满足则舍弃该值 Visibility constraints:更新 confidence–计算公式如下( out of the supporting region – free -space &
    occlusion )
    判断最终的confidence ( 正 -keep/ 负- remove)

  • Step5 fused depth map 后处理 –hole
    w*w window- inlier depth( enough number ,否则,空洞保留)-中值滤波
    w_smaller* w_smaller —中值滤波—smooth

3 restruction surface

3.1 overlap depth

  1. 处理多张fused depth map overlap部分不统一问题
  2. 方法:

每一张fused map在生成最终的depth maps时,overlap区域的像素计算得到的new depth与前一张fused depth map对应值比较,若存在 free-space ,则reject;
反之二者merge into one vertex( 解决冗余问题与空洞问题)

3.2 from depth map to mesh

  1. 采用方法:quad-tree algorithm
  2. Top-down ( depth map 分辨率从低到高)
  3. 三角剖分
  • 定性描述: bridge depth 不连续\包含low confidence 的点
  • 定量化计算 simple planarity test

4 result

  1. Dataset: 链接
  2. Speed( real -time video)
  3. Device information
  4. 参数设置
  5. Dataset information




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