close all
clear all
%% Parameters
display('Parameters creation ...')
% Assumed order of the system under test
N = 4;
% Sampling rate
fs = 96000;
% Lowest frequency of the sweep
f1 = 20;
% Highest frequency of the swwep
f2 = 10000;
% Provisional duration of the sweep (seconds). The exact duration is
% imposed afterwards.
duration = 10;
%% Design of the system under test (2 poles, 2 zeros ARMA)
display('Design of the system ...')
% Length of the Hammerstein kernels (in samples)
len = 1500;
% Order of the SUT (DO NOT CHANGE without changing the whole design of the SUT, fzeros, fpoles, modulusZeros... must have a length equal to "order")
order = 4;
% Frequencies (Hz) of zeros and poles of the ARMA: fzeros(1), fpoles(1) -> order 1, fzeros(2), fpoles(2) -> order 2 ...
fzeros = [150 400 1000 2200 ];
fpoles = [1500 4000 100 500 ];
% Modulus of poles and zeros of the ARMA
modulusZeros = [0.95 0.97 0.93 0.92 ];
modulusPoles = [0.97 0.95 0.95 0.92 ];
% Global gain factor for each order (globalGain(1) -> order 1...)
globalGain = [1 0.1 0.05 0.01 ];
% Computation of the kernels
h = zeros(order,len);
for k=1:order
% Zeros of the ARMA
zerosARMA = modulusZeros(k)*exp(1i*2*fzeros(k)/fs*pi*[-1 1]);
% Poles of the ARMA
polesARMA = modulusPoles(k)*exp(1i*2*fpoles(k)/fs*pi*[-1 1]);
% Filter coefficients
B = poly(zerosARMA);
A = poly(polesARMA);
% Kernels
h(k,:) = globalGain(k)*filter(B,A,[1 zeros(1,len-1)]);
%% Application of the method proposed by R閎illat et al.
display('Application of the method proposed by R閎illat et al.:')
% Parameters
opt_meth = 'Reb' ;
opt_filt = 'TFB_linear' ;
% Computation of the sweep
xR = sweep(f1,f2,fs,duration,opt_meth);
% Non-linear system response
display('--> Simulation in progress ...')
yR = 0 ;
for n = 1:order
yR = yR + convq(h(n,:),xR.^n) ;
% Computation of the non-linear impulse responses
hhatR = Hammerstein_ID(xR,yR,duration,f1,f2,fs,N,opt_meth,opt_filt) ;
%% Application of the method proposed by Novak et al.
display('Application of the method proposed by Novak et al.:')
% Parameters
opt_meth = 'Nov' ;
opt_filt = 'Nov' ;
% Computation of the sweep
xN = sweep(f1,f2,fs,duration,opt_meth);
% Non-linear system response
display('--> Simulation in progress...')
yN = 0 ;
for n = 1:order
yN = yN + convq(h(n,:),xN.^n) ;
% Computation of the non-linear impulse responses
hhatN = Hammerstein_ID(xN,yN,duration,f1,f2,fs,N,opt_meth,opt_filt) ;
%% Plots for amplitude (in dB)
display('Plots in progress ...')
Nfft = 2^16 ;
n1 = round(f1/fs*Nfft) ;
n2 = round(f2/fs*Nfft) ;
close all
a = figure() ;
for n = 1:N
HO_amp = 20*log10(abs(fft(h(n,:),Nfft))) ;
HR_amp = 20*log10(abs(fft(hhatR(n,:),Nfft))) ;
HN_amp = 20*log10(abs(fft(hhatN(n,:),Nfft)));
freq = (0:Nfft-1)/Nfft*fs ;
hold on
grid on
xlim([0.75*f1 2*f2])
Y_max = max([HO_amp(n1:n2) HR_amp(n1:n2) HN_amp(n1:n2)]);
ylim([Y_max-70 Y_max+5])
fontsize = 14 ;
legend_text{1} = 'Original kernel' ;
legend_text{2} = 'Kernel estimated from R閎illat et al.' ;
legend_text{3} = 'Kernel estimated from Novak et al. (corrected)' ;
xlabel('Frequency (en Hz)','fontsize',0.8*fontsize)
ylabel('Amplitude (en dB)','fontsize',0.8*fontsize)
title(['Hammerstein kernel of order ' num2str(n)],'fontsize',0.8*fontsize)