Ogre 加载.Scene文件

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Because DotSceneInterface in ogreaddons hasn't been updated for a long time now, and because the DotScene Loader with User Data and DotScene Loader with User Data Class didn't have all the features we needed (hierarchical nodes, sky settings, ...), I decided to quickly write my own loader. I used some code from DotSceneInterface, and some code from the other two loaders, but there isn't much left of it. I wrote this to be as easily extensible as possible. I'm not really sure if everything is implemented correctly, and not all features are implemented yet, so it would be cool if some people tried it out and commented about it... Go here for the forum-thread.

Just link these two files together with tinyxml to get it to work.

Update (2007-08-19): I updated the code with our current dotscene loading class. Still not complete though, but a lot of features implemented since last time (camera code, ...). You can also download the header and source file from my webspace.

For Mogre is a port available here.

A modified version of the class that populates a terrain scene manager can be found here.


#ifndef DOT_SCENELOADER_H #define DOT_SCENELOADER_H // Includes #include <Ogre/OgreString.h> #include <Ogre/OgreVector3.h> #include <Ogre/OgreQuaternion.h> #include <vector> // Forward declarations class TiXmlElement; namespace Ogre { // Forward declarations class SceneManager; class SceneNode; class nodeProperty { public: String nodeName; String propertyNm; String valueName; String typeName; nodeProperty(const String &node, const String &propertyName, const String &value, const String &type) : nodeName(node), propertyNm(propertyName), valueName(value), typeName(type) {} }; class DotSceneLoader { public: DotSceneLoader() : mSceneMgr(0) {} virtual ~DotSceneLoader() {} void parseDotScene(const String &SceneName, const String &groupName, SceneManager *yourSceneMgr, SceneNode *pAttachNode = NULL, const String &sPrependNode = ""); String getProperty(const String &ndNm, const String &prop); std::vector<nodeProperty> nodeProperties; std::vector<String> staticObjects; std::vector<String> dynamicObjects; protected: void processScene(TiXmlElement *XMLRoot); void processNodes(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processExternals(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processEnvironment(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processTerrain(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processUserDataReference(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent = 0); void processUserDataReference(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Entity *pEntity); void processOctree(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processLight(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent = 0); void processCamera(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent = 0); void processNode(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent = 0); void processLookTarget(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processTrackTarget(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processEntity(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processParticleSystem(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processBillboardSet(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processPlane(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent); void processFog(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processSkyBox(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processSkyDome(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processSkyPlane(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processClipping(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); void processLightRange(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Light *pLight); void processLightAttenuation(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Light *pLight); String getAttrib(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &parameter, const String &defaultValue = ""); Real getAttribReal(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &parameter, Real defaultValue = 0); bool getAttribBool(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &parameter, bool defaultValue = false); Vector3 parseVector3(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); Quaternion parseQuaternion(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); ColourValue parseColour(TiXmlElement *XMLNode); SceneManager *mSceneMgr; SceneNode *mAttachNode; String m_sGroupName; String m_sPrependNode; }; } #endif // DOT_SCENELOADER_H


#include "DotSceneLoader.h" #include "tinyxml.h" #include <Ogre/Ogre.h> using namespace std; using namespace Ogre; void DotSceneLoader::parseDotScene(const String &SceneName, const String &groupName, SceneManager *yourSceneMgr, SceneNode *pAttachNode, const String &sPrependNode) { // set up shared object values m_sGroupName = groupName; mSceneMgr = yourSceneMgr; m_sPrependNode = sPrependNode; staticObjects.clear(); dynamicObjects.clear(); TiXmlDocument *XMLDoc = 0; TiXmlElement *XMLRoot; try { // Strip the path Ogre::String basename, path; Ogre::StringUtil::splitFilename(SceneName, basename, path); DataStreamPtr pStream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(). openResource( basename, groupName ); //DataStreamPtr pStream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(). //	openResource( SceneName, groupName ); String data = pStream->getAsString(); // Open the .scene File XMLDoc = new TiXmlDocument(); XMLDoc->Parse( data.c_str() ); pStream->close(); pStream.setNull(); if( XMLDoc->Error() ) { //We'll just log, and continue on gracefully LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] The TiXmlDocument reported an error"); delete XMLDoc; return; } } catch(...) { //We'll just log, and continue on gracefully LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error creating TiXmlDocument"); delete XMLDoc; return; } // Validate the File XMLRoot = XMLDoc->RootElement(); if( String( XMLRoot->Value()) != "scene" ) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "[DotSceneLoader] Error: Invalid .scene File. Missing <scene>" ); delete XMLDoc; return; } // figure out where to attach any nodes we create mAttachNode = pAttachNode; if(!mAttachNode) mAttachNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode(); // Process the scene processScene(XMLRoot); // Close the XML File delete XMLDoc; } void DotSceneLoader::processScene(TiXmlElement *XMLRoot) { // Process the scene parameters String version = getAttrib(XMLRoot, "formatVersion", "unknown"); String message = "[DotSceneLoader] Parsing dotScene file with version " + version; if(XMLRoot->Attribute("ID")) message += ", id " + String(XMLRoot->Attribute("ID")); if(XMLRoot->Attribute("sceneManager")) message += ", scene manager " + String(XMLRoot->Attribute("sceneManager")); if(XMLRoot->Attribute("minOgreVersion")) message += ", min. Ogre version " + String(XMLRoot->Attribute("minOgreVersion")); if(XMLRoot->Attribute("author")) message += ", author " + String(XMLRoot->Attribute("author")); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(message); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process nodes (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("nodes"); if(pElement) processNodes(pElement); // Process externals (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("externals"); if(pElement) processExternals(pElement); // Process environment (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("environment"); if(pElement) processEnvironment(pElement); // Process terrain (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("terrain"); if(pElement) processTerrain(pElement); // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement); // Process octree (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("octree"); if(pElement) processOctree(pElement); // Process light (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("light"); if(pElement) processLight(pElement); // Process camera (?) pElement = XMLRoot->FirstChildElement("camera"); if(pElement) processCamera(pElement); } void DotSceneLoader::processNodes(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process node (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("node"); while(pElement) { processNode(pElement); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("node"); } // Process position (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(pElement) { mAttachNode->setPosition(parseVector3(pElement)); mAttachNode->setInitialState(); } // Process rotation (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(pElement) { mAttachNode->setOrientation(parseQuaternion(pElement)); mAttachNode->setInitialState(); } // Process scale (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("scale"); if(pElement) { mAttachNode->setScale(parseVector3(pElement)); mAttachNode->setInitialState(); } } void DotSceneLoader::processExternals(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processEnvironment(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process fog (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("fog"); if(pElement) processFog(pElement); // Process skyBox (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("skyBox"); if(pElement) processSkyBox(pElement); // Process skyDome (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("skyDome"); if(pElement) processSkyDome(pElement); // Process skyPlane (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("skyPlane"); if(pElement) processSkyPlane(pElement); // Process clipping (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("clipping"); if(pElement) processClipping(pElement); // Process colourAmbient (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("colourAmbient"); if(pElement) mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(parseColour(pElement)); // Process colourBackground (?) //! @todo Set the background colour of all viewports (RenderWindow has to be provided then) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("colourBackground"); if(pElement) ;//mSceneMgr->set(parseColour(pElement)); // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement); } void DotSceneLoader::processTerrain(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processUserDataReference(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processOctree(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processLight(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Process attributes String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); // Create the light Light *pLight = mSceneMgr->createLight(name); if(pParent) pParent->attachObject(pLight); String sValue = getAttrib(XMLNode, "type"); if(sValue == "point") pLight->setType(Light::LT_POINT); else if(sValue == "directional") pLight->setType(Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); else if(sValue == "spot") pLight->setType(Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT); else if(sValue == "radPoint") pLight->setType(Light::LT_POINT); pLight->setVisible(getAttribBool(XMLNode, "visible", true)); pLight->setCastShadows(getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadows", true)); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process position (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(pElement) pLight->setPosition(parseVector3(pElement)); // Process normal (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("normal"); if(pElement) pLight->setDirection(parseVector3(pElement)); // Process colourDiffuse (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("colourDiffuse"); if(pElement) pLight->setDiffuseColour(parseColour(pElement)); // Process colourSpecular (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("colourSpecular"); if(pElement) pLight->setSpecularColour(parseColour(pElement)); // Process lightRange (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("lightRange"); if(pElement) processLightRange(pElement, pLight); // Process lightAttenuation (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("lightAttenuation"); if(pElement) processLightAttenuation(pElement, pLight); // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) ;//processUserDataReference(pElement, pLight); } void DotSceneLoader::processCamera(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Process attributes String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); Real fov = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "fov", 45); Real aspectRatio = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "aspectRatio", 1.3333); String projectionType = getAttrib(XMLNode, "projectionType", "perspective"); // Create the camera Camera *pCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera(name); if(pParent) pParent->attachObject(pCamera); // Set the field-of-view //! @todo Is this always in degrees? pCamera->setFOVy(Ogre::Degree(fov)); // Set the aspect ratio pCamera->setAspectRatio(aspectRatio); // Set the projection type if(projectionType == "perspective") pCamera->setProjectionType(PT_PERSPECTIVE); else if(projectionType == "orthographic") pCamera->setProjectionType(PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process clipping (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("clipping"); if(pElement) { Real nearDist = getAttribReal(pElement, "near"); pCamera->setNearClipDistance(nearDist); Real farDist = getAttribReal(pElement, "far"); pCamera->setFarClipDistance(farDist); } // Process position (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(pElement) pCamera->setPosition(parseVector3(pElement)); // Process rotation (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(pElement) pCamera->setOrientation(parseQuaternion(pElement)); // Process normal (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("normal"); if(pElement) ;//!< @todo What to do with this element? // Process lookTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("lookTarget"); if(pElement) ;//!< @todo Implement the camera look target // Process trackTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("trackTarget"); if(pElement) ;//!< @todo Implement the camera track target // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) ;//!< @todo Implement the camera user data reference } void DotSceneLoader::processNode(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Construct the node's name String name = m_sPrependNode + getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); // Create the scene node SceneNode *pNode; if(name.empty()) { // Let Ogre choose the name if(pParent) pNode = pParent->createChildSceneNode(); else pNode = mAttachNode->createChildSceneNode(); } else { // Provide the name if(pParent) pNode = pParent->createChildSceneNode(name); else pNode = mAttachNode->createChildSceneNode(name); } // Process other attributes String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); bool isTarget = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "isTarget"); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process position (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(pElement) { pNode->setPosition(parseVector3(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process rotation (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(pElement) { pNode->setOrientation(parseQuaternion(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process scale (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("scale"); if(pElement) { pNode->setScale(parseVector3(pElement)); pNode->setInitialState(); } // Process lookTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("lookTarget"); if(pElement) processLookTarget(pElement, pNode); // Process trackTarget (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("trackTarget"); if(pElement) processTrackTarget(pElement, pNode); // Process node (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("node"); while(pElement) { processNode(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("node"); } // Process entity (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("entity"); while(pElement) { processEntity(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("entity"); } // Process light (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("light"); while(pElement) { processLight(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("light"); } // Process camera (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("camera"); while(pElement) { processCamera(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("camera"); } // Process particleSystem (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("particleSystem"); while(pElement) { processParticleSystem(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("particleSystem"); } // Process billboardSet (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("billboardSet"); while(pElement) { processBillboardSet(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("billboardSet"); } // Process plane (*) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("plane"); while(pElement) { processPlane(pElement, pNode); pElement = pElement->NextSiblingElement("plane"); } // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement, pNode); } void DotSceneLoader::processLookTarget(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { //! @todo Is this correct? Cause I don't have a clue actually // Process attributes String nodeName = getAttrib(XMLNode, "nodeName"); Node::TransformSpace relativeTo = Node::TS_PARENT; String sValue = getAttrib(XMLNode, "relativeTo"); if(sValue == "local") relativeTo = Node::TS_LOCAL; else if(sValue == "parent") relativeTo = Node::TS_PARENT; else if(sValue == "world") relativeTo = Node::TS_WORLD; TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process position (?) Vector3 position; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("position"); if(pElement) position = parseVector3(pElement); // Process localDirection (?) Vector3 localDirection = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("localDirection"); if(pElement) localDirection = parseVector3(pElement); // Setup the look target try { if(!nodeName.empty()) { SceneNode *pLookNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode(nodeName); position = pLookNode->_getDerivedPosition(); } pParent->lookAt(position, relativeTo, localDirection); } catch(Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error processing a look target!"); } } void DotSceneLoader::processTrackTarget(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Process attributes String nodeName = getAttrib(XMLNode, "nodeName"); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process localDirection (?) Vector3 localDirection = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("localDirection"); if(pElement) localDirection = parseVector3(pElement); // Process offset (?) Vector3 offset = Vector3::ZERO; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("offset"); if(pElement) offset = parseVector3(pElement); // Setup the track target try { SceneNode *pTrackNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode(nodeName); pParent->setAutoTracking(true, pTrackNode, localDirection, offset); } catch(Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error processing a track target!"); } } void DotSceneLoader::processEntity(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Process attributes String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); String meshFile = getAttrib(XMLNode, "meshFile"); String materialFile = getAttrib(XMLNode, "materialFile"); bool isStatic = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "static", false);; bool castShadows = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "castShadows", true); // TEMP: Maintain a list of static and dynamic objects if(isStatic) staticObjects.push_back(name); else dynamicObjects.push_back(name); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process vertexBuffer (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("vertexBuffer"); if(pElement) ;//processVertexBuffer(pElement); // Process indexBuffer (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("indexBuffer"); if(pElement) ;//processIndexBuffer(pElement); // Create the entity Entity *pEntity = 0; try { MeshManager::getSingleton().load(meshFile, m_sGroupName); pEntity = mSceneMgr->createEntity(name, meshFile); pEntity->setCastShadows(castShadows); pParent->attachObject(pEntity); if(!materialFile.empty()) pEntity->setMaterialName(materialFile); } catch(Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error loading an entity!"); } // Process userDataReference (?) pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("userDataReference"); if(pElement) processUserDataReference(pElement, pEntity); } void DotSceneLoader::processParticleSystem(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { // Process attributes String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name"); String id = getAttrib(XMLNode, "id"); String file = getAttrib(XMLNode, "file"); // Create the particle system try { ParticleSystem *pParticles = mSceneMgr->createParticleSystem(name, file); pParent->attachObject(pParticles); } catch(Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[DotSceneLoader] Error creating a particle system!"); } } void DotSceneLoader::processBillboardSet(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processPlane(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, SceneNode *pParent) { //! @todo Implement this } void DotSceneLoader::processFog(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { // Process attributes Real expDensity = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "expDensity", 0.001); Real linearStart = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linearStart", 0.0); Real linearEnd = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linearEnd", 1.0); FogMode mode = FOG_NONE; String sMode = getAttrib(XMLNode, "mode"); if(sMode == "none") mode = FOG_NONE; else if(sMode == "exp") mode = FOG_EXP; else if(sMode == "exp2") mode = FOG_EXP2; else if(sMode == "linear") mode = FOG_LINEAR; TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process colourDiffuse (?) ColourValue colourDiffuse = ColourValue::White; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("colourDiffuse"); if(pElement) colourDiffuse = parseColour(pElement); // Setup the fog mSceneMgr->setFog(mode, colourDiffuse, expDensity, linearStart, linearEnd); } void DotSceneLoader::processSkyBox(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { // Process attributes String material = getAttrib(XMLNode, "material"); Real distance = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "distance", 5000); bool drawFirst = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "drawFirst", true); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process rotation (?) Quaternion rotation = Quaternion::IDENTITY; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(pElement) rotation = parseQuaternion(pElement); // Setup the sky box mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, material, distance, drawFirst, rotation, m_sGroupName); } void DotSceneLoader::processSkyDome(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { // Process attributes String material = XMLNode->Attribute("material"); Real curvature = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "curvature", 10); Real tiling = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "tiling", 8); Real distance = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "distance", 4000); bool drawFirst = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "drawFirst", true); TiXmlElement *pElement; // Process rotation (?) Quaternion rotation = Quaternion::IDENTITY; pElement = XMLNode->FirstChildElement("rotation"); if(pElement) rotation = parseQuaternion(pElement); // Setup the sky dome mSceneMgr->setSkyDome(true, material, curvature, tiling, distance, drawFirst, rotation, 16, 16, -1, m_sGroupName); } void DotSceneLoader::processSkyPlane(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { // Process attributes String material = getAttrib(XMLNode, "material"); Real planeX = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "planeX", 0); Real planeY = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "planeY", -1); Real planeZ = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "planeX", 0); Real planeD = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "planeD", 5000); Real scale = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "scale", 1000); Real bow = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "bow", 0); Real tiling = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "tiling", 10); bool drawFirst = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "drawFirst", true); // Setup the sky plane Plane plane; plane.normal = Vector3(planeX, planeY, planeZ); plane.d = planeD; mSceneMgr->setSkyPlane(true, plane, material, scale, tiling, drawFirst, bow, 1, 1, m_sGroupName); } void DotSceneLoader::processClipping(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { //! @todo Implement this // Process attributes Real fNear = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "near", 0); Real fFar = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "far", 1); } void DotSceneLoader::processLightRange(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Light *pLight) { // Process attributes Real inner = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "inner"); Real outer = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "outer"); Real falloff = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "falloff", 1.0); // Setup the light range pLight->setSpotlightRange(Angle(inner), Angle(outer), falloff); } void DotSceneLoader::processLightAttenuation(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Light *pLight) { // Process attributes Real range = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "range"); Real constant = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "constant"); Real linear = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "linear"); Real quadratic = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "quadratic"); // Setup the light attenuation pLight->setAttenuation(range, constant, linear, quadratic); } String DotSceneLoader::getAttrib(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &attrib, const String &defaultValue) { if(XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)) return XMLNode->Attribute(attrib); else return defaultValue; } Real DotSceneLoader::getAttribReal(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &attrib, Real defaultValue) { if(XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)) return StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)); else return defaultValue; } bool DotSceneLoader::getAttribBool(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, const String &attrib, bool defaultValue) { if(!XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)) return defaultValue; if(String(XMLNode->Attribute(attrib)) == "true") return true; return false; } Vector3 DotSceneLoader::parseVector3(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { return Vector3( StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("x")), StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("y")), StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("z")) ); } Quaternion DotSceneLoader::parseQuaternion(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { //! @todo Fix this crap! Quaternion orientation; if(XMLNode->Attribute("qx")) { orientation.x = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("qx")); orientation.y = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("qy")); orientation.z = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("qz")); orientation.w = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("qw")); } else if(XMLNode->Attribute("axisX")) { Vector3 axis; axis.x = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("axisX")); axis.y = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("axisY")); axis.z = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("axisZ")); Real angle = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("angle"));; orientation.FromAngleAxis(Ogre::Angle(angle), axis); } else if(XMLNode->Attribute("angleX")) { Vector3 axis; axis.x = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("angleX")); axis.y = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("angleY")); axis.z = StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("angleZ")); //orientation.FromAxes(&axis); //orientation.F } return orientation; } ColourValue DotSceneLoader::parseColour(TiXmlElement *XMLNode) { return ColourValue( StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("r")), StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("g")), StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("b")), XMLNode->Attribute("a") != NULL ? StringConverter::parseReal(XMLNode->Attribute("a")) : 1 ); } String DotSceneLoader::getProperty(const String &ndNm, const String &prop) { for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nodeProperties.size(); i++ ) { if ( nodeProperties[i].nodeName == ndNm && nodeProperties[i].propertyNm == prop ) { return nodeProperties[i].valueName; } } return ""; } void DotSceneLoader::processUserDataReference(TiXmlElement *XMLNode, Entity *pEntity) { String str = XMLNode->Attribute("id"); pEntity->setUserAny(Any(str)); }




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


