



智能优化算法       神经网络预测       雷达通信      无线传感器        电力系统

信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机

⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 部分代码

%% uavDriver

% Test driver for the UAV simulation

% Simulates the UAV over the desired map

% Calls the UAVSim3 file to run a simulation

%close all;

clear; format long;

%% Parameters

% General parameters

base = [578,398];   % Location of the base (x,y) on the simulation map

numsimulations=1;  % Number of simulations

duration = 120;      % Number of minutes in each simulation (time step is 1 minute)

km2pixRatio = 1.609/90; % Number of pixels in one kilometer on the map (converted from miles)

% UAV Parameters

numUAVs = 3; % The number of UAV's in the fleet

uavSpeed = 40; % in km/h

uavRange = 35; % in hrs

uavCap = 2; % Drone capacity 

uavVector = [numUAVs,uavSpeed,uavCap,uavRange];

% Request/requestzone parameters

numZones = 13;

exDev = (1/6) * ones(numZones, 1);  % The standard deviation of expiration times (hours)

priFac = 1;                         % The maximum value of the priority factor (does not effect results)

timeFac = 1/10;                     % Factor by which requests become more important over time (.95 -> 5% more important every hour)

addedVal = 1;                       % Value added to distance in HD function (low sensitivity)

zonesXProb = .0035*ones(numZones,1); % Probability of a new request being high priority (per zone) .0035

zonesYProb = .012*ones(numZones,1);  % Probability of a zone generating a new request on a given time step: .012

exprTimeX = ones(numZones,1);       % Mean expiration time for X requests

exprTimeY = 3*ones(numZones,1);     % Mean expiration time for Y requests

% (x,y) locations of zone delivery locations (in pixels) on the simulation map

zoneLocations = [276,715;

                 203 583;

                 221 303;

                 254 168;

                 404 193;

                 527 80;

                 776 95;

                 860 187;

                 1158 90;

                 1045 340;

                 794 550;

                 939 735;

                 635 728];

zoneParam = [zoneLocations,zonesXProb,zonesYProb,exprTimeX,exprTimeY]; 

numhrs = 2; %% number of hours to plot UAV routes

% Color array for the UAV's

color = ['y', 'c','m','b','r','w','k','g','y','c','m','b','r','w','k','g'];

% Read in map for background of graph (use file name of image for map)

% And plot the base location


MAP=imread('Map2.png'); image(MAP);

hold on


hold on

for step=1:numsimulations

%% Run Simulation

% Run the simulation and display UAV paths

[~, ~, ~, ~,~, manager]=uavSim3visual(uavVector, zoneParam, base, priFac,timeFac,addedVal, duration,km2pixRatio);

 for k=1:numUAVs

    plot(manager.uavList(k, 1).position(1,1),manager.uavList(k,1).position(1,2),color(k))

    hold on



⛄ 运行结果

救灾的无人机的MATLAB 仿真_图像处理

⛄ 参考文献

[1] 荣辉, 李冬, 殷堂春. 基于Matlab无人机数学模型仿真分析与研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2008, 8(6):4.

[2] 徐亮, 詹福宇, 赵健. 基于MATLAB的无人机俯仰通道内回路设计与仿真[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2022(016):000.

[3] 李欣, 黄一敏. 基于Matlab的无人机航线飞行仿真[C]// 中国航空学会. 中国航空学会, 2010.

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