* @file PositionControl.cpp
#include "PositionControl.hpp"
#include "ControlMath.hpp"
#include <float.h>
#include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
#include <px4_platform_common/defines.h>
#include <geo/geo.h>
using namespace matrix;
const trajectory_setpoint_s PositionControl::empty_trajectory_setpoint = {0, {NAN, NAN, NAN}, {NAN, NAN, NAN}, {NAN, NAN, NAN}, {NAN, NAN, NAN}, NAN, NAN};
* 设置P,I,D的值
void PositionControl::setVelocityGains(const Vector3f &P, const Vector3f &I, const Vector3f &D)
_gain_vel_p = P;
_gain_vel_i = I;
_gain_vel_d = D;
* 设置无人机水平速度的大小vel_horizontal,设置无人机上升速度的大小:vel_up,设置无人机下降速度的大小:vel_down
void PositionControl::setVelocityLimits(const float vel_horizontal, const float vel_up, const float vel_down)
_lim_vel_horizontal = vel_horizontal;
_lim_vel_up = vel_up;
_lim_vel_down = vel_down;
* 油门限制
void PositionControl::setThrustLimits(const float min, const float max)
// make sure there's always enough thrust vector length to infer the attitude
_lim_thr_min = math::max(min, 10e-4f);
_lim_thr_max = max;
* 设置水平推力的边界值
void PositionControl::setHorizontalThrustMargin(const float margin)
_lim_thr_xy_margin = margin;
* 确保在悬停推力更改时,垂直加速度的控制依然有效
void PositionControl::updateHoverThrust(const float hover_thrust_new)
// Given that the equation for thrust is T = a_sp * Th / g - Th
// with a_sp = desired acceleration, Th = hover thrust and g = gravity constant,
// we want to find the acceleration that needs to be added to the integrator in order obtain
// the same thrust after replacing the current hover thrust by the new one.
// T' = T => a_sp' * Th' / g - Th' = a_sp * Th / g - Th
// so a_sp' = (a_sp - g) * Th / Th' + g
// we can then add a_sp' - a_sp to the current integrator to absorb the effect of changing Th by Th'
const float previous_hover_thrust = _hover_thrust; //保存之前的推力
setHoverThrust(hover_thrust_new); //设置新的推力
_vel_int(2) += (_acc_sp(2) - CONSTANTS_ONE_G) * previous_hover_thrust / _hover_thrust //由于悬停推力变化而需要调整的加速度
+ CONSTANTS_ONE_G - _acc_sp(2); //需要补偿的垂直加速度
* 位置控制器采用串级PID控制,输入位置,速度,偏航角(计算水平通道) 当前的实际值
void PositionControl::setState(const PositionControlStates &states)
_pos = states.position; //位置容器 X Y Z
_vel = states.velocity; //速度容器 Vx Vy Vz
_yaw = states.yaw; //偏航角
_vel_dot = states.acceleration; //加速度
* 目标值
void PositionControl::setInputSetpoint(const trajectory_setpoint_s &setpoint)
_pos_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.position); //目标位置
_vel_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.velocity); //目标速度
_acc_sp = Vector3f(setpoint.acceleration);//目标加速度
_yaw_sp = setpoint.yaw;
_yawspeed_sp = setpoint.yawspeed;
* 判断有效性和更新控制输出,控制:位置控制,速度控制,偏航角控制
bool PositionControl::update(const float dt)
bool valid = _inputValid();
if (valid) {
_positionControl(); //位置控制
_yawspeed_sp = PX4_ISFINITE(_yawspeed_sp) ? _yawspeed_sp : 0.f;
_yaw_sp = PX4_ISFINITE(_yaw_sp) ? _yaw_sp : _yaw; // TODO: better way to disable yaw control
// There has to be a valid output acceleration and thrust setpoint otherwise something went wrong
return valid && _acc_sp.isAllFinite() && _thr_sp.isAllFinite();
* 位置控制核心,可以看多旋翼无人机建模笔记,由位置PID计算出期望速度
void PositionControl::_positionControl()
// P-position controller
Vector3f vel_sp_position = (_pos_sp - _pos).emult(_gain_pos_p); //计算位置误差并生成速度的设定值,只有比例控制,emult是逐项相乘的意思,这里是有三个元素X,Y,Z;_gain_pos_p是比例系数
// Position and feed-forward velocity setpoints or position states being NAN results in them not having an influence
ControlMath::addIfNotNanVector3f(_vel_sp, vel_sp_position); //将vel_sp_position --> _vel_sp
// make sure there are no NAN elements for further reference while constraining
ControlMath::setZeroIfNanVector3f(vel_sp_position); //确保值有效,无效则设为0
// Constrain horizontal velocity by prioritizing the velocity component along the
// the desired position setpoint over the feed-forward term.
_vel_sp.xy() = ControlMath::constrainXY(vel_sp_position.xy(), (_vel_sp - vel_sp_position).xy(), _lim_vel_horizontal);//限制水平速度的分量
// Constrain velocity in z-direction.
_vel_sp(2) = math::constrain(_vel_sp(2), -_lim_vel_up, _lim_vel_down);//限制垂直速度
* 速度控制的核心
void PositionControl::_velocityControl(const float dt)
// Constrain vertical velocity integral
_vel_int(2) = math::constrain(_vel_int(2), -CONSTANTS_ONE_G, CONSTANTS_ONE_G); //_vel_int(2)代表Z轴速度误差的积分值,这里速度误差的积分
// PID velocity control
Vector3f vel_error = _vel_sp - _vel; //速度误差 _vel_sp由位置PID计算得出
Vector3f acc_sp_velocity = vel_error.emult(_gain_vel_p) + _vel_int - _vel_dot.emult(_gain_vel_d);//速度PID控制
// No control input from setpoints or corresponding states which are NAN
ControlMath::addIfNotNanVector3f(_acc_sp, acc_sp_velocity); //acc_sp_velocity-->_acc_sp
// Integrator anti-windup in vertical direction
* 这段代码用于处理垂直方向的抗饱和。在推力饱和的情况下,如果速度误差的方向与推力方向一致,
* 则将速度误差设为零,以防止积分项的过度累积。
if ((_thr_sp(2) >= -_lim_thr_min && vel_error(2) >= 0.f) ||
(_thr_sp(2) <= -_lim_thr_max && vel_error(2) <= 0.f)) {
vel_error(2) = 0.f;
// Prioritize vertical control while keeping a horizontal margin
* 计算当前推力的水平分量和最大允许推力的平方
const Vector2f thrust_sp_xy(_thr_sp);
const float thrust_sp_xy_norm = thrust_sp_xy.norm();
const float thrust_max_squared = math::sq(_lim_thr_max);
* 分配垂直方向的推力
// Determine how much vertical thrust is left keeping horizontal margin
const float allocated_horizontal_thrust = math::min(thrust_sp_xy_norm, _lim_thr_xy_margin);
const float thrust_z_max_squared = thrust_max_squared - math::sq(allocated_horizontal_thrust);
* 计算水平推力的最大允许值,并对当前的水平推力进行限制,确保不会超过允许范围
// Saturate maximal vertical thrust
_thr_sp(2) = math::max(_thr_sp(2), -sqrtf(thrust_z_max_squared));
// Determine how much horizontal thrust is left after prioritizing vertical control
const float thrust_max_xy_squared = thrust_max_squared - math::sq(_thr_sp(2));
float thrust_max_xy = 0.f;
if (thrust_max_xy_squared > 0.f) {
thrust_max_xy = sqrtf(thrust_max_xy_squared);
// Saturate thrust in horizontal direction
if (thrust_sp_xy_norm > thrust_max_xy) {
_thr_sp.xy() = thrust_sp_xy / thrust_sp_xy_norm * thrust_max_xy;
* 水平方向抗饱和处理
// Use tracking Anti-Windup for horizontal direction: during saturation, the integrator is used to unsaturate the output
// see Anti-Reset Windup for PID controllers, L.Rundqwist, 1990
const Vector2f acc_sp_xy_produced = Vector2f(_thr_sp) * (CONSTANTS_ONE_G / _hover_thrust);
const float arw_gain = 2.f / _gain_vel_p(0);
* 更新速度误差并进行积分
// The produced acceleration can be greater or smaller than the desired acceleration due to the saturations and the actual vertical thrust (computed independently).
// The ARW loop needs to run if the signal is saturated only.
const Vector2f acc_sp_xy = _acc_sp.xy();
const Vector2f acc_limited_xy = (acc_sp_xy.norm_squared() > acc_sp_xy_produced.norm_squared())
? acc_sp_xy_produce
: acc_sp_xy;
vel_error.xy() = Vector2f(vel_error) - arw_gain * (acc_sp_xy - acc_limited_xy);
// Make sure integral doesn't get NAN
// Update integral part of velocity control
_vel_int += vel_error.emult(_gain_vel_i) * dt;
void PositionControl::_accelerationControl()
// Assume standard acceleration due to gravity in vertical direction for attitude generation
float z_specific_force = -CONSTANTS_ONE_G; //重力加速度
if (!_decouple_horizontal_and_vertical_acceleration) {
// Include vertical acceleration setpoint for better horizontal acceleration tracking
z_specific_force += _acc_sp(2); //将期望的垂直加速度 _acc_sp(2) 加到 z_specific_force 中。这样做的目的是提高水平加速度的跟踪精度
Vector3f body_z = Vector3f(-_acc_sp(0), -_acc_sp(1), -z_specific_force).normalized(); //创建Z轴的三维向量,并做归一化处理
ControlMath::limitTilt(body_z, Vector3f(0, 0, 1), _lim_tilt);
// Convert to thrust assuming hover thrust produces standard gravity
* 根据期望的垂直加速度 _acc_sp(2) 计算推力。这里使用了 hover thrust(悬停推力)作为基准。推力需要克服重力和提供额外的加速度
const float thrust_ned_z = _acc_sp(2) * (_hover_thrust / CONSTANTS_ONE_G) - _hover_thrust;
// Project thrust to planned body attitude
const float cos_ned_body = (Vector3f(0, 0, 1).dot(body_z));
const float collective_thrust = math::min(thrust_ned_z / cos_ned_body, -_lim_thr_min);
_thr_sp = body_z * collective_thrust;
bool PositionControl::_inputValid()
bool valid = true;
// Every axis x, y, z needs to have some setpoint
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
valid = valid && (PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp(i)) || PX4_ISFINITE(_vel_sp(i)) || PX4_ISFINITE(_acc_sp(i)));
// x and y input setpoints always have to come in pairs
valid = valid && (PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp(0)) == PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp(1)));
valid = valid && (PX4_ISFINITE(_vel_sp(0)) == PX4_ISFINITE(_vel_sp(1)));
valid = valid && (PX4_ISFINITE(_acc_sp(0)) == PX4_ISFINITE(_acc_sp(1)));
// For each controlled state the estimate has to be valid
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
if (PX4_ISFINITE(_pos_sp(i))) {
valid = valid && PX4_ISFINITE(_pos(i));
if (PX4_ISFINITE(_vel_sp(i))) {
valid = valid && PX4_ISFINITE(_vel(i)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_vel_dot(i));
return valid;
void PositionControl::getLocalPositionSetpoint(vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s &local_position_setpoint) const
local_position_setpoint.x = _pos_sp(0);
local_position_setpoint.y = _pos_sp(1);
local_position_setpoint.z = _pos_sp(2);
local_position_setpoint.yaw = _yaw_sp;
local_position_setpoint.yawspeed = _yawspeed_sp;
local_position_setpoint.vx = _vel_sp(0);
local_position_setpoint.vy = _vel_sp(1);
local_position_setpoint.vz = _vel_sp(2);
void PositionControl::getAttitudeSetpoint(vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s &attitude_setpoint) const
ControlMath::thrustToAttitude(_thr_sp, _yaw_sp, attitude_setpoint);
attitude_setpoint.yaw_sp_move_rate = _yawspeed_sp;