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原创 出现错误dpkg: 处理软件包 shim-signed (--configure)时出错:


2023-02-25 19:33:47 2062

原创 cmake把多个cpp文件分别打包成动态库

cmake 把多个cpp文件分别打包成动态库

2023-02-06 17:54:47 1796

原创 ros中修改了源码中的hpp头文件后,并没生效

ros 头文件 不生效

2021-12-16 17:55:59 748

原创 Anaconda自动切换到某个环境

conda anaconda 默认 环境

2021-12-13 10:26:05 2813 1

原创 磁盘被写保护怎么解除

win+r 输入cmd进入命令行终端。敲入diskpart。执行list disk 查看所有的磁盘。此处磁盘2是我被写保护的盘select disk +磁盘编号选择你的磁盘,在此我的磁盘编号是2。接着运行attributes disk查看磁盘状态,可以看到“只读”那里是“是”,则表明是被写保护了。最后,运行attributes disk clear readonly命令清除写保护。...

2021-11-27 16:03:05 8034 7

原创 ros catkin_make出现错误The license tag must neither be empty nor only contain whitespaces

一、问题在执行catkin_make的过程中 出现了下面错误tanunat@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws3$ catkin_makeBase path: /home/tanunat/catkin_ws3Source space: /home/tanunat/catkin_ws3/srcBuild space: /home/tanunat/catkin_ws3/buildDevel space: /home/tanunat/catkin_ws3/develInstall space: /

2021-11-18 15:07:46 231

转载 How to setup VNC server on NanoPC-T4

1 Step1: 安装VNC Serversudo apt-get install tightvncserver2 Step2: 设置密码运行vnc server一次,会生成配置文件,并提示你为VNC Server设置一个密码:tightvncserver :1设置密码后,为了方便接下来的操作,先退出Vnc server:tightvncserver -kill :13 Step3: 配置VNC server编辑~/.vnc/xstartup文件,在尾部添加:lxterminal &

2021-10-15 16:32:00 129

原创 ubuntu x86、arm换源(jetson nano和nanoPC等arm芯片的换源)

关键词:ubuntu arm 换源NanoPC-T4出现的问题安装ROS melodic 时出现"The following packages have unmet dependencies: ros-melodic-desktop-full :…"以及出现及缺少依赖 报错修复The following packages have unmet dependencies:ros-melodic-desktop-full :Depends: ros-melodic-desktop

2021-10-14 22:41:59 698

原创 在win平台上使用gitblit去建立git服务,并在ubuntu上进行git操作

关键词:java git windows linux一.安装Java下载地址:https://www.java.com/zh-CN/配置java环境变量路径:“电脑” -> “属性” -> “高级系统设置” -> “高级” -> “环境变量” 中的“系统变量”。新建JAVA_HOME变量名:JAVA_HOME变量值:根据自身的安装路径新建CLASSPATH变量名:CLASSPATH变量值:% JAVA_HOME%/lib/dt.jar;%JAVA_H

2021-10-12 10:42:51 284 1

原创 window使用vnc连接Ubuntu18

1.设置Ubuntu桌面共享设置->共享->屏幕共享,设置如下2.安装vnc server和dconf-editor并设置远程权限打开终端,输入下面命令安装VNC Server:sudo apt-get install xrdp vnc4server xbase-clientsubuntu的dconf类似于windows下的注册表,有ubuntu系统的相关配置,dconf-editor就是调整相关配置的一个工具。打开终端,输入如下命令安装dconf-editor:sudo ap

2021-10-09 16:58:06 477

原创 the goal pose passed to this planner must be in the map frame it is instead in the base_link frame错误

使用move_base跑导航的时候,出现如下错误:the goal pose passed to this planner must be in the map frame it is instead in the base_link frame源码地址发布错误的源码位置为:planner_core.cpp的236行。解决在rviz中,Fixed Frame选择"map"。或者在发布move_base/goal的时候,把frame_id设置为map。...

2021-09-29 16:56:17 1602

原创 ROS编译 C++版本出错Invoking “make -j4 -l4“ failed

在编译激光雷达ydlidar ros功能包的时候,出现下面错误/usr/local/include/core/base/ydlidar.h:82:62 error:'to_string' is not a member of 'std'一开始大概猜测是c++版本问题。然后去到ydlidar github库去查看,发现了其所使用的c++版本是c++ 11。而本人所使用的系统是Ubuntu14,外加ros indigo 。而在ROS的Kinetic Kame(May 2016 - May 2021)这个

2021-08-19 11:49:44 4056

原创 ros melodic 源码安装cartographer

在ubuntu18+ros melodic下使用如下命令即可进行二进制安装cartographer ros,但是有时候需要修改其中的源码,那只能进行源码安装了。sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-cartographer*同时官方也推荐使用wstool和rosdep构建其ROS运行环境。根据官方教程,我们只需进行如下步骤,即可完成cartographer源码安装。步骤1:安装wstool、rosdep、ninjasudo apt-get updatesudo ap

2021-08-17 20:52:14 2135 1

原创 运行rf2o_laser_odometry出现Waiting for laser_scans....

在CLaserOdometry2DNode.cpp中找到如下代码tf_listener.lookupTransform(base_frame_id,last_scan.header.frame_id,ros :: Time(0),transform)修改1:把上面代码中last_scan.header.frame_id修改成自己的frame_id,如我的是"/laser_frame"可利用rostopic echo /scan查看/scan的frame_id, /scan是你激光雷达节点发出来的.

2021-08-11 15:16:08 951

原创 关于YDlidar激光雷达找不到串口的问题

关于YDlidar激光雷达找不到串口的问题问题:在使用YDlidar TG30激光雷达的过程中出现了下面的错误。命令&: roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver TG.launch输出:Error, cannot bind to the specified serial port[/dev/ydlidar] and baudrate[512000]试了创建串行端口别名的命令也不行。$ sudo sh src/ydlidar_ros_driver/startup/init

2021-08-03 17:22:29 2909 3

原创 arduino MEGA 2560中的TX、RX、TX1 、 RX1、 TX2、RX2、 TX3、 RX3、SDA、SCL的对应管脚

TX D1 RX D0 TX1 D18 RX1 D19 TX2 D16 RX2 D17 TX3 D14 RX3 D15 SDA D20 SCL D21

2020-04-17 13:38:52 5950

原创 ros控制dynamixel舵机

前半部分引用来源简书joey_zhou的文章1 拷贝程序文件cd ~/catkin_ws4/src %需要创建自己的工作空间git clone https://github.com/arebgun/dynamixel_motor.git2 编译文件cd ~/catkin_ws4catkin_make3 设置启动驱动launch文件vim ~/catkin_ws4/src...

2019-05-24 17:39:43 517

转载 C++中stringstream的用法和实例


2019-05-02 08:58:00 769

原创 用matlab实现机械臂正逆运动学控制

设计要求:1.建立一个三自由度的机器人2.建立坐标系,给出 D-H 参数表;3.推导正运动学,并写出机器人的齐次变换矩阵;4.推导逆运动学,并让机器人完成按要求绘制给定图形。5.MATLAB 程序源代码;一、 设计三轴机器人设计出如上图的三轴机器人,第一个和第三个轴是旋转的,第二个是伸长的。第一个轴到第二个轴的距离是100cm,第二个轴的伸长量是0~100cm,第三个轴到手持器的距...

2019-03-28 21:19:46 41083 31

转载 Matlab Robotic Toolbox工具箱学习笔记

转载自新浪微博Marc-PonyArm/Robots机器人是由多个连杆连接而成的,机器人关节分为旋转关节和移动关节。创建机器人的两个最重要的函数是:Link和SerialLink。1、Link类一个Link包含了机器人的运动学参数、动力学参数、刚体惯性矩参数、电机和传动参数。操作函数:%A 连杆变换矩阵% RP 关节类型: ‘R’...

2019-03-16 16:12:18 3724 1

原创 安装教学包ROS-Academy-for-Beginners,出现错误,ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep

原来步凑和命令:克隆或下载ROS-Academy-for-Beginners教学包到工作空间的/src目录下,例如 ~/catkin_ws/srccd ~/catkin_ws/srcgit clone https://github.com/DroidAITech/ROS-Academy-for-Beginners.git安装教学包所需的依赖cd ~/catkin_wsrosdep...

2019-02-20 16:20:08 10002 13

转载 Ubuntu14.04安装FCITX输入法框架

最近再看PHP, 打算在虚拟机上搭建一个LAMP的环境, 结果尼玛第一个步骤就卡住了,搜狗输入法都安装不上…1. 添加FCITX依赖:搜狗输入法 for Linux仿佛是依赖FCITX框架, 默认的Ubuntu是没有这个库的, 需要手动添加这个库,再次做一下记录:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-team/nightly // 添加FCITX仓库.su...

2019-01-19 00:22:50 590







Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming - Second Edition[www.rejoiceblog.com].pdf

Effective Robotics Programming with ROS, Third Edition gives you a comprehensive review of ROS, the Robot Operating System framework, which is used nowadays by hundreds of research groups and companies in the robotics industry. More importantly, ROS is also the painless entry point to robotics for nonprofessionals and students. This book will guide you through the installation process of ROS, and soon enough, you will be playing with the basic tools and understanding the different elements of the framework. The content of the book can be followed without any special devices, and each chapter comes with a series of source code examples and tutorials that you can run on your own computer. This is the only thing you need to follow the book. However, we also show you how to work with hardware so that you can connect your algorithms with the real world. Special care has been taken in choosing devices that are affordable for amateur users, but at the same time, the most typical sensors or actuators in robotics research are covered. Finally, the potential of ROS is illustrated with the ability to work with whole robots in a real or simulated environment. You will learn how to create your own robot and integrate it with a simulation by using the Gazebo simulator. From here, you will have the chance to explore the different aspects of creating a robot, such as perceiving the world using computer vision or point cloud analysis, navigating through the environment using the powerful navigation stack, and even being able to control robotic arms to interact with your surroundings using the MoveIt! package. By the end of the book, it is our hope that you will have a thorough understanding of the endless possibilities that ROS gives you when developing robotic systems.What this book covers Chapter 1, Getting Started with ROS, shows the easiest way you must follow in order to have a working installation of ROS. You will see how to install ROS on different platforms, and you will use ROS Kinetic throughout the rest of the book. This chapter describes how to make an installation from Debian packages, compile the sources, and make installations in virtual machines, Docker, and ARM CPU. Chapter 2, ROS Architecture and Concepts, is concerned with the concepts and tools provided by the ROS framework. We will introduce you to nodes, topics, and services, and you will also learn how to use them. Through a series of examples, we will illustrate how to debug a node and visualize the messages published through a topic. Chapter 3, Visualization and Debugging Tools, goes a step further in order to show you powerful tools to debug your nodes and visualize the information that goes through the node's graph along with the topics. ROS provides a logging API that allows you to diagnose node problems easily. In fact, we will see some powerful graphical tools, such as rqt_console and rqt_graph, as well as visualization interfaces, such as rqt_plot and rviz. Finally, this chapter explains how to record and play back messages using rosbag and rqt_bag. Chapter 4, 3D Modeling and Simulation, constitutes one of the first steps in order to implement your own robot in ROS. It shows you how to model a robot from scratch and run it in simulation using the Gazebo simulator. You will simulate sensors, such as cameras and laser range sensors. This will later allow you to use the whole navigation stack provided by ROS and other tools. Chapter 5, The Navigation Stack – Robot Setups, is the first of two chapters concerned with the ROS navigation stack. This chapter describes how to configure your robot so that it can be used with the navigation stack. In the same way, the stack is explained, along with several examples. Chapter 6, The Navigation Stack – Beyond Setups, continues the discussion of the previous chapter by showing how we can effectively make our robot navigate autonomously. It will use the navigation stack intensively for that. This chapter shows the great potential of ROS using the Gazebo simulator and RViz to create a virtual environment in which we can build a map, localize our robot, and do path planning with obstacle avoidance. Chapter 7, Manipulation with MoveIt!, is a set of tools for mobile manipulation in ROS. This chapter contains the documentation that you need to install this package. The chapter also contains example demonstrations with robotic arms that use MoveIt! for manipulation tasks, such as grasping, picking and placing, or simple motion planning with inverse kinematics. Chapter 8, Using Sensors and Actuators with ROS, literally connects ROS with the real world. This chapter goes through a number of common sensors and actuators that are supported inROS, such as range lasers, servo motors, cameras, RGB-D sensors, and GPS. Moreover, we explain how to use embedded systems with microcontrollers, similar to the widely known Arduino boards. Chapter 9, Computer Vision, shows the support for cameras and computer vision tasks in ROS. This chapter starts with drivers available for FireWire and USB cameras so that you can connect them to your computer and capture images. You will then be able to calibrate your camera using the ROS calibration tools. Later, you will be able to use the image pipeline, which is explained in detail. Then, you will see how to use several APIs for vision and integrate OpenCV. Finally, the installation and usage of a visual odometry software is described. Chapter 10, Point Clouds, shows how to use Point Cloud Library in your ROS nodes. This chapter starts with the basics utilities, such as read or write a PCL snippet and the conversions needed to publish or subscribe to these messages. Then, you will create a pipeline with different nodes to process 3D data, and you will downsample, filter, and search for features using






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