
2013年,Text 3——题材:心理


  1. The time needed in making decisions may( ).
    A. vary according to the urgency of the situation ——表达“依形势紧急性而定”无中生有
    B. prove the complexity of our brain reaction ——证明大脑反映的复杂性”,也是无中生有
    C. depend on the importance of the assessment ——“取决于评估的重要性”,也与原文不符合,故排除
    D. predetermine the accuracy of our judgment ——accuracy n. [数] 精确度,准确性 英 /ˈækjərəsi/ 美 /ˈækjərəsi/

①Scientists have found that although we are prone to snap overreactions, if we take a moment and think about how we are likely to react, we can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects of our quick, hard-wired responses.

②Snap decisions can be important defense mechanisms; if we are judging whether someone is dangerous, our brains and bodies are hard-wired to react very quickly, within milliseconds. But we need more time to assess other factors. To accurately tell whether someone is sociable, studies show, we need at least a minute, preferably five. It takes a while to judge complex aspects of personality, like neuroticism or open-mindedness.

31.【答案】D. predetermine the accuracy of our judgment
【解析】这是一道细节题。题干问的是“作决定过程中所需的时间或许可以_____”。文章第一段提到“如果我们在做出反应之前花点儿时间来思考,那么将会减少甚至消除我们快速反应所带来的负面影响”,也就是说我们做决定所花的时间决定了我们判断的准确性。此外,此选项中的“accuracy” 为“accurately ”的同词异形,故此项为正确答案。


  1. Our reaction to a fast-food logo shows that snap decisions( ).
    A. can be associative
    B. are not unconscious (题目相反)
    C. can be dangerous (无中生有)
    D. are not impulsive (题目相反)

③But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren’t exclusive to the interpersonal realm.
Psychologists at the University of Toronto found that viewing a fast-food logo for just a few milliseconds primes us to read 20 percent faster, even though reading has little to do with eating. We unconsciously associate fast food with speed and impatience and carry those impulses into whatever else we’re doing. Subjects exposed to fast-food flashes also tend to think a musical piece lasts too long.
32.【答案】A. can be associative
【解析】这是一道细节题。题干问的是“我们对于快餐商标的反应速度表明决定是_____样的”,由题干的关键词 “fast-food logo”可以定位到第三段。第三段开头说,让人做出仓促决定的刺激因素不仅限于人际关系范围内。紧接着一句说人们对快餐商标的反应速度比一般阅读速度快。下一句阐述了原因:因为人们无意识地(unconsciously)将“快餐”与“速度”和“心急”联系在一起,并将这些冲动付诸行动。A 决定是有联系性的,正确,因为人们将“快餐”与“速度”、“心急”联系在了一起。B 决定是无意识的,与原文意思相反;C 决定是危险的,原文未提及;D 决定是不冲动的,与原文意思相悖,排除。


  1. To reverse the negative influences of snap decisions, we should( ).
    A. trust our first impression
    B. do as people usually do
    C. think before we act
    D. ask for expert advice

④Yet we can reverse such influences. If we know we will overreact to consumer products or housing options when we see a happy face (one reason good sales representatives and real estate agents are always smiling), we can take a moment before buying. If we know female job screeners are more likely to reject attractive female applicants, we can help screeners understand their biases — or hire outside screeners.
33.【答案】C. think before we act
【解析】这是一道细节题。题干说“为了逆转仓促决定所带来的影响,我们应该_____”。 根据题干定位到第四段。
第四段通过两个例子说明我们应该怎样克服负面影响,第一个例子表示“如果我们会对消费产品或者房产选择做出“过度反应”,我们可以在购买之前先思考一会儿”,由此可说明我们应该在行动之前先思考来消除负面影响,因此选择答案 C。其他选项均不符合题意。


  1. John Gottman says that reliable snap reaction are based on( ).
    A. critical assessment
    B. “thin sliced” study
    C. sensible explanation
    D. adequate information

⑤John Gottman, the marriage expert, explains that we quickly “thin slice” information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions in “thick sliced” long-term study. When时间状语从句 Dr. Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together, he invites them to his island retreat for a much longer evaluation: two days, not two seconds.

34.【答案】D. adequate information
【解析】这是一道细节题。题干问的是“John Gottman 认为可靠的快速反映是基于_____的。”由题干 John Gottman 定位到全文倒数第二段。其中第一句:John Gottman, …explains that we quickly “thin slice” information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions in “thick sliced” long-term study. 婚姻专家约翰·古德曼解释说,我们快速反应的信息的可靠性是建立在这样的快速反应行为是以长期研究为基础而做出的快速反应行为。其中 ground 是题干中 base on 的同意置换,long-term study 长期的研究与 D 选项 adequate information 相互呼应。由此可判断出 D. adequate information(足够的信息)是本题正解。


  1. The author’s attitude toward reversing the high-speed trend is( ).
    A. Tolerant
    B. uncertain
    C. optimistic
    D. doubtful

⑥Our ability to mute our hard-wired reactions by pausing is what differentiates us from animals:
dogs can think about the future only intermittently or for a few minutes. But historically we have spent about 12 percent of our days contemplating the longer term. Although technology might change the way we react, it hasn’t changed our nature本性. We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.

35.【答案】C. optimistic
【解析】这是一道观点态度题。根据 35 题题干 reversing the high-speed trend 是全文的最后一句,所以解此题可先定位到全文的最后一段。最后一段最后两句:Although technology might change the way we react, it hasn’t changed our nature. We still have the imaginative capacity to rise above temptation and reverse the high-speed trend.出现 Although 说明前后句意思相反,虽然肯定了技术可能改变我们反应的方式,但是它并没有改变我们的本性。我们仍然有能力去克服诱惑并扭转这种高速度的趋势。由此我们可以看出作者的态度是非常确定的,因此 C. optimistic(乐观的)是正解。

2015 年,Text 1——题材:心理


  1. According to Paragraph 1, most previous surveys found that home( ).
    A. was an unrealistic place for relaxation
    B. generated more stress than the workplace
    C. was an ideal place for stress measurement
    D. offered greater relaxation than the workplace

①A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work. Researchers measured people’s cortisol, which is a stress marker, while they were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge.
“Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home,” writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damaske. In fact women even say they feel better at work. She notes. “It is men, not women, who report being happier at home than at work.” Another surprise is that the findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for non parents. This is why people who work outside the home have better health.
21.【答案】D. offered greater relaxation than the workplace
【解析】这是一道细节题。该题干问:之前的研究认为家是……。根据题干,该题答案定位在首段首句。首句大致意思为“一项新的研究表明,与绝大部分研究相反,实际上,人们在家里的压力要大于工作。”由此可知,以往的研究正好跟最新研究相反,即人们在家里的压力小于工作。纵观各选项,选项 D 意为:与工作场所相比,能提供更多的休闲,与文章表述一致,为正确答案。


  1. According to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?( )
    A. Working mothers.
    B. Childless husbands.
    C. Childless wives.
    D. Working fathers.

What the study doesn’t measure is whether people are still doing work when they’re at home, whether it is household work or work brought home from the office. For many men, the end of the workday is a time to kick back. For women who stay home, they never get to leave the office. And for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks. With the blurring of roles, and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women, it’s not surprising that women are more stressed at home.
But it’s not just a gender thing. At work, people pretty much know what they’re supposed to be doing: working, making money, doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income. The bargain is very pure. Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola.
22.【答案】B. childless husbands
【解析】这是一道细节题。文章第二段第三句和第四句提到“It is men not women, who report being happier at home than at work…, but more so for nonparents.”即“研究发现是男人,而不是女人,在家比在工作中更高兴。更令人吃惊的是,研究发现,这种情况对于有孩子和没有孩子都是这样,尤其是对于没有孩子的。”所以综合对比后,选择 B。


  1. The blurring of working women’s roles refers to the fact that( ).
    A. they are both bread winners and housewives
    B. their home is also a place for kicking back
    C. there is often much housework left behind
    D. it is difficult for them to leave their office

On the home front, however, people have no such clarity. Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out. There are a lot of tasks to be done, there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues—your family—have no clear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into it, or if they’re teenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices. Plus, they’re your family. You cannot fire your family. You never really get to go home from home.
So it’s not surprising that people are more stressed at home. Not only are the tasks apparently infinite, the co-workers are much harder to motivate.

23.【答案】A. they are both bread winners and housewives
【解析】这是一道推断题。文章第三段中提到“For many men, the end of the workday is …, with the blurring of role……”. 意思是“对于男人来说,一天的工作结束后,是他们休息的时候,但是对于女人来说,离开办公室之后, 还有很多的家务活”。由此可以推出,“The blurring of working women’s roles” 指的是“既要在职场打拼也要做很多家务的女性”。所以综合判定后确定 A 为正确答案。


  1. The word “moola” (Para 4) most probably means( ).
    A. energy
    B. skills
    C. earnings
    D. nutrition
    24.【答案】C. earnings
    【解析】这是一道词义句意题。文章第四段第一句提出“在工作中,大家都知道挣钱,他们做工作就是为了家庭收入”。紧接着第二句给出“这些雇员付出体力和脑力的劳动,就是为了得到能够维持他们生活的必须收入”。结合上下文,moola 应该对应原文中的“income”, 表示他们挣得的收入。故 C 正确。


  1. The home front differs from the workplace in that( ).
    A. home is hardly a cozier working environment
    B. division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut
    C. household tasks are generally more motivating
    D. family labor is often adequately rewarded

25.【答案】B. division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut
【解析】这是一道细节题。根据题干关键词“The home front”可以回文定位在原文最后一段。最后一段第一句指出“然而,人们对于大后方(家庭)就没有那么清楚了”,接下来的一句进一步指出“Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically…”(家务活的分工很少清清楚楚),A 项中的“seldom”同意置换原文中的“Rare”, “clear-cut”同意置换原文的“clinically”,故 A 项正确。

2019 年,Text 1——题材:心理

Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms. Children aren’t born knowing how to say “I’m sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences. This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing.
In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. It is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. Yet this understanding is outdated.
“There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking about what guilt is and what role guilt can serve,” says Amrisha Vaish, a psychology researcher at the University of Virginia, adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. Jealousy and anger, for example, may have evolved to alert us to important inequalities. Too much happiness can be destructive.
And guilt, by prompting us to think more deeply about our goodness, can encourage humans to make up for errors and fix relationships. Guilt, in other words, can help hold a cooperative species together. It is a kind of social glue.
Viewed in this light, guilt is an opportunity. Work by Tina Malti, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, suggests that guilt may compensate for an emotional deficiency. In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses. And vice versa: High sympathy can substitute for low guilt.
In a 2014 study, for example, Malti looked at 244 children. Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. Then the kids were handed chocolate coins, and given a chance to share them with an anonymous child. For the low-sympathy kids, how much they shared appeared to turn on how inclined they were to feel guilty. The guilt-prone ones shared more, even though they hadn’t magically become more sympathetic to the other child’s deprivation. “That’s good news,” Malti says. “We can be prosocial because we caused harm and we feel regret.”


  1. Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help( ).
    A. regulate a child’s basic emotions
    B. improve a child’s intellectual ability
    C. foster a child’s moral development
    D. intensify a child’s positive feelings
    21.【答案】C. foster a child’s moral development
    【解析】根据题干“researchers”, “guilt”, “a good thing”关键词定位到第一段最后一句,除此之外,提干中还有关键词“because”, 判定该题属于细节题中考查因果逻辑关系的题目,需要在原文中精准回文定位;原文中第一段最后一段明确出现了“This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt…a good thing.”根据代词向前文指代的原则,题干中所问的原因就在上一句,由“Children aren’t born knowing how to say ‘I’m sorry’; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends----and their own conscience”,其中的“such statements appease parents and friends----and their own conscience”(该品质能够使父母/朋友和孩子自己都感觉更舒适),such statements指代的即为“say sorry”或文章主题词 guilt, 纵观四个选型,只有 C 选项 foster a child’s moral development(提高孩子的道德发展)可以实现同义替换,故为正确答案。


  1. According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be( ).
    A. Deceptive
    B. burdensome
    C. addictive
    D. inexcusable
    22.【答案】B. burdensome
    【解析】 根据题干可知这是一个典型的细节题。根据题干关键信息 “ paragraph 2, many people still consider guild to be”定位到原文第二段,最终锁定对本段第二句话的理解,尤其关键的是对第二句话中破折号后面一句话的理解,“it is deeply uncomfortable-it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. ” (这种感觉非常不舒服,就像穿着一件石头做的夹克一样)。对比所给四个选项,只有 B 项“burdensome”(负担沉重的,繁重的)与原文表述的意思一致,故为最佳答案。


  1. Vaish hold that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that( ).
    A. emotions are context-independent
    B. emotions are socially constructive
    C. emotional stability can benefit health
    D.an emotion can play opposing roles

23.【答案】D. an emotion can play opposing roles
【解析】根据题干可知这是一个典型的细节题。根据题干关键信息 “Vaish holds that …awareness that.” 定位本文的第二段 “There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking …can serve.”(人们对内疚是什么以及内疚可以扮演什么角色进行了复兴或重新思考),但是这句话只是他的观点句,也就是题干信息所在句,本句没有答案,因此,根据线性思维,下文他又继续补充到“adding that this revival is a psychology researcher……in another ”( 这种复兴是人们认识到情感不是二元性的一部分,这种情感在一种情况下可能是有利的,而在另一种情况下可能是有害的。), 对比四个选项,只有 D 项“an emotion can play opposing roles”(情绪可以起到相反的作用) 为最佳答案。


  1. Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing( ).
    A. may help correct emotional deficiencies
    B. can result from either sympathy or guilt
    C. can bring about emotional satisfaction
    D. may be the outcome of impulsive acts

24.【答案】B. can result from either sympathy or guilt
【解析】根据题干可知这是一道人物观点题。根据题干关键词“Malti and others have shown 与 cooperation and sharing.”回文定位到第四段第三句:“Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing.” (马尔蒂和其他人已经表明,内疚和同情可能代表了合作和分享的不同途径。)对比四个选项,只有 B 项“can result from either sympathy or guilt”(要么归因于同情,要么归因于内疚)与原文表述一致,故为正确选项。

  1. The word “transgressions” (Para.5) is closest in meaning to ( ).
    A. Teachings
    B. discussions
    C. restrictions
    D. wrongdoings

25.【答案】D. wrongdoings
【解析】根据题干要求定位到第五段第二句话“Using caregiver assessments … to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions.”( 通过看护者的评估和孩子们的自我观察,她对每个孩子的整体同情水平以及他们在违反道德后感到负面情绪的倾向进行了评估。)且位于主句的“transgressions”的前面出现 to feel negative emotions,情感属于消极贬义。对比四个选项,D 项“wrongdoings”坏事,不道德的行为,属于贬义词,与其情感色彩一致,故为正确选项。

2017 年,Text 2——题材:社会-心理

①With so much focus on children’s use of screens, it’s easy for parents to forget about their own screen use. “Tech is designed to really suck on you in,” says Jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, “and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine.”
②Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who used devices during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention.
③Infants are wired to look at parents’ faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device—it can be extremely disconcerting for the children. Radesky cites the “still face experiment” devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback: The child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother’s attention. “Parents don’t have to be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need,” says Radesky.
④On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids’ use of screens are born out of an “oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting” with their children: “It’s based on a somewhat fantasized, very white, very upper-middle-class ideology that says if you’re failing to expose your child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them.” Tronick believes that just because a child isn’t learning from the screen doesn’t mean there’s no value to it—particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speak to a friend or get some work out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets them be more available to their child the rest of the time.


  1. According to Jenny Radesky digital products are designed to( ).
    A. simplify routine matters
    B. absorb user attention
    C. better interpersonal relations
    D. increase work efficiency

26.【答案】B. absorb user attention
【解析】由题干中的关键词 Jenny Radesky, 可以快速的定位到文中提到此人物的第一段第二句,接着题干中问到digital products are designed to,因此可以知道,此题考查的是数码产品的目的,be designed to 表示“目的是…”或可以理解为“被设计用于…”。回归到文中第一段第二句,可知 Jenny Radesky 说了这样一句话:Tech is designed to really suck on you in, and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement.…意思是电子产品就是为了促进最大程度的参与性,由此可以得出答案 B 为了吸引用户的注意力。其余选项在 Jenny Radesky 的话中都没有体现。


  1. Radesky’s food-testing exercise shows that mothers’ use of devices( ).
    A. takes away babies’ appetite
    B. distracts children’s attention
    C. slows down babies’ verbal development
    D. reduces mother-child communication

27.【答案】D. reduces mother-child communication
【解析】由题干中的关键词 food-testing exercise, mother’s use of devices.可以快速的定位到第二段第二句: She found that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. 从这里可以知道,这句话的意思是母亲使用电子产品会减少母亲与孩子之间 20%的语言交流,以及 39%的非语言的互动。由此可以得出答案为 D.减少了母亲和孩子之间的交流。其它选项在原文中均没有体现。


  1. Radesky’s cites the “still face experiment” to show that( ).
    A.it is easy for children to get used to blank expressions
    B. verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchange
    C. children are insensitive to changes in their parents’ mood
    D. parents need to respond to children’s emotional needs

28.【答案】D. parents need to respond to children’s emotional needs
【解析】本题目是具体细节题。题干中的关键词 Radesky 和 still face experiment 定位到文章第三段第二句处,题目问实验得出的实验结论,结论在本段最后一句的 but 之后,这里提到 parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need,意思是父母需要敏感地对待孩子的口头或非口头表达出的情感需要,并做出回应。正确答案 D 是原文的原词复现。干扰项 A 的 blank expressions 是原文实验里面的具体过程,可以从原文第三段第四行的 “ In it…her mother’s attention ” 中找到;选项 B 是最后一句的个别词干扰,但意思不对;选项 C 偷换概念,不是 children are insensitive, 而是 parents。


  1. The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to( ).
    A. protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies
    B. teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year
    C. ensure constant interaction with their children
    D. remain concerned about kid’s use of screens

29.【答案】C. ensure constant interaction with their children
【解析】本题目为具体细节题。根据题干的关键词 oppressive ideology 和大写字母人名 Tronick 定位到最后一段的第一句话 that 之后。本句 that 后的 demands 对应题干的 requires, 意思都表示要求,需要。原文“demands that parents should always be interacting”意思是“父母应该一直要和孩子有互动"。正确选项 C 的 constant interaction 对应原文的always interacting。干扰项 A 的 fantasies 是定位于下一句中的个别词干扰;选项 B 的 30000words 同样是定位句之后的句子中提到的,而且是if的一个条件句,并且原文并没有提到a year;选项D的concerned是末段首句的concerned, 但是偷换概念,concerned 的主语不一致,原文是 Tronick is concerned,D 选项中是 parents concerned。


  1. According to Tronick, kid’s use of screens may( ).
    A. give their parents some free time
    B. make their parents more creative
    C. help them with their homework
    D. help them become more attentive

30.【答案】A. give their parents some free time
【解析】本题目为文中人物观点的细节题。根据题干中的大写字母人名 Tronick 及关键词 kid 定位到最后一段的倒数第三句,破折号后面解释了 kid’s use of screens 的具体目的。”it gives parents time to…"与正确选项 A 完全一致,属于原文的原词复现。干扰项 B 的 creative 并未提及;选项 C 的 homework 根据原文的 housework 进行干扰,原文是父母有时间做家务,而选项是帮助孩子做作业,意思完全不一样;选项 D






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