Unity ECS 从预制体到Entity的转化与创建

1. GameObject直接转换





public class RotationSpeedAuthoring_IJobEntityBatch : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
    public float DegreesPerSecond = 360.0F;

    // The MonoBehaviour data is converted to ComponentData on the entity.
    // We are specifically transforming from a good editor representation of the data (Represented in degrees)
    // To a good runtime representation (Represented in radians)
    public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
        var data = new RotationSpeed_IJobEntityBatch { RadiansPerSecond = math.radians(DegreesPerSecond) };
        dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, data);


2. Monobehaviour中,通过PrefabAsset转化的Entity生成


public class Spawner_FromMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject Prefab;
    public int CountX = 100;
    public int CountY = 100;

    void Start()
        // Create entity prefab from the game object hierarchy once
        var settings = GameObjectConversionSettings.FromWorld(World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld, null);
        var prefab = GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertGameObjectHierarchy(Prefab, settings);
        var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;

        for (var x = 0; x < CountX; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < CountY; y++)
                // Efficiently instantiate a bunch of entities from the already converted entity prefab
                var instance = entityManager.Instantiate(prefab);

                // Place the instantiated entity in a grid with some noise
                var position = transform.TransformPoint(new float3(x * 1.3F, noise.cnoise(new float2(x, y) * 0.21F) * 2, y * 1.3F));
                entityManager.SetComponentData(instance, new Translation {Value = position});

3. ComponentSystem中,通过PrefabAsset转化的Entity生成


public struct Spawner_FromEntity : IComponentData
    public int CountX;
    public int CountY;
    public Entity Prefab;

public class SpawnerAuthoring_FromEntity : MonoBehaviour, IDeclareReferencedPrefabs, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
    public GameObject Prefab;
    public int CountX;
    public int CountY;

    // Referenced prefabs have to be declared so that the conversion system knows about them ahead of time
    public void DeclareReferencedPrefabs(List<GameObject> referencedPrefabs)

    // Lets you convert the editor data representation to the entity optimal runtime representation
    public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
        var spawnerData = new Spawner_FromEntity
            // The referenced prefab will be converted due to DeclareReferencedPrefabs.
            // So here we simply map the game object to an entity reference to that prefab.
            Prefab = conversionSystem.GetPrimaryEntity(Prefab),
            CountX = CountX,
            CountY = CountY
        dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, spawnerData);


// Systems can schedule work to run on worker threads.
// However, creating and removing Entities can only be done on the main thread to prevent race conditions.
// The system uses an EntityCommandBuffer to defer tasks that can't be done inside the Job.
public partial class SpawnerSystem_FromEntity : SystemBase
    // BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem is used to create a command buffer which will then be played back
    // when that barrier system executes.
    // Though the instantiation command is recorded in the SpawnJob, it's not actually processed (or "played back")
    // until the corresponding EntityCommandBufferSystem is updated. To ensure that the transform system has a chance
    // to run on the newly-spawned entities before they're rendered for the first time, the SpawnerSystem_FromEntity
    // will use the BeginSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem to play back its commands. This introduces a one-frame lag
    // between recording the commands and instantiating the entities, but in practice this is usually not noticeable.
    BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem m_EntityCommandBufferSystem;

    protected override void OnCreate()
        // Cache the BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem in a field, so we don't have to create it every frame
        m_EntityCommandBufferSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem<BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem>();

    protected override void OnUpdate()
        //Instead of performing structural changes directly, a Job can add a command to an EntityCommandBuffer to perform such changes on the main thread after the Job has finished.
        //Command buffers allow you to perform any, potentially costly, calculations on a worker thread, while queuing up the actual insertions and deletions for later.
        var commandBuffer = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().AsParallelWriter();

        // Schedule the Entities.ForEach lambda job that will add Instantiate commands to the EntityCommandBuffer.
        // Since this job only runs on the first frame, we want to ensure Burst compiles it before running to get the best performance (3rd parameter of WithBurst)
        // The actual job will be cached once it is compiled (it will only get Burst compiled once).
            .WithBurst(FloatMode.Default, FloatPrecision.Standard, true)
            .ForEach((Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, in Spawner_FromEntity spawnerFromEntity, in LocalToWorld location) =>
                for (var x = 0; x < spawnerFromEntity.CountX; x++)
                    for (var y = 0; y < spawnerFromEntity.CountY; y++)
                        var instance = commandBuffer.Instantiate(entityInQueryIndex, spawnerFromEntity.Prefab);

                        // Place the instantiated in a grid with some noise
                        var position = math.transform(location.Value,
                            new float3(x * 1.3F, noise.cnoise(new float2(x, y) * 0.21F) * 2, y * 1.3F));
                        commandBuffer.SetComponent(entityInQueryIndex, instance, new Translation {Value = position});

                commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(entityInQueryIndex, entity);

        // SpawnJob runs in parallel with no sync point until the barrier system executes.
        // When the barrier system executes we want to complete the SpawnJob and then play back the commands (Creating the entities and placing them).
        // We need to tell the barrier system which job it needs to complete before it can play back the commands.
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Unity中,你可以使用Instantiate函数从预制体中创建物体并将其添加到游戏场景中。以下是一个简单的示例代码,它将从名为"CubePrefab"的预制体中创建一个新的物体并将其添加到场景中: ``` public GameObject cubePrefab; // 引用预制体 void Start () { GameObject newCube = Instantiate(cubePrefab); // 从预制创建新的物体 newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 设置新物体的位置 } ``` 这个代码片段将在游戏启动时执行Start函数,并使用Instantiate函数从"cubePrefab"预制体中创建一个新的物体。然后,它将设置新物体的位置为(0, 0, 0)。请注意,你需要将"cubePrefab"预制体拖放到Unity编辑器中的相应变量上,以便脚本可以访问它。 如果你想要在运行时动态创建预制体,可以使用Resources.Load函数从Unity项目中加载预制体。以下是一个示例代码,它从名为"CubePrefab"的预制体资源中创建新的物体: ``` GameObject cubePrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("CubePrefab"); // 加载预制体资源 GameObject newCube = Instantiate(cubePrefab); // 从预制创建新的物体 newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 设置新物体的位置 ``` 这个代码片段将从Unity项目中加载名为"CubePrefab"的预制体资源,并使用Instantiate函数从中创建一个新的物体。然后,它将设置新物体的位置为(0, 0, 0)。请注意,你需要将"CubePrefab"预制体资源放在名为"Resources"的文件夹中,以便使用Resources.Load函数加载它。


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