unity 2018_在哪里可以找到2018年最佳的Unity假日销售

unity 2018

The holiday sales and offers are starting to sweep through Unity. You’ll be able to save money and spend more time creating with sales on top-rated assets during the Asset Store Black Friday sale, discounts on some Unity gear, and more!

假期的销售和报价开始席卷Unity。 在Asset Store黑色星期五销售期间,您将能够省钱并花更多的时间来创建顶级资产的销售,Unity设备的折扣等等!

使用资产商店进行构建 (Build with the Asset Store)

You can find some of the hottest, top-rated assets up to 50% off, and a new daily special every day for 70% off during our Black Friday sale!  We’ve picked assets that cover different uses, and worked with a great pool of publishers to bring you these deals. On top of individual sales, we’ve built out four different bundles to help solve your development needs available during the sale for 55% off! Check the bundles out below!

在我们的黑色星期五促销期间,您可以找到一些最热门, 最受好评的资产,最高可享受50%的折扣,每天都有新的每日特惠,可享受70%的折扣! 我们选择了具有不同用途的资产,并与众多发布商合作为您带来这些优惠。 除个人销售外,我们还建立了四个不同的捆绑包,可帮助您解决销售过程中可用的开发需求,并享受55%的折扣! 检查下面的捆绑包!

快速原型制作 (Quick Prototyping)

Spend less time getting to your game with some of the most popular tools on the Asset Store.  These assets are easy to set up for insanely powerful outcomes.

使用Asset Store上一些最受欢迎的工具,花更少的时间来玩游戏。 这些资产很容易设置,以获得惊人的强大成果。

世界大厦 (World Building)

Revolutionize your workflow with assets that work together. Save time, and get to your game faster by building huge, realistic worlds, with full water, weather systems, and more.

可以协同工作的资产彻底改变您的工作流程。 通过建立巨大的,真实的世界,充满水,天气系统等,节省时间并更快地进入游戏。

终极角色 (Ultimate Characters)

Level up your characters with tools and effects.  Do way more than you ever thought possible, including creating completely new rigging and animation directly in Unity.

使用工具和效果升级角色。 采取比您想象中更多的方式,包括直接在Unity中创建全新的装配和动画。

专业人士必备 (Essentials for Professionals)

The assets in this bundle, curated by DevDog, publisher of Odin, are go-to tools which make your life easier and boost productivity. Treat yourself with time-saving tools.

此捆绑包中的资产由Odin的发行商DevDog策划,是使您的生活更轻松并提高生产力的入门工具。 使用省时的工具善待自己。

Make sure you check back every day to see the new daily special!


See the full list of assets!


用高端艺术品创造标志性的世界 (Create iconic worlds with high-end art content)

Last week we announced the Unity Icon Collective, which is a collaboration with top industry talent to launch and develop new asset volumes for the Unity Asset Store to enable creators to build AAA worlds. We’re offering you limited edition bonus content if you purchase between now and December 13, 2018, so don’t miss out!

上周,我们宣布了Unity Icon Collective,它是与业界顶尖人才的合作,旨在为Unity资产商店启动和开发新的资产量,以使创作者能够建立AAA世界。 如果您从现在开始至2018年12月13日之间购买,我们将为您提供限量版的奖励内容,所以请不要错过!

    Learn more about Yggdrasil – Icon Pack

    了解有关Yggdrasil –图标包的更多信息

    学习Unity游戏开发课程 (Learn with Unity Game Dev Courses)

    Did you know that Unity Game Dev Courses now features over 90 hours of learning content with more on the way across the following tracks?


      But don’t let 90+ hours of learning scare you.  Because for a limited time, you get 2 years of access for the price of 1 (a savings of $144).  So you have plenty of time to level up your game dev knowledge. And Unity Game Dev Courses is both broad and deep – so both new and experienced devs have plenty of opportunities to build your expertise.

      但是,不要让90多个小时的学习吓到您。 因为在有限的时间内,您将以1的价格获得2年的访问权限(节省144美元)。 因此,您有足够的时间来提升游戏开发知识。 Unity游戏开发课程既广泛又深入,因此无论是新手还是经验丰富的开发人员都有很多机会来培养您的专业知识。

      Get Unity Game Dev Courses Now


      与Unity Gear捆绑在一起 (Bundle up with Unity Gear)

      We want to make sure you’re staying warm through the holidays. To help you out, our online gear store will be discounting their inventory by 15% now throughout the month of December. Get yourself a cozy new sweater, grab your favorite Unity creator a nice new mug, or just represent the community with some sleek and simple Unity shirts!

      我们希望确保您在假期期间保持温暖。 为了帮助您,我们的在线齿轮商店现在将在整个12月将其库存打折15%。 为您自己准备一件舒适的新毛衣,为您最喜欢的Unity创作者吸引一个漂亮的新杯子,或者只用一些光滑而简单的Unity衬衫代表社区!

      Check out the Unity Gear Store

      查看Unity Gear Store

      翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/20/where-to-find-the-best-unity-holiday-sales-2018/

      unity 2018

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