(1) bt对teb的调用
auto node = std::make_shared<nav2_controller::ControllerServer>();
action_server_ = std::make_unique<ActionServer>(
std::bind(&ControllerServer::computeControl, this),
#goal definition
nav_msgs/Path path
string controller_id
string goal_checker_id
#result definition
std_msgs/Empty result
#feedback definition
float32 distance_to_goal
float32 speed
std::string c_name = action_server_->get_current_goal()->controller_id;
std::string gc_name = action_server_->get_current_goal()->goal_checker_id;
cmd_vel_2d =
feedback->speed = std::hypot(cmd_vel_2d.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel_2d.twist.linear.y);
feedback->distance_to_goal = nav2_util::geometry_utils::calculate_path_length(current_path_, find_closest_pose_idx());
(2) teb的实现
void TebLocalPlannerROS::setPlan(const nav_msgs::msg::Path & orig_global_plan)
// store the global plan
for(const auto &in_pose :orig_global_plan.poses) {
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped out_pose;
out_pose.pose = in_pose.pose;
out_pose.header = orig_global_plan.header;
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped TebLocalPlannerROS::computeVelocityCommands(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose,
const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist &velocity, nav2_core::GoalChecker *goal_checker)
// check if plugin initialized
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("teb_local_planner has not been initialized, please call initialize() before using this planner")
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped cmd_vel;
cmd_vel.header.stamp = clock_->now();
cmd_vel.header.frame_id = robot_base_frame_;
cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = 0;
cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = 0;
cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
// Update for the current goal checker's state
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose pose_tolerance;
geometry_msgs::msg::Twist vel_tolerance;
if (!goal_checker->getTolerances(pose_tolerance, vel_tolerance)) {
RCLCPP_WARN(logger_, "Unable to retrieve goal checker's tolerances!");
} else {
cfg_->goal_tolerance.xy_goal_tolerance = pose_tolerance.position.x;
// Get robot pose
robot_pose_ = PoseSE2(pose.pose);
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped robot_pose;
robot_pose.header = pose.header;
// Get robot velocity
robot_vel_ = velocity;
// prune global plan to cut off parts of the past (spatially before the robot)在全局路径上修剪去掉机器人已经走过的路径,直到路径起始点距离机器人的位置小于global_plan_prune_distance。
pruneGlobalPlan(robot_pose, global_plan_, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_prune_distance); //1m
// Transform global plan to the frame of interest (w.r.t. the local costmap)将global_plan转到global_frame_,global_plan根据costmap范围和max_global_plan_lookahead_dist路径长度对路径进行修剪
std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> transformed_plan;
int goal_idx;
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped tf_plan_to_global;
if (!transformGlobalPlan(global_plan_, robot_pose, *costmap_, global_frame_, cfg_->trajectory.max_global_plan_lookahead_dist,
transformed_plan, &goal_idx, &tf_plan_to_global))
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller")
// update via-points container , 设置false
if (!custom_via_points_active_)
updateViaPointsContainer(transformed_plan, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_viapoint_sep);//0.3
// check if we should enter any backup mode and apply settings解决机器人的一些case,机器人规划异常则路径减半,之后检测振荡https://blog.csdn.net/Draonly/article/details/125123756
configureBackupModes(transformed_plan, goal_idx);
// Return false if the transformed global plan is empty
if (transformed_plan.empty())
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("Transformed plan is empty. Cannot determine a local plan.")
// Get current goal point (last point of the transformed plan)
const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &goal_point = transformed_plan.back();
robot_goal_.x() = goal_point.pose.position.x;
robot_goal_.y() = goal_point.pose.position.y;
if (cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation)//机器人的局部路径终点是否使用全局路径终点的方位
robot_goal_.theta() = estimateLocalGoalOrientation(global_plan_, goal_point, goal_idx, tf_plan_to_global);
// overwrite/update goal orientation of the transformed plan with the actual goal (enable using the plan as initialization)
//transformed_plan.back().pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(robot_goal_.theta());
tf2::Quaternion q;
q.setRPY(0, 0, robot_goal_.theta());
transformed_plan.back().pose.orientation = tf2::toMsg(q);
robot_goal_.theta() = tf2::getYaw(goal_point.pose.orientation);
// overwrite/update start of the transformed plan with the actual robot position (allows using the plan as initial trajectory)
if (transformed_plan.size()==1) // plan only contains the goal
transformed_plan.insert(transformed_plan.begin(), geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped()); // insert start (not yet initialized)
//tf::poseTFToMsg(robot_pose, transformed_plan.front().pose); // update start;
transformed_plan.front().pose = robot_pose.pose;//用机器人的位置代替规划起点,是否会造成和第二点之间距离过远的问题
// clear currently existing obstacles
// Update obstacle container with costmap information or polygons provided by a costmap_converter plugin,将障碍物转换为多边形,便于查找障碍物,添加地图中的障碍物
if (costmap_converter_)
// also consider custom obstacles (must be called after other updates, since the container is not cleared);用户发布的障碍物信息
// Do not allow config changes during the following optimization step
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> cfg_lock(cfg_->configMutex());
// Now perform the actual planning
// bool success = planner_->plan(robot_pose_, robot_goal_, robot_vel_, cfg_->goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel); // straight line init
bool success = planner_->plan(transformed_plan, &robot_vel_, cfg_->goal_tolerance.free_goal_vel);//g2o求解
if (!success)
planner_->clearPlanner(); // force reinitialization for next time
++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
time_last_infeasible_plan_ = clock_->now();
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("teb_local_planner was not able to obtain a local plan for the current setting.")
// Check for divergence,g2o求解质量,没看懂参数意义,是发散还是收敛
if (planner_->hasDiverged())
cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
// Reset everything to start again with the initialization of new trajectories.
RCLCPP_WARN_THROTTLE(logger_, *(clock_), 1, "TebLocalPlannerROS: the trajectory has diverged. Resetting planner...");
++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
time_last_infeasible_plan_ = clock_->now();
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("TebLocalPlannerROS: velocity command invalid (hasDiverged). Resetting planner...")
// Check feasibility (but within the first few states only),false
// Update footprint of the robot and minimum and maximum distance from the center of the robot to its footprint vertices.
footprint_spec_ = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();
nav2_costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius);
bool feasible = planner_->isTrajectoryFeasible(costmap_model_.get(), footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius, cfg_->trajectory.feasibility_check_no_poses, cfg_->trajectory.feasibility_check_lookahead_distance);
if (!feasible)
cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
// now we reset everything to start again with the initialization of new trajectories.
++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
time_last_infeasible_plan_ = clock_->now();
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible. Resetting planner...")
// Get the velocity command for this sampling interval.根据前瞻距离control_look_ahead_poses计算机器人速度
if (!planner_->getVelocityCommand(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.linear.y, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z, cfg_->trajectory.control_look_ahead_poses))
++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
time_last_infeasible_plan_ = clock_->now();
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("TebLocalPlannerROS: velocity command invalid. Resetting planner...")
// Saturate velocity, if the optimization results violates the constraints (could be possible due to soft constraints).限制速度在安全范围
saturateVelocity(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.linear.y, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_y,
cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x_backwards);
// convert rot-vel to steering angle if desired (carlike robot).将角速度转换为转向角度,对汽车模型有用,差速无用
// The min_turning_radius is allowed to be slighly smaller since it is a soft-constraint
// and opposed to the other constraints not affected by penalty_epsilon. The user might add a safety margin to the parameter itself.
if (cfg_->robot.cmd_angle_instead_rotvel)
cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = convertTransRotVelToSteeringAngle(cmd_vel.twist.linear.x, cmd_vel.twist.angular.z, cfg_->robot.wheelbase, 0.95*cfg_->robot.min_turning_radius);
if (!std::isfinite(cmd_vel.twist.angular.z))
cmd_vel.twist.linear.x = cmd_vel.twist.linear.y = cmd_vel.twist.angular.z = 0;
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
++no_infeasible_plans_; // increase number of infeasible solutions in a row
time_last_infeasible_plan_ = clock_->now();
throw nav2_core::PlannerException(
std::string("TebLocalPlannerROS: Resulting steering angle is not finite. Resetting planner...")
// a feasible solution should be found, reset counter
no_infeasible_plans_ = 0;
// store last command (for recovery analysis etc.)
last_cmd_ = cmd_vel.twist;
// Now visualize everything
return cmd_vel;
ool TebOptimalPlanner::plan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>& initial_plan, const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist* start_vel, bool free_goal_vel)
TEB_ASSERT_MSG(initialized_, "Call initialize() first.");
if (!teb_.isInit())//teb作初始化bool isInit() const {return !timediff_vec_.empty() && !pose_vec_.empty();}
teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);
else // warm start
PoseSE2 start_(initial_plan.front().pose);
PoseSE2 goal_(initial_plan.back().pose);
if (teb_.sizePoses()>0
&& (goal_.position() - teb_.BackPose().position()).norm() < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_dist
&& fabs(g2o::normalize_theta(goal_.theta() - teb_.BackPose().theta())) < cfg_->trajectory.force_reinit_new_goal_angular) // actual warm start!
teb_.updateAndPruneTEB(start_, goal_, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples); // update TEB根据新起点修剪pose_vector和time_vector,并将起点和终点替换为新起点和终点
else // goal too far away -> reinit
RCLCPP_DEBUG(node_->get_logger(), "New goal: distance to existing goal is higher than the specified threshold. Reinitalizing trajectories.");
teb_.initTrajectoryToGoal(initial_plan, cfg_->robot.max_vel_x, cfg_->robot.max_vel_theta, cfg_->trajectory.global_plan_overwrite_orientation,
cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.allow_init_with_backwards_motion);//再次初始化
if (start_vel)
if (free_goal_vel)
vel_goal_.first = true; // we just reactivate and use the previously set velocity (should be zero if nothing was modified)
// now optimize优化启动!
return optimizeTEB(cfg_->optim.no_inner_iterations, cfg_->optim.no_outer_iterations);//优化的次数,g2o内部迭代次数
bool TebOptimalPlanner::optimizeTEB(int iterations_innerloop, int iterations_outerloop, bool compute_cost_afterwards,
double obst_cost_scale, double viapoint_cost_scale, bool alternative_time_cost)
if (cfg_->optim.optimization_activate==false)
return false;
bool success = false;
optimized_ = false;
double weight_multiplier = 1.0;
// TODO(roesmann): we introduced the non-fast mode with the support of dynamic obstacles
// (which leads to better results in terms of x-y-t homotopy planning).
// however, we have not tested this mode intensively yet, so we keep
// the legacy fast mode as default until we finish our tests.
bool fast_mode = !cfg_->obstacles.include_dynamic_obstacles;
for(int i=0; i<iterations_outerloop; ++i)
if (cfg_->trajectory.teb_autosize)
//teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples);
teb_.autoResize(cfg_->trajectory.dt_ref, cfg_->trajectory.dt_hysteresis, cfg_->trajectory.min_samples, cfg_->trajectory.max_samples, fast_mode);
success = buildGraph(weight_multiplier);
if (!success)
return false;
success = optimizeGraph(iterations_innerloop, false);
if (!success)
return false;
optimized_ = true;
if (compute_cost_afterwards && i==iterations_outerloop-1) // compute cost vec only in the last iteration
computeCurrentCost(obst_cost_scale, viapoint_cost_scale, alternative_time_cost);
weight_multiplier *= cfg_->optim.weight_adapt_factor;
return true;
(3) 同伦类规划
S. Bhattacharya et al.: Search-based Path Planning with Homotopy Class Constraints, AAAI,2010
C. Rösmann et al.: Planning of Multiple Robot Trajectories in Distinctive Topologies, ECMR, 2015.
(4) 障碍物处理
ObstContainer* obstacles_; //所有的障碍物
std::vector<ObstContainer> obstacles_per_vertex_;//和顶点对应的障碍物
//void TebOptimalPlanner::AddTEBVertices()
auto iter_obstacle = obstacles_per_vertex_.begin();
(iter_obstacle++)->reserve(obstacles_->size()); //ObstContainer obstacles_;
//void TebOptimalPlanner::AddEdgesObstacles(double weight_multiplier)
// force considering obstacle if really close to the current pose
if (dist < cfg_->obstacles.min_obstacle_dist*cfg_->obstacles.obstacle_association_force_inclusion_factor)1.5
// cut-off distance
if (dist > cfg_->obstacles.min_obstacle_dist*cfg_->obstacles.obstacle_association_cutoff_factor)//5.0
// determine side (left or right) and assign obstacle if closer than the previous one
if (cross2d(pose_orient, obst->getCentroid()) > 0) // left
if (dist < left_min_dist)
left_min_dist = dist;
left_obstacle = obst;
if (dist < right_min_dist)
right_min_dist = dist;
right_obstacle = obst;
if (left_obstacle)
if (right_obstacle)
// continue here to ignore obstacles for the first pose, but use them later to create the EdgeVelocityObstacleRatio edges
if (i == 0)
// create obstacle edges
for (const ObstaclePtr obst : *iter_obstacle)
create_edge(i, obst.get());
typedef std::vector<ObstaclePtr> ObstContainer;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Obstacle> ObstaclePtr;
class Obstacle
double dist = robot_model_->calculateDistance(teb_.Pose(i), obst.get());
virtual double calculateDistance(const PoseSE2& current_pose, const Obstacle* obstacle) const
Point2dContainer polygon_world(vertices_.size());//机器人外包轮廓
transformToWorld(current_pose, polygon_world);//外包轮廓转到世界坐标系下
return obstacle->getMinimumDistance(polygon_world);
virtual double getMinimumDistance(const Point2dContainer& polygon) const
return distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d(polygon, vertices_);
inline double distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d(const Point2dContainer& vertices1, const Point2dContainer& vertices2)
double dist = HUGE_VAL;
// the polygon1 is a point
if (vertices1.size() == 1)
return distance_point_to_polygon_2d(vertices1.front(), vertices2);//算点到各直线距离
// check each edge of polygon1每个点到各边直线的距离
for (int i=0; i<(int)vertices1.size()-1; ++i)
double new_dist = distance_segment_to_polygon_2d(vertices1[i], vertices1[i+1], vertices2);
if (new_dist < dist)
dist = new_dist;
if (vertices1.size()>2) // if not a line close polygon1
double new_dist = distance_segment_to_polygon_2d(vertices1.back(), vertices1.front(), vertices2); // check last edge
if (new_dist < dist)
return new_dist;
return dist;
virtual double calculateDistance(const PoseSE2& current_pose, const Obstacle* obstacle) const
return obstacle->getMinimumDistance(current_pose.position()) - radius_;
virtual double getMinimumDistance(const Eigen::Vector2d& position) const
return distance_point_to_polygon_2d(position, vertices_);
inline double distance_point_to_polygon_2d(const Eigen::Vector2d& point, const Point2dContainer& vertices)
double dist = HUGE_VAL;
// the polygon is a point
if (vertices.size() == 1)
return (point - vertices.front()).norm();
// check each polygon edge
for (int i=0; i<(int)vertices.size()-1; ++i)
double new_dist = distance_point_to_segment_2d(point, vertices.at(i), vertices.at(i+1));
// double new_dist = calc_distance_point_to_segment( position, vertices.at(i), vertices.at(i+1));
if (new_dist < dist)
dist = new_dist;
if (vertices.size()>2) // if not a line close polygon
double new_dist = distance_point_to_segment_2d(point, vertices.back(), vertices.front()); // check last edge
if (new_dist < dist)
return new_dist;
return dist;
- I realized that this is an effect of setting inflation weight to 1.
Reducing it to 0.1 solved the problem - I had a similar issue using include_dynamic_obstacles=true. It seems that teb behavior changes quite a lot when include_dynamic_obstaclesis set to true. Interestingly the implementation is faster, but more buggy.Maybe try again without dynamic obstacles?
- 使用line代替多边形
- costmap检测多边形的代码要看,与TEB不同,需要检测轨迹的可行性
obstacle_poses_affected: 25 -> 30
dt_ref: 3 -> 4
# and for a shorter computation time
no_inner_iterations: 8 -> 5 (default)
no_outer_iterations: 7 -> 4 (default)
- computeCurrentCost()计算cost,加上。
- preferRotIdr限制条件,
for (int i=0; i < teb_.sizePoses()-1 && i < 3; ++i)
- 障碍物处降低速度
- 计算收敛性
- 做插值处理,再看速度
- Decreased inflation_dist and min_obstacle_dist
Increased max_vel_theta and acc_lim_theta
- https://github.com/rst-tu-dortmund/teb_local_planner/issues/314
footprint_spec_ = costmap_ros_->getRobotFootprint();//得到机器人轮廓点序列
costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius); //根据机器人轮廓计算最小内接圆和最大外接圆
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> getRobotFootprint()
return padded_footprint_;
void calculateMinAndMaxDistances(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>& footprint, double& min_dist, double& max_dist)
min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
max_dist = 0.0;
if (footprint.size() <= 2)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint.size() - 1; ++i)
// check the distance from the robot center point to the first vertex
double vertex_dist = distance(0.0, 0.0, footprint[i].x, footprint[i].y);
double edge_dist = distanceToLine(0.0, 0.0, footprint[i].x, footprint[i].y,
footprint[i + 1].x, footprint[i + 1].y);
min_dist = std::min(min_dist, std::min(vertex_dist, edge_dist));
max_dist = std::max(max_dist, std::max(vertex_dist, edge_dist));
// we also need to do the last vertex and the first vertex
double vertex_dist = distance(0.0, 0.0, footprint.back().x, footprint.back().y);
double edge_dist = distanceToLine(0.0, 0.0, footprint.back().x, footprint.back().y,
footprint.front().x, footprint.front().y);
min_dist = std::min(min_dist, std::min(vertex_dist, edge_dist));
max_dist = std::max(max_dist, std::max(vertex_dist, edge_dist));
bool feasible = planner_->isTrajectoryFeasible(costmap_model_.get(), footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius, cfg_.trajectory.feasibility_check_no_poses);
// returns:
// -1 if footprint covers at least a lethal obstacle cell, or
// -2 if footprint covers at least a no-information cell, or
// -3 if footprint is [partially] outside of the map, or
// a positive value for traversable space
costmap_model->footprintCost(teb().Pose(i).x(), teb().Pose(i).y(), teb().Pose(i).theta(), footprint_spec, inscribed_radius, circumscribed_radius)
double footprintCost(double x, double y, double theta, const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>& footprint_spec, double inscribed_radius = 0.0, double circumscribed_radius=0.0){
double cos_th = cos(theta);
double sin_th = sin(theta);
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> oriented_footprint;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint_spec.size(); ++i){
geometry_msgs::Point new_pt;
new_pt.x = x + (footprint_spec[i].x * cos_th - footprint_spec[i].y * sin_th);
new_pt.y = y + (footprint_spec[i].x * sin_th + footprint_spec[i].y * cos_th);
geometry_msgs::Point robot_position;
robot_position.x = x;
robot_position.y = y;
costmap_2d::calculateMinAndMaxDistances(footprint_spec, inscribed_radius, circumscribed_radius);
return footprintCost(robot_position, oriented_footprint, inscribed_radius, circumscribed_radius);
double CostmapModel::footprintCost(const geometry_msgs::Point& position, const std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>& footprint,
double inscribed_radius, double circumscribed_radius){
// returns:
// -1 if footprint covers at least a lethal obstacle cell, or
// -2 if footprint covers at least a no-information cell, or
// -3 if footprint is [partially] outside of the map, or
// a positive value for traversable space
//used to put things into grid coordinates
unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
//get the cell coord of the center point of the robot
if(!costmap_.worldToMap(position.x, position.y, cell_x, cell_y))
return -3.0;
//if number of points in the footprint is less than 3, we'll just assume a circular robot
if(footprint.size() < 3){
unsigned char cost = costmap_.getCost(cell_x, cell_y);
if(cost == NO_INFORMATION)
return -2.0;
return -1.0;
return cost;
//now we really have to lay down the footprint in the costmap grid
unsigned int x0, x1, y0, y1;
double line_cost = 0.0;
double footprint_cost = 0.0;
//we need to rasterize each line in the footprint
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint.size() - 1; ++i){
//get the cell coord of the first point
if(!costmap_.worldToMap(footprint[i].x, footprint[i].y, x0, y0))
return -3.0;
//get the cell coord of the second point
if(!costmap_.worldToMap(footprint[i + 1].x, footprint[i + 1].y, x1, y1))
return -3.0;
line_cost = lineCost(x0, x1, y0, y1);
footprint_cost = std::max(line_cost, footprint_cost);
//if there is an obstacle that hits the line... we know that we can return false right away
if(line_cost < 0)
return line_cost;
//we also need to connect the first point in the footprint to the last point
//get the cell coord of the last point
if(!costmap_.worldToMap(footprint.back().x, footprint.back().y, x0, y0))
return -3.0;
//get the cell coord of the first point
if(!costmap_.worldToMap(footprint.front().x, footprint.front().y, x1, y1))
return -3.0;
line_cost = lineCost(x0, x1, y0, y1);
footprint_cost = std::max(line_cost, footprint_cost);
if(line_cost < 0)
return line_cost;
//if all line costs are legal... then we can return that the footprint is legal
return footprint_cost;
//calculate the cost of a ray-traced line
double CostmapModel::lineCost(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1) const {
double line_cost = 0.0;
double point_cost = -1.0;
for( LineIterator line( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); line.isValid(); line.advance() )
point_cost = pointCost( line.getX(), line.getY() ); //Score the current point
if(point_cost < 0)
return point_cost;
if(line_cost < point_cost)
line_cost = point_cost;
return line_cost;
double CostmapModel::pointCost(int x, int y) const {
unsigned char cost = costmap_.getCost(x, y);
//if the cell is in an obstacle the path is invalid
if(cost == NO_INFORMATION)
return -2;
return -1;
return cost;