
        hello,Are you okay?  今天我们继续精进汉译英。


are you ready? let's go!


        After ten years of taking part in WTO, China's economy development has reached a new level, making great contribution to the world economy increasingly, and China's average tariff has decreased to 9.8 percent from 15.3 percent, exceeding WTO's demand to developing countries.

       一、【   After ten years of taking part in WTO】缺少冠词,WTO,前面需要加冠词the,表示特指。再者,不够简洁,可以说【After ten years in the WTO】

        二、【实现了新的跨越】直说【reached a new level】没有表达出进步的程度是“巨大的”这层含义,属于弱化了表达,考试的时候会定位这为表达准确性不足,而扣分。可以说【has made new strides】或者【has achieved new leap】



        Since joining the WTO ten years ago, China has achieved new leap in its economic growth, making increasingly significant contribution to the world economy, and China's average tariff has been reduced from 15.3% to 9.8 percent, lower than the rate set by WTO for developing countries.


        In the past ten years, China's total import has reached $8.5 trillion, providing a huge market for each country.

        一、import是可数名词,需要用复数 imports.另外,【进口达】是一种简写,全称是【进口总额达】所以应该将其补充完整为,import volume



        四、【市场】market 也是可数名词,这需要用复数。

        In the past decade, China's total import volume reached 8.5 trillion dollars,creating huge markets for other countries' economic development.    


        The overall situation of China's economy and social development  is good. Under complicated and changable world economy situation China has targetly enchanced the improvement of macro control by means of making efforts forstable good price, adjusting economy construction, securing people's well being, promoting harmony and  orderly transforming economic increasement from policy stimulation to self-controlled way, making China's economy continually developed towards macro-controlled expectation.

        一、【复杂多变】更准确的表达是complex and volatile

        二、【中国有针对性地加强改善宏观调控】这句话结构较为复杂,可以考虑套用什么短语结构简化,可以采用take targeted measures to do sth. 这样即能够把【有针对性地】改成一个形容词结构来表达,又能够很容易得奖后面的动词【加强和改善】放在to的后面,比上文非得将将其翻译成副词来的自然,另外有针对性地表达为targetedly,没有targetly这样的表达。

        三、【民生】需要将well 和being用连字符链接。well-being

        四、【调结构】也是缩写,【调整经济结构】adjusting economic structure

        The overall situation of China's economic and social development remains good. In face of the complex and volatile global economy, China takes targeted measures to strengthen and perfect its macroeconomic control and puts emphasis on stabilizing consumer prices, adjusting economic structure, ensuring people's well-being and promoting social harmony, to orderly transform the economic growth stimulated by policies to the growth by the market and advance the national economy towards the expected direction of the macro control. 

         五、【经济增长由政策刺激向自主增长有序转变,国民经济继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。】这句较长,先看参考译文将其和【加强改善宏观调控,着力稳物价、调结构、保民生、促和谐,】形成并列关系,所以用介词to 衔接到【takes targeted measures to】。由于本句的意思非常多,适合拆分,但是参考译文并不拆分,而是用这种结构分层表达了句子,结构变得清晰不混乱。


        To consolidate the well momentum of economy and social development, we will adhere to scientific development with the mainline of  accelerating transforming development mode, and continually enhancing and improving macro-control, continually maitaining stable and fast economic development, adjusting economic structure, managing inflation to a reasonable level, paying more attention to people-oriented development and overall coordinated and sustainable development, overall consideration for various factors, reform and opening up, securing and improving people's well being.


        二、【良好势头】除了可以用good momentum,well更常用在副词环境,其形容词表达的意思很少,且没有好这层含义,可以参考下其形容词意思【健康的;令人满意的;明智的,可取的】

        To sustain the sound momentum of economic and social development,China should take a scientific approach to development, give priority to shifting the economic growth model, and continue to consolidate and perfect the macroeconomic control and to seek the balance between the steady and fast growth, the economic restructuring and the management of inflation expectations.Moreover,China should always put people first, and focus more on the all-around, balanced and sustainable development, the holistic approach to development, the reform and opening-up and the improvement of people's well-being.

        四、“give priority to shifting the economic growth model”在表达【以加快转变经济发展方式为主线】比【with the mainline of  accelerating transforming development mode】更加自然。

        五、【继续处理好保持经济平稳较快发展】可以将其理解为【寻找平稳发展和较快发展的平衡】,这里面蕴含着【平衡 稳定和较快】所以可以套用seek the balance between a and b.

        六、【统筹兼顾】可以背诵:the holistic approach to development


         The prospect of China's economic development is brillant. There is undoubted that China's stable and fast development is good for the world economy growth.


        二、undoubted是形容词,放在there be句型需要名词形式。另外there is no doubt that是固定搭配。

         China has a bright future for economic development. The steady and fast economic growth of China will surely benefit the world economy.


        四、有益于,除了用sth. is good for sth. 更加好的表达是sth. benefit sth.    

        The new trade agreement between the two countries will benefit both economies.




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