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原创 Rendering Implicit Surfaces and Distance Fields: Sphere Tracing——Introduction

keywords: distance fields, implicit functin, sphere tracing, CGS, contructive solid geometry, ray marching, implicit surfaces, gradient, level surface, level sets, blobbies, soft objects meatballs.th...

2020-01-22 12:28:34 523

原创 volume rendering for artists

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/advanced-rendering/volume-rendering-for-artistskeywords: volume rendering, ray-marching, cloud rendering, scattering, in-scattering, transmittance, absorption co...

2020-01-22 11:35:42 373

原创 qt环境配置


2020-01-20 17:31:17 327

原创 Physically-Based Shading at Disney

1 introductionfollowing our success with physically-based hair shading on Tangled [27], we began considering physically based shading models for a broader range of materials. with the physically-base...

2020-01-20 10:40:30 750

原创 Spectral analysis——光谱分析


2020-01-19 20:33:48 1997

原创 A reflectance model for computer graphics

a new reflectance model for rendering computer synthesized images is presented. the mode accounts for the relative brightness of different materials and light sources in the same scene. it describes t...

2020-01-17 18:57:26 559

原创 An Introduction to BRDF-Based Lighting——完结

https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall06/cos526/tmp/wynn.pdfintroductionthe introduction of modern GPUs such as the GeForce 256 and GeForece 2 GTS has opened the door for creating stunnin...

2020-01-17 14:54:43 615

原创 Monte Carlo methods for improved rendering

https://smerity.com/montelight-cpp/overviewstochastic ray tracing is one of the fundamental algorithms in computer graphics for generating photo-realistic images. we implement an unbiased monte carl...

2020-01-16 20:23:49 299

原创 Bilinear Filtering

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/mathematics-physics-for-computer-graphics/interpolation/bilinear-filteringBilinear InterpolationBilinear interpolation is used when we need to know values at ra...

2020-01-15 17:24:54 629

原创 Introduction to Light, Color and Color Space——Color Space

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/digital-imaging/colors/color-spaceRemember that this lesson is only an introduction to the topic of colors. It gives enough information for the reader to underst...

2020-01-15 17:22:25 223

原创 Introduction to Light, Color and Color Space——Introduction

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/digital-imaging/colors/introductionintroductionhowever simple in appearance and quite common, the notion of color is in reality a complex issue. it is not only ...

2020-01-15 17:19:45 469

原创 Variance Reduction Methods: a Quick Introduction to Quasi Monte Carlo——完结


2020-01-14 14:23:40 746

原创 Variance Reduction Methods: a Quick Introduction to Importance Sampling——读完


2020-01-14 14:22:59 1148

原创 Generating Random Numbers


2020-01-14 14:22:22 412

原创 Monte Carlo in Rendering (A Practical Example)


2020-01-14 14:21:49 342

原创 Monte Carlo Integration


2020-01-14 14:20:14 620

原创 Global Illumination and Path Tracing: a Practical Implementation——具体实现——重点参考


2020-01-14 14:11:39 689

原创 An Intuitive Introduction to Global Illumination and Path Tracing


2020-01-14 14:10:35 365

原创 Uniform Sampling on unit Hemisphere

https://blog.thomaspoulet.fr/uniform-sampling-on-unit-hemisphere/introductionduring the rendering process, u will need to sample points over a designated surface. in this first part (meaning there w...

2020-01-14 10:49:08 1340

原创 Real-time soft shadow mapping by backprojection

abstractwe present a new real-time soft shadow algorithm using a single shadow map per light source.

2020-01-13 16:22:56 227

原创 Robust Soft Shadow Mapping with Backprojection and Depth Peeling

Abstract. Soft shadow mapping is an attractive solution to the problem of realtimesoft shadows because it works with any kind of rasterizable geometry (in particularalpha-transparent textures and ha...

2020-01-13 16:07:02 229

原创 屏幕空间阴影


2020-01-13 15:12:43 885

原创 Fast Soft Self-Shadowing on Dynamic Height Fields

AbstractWe present a new, real-time method for rendering soft shadows from large light sources or lighting environmentson dynamic height fields. The method first computes a horizon map for a set of ...

2020-01-13 11:58:04 195

原创 Unity新功能之Packages介绍——报错处理


2020-01-10 20:37:21 2637

原创 Real-Time Shadows CHAPTER 7——Geometry-Based Soft-Shadow Methods

is chapter presents soŸ shadow methods that are based on creating the geometryfor the penumbra regions rather than purely relying on images of the scene

2020-01-10 20:15:14 299

原创 Real-Time Shadows CHAPTER 6——Image-Based Soft-Shadow Methods

6.1 IntroductionWhile exploring various aspects of computing shadows in the previous chapters,

2020-01-10 20:14:42 620

原创 Real-Time Shadows CHAPTER 5——Filtered Hard Shadows

We have seen in Chapter 3 that image-based hard shadows are prone to aliasing.

2020-01-10 20:14:05 179

原创 Real-Time Shadows CHAPTER 4—— Shadow-Map Sampling

in this chapter, we will concentrate on sampling error

2020-01-10 20:12:31 229



2020-01-10 20:03:45 536

原创 Barycentric Coordinates

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-rendering-a-triangle/barycentric-coordinatesbarycentric coordinates are particularly important in CG. they have a few functions an...

2020-01-10 19:38:42 970

原创 Advanced Global Illumination Chapter3 —— Monte Carlo Methods

this chapter introduces the concept of Monte Carlo integration and reviews some basic concepts in probability theory. we also present techniques to create better distributions of samples.3.1 brief hi...

2020-01-10 19:28:09 419

原创 Fast Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection


2020-01-09 20:58:29 667

原创 Getting Started With Compute Shaders In Unity


2020-01-09 09:57:26 183

原创 Exponential Shadow Map


2020-01-09 09:36:18 949

原创 GPU Path Tracing in Unity – Part 3

http://blog.three-eyed-games.com/2019/03/18/gpu-path-tracing-in-unity-part-3/“Arithmetic! Algebra! Geometry! Grandiose trinity! Luminous triangle! Whoever has not known you is without sense!” – Comte...

2020-01-09 09:32:15 726 1

原创 GPU Ray Tracing in Unity – Part 2

http://blog.three-eyed-games.com/2018/05/12/gpu-path-tracing-in-unity-part-2/There is nothing worse than sharp image of a fuzzy concept.” – Ansel AdamsIn the first part of this series, we created a ...

2020-01-08 20:15:05 596

原创 GPU Ray Tracing in Unity – Part 1

http://blog.three-eyed-games.com/2018/05/03/gpu-ray-tracing-in-unity-part-1/These are truly exciting times for ray tracing. Latest advances like AI-accelerated denoising, Microsoft announcing native ...

2020-01-08 20:12:36 1214

原创 Writing a Basic Ray Tracer

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/introduction-to-ray-tracing/ray-tracing-practical-exampleWe received quite a few emails from readers asking, “Well, if that’s so easy to do, c...

2020-01-08 19:59:30 377

原创 Adding Reflection and Refraction——读完

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/introduction-to-ray-tracing/adding-reflection-and-refractionThe other advantage of ray-tracing is that, by extending the idea of ray propagati...

2020-01-08 19:58:11 330

原创 Implementing the Raytracing Algorithm——读完

https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/introduction-to-ray-tracing/implementing-the-raytracing-algorithmWe have covered everything there is to say! We are now prepared to write our ...

2020-01-08 19:55:25 416





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