
Joint controllers

There are many different ways a joint can be controlled. In following section, we differentiate betwen a loose controller and a precise controller: a loose joint controller will not be able to provide new control values in each possible regulation step (e.g. some regulation steps might/will be skipped, but control is still possible). A precise joint controller on the other hand, will be able to provide control values in each possible regulation step.


First, the approach to take for controlling a joint will depend on the joint mode:


The differentiation comes from the fact that a joint that operates in force/torque mode will be handled by the physics engine. And the physics engine will perform by default 10 times more calculation steps than the simulation loop: the simulation loop runs at 20Hz (in simulation time), while the physics engine runs at 200Hz (also in simulation time). That default behaviour can entirely be configured if required.


If the joint is not in force/torque mode: if the joint is not in force/torque mode, then you can directly (and instantaneously) set its position via the sim.setJointPosition API function (or similar, e.g. simxSetJointPosition for the B0-based remote API, or simxSetJointPosition for the legacy remote API). You can do this from a child script, from a plugin, from a ROS node, from a BlueZero node, or from a remote API client. If you do this from a child script, then it should be done inside of the actuation section of the child script.

如果关节不是处于力/力矩模式:如果关节不是处于力/力矩模式,那么你就可以直接(或者间接)地设置它的位置,通过sim.setJointPosition 接口函数 (或者类似的例如:simxSetJointPosition,B0-based 远程 API, 或者 simxSetJointPosition ,legacy 远程 API). 

In following threaded child script example, the joint is controlled loosely in position, and there is no synchronization with the simulation loop:

在下面这个threaded 子脚本例子中,关节以宽松位置控制模式控制,并且这个和仿真循环没有同步关系。

-- Following script should run threaded:


sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,90*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 90 degrees
sim.wait(2) -- wait 2 seconds (in simulation time)
sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,180*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 180 degrees
sim.wait(1) -- wait 1 second (in simulation time)
sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,0*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 0 degrees

In following threaded child script example, the joint is controlled precisely in position in each simulation step, i.e. the thread is synchronized with the simulation loop:


-- Following script should run threaded:

local initialForbidLevel=sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch(false) -- Automatic thread switching disabled

sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,90*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 90 degrees
sim.switchThread() -- the thread resumes in next simulation step (i.e. when t becomes t+dt)
sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,180*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 180 degrees
sim.switchThread() -- the thread resumes in next simulation step
sim.setJointPosition(jointHandle,0*math.pi/180) -- set the position to 0 degrees
sim.switchThread() -- the thread resumes in next simulation step
-- etc.
sim.setThreadAutomaticSwitch(initialForbidLevel) -- Restore the automatic thread switching

-- In above code, a new joint position is applied in each simulation step

When you try to control a joint that is not in force/torque mode from an external application (e.g. via the remote APIROS or BlueZero), then the external controller will run asynchronously to CoppeliaSim (i.e. similar to the non-synchronized code of a threaded child script). This is fine most of the time for loose control, but if you wish to control the position of the joint precisely in each simulation loop, you will have to run CoppeliaSim in synchronous mode, and the external controller (e.g. the remote API client) will have to trigger each simulation step explicitely.


Following illustrates a C++ B0-based remote API client that does this:


bool doNextStep=false;

void simulationStepDone_CB(std::vector<msgpack::object>* msg)

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    client.simxSynchronous(true); // enable the synchronous mode
    client.simxGetSimulationStepDone(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepDone_CB)); // callback when step finished
    client.simxStartSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // start the simulation

    client.simxSetJointPosition(jointHandle,90.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // set the joint to 90 degrees
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    client.simxSetJointPosition(jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // set the joint to 180 degrees
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    client.simxSetJointPosition(jointHandle,0.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // set the joint to 0 degrees
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished

Refer to this page for details on how the B0-based remote API synchronous mode operates exactly. The approach is similar with ROS or BlueZero.

Following does the same, however with a legacy remote API client:



simxSynchronous(clientId,1); // enable the synchronous mode (client side). The server side (i.e. CoppeliaSim) also needs to be enabled.
simxStartSimulation(clientId,simx_opmode_oneshot); // start the simulation
simxSetJointPosition(clientId,jointHandle,90.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint to 90 degrees
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // trigger next simulation step. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointPosition(clientId,jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint to 180 degrees
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // next simulation step executes. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointPosition(clientId,jointHandle,0.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint to 0 degrees

Refer to this page for details on how the legacy remote API synchronous mode operates exactly. The approach is similar with ROS or BlueZero.


If the joint is in force/torque mode: if the joint operates in force/torque mode and is dynamically enabled, then it will be indirectly handled by the physics engine. If your joint's motor is not enabled, then your joint is not controlled (i.e. it will be free). Otherwise, your joint can be in following two dynamic modes:

The joint's motor is enabled, but the control loop is disabled. Use this mode when you want to precisely custom control your joint from an external application (e.g. force/torque control, PID, etc.). Use this mode also, when you want to loosely control your joint in force/torque mode, or for velocity control (e.g. robot wheel motors).
The joint's motor is enabled, and the control loop is enabled. Use this mode when your joint needs to act as a spring/damper, or if you want to precisely custom control your joint from within CoppeliaSim, or if you want to loosely control your joint in position control from an external application.




If your joint's motor is enabled, but the control loop is disabled, then the physics engine will apply the specified Maximum force/torque, and accelerate the joint until the target velocity is reached. If the load is small and/or the maximum force/torque high, that target velocity will be reached quickly. Otherwise, it will take some time, or, if the force/torque is not large enough, the target velocity will never be reached. You can programmatically adjust the target velocity with sim.setJointTargetVelocity (or for example, in case of the B0-based remote API: simxSetJointTargetVelocity, or, in case of the legacy remote API: simxSetJointTargetVelocity), and the maximum force/torque with sim.setJointMaxForce (or for example, in case of the B0-based remote API: simxSetJointMaxForce, or in case of the the legacy remote API: simxSetJointMaxForce). You should be very careful before writing a precise joint controller for a joint in force/torque mode from a child script for following reason:

By default, the simulation loop runs with a time step of 50ms (in simulation time). But the physics engine will run with a time step of 5ms, i.e. 10 times more often. A child script will be called in each simulation step, but not in each physics engine calculation step. This means that if you control a joint from a child script in a regular way, you will only be able to provide new control values once for 10 physics engine calculation steps: you will be missing 9 steps. One way to overcome this would be to change the default simulation settings and to specify a simulation time step of 5ms, instead of 50ms. This works fine, but remember that all other calculations (e.g. vision sensorsproximity sensorsdistance calculationsIK, etc.) will also run 10 times more often, and finally slow down your simulation (most of the time you won't need such a high refresh rate for the other calculation modules. But the physics engine requires such a high refresh rate). Another, much better option, would be to use a joint callback function (or a dynamics callback function) as will be explained further down.




If, one the other hand, you want to run a precise and regular joint controller externally (e.g. from a remote API client, a ROS node or a BlueZero node), then you have no other option than to set the simulation loop to the same rate as the physics engine rate, then run CoppeliaSim in synchronous mode, and the external controller (e.g. the remote API client) will have to trigger each simulation step explicitely.

Following illustrates a C++ B0-based remote API client that does this:


下面说明了一个基于C++ B0的远程API客户端程序:

bool doNextStep=false;

void simulationStepDone_CB(std::vector<msgpack::object>* msg)

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    client.simxSynchronous(true); // enable the synchronous mode
    client.simxGetSimulationStepDone(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepDone_CB)); // callback when step finished
    client.simxStartSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // start the simulation

    // set the desired force and target velocity:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    // set the desired force and target velocity:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step 
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    // set the desired force and target velocity:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished

Refer to this page for details on how the B0-based remote API synchronous mode operates exactly. The approach is similar with ROS or BlueZero.

Following does the same, however with a legacy remote API client:



simxSynchronous(clientId,1); -- enable the synchronous mode (client side). The server side (i.e. CoppeliaSim) also needs to be enabled.
simxStartSimulation(clientId,simx_opmode_oneshot); // start the simulation
simxSetJointMaxForce(clientId,jointHandle,1.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint force/torque
simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientId,jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint target velocity
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // trigger next simulation step. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointMaxForce(clientId,jointHandle,0.5f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint force/torque
simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientId,jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint target velocity
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // next simulation step executes. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointMaxForce(clientId,jointHandle,2.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint force/torque
simxSetJointTargetVelocity(clientId,jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the joint target velocity


Refer to this page for details on how the legacy remote API synchronous mode operates exactly. The approach is similar with ROS or BlueZero.

If your joint's motor is enabled, and the control loop is also enabled, then the physics engine will handle the joint according to the setting: your joint can operate in position control (i.e. PID control), in a spring/damper mode, or in custom control. PID and spring/damper parameters can be updated from a child script, from a remote API client, from a ROS or BlueZero node. Refer to object parameter IDs 2002-2004, and 2018-2019. Desired target positions can be set with sim.setJointTargetPosition (or, for example, from a B0-based remote API client: simxSetJointTargetPosition, or from a legacy remote API client: simxSetJointTargetPosition). When you need a precise custom controller, then you should use a joint callback function instead (or a dynamics callback function).

Finally, if you need a precise PID or custom controller that is implemented in an external application, you need to make sure that the simulation step is the same as the physics engine calculation step: by default, CoppeliaSim's simulation loop runs at 20Hz (in simulation time), while the physics engine runs at 200Hz. You can adjust the simulation step size in the simulation setting. You also need to make sure you run CoppeliaSim in synchronous mode.

Following illustrates a C++ B0-based remote API client that does this:


如果关节的电机已启用,并且控制回路也已启用,则物理引擎将根据设置处理关节:关节可以在位置控制(即PID控制)、弹簧/减振器模式或自定义控制中操作。PID和spring/damper参数可以从子脚本、远程API客户端、ROS或BlueZero节点更新。请参阅对象参数IDs 2002-2004和2018-2019。可以使用sim.setJointTargetPosition(或,例如,从基于B0的远程API客户端:simxSetJointTargetPosition,或从传统远程API客户端:simxSetJointTargetPosition)设置所需的目标位置。当您需要一个精确的自定义控制器时,则应该使用联合回调函数(或动态回调函数)。


下面说明了一个基于C++ B0的远程API客户端程序:

bool doNextStep=false;

void simulationStepDone_CB(std::vector<msgpack::object>* msg)

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    client.simxSynchronous(true); // enable the synchronous mode
    client.simxGetSimulationStepDone(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepDone_CB)); // callback when step finished
    client.simxStartSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // start the simulation

    // set the desired target position:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    // set the desired target position:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished
    // set the desired target position:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished

Following does the same, however with a legacy remote API client:


simxSynchronous(clientId,1); -- enable the synchronous mode (client side). The server side (i.e. CoppeliaSim) also needs to be enabled.
simxStartSimulation(clientId,simx_opmode_oneshot); // start the simulation
simxSetJointTargetPosition(clientId,jointHandle,90.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the desired joint position
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // trigger next simulation step. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointTargetPosition(clientId,jointHandle,180.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the desired joint position
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // next simulation step executes. Above commands will be applied
simxSetJointTargetPosition(clientId,jointHandle,0.0f*3.1415f/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the desired joint position

You can also have a remote API client provide control values for a custom joint controller implemented in a joint callback function, by providing values, for instance via signals, to that joint callback function. For example, from a C++ B0-based remote API client:

您还可以通过向该联合回调函数提供值(例如通过信号)为在联合回调函数中实现的自定义联合控制器提供控制值。例如,基于C++ B0的远程API客户端:


bool doNextStep=false;

void simulationStepDone_CB(std::vector<msgpack::object>* msg)

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    client.simxSynchronous(true); // enable the synchronous mode
    client.simxGetSimulationStepDone(client.simxDefaultSubscriber(simulationStepDone_CB)); // callback when step finished
    client.simxStartSimulation(client.simxDefaultPublisher()); // start the simulation

    // set the desired target position:
    client.simxSynchronousTrigger(); // start one simulation step
    while (!doNextStep) // wait until simulation step finished

In above example, your joint callback function could fetch those two signals (with sim.getDoubleSignal) before doing the control.

Following does the same, however with a legacy remote API client:



simxSynchronous(clientId,1); -- enable the synchronous mode (client side). The server side (i.e. CoppeliaSim) also needs to be enabled.
simxStartSimulation(clientId,simx_opmode_oneshot); // start the simulation
simxSetFloatSignal(clientId,"myDesiredTorque",1.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the signal value
simxSetFloatSignal(clientId,"myDesiredTarget",90.0f*3.1415/180.0f,simx_opmode_oneshot); // set the signal value
simxSynchronousTrigger(clientId); // trigger next simulation step. Above commands will be applied


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