(四)阅读教程 Understanding ROS 2 topics


【ROS 2 breaks complex systems down into many modular nodes.】

ROS2 将复杂的系统打散成为许多模块化的节点。

【Topics are a vital element of the ROS graph that act as a bus for nodes to exchange messages.】


【A node may publish data to any number of topics and simultaneously have subscriptions to any number of topics.】


【Topics are one of the important ways that data moves between nodes, and therefore between different parts of the system.】





#Open a new terminal and run:
ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
#Open another terminal and run:
ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key




rqt > selecting Plugins > Introspection > Nodes Graph.


上图描绘了/turtlesim节点和/teleop_turtle节点如何通过topic相互通信。 /teleop_turtle节点正在发布(publishing)数据(输入的用于移动乌龟的击键)到/ turtle1/cmd_vel主题,并且/turtlesim节点已订阅(subscribed)该主题以接收数据。

rqt_graph这个高亮的功能在 检查更复杂的有很多节点且主题的连接有很多方式的系统时 非常有效。



3、ros2 topic list

ros2 topic list   #return a list of all the topics currently active in the system

ros2 topic list -t 
#will return the same list of topics, this time with the topic type appended in brackets after each

topics 有名字红外类型。这些属性(尤其是类型)让节点知道他们正在谈论的信息是同一个话题。


【很奇怪,我的图画出来之后会比教程中的图多了一个节点 /_ros2cli_daemon_0,但是检查了 node list 也是正确的,就迷惑20200731】

【20200803】再一次尝试时,没有执行 ros2 node list 这个命令,得到的结果如下图:

执行 ros2 node list后, /_ros2cli_daemon_0又出现了




4、ros2 topic echo

【To see the data being published on a topic, use:】


#ros2 topic echo <topic_name>

【Since we know that /teleop_turtle publishes data to /turtlesim over the /turtle1/cmd_vel topic, let’s use echo to introspect on that topic:】

既然我们已知/teleop_turtle通过/ turtle1/cmd_vel主题将数据发布到/turtlesim,那让我们使用echo对该主题进行自检:

ros2 topic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel

【At first, this command won’t return any data. That’s because it’s waiting for /teleop_turtle to publish something.】


Return to the terminal where turtle_teleop_key is running and use the arrows to move the turtle around. Watch the terminal where your echo is running at the same time, and you’ll see position data being published for every movement you make:

回到turtle_teleop_key 正在运行的终端,通过箭头来试小乌龟移动。同时观察运行echo的终端,此时你将会看到每次你做出移动都会发布位置信息的数据。

【Now return to rqt_graph and uncheck the Debug box.】

现在回到rqt_graph ,并且取消勾选Debug

/_ros2cli_4290 is the node created by the echo we just ran (the number will change). Now you can see that the publisher is publishing data over the cmd_vel topic, and two subscribers are subscribed.】

/_ros2cli_4290就是我们刚才运行echo创建的节点(这个数值会变化)。现在我们可以看出发布者通过cmd_vel topic来发布数据,并且两个订阅者都会接收到(这个消息)。


5、ros2 topic info

【Topics don’t have to only be point-to-point communication; it can be one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many.】

topic并不只有点对点的通讯,它还可以是 一对多,多对一,或者多对多(地通讯);

【Another way to look at this is running:】


ros2 topic info /turtle1/cmd_vel

【Which will return:】



6、ros2 interface show

【Nodes send data over topics using messages. Publishers and subscribers must send and receive the same type of message to communicate.】


【The topic types we saw earlier after running ros2 topic list -t let us know what type of messages each topic can send. Recall that the cmd_vel topic has the type:】

通过运行 ros2 topic list -t 让我们之前看到的主题类型,让我们知道每个topic可以发送什么样的消息类型。回顾cmd_vel主题的类型:geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

【This means that in the package geometry_msgs there is a msg called Twist.】

这意味着在geometry_msgs 包中,有一个msg 名字是 Twist

【Now we can run ros2 interface show <type>.msg on this type to learn its the details, specifically, what structure of data the message expects.】

现在我们可以运行ros2 interface show <type>.msg在这个类型上来了解更多细节,特别是message需要什么样的数据结构。

ros2 interface show geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

【This tells you that the /turtlesim node is expecting a message with two vectors, linear and angular, of three elements each. If you recall the data we saw /teleop_turtle passing to /turtlesim with the echo command, it’s in the same structure:】

这告诉我们 /turtlesim 节点希望消息拥有两个维度,linearangular,每个维度有三个元素。如果我们回顾 使用echo命令得到的 /teleop_turtle 发送给 /turtlesim 的数据就会发现,这个和上面的要求拥有同样的数据结构。


7、ros2 topic pub

【Now that you have the message structure, you can publish data onto a topic directly from the command line using:】


#ros2 topic pub <topic_name> <msg_type> '<args>'

【The '<args>' argument is the actual data you’ll pass to the topic, in the structure you just discovered in the previous section.】


【It’s important to note that this argument needs to be input in YAML syntax. Input the full command like so:】


ros2 topic pub --once /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.8}}"

--once is an optional argument meaning “publish one message then exit”.】

--once 参数是一个可选的参数,它的意思是 输出一个消息并退出

You will receive the following message in the terminal:


【The turtle (and commonly the real robots which it is meant to emulate) require a steady stream of commands to operate continuously. So, to get the turtle to keep moving, you can run:】


ros2 topic pub --rate 1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.8}}"

【The difference here is the removal of the --once option and the addition of the --rate 1 option, which tells ros2 topic pub to publish the command in a steady stream at 1 Hz.】

此处的区别是删除了--once选项,并增加了--rate 1选项,这告诉ros2 topic pub 发布1Hz的稳定的指令流。

【You can refresh rqt_graph to see what’s happening graphically. You will see the ros 2 topic pub ... node (/_ros2cli_30358) is publishing over the /turtle1/cmd_vel topic, and is being received by both the ros2 topic echo ... node (/_ros2cli_26646) and the /turtlesim node now.】

我们可以刷新rqt_graph来查看正在发生的事。我们将会看到 ros 2 topic pub ...node(/_ros2cli_5447)通过 /turtle1/cmd_vel 主题来发布数据,它发布的数据被 ros2 topic echo ... node(/_ros2cli_4290)和(/turtlesim)接收。

【Finally, you can run echo on the pose topic and recheck rqt_graph:】


ros2 topic echo /turtle1/pose

【In this case, /turtlesim is now publishing to the pose topic, and a new echo node is subscribed.】

在这样的情况下,/turtlesim 现在发布到pose主题上,并且预定一个新的echo节点。


8、ros2 topic hz

【For one last introspection on this process, you can report the rate at which data is published using:】


ros2 topic hz /turtle1/pose

【It will return data on the rate at which the /turtlesim node is publishing data to the pose topic.】

它将会返回一个数据表示 /turtlesim 节点发布数据到 pose 主题的速率。

【Recall that you set the rate of turtle1/cmd_vel to publish at a steady 1 Hz using ros2 topic pub --rate 1. If you run the above command with turtle1/cmd_vel instead of turtle1/pose, you will see an average reflecting that rate.】

回顾你设置的turtle1/cmd_vel发送的速率固定为 1 Hz  使用了 ros2 topic pub --rate. 如果你运行上面的命令是使用了turtle1/cmd_vel而不是turtle1/pose,你将会看到反映该比例的平均值。


9、Clean up

【At this point you’ll have a lot of nodes running. Don’t forget to stop them, either by closing the terminal windows or entering Ctrl+C in each terminal.】

 此时,您将有很多节点在运行。 不要忘记通过关闭终端窗口或在每个终端中输入Ctrl + C来停止它们。



Nodes publish information over topics, which allows any number of other nodes to subscribe to and access that information. In this tutorial you examined the connections between several nodes over topics using rqt_graph and command line tools. You should now have a good idea of how data moves around a ROS 2 system.

节点通过主题来发布信息,它允许任何数量的其他节点来订阅和接收这些信息。在这个教程中我们使用rqt_graph和命令行练习了几个节点间通过主题来进行的交流。你现在应该对数据如何在ROS2 系统中移动有个更好的了解了。





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