Queries, Keys, and Values

In the context of self-attention mechanisms in deep learning models like Transformers, the terms "query," "key," and "value" refer to different representations used for information retrieval and contextualization. A good query, key, and value representation is essential for effective attention computation:

Query (Q):

1.1 Definition

The query(vector)represents the context or focus for which we want to find relevant information in other parts of the input.

In the context of self-attention mechanisms, the query vector represents the contextual information or the 'focus' that the model uses to search for related or relevant data within the entire input sequence. This could be a word, phrase, or even the entire context depending on the layer and architecture of the model.

For example, in a Transformer-based language model, if the model is processing the word "cat" in a sentence, the query representation for "cat" would allow the model to scan through all other words ('keys') in the sentence to find those most relevant to "cat". The relevance is determined by the dot-product similarity between the query and the keys. The corresponding values of these highly relevant keys are then combined to create a new context-aware representation of "cat", which incorporates the surrounding information pertinent to its meaning in the sentence. This mechanism enables the model to understand the context and dependencies within the sequence more effectively.

1.2 Caculation

It's typically a learned linear transformation of the input embedding that reflects the current position or token being processed. 

1.3 Characteristics

A good query representation should be able to capture the essence of what information is needed from the rest of the sequence.

A well-designed query representation in a self-attention mechanism should be capable of encapsulating the core intent or informational need associated with the current token or position being processed. This means that the query vector should encode sufficient information to guide the model towards the relevant aspects of the input sequence.

To achieve this, the model transforms the input representation of a token into a query vector using a learned weight matrix. This transformation should ideally highlight the features and dependencies necessary to extract context from other parts of the sequence. For instance, in a language model, if the current token is a verb, the query might need to capture the grammatical role, tense, and potential subject-object relations to gather the appropriate context.

In essence, the query acts as a kind of question or search directive posed to the rest of the sequence: "What information do I need from the other tokens to best represent or predict the meaning of this token?" The effectiveness of this query in capturing the essence of the required information is crucial for the overall success of the attention mechanism and, consequently, the model's performance.

Key (K):

2.1 Definition

The key serves as an index or reference point for finding matching information in the input.

Indeed, the key in a self-attention mechanism plays a pivotal role in identifying and indexing relevant information within the input sequence. Each token in the sequence is mapped to a unique key representation through a linear transformation. These key vectors act as reference points that store the distinct characteristics of each token.

When a query is produced for a particular token, the model compares this query against all keys using a compatibility function, often a scaled dot-product. This comparison process results in attention scores that indicate how well each key aligns with the query's context or focus. Tokens with keys that are more similar to the query receive higher attention scores.

In essence, keys enable the model to quickly sift through the entire input sequence and pinpoint the locations where information is most relevant to the current context defined by the query. Once the model identifies these matching keys, it retrieves their associated values to construct a contextually informed output for the query token. This way, the model can learn long-range dependencies and handle complex relationships among tokens in sequences, which is particularly beneficial in tasks such as natural language processing.

2.2 Caculation 

Each input token is transformed into a key through another learned linear projection.

2.3 Characteristics

An effective key representation should encapsulate the unique and distinctive features of the input tokens so that when compared with queries, it can identify relevant matches.

Indeed, the key representation in a self-attention mechanism must efficiently summarize the unique and discriminative attributes of each input token. When keys are compared with queries, they essentially act as a sort of dictionary or index that allows the model to look up and match relevant tokens within the sequence.

Each token's key representation should preserve the distinctive identity and contextual roles that token plays. By doing so, when a query searches for related information, the dot product or cosine similarity between the query and keys can accurately reflect the degree of relevance or alignment between them. The tokens with key representations that closely align with the query are considered more important for the context and are given higher attention weights.

In practical terms, this means that during the attention process, the model uses the key to understand whether a particular token is a subject, object, modifier, or any other significant part-of-speech relevant to the current context represented by the query. The more effectively the key captures these unique characteristics, the better the model can attend to and integrate the most pertinent information into the output, leading to improved performance in various NLP tasks.

Value (V):

3.1 Definition

The value holds the actual content to be retrieved and used in the output calculation.

In the context of a self-attention mechanism (as found in models like Transformers), the value component is responsible for storing the actual information content that will be used to compute the output.

After the input sequence has been transformed into three separate vectors for each token — queries, keys, and values — the keys interact with queries to calculate attention weights. The values, on the other hand, do not participate directly in the attention calculation process but hold the meaningful data that should be passed on to form the output based on those calculated attention weights.

Once the model determines the relevance of each token (using keys and queries), it retrieves the corresponding values and combines them in a weighted sum, where the weights are the attention scores. This process effectively selects and aggregates the most pertinent parts of the input sequence to generate a contextualized output representation for each token. Thus, while keys serve as reference points for finding matching information, values are the elements whose contents are ultimately incorporated into the model's output.

3.2 Caculation 

Similar to keys, values are also derived from the input embeddings through a separate learned linear transformation.

3.3 Characteristics

A high-quality value representation contains the informative details that the model will use to enrich the context once the relevant keys have been identified by comparing with queries.

A high-quality value representation in the context of a self-attention mechanism holds the substantive(实质性) and informative(信息量大) attributes of each input token that will be used to enhance or enrich the context-dependent representation of the current token under consideration.

Once the model has gone through the process of comparing queries with keys to identify the tokens most relevant to the current context, it retrieves the corresponding value representations. These value representations contain the actual payload of information that gets aggregated to build the contextual output for the current token.

This means that if a token has been deemed relevant based on the query-key interaction, its value representation contributes to the final output by providing the meaningful and contextually relevant data. A well-formed value representation should thus encapsulate all the critical information that token carries, including syntactic, semantic, and potentially even pragmatic aspects, so that when combined with other selected values, it helps create a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the context for the model. This ability to selectively incorporate relevant information from across the sequence is a fundamental strength of self-attention mechanisms in enabling powerful modeling of sequential data.


In a self-attention mechanism, query, key, and value calculations are three different processes that work together to facilitate the extraction of relevant information from a sequence. Here's a detailed explanation of each:

  1. Query Calculation:

    • Purpose: To define the focus or context of interest for each token in the sequence.
    • Process: Each token's embedding is transformed through a learned linear projection (W_Q) to create the query vector.
    • Example: If you're trying to understand the meaning of a word in a sentence, the query vector represents the information you're seeking to find connections with elsewhere in the sentence.
  2. Key Calculation:

    • Purpose: To provide reference points for matching or relating to the query vectors.
    • Process: Similarly to queries, each token's embedding is projected through another learned linear projection matrix (W_K) to create the key vector.
    • Example: The key vectors serve as indexes; when the query vector "searches" the sequence, it compares itself to these keys to see which ones are most relevant.
  3. Value Calculation:

    • Purpose: To store the actual content that will be used to update the representation of the query token based on its relationship to other tokens.
    • Process: Each token's embedding is transformed yet again through a third learned linear projection matrix (W_V) to generate the value vector.
    • Example: Once the query finds the relevant keys, the model fetches the corresponding value vectors, which carry the meaningful context that should be included in the updated representation of the query token.

During the attention process:

  • Queries are compared with keys to compute attention weights, which measure the relevance of each token in the sequence to the current query.
  • The attention weights are then used to perform a weighted sum of the value vectors, generating a context-aware representation for the query token.

In summary, queries specify what to look for, keys help locate where to look, and values are the pieces of information that get picked up and assembled to form the new, enriched representation.


Overall, these representations should:

  • Be expressive enough to capture the complex relationships between tokens.
  • Be discriminative, allowing the model to distinguish between different contexts and meanings.
  • Maintain the structural and semantic properties of the original inputs.

During the attention process, the dot product of queries and keys produces attention weights that determine how much each value should contribute to the final context-aware representation at a specific position. Therefore, the quality of Q, K, and V directly affects the performance of the model in tasks such as language understanding, translation, or generation.

Good query, key, and value representation

In the context of attention-based neural networks, particularly in the Transformer architecture, query (Q), key (K), and value (V) representations play crucial roles for calculating attention weights. A good query, key, and value representation typically possesses the following characteristics:

  1. Query (Q):

    • Informative: The query vector should encapsulate the information necessary to "query" or seek relevant information from other parts of the input sequence. It should effectively represent the context or focus of the current token.
    • Distinguishable: Each query should be unique enough to differentiate between different contexts within the sequence so that the model can assign appropriate attention to various parts of the input.
  2. Key (K):

    • Indexing Potential: Key vectors act as indexes into the value matrix. They should be able to capture distinctive features of their corresponding input tokens in such a way that they can be compared effectively with queries to calculate attention scores.
    • Semantic Relevance: Keys should encode semantic information about their associated tokens so that when paired with a query, the model can determine how relevant each token is to the current context.
  3. Value (V):

    • Contextual Information: Value vectors store the actual content information to be used after attention weights have been computed. A good value representation contains rich contextual information about its associated token without necessarily focusing on discriminative features.
    • Comprehensive: It should provide a comprehensive summary of the aspects of the input that are important for generating the output, given the context provided by the query.


Overall, these representations should be learned in such a way that when dot products are taken between query and key matrices, it results in meaningful attention distributions where the model focuses on the most relevant parts of the input sequence while computing the output.

The learning process in Transformers is geared towards ensuring that the query-key interactions yield meaningful and contextually relevant attention distributions.

During training, the model adjusts the parameters of the embedding layers that generate the query, key, and value matrices. The goal is for the dot products between the query and key vectors to accurately capture the degree of relevance between the corresponding tokens.

For instance, in the case of machine translation, if a word in the source sentence requires attending to specific words in the target sentence for proper translation, the model should learn to assign higher attention weights to those corresponding key vectors.

This learning happens through backpropagation, where the error signals propagate back through the network, adjusting the weight matrices of the query and key projections so that over time, the model becomes adept at pinpointing the most informative parts of the input sequence for any given token.

The attention distribution thus reflects a learned prioritization of information across the sequence, and this learned attention contributes to the construction of the context vector, which is then used to condition the prediction of the next token or to derive some other desired output. The effectiveness of this mechanism lies in its ability to flexibly and adaptively concentrate on the most salient parts of the input data, leading to improved performance on tasks that involve complex dependencies and long-range relationships.


In practice, this means that the model should learn to project the original input embeddings into high-dimensional spaces where queries, keys, and values are optimized for the task at hand.

The Transformer architecture starts with input embeddings that represent tokens (e.g., words) in a lower-dimensional space. Through a series of linear transformations, these embeddings are projected into distinct high-dimensional spaces to serve as queries, keys, and values.

These projections are learned during the training process, tailored specifically for the task at hand. The matrices used for these transformations are trainable parameters that enable the model to discover meaningful patterns in the data and adaptively assign importance to different parts of the sequence.

In the query-key interaction phase, the dot product operation in the high-dimensional space amplifies the similarity between the query and key embeddings that are semantically or contextually relevant. After the softmax normalization, the resulting attention weights direct the model to focus on the most pertinent parts of the input sequence for constructing the output.

The values, weighted by these attention weights, are then combined to form the context vector, which is a rich, contextually aware representation of the input. This context vector is further processed by the Transformer's feedforward layers to produce the final output. Overall, the model learns to project the initial embeddings into spaces where the attention mechanism can effectively capture the task-relevant dependencies and relations within the input sequence.

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这段代码定义了一个 AttentionLayer 模型类,用于实现注意力机制。构造函数 `__init__` 接收多个参数,包括 attention、d_model、n_heads、d_keys、d_values 和 mix。其中,attention 表示内部的注意力机制模块,d_model 表示模型的维度大小,n_heads 表示注意力头的数量,d_keys 和 d_values 分别表示查询、键和值的维度大小,默认情况下会根据 d_model 和 n_heads 进行计算,mix 表示是否进行混合。 在构造函数中,首先根据传入的参数计算出 d_keys 和 d_values 的默认值。然后创建多个线性投影层,包括查询投影层 self.query_projection、键投影层 self.key_projection、值投影层 self.value_projection 和输出投影层 self.out_projection。这些投影层用于将输入进行线性变换到注意力机制所需的维度。 前向传播方法 `forward` 接收四个参数:querieskeys、values 和 attn_mask。其中,queries 表示查询张量,keys 表示键张量,values 表示值张量,attn_mask 表示注意力掩码。这些张量的形状分别为 (B, L, d_model),(B, S, d_model),(B, S, d_model) 和 (B, L, S)。 在前向传播过程中,首先通过查询投影层、键投影层和值投影层将输入张量进行线性变换,得到查询张量 queries、键张量 keys 和值张量 values 的多头表示。然后,调用内部的注意力机制模块 self.inner_attention 进行注意力计算,得到输出张量 out 和注意力分布张量 attn。 如果 mix 参数为 True,则对输出张量进行维度转置操作,并确保其连续性。最后,将输出张量进行形状变换,得到最终的输出结果,并通过输出投影层 self.out_projection 进行线性变换,得到最终的输出张量。 因此,AttentionLayer 模型类通过线性投影和注意力机制,将输入的查询、键和值进行处理,并输出经过注意力计算后的结果。


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