
15、 [单选] —家咨询公司的负责人发起一个项目,拟开发一种新的业务,以增加市场份额和收入,由于该公司很成功,管理团队和顾问并不认为需要新的业务模式,并要求在启动项自之前提供项目概念。应该用什么来制定项目概念?
The owner of a consulting company initiates a project to develop a new business model that will increase market share and revenue .because the company has been successful,the management team and concept before initiation. What should be used to develop the project concept?

  • A:A头脑风暴
  • B:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  • C:六西格玛技术
    Six Sigma technique
  • D:预测

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:书中原话“制定项目章程时可通过头脑风暴向相关方、主题专家和团队成员收集数据、解决方案或创意”。 由于公司成功,管理团队有经验,可以说是专家,加上顾问,已经给出判断,也就是说,已经作了专家判断,不需要新业务。那再选B就重复了。建议选A,对于新业务,应充分收集数据信息。

33、 [单选] 一个项目依赖于企业主提供资源来执行一项重要任务。由于削减预算会影响他们获取所需资源的能力,一些企业主可能会反对这一要求。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project is dependent upon business owners providing resources to perform an important task.Since budget cuts will affect their ability to hire the needed resources,some business owners may potentially object to this requirement. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:执行概率与影响评估
    Perform a probability and impact assessment.
  • B:更新资源管理计划
    Update the resource management plan.
  • C:使用管理储备来获取更多资源
    Use the management reserve to hire more resources.
  • D:在风险登记册中添加一个风险
    Add a risk to the risk register.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:D 解析:Pmbok 11.2识别风险 新风险出现,识别到新风险,应首先登记在风险登记册中。

37、 [单选] 一位不支持的新相关方加入一个正在执行的项目,若要帮助改善与该相关方的沟通。项目经理应该怎么做?
A new unsupportive stakeholder joins a project during execution. What should the project manager do to help improve communications with this stakeholder?

  • A:进行沟通风格评估,以确定与该相关方沟通的最佳方式
    Conduct a communication styles assessment to determine the best way to communicate with the stakeholder.
  • B:召开一次团队会议,将相关方介绍给其他团队成员
    Hold a team meeting to introduce the stakeholder to the other team meifibers.
  • C:修订相关方参与计划以满足新的相关方需求
    Revise the stakeholder engagement plan to meet the new stakeholder 's needs
  • D:与其他相关方谈话,以确定与该新相关方的最佳沟通方式
    Speak with the other stakeholders to determine how best to communicate with the new stakeholder

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P375-规划沟通活动时,用于评估沟通风格并识别偏好的沟通方法、形式和内容的一种技术。

41、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目中,一名团队成员不能完成分配的任务,这阻碍了与其他组件的集成,并导致错过里程碑。该团队成员未向项目经理告知有关其任务的任何问题。 若要向发起人沟通该问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a software development project, one team member fails to complete assigned tasks, which prevents integration with other components and causes a milestone to be misse The team member did not inform the project manager about problems with tasks. What should the project manager do first to communicate this to the sponsors?

  • A:在每周状态报告中包含更新的项目进度计划
    Include an updated project schedule i it the weekly Status report.
  • B:安排与发起人开会,告知他们这个问题,并提出恢复计划
    Schedule a meeting with the sponsor to inform them of the issue and present a recovery plan.
  • C:将其作为一项已实现的风险添加到风险登记册中,并将更新后的风险登记册发送给发起人
    Add it to the risk register as a materialized risk and send the updated risk register to the sponsor.
  • D:将延迟问题上报给发起人,告知他们该团队成员未能完成分配的任务
    Escalate the delay to the sponsor, informing them that the team member failed to complete the assigned tasks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6),P388的10.3监督沟通。团队成员延误了里程碑还不汇报,给领导汇报这种坏消息时要有解决方案,并且不能推脱责任,B相对恰当。C应是更新问题日志而不是风险登记册,因为此时已发生,且此前未识别。

47、 [单选] 实践敏捷方法的开发负责人被任命为一个项目的迭代经理,该负责人与使用瀑布式方法的业务分析师密切合作,但这两个方法的差异已经开始对团队绩效产生负面影响,项目经理分别与开发负责人和业务分析师就这种情况进行会面,但未能解决问题。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A development leader, who practices agile methodology, is assigned as the iteration manager for a project.This leader works closely with a business analyst who uses the waterfall methodology. The differences in these methodologies have begun to negatively impact team performance. The project manager meets individually with the development lead and business analyst about the situation, but fails to resolve the issue.

  • A:与业务分析师的经理谈话
    Speak with the business analyst’s manager.
  • B:请求提供一位具有敏捷方法经验的新业务分析师
    Request a new business analyst with experience in the agile methodology.
  • C:为业务分析师提供敏捷方法团队的培训
    Train the business analyst on the agile methodology.
  • D:与业务分析师和开发负责人一起召开一次联合会议
    Conduct a joint meeting with the business analyst and development team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P348-冲突管理-合作/解决问题。利用合作/解决问题的方法解决项目中的冲突,选项D比较合适。

63、 [单选] 项目经理在安排一次站会时得知,为项目采购的产品和选定的软件版本不兼容,需要进行大量操作才能使产品兼容。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
While facilitating a stand-up, the project manager learns that a product acquired for the project is incompatible with the selected software version. There is a considerable amount of work required to make the product compatible. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:向项目团队成员发送一封电子邮箱指示他们加班工作以满足截止日期
    Email project team members instructing them to work overtime to meet the deadline.
  • B:执行根本原因分析,并更新项目文件
    Perform a root cause analysis, and update project docuroents.
  • C:与团队开会以确定合适的纠正措施
    Meet with the team to determine the appropriate corrective action.
  • D:将该问题通知所有相关方,并提交变更请求
    Inform all stakeholders of the issue, and submit a change request.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:先确定根本原因,再确定纠正措施。

68、 [单选] —个构建新产品的项目包含了一项设计,而该设计使用了两个现有产品的一些功能,但是,新产品需要比其前代产品更大型且更便宜。项目经理查看两个现有产品的文件,并与工程总监讨论对最终成本的影响。项目经理将使用什么技术来估算成本?
A project to build a new product consists of a design that uses some features of the two existing products, but the new product needs to be larger and cheaper than the former one. The project manager reviews the documents of two existing products and discusses the impact on the final cost with the engineering director. Which technique will the project manager use to estimate the cost?

  • A:建模和成本预测
    Modeling and Cost Forecast
  • B:类比估算和参数估算
    Analog Estimation and Parameter Estimation
  • C:专家判断和成本汇总
    Experts’ Judgment and Cost Summary
  • D:自下而上估算和计划评审技术分析
    Make bottom-up estimation and plan the analysis of review technique

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


69、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理发现完工估算(EAC)高于完工预算(BAC)。在确认过计算的准确性后,项目经理应该做什么?
In the project implementation phase, the Project Manager’s Estimate at Completion (EAC) is higher than the Budget at Completion (BAC). What should the project manager do after confirming the accuracy of the calculation?

  • A:为项目相关方准备自下而上的EAC值
    To prepare bottom-up EAC values for the project stakeholders
  • B:请求项目发起人批准完工偏差(VAC)预测
    To request the project sponsor to approve the Variance at Completion (VAC)
  • C:根据EAC和BAC请求项目发起人批准成本绩效指数(CPI)
    To request the project sponsor to approve the Cost Performance Index (CPI) according to EAC and BAC
  • D:基于完工尚需绩效指数(TCPI)的评估采取行动
    To take action based on the assessment of the To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:D 解析:排除法,题目已经交代,EAC的准确性项目经理已核实,A是质疑,再核算一次,与题矛盾。BC均是绩效信息,是由绩效数据分析计算得出,不需经发起人批准。 选择D对项目完工尚需绩效指数(TCPI)的评估,后续采取行动。

83、 [单选] 项目经理与第三方供应商签订在六个月内交付零件的协议,项目在实施阶段被取消了。但是,供应商已经开始这个订单的工作了。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager has an agreement with a third-party supplier to deliver parts within six months. During the implementation phase, the project is cancelle However, the supplier has already started work on this order. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:审查合同的终止条款
    Review the contract’s termination clause,
  • B:进行供应商绩效评估
    Conduct a supplier performance evaluation,
  • C:指示供应商立即停止工作
    Direct the supplier to stop work immediately.
  • D:更新采购管理计划
    Update the procurement management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK489 12.3控制采购 协议中包含终止条款和替代争议解决方法。

87、 [单选] 项目团队正在识别和评估一个项目的风险,该项目在范围和预算方面与上一个实施的一个项目类似。当前项目的主要区别在于可用资源更少。 在评估风险时,项目经理应该特别注意什么?
A project team is identifying and assessing risks of a project with similar scope and budget of the one they implemented in the previous year. The primary difference in the current project is that fewer resources will be available. To what should the project manager pay particular attention when assessing the risk?

  • A:进度计划
  • B:范围
  • C:设计
  • D:风险登记册
    Risk register

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P207-6.5制定进度计划。根据项目经验,组织过程资产作为制定进度计划的输入,资源不足,对进度影响最大。

91、 [单选] 在结束采购并提供合同已完成的正式书面通知后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
After closing procurement and providing a formal written notice that thecontract has been completed,what should the project manager do next?

  • A:更新经验教训登记册
    Update the lessons learned register
  • B:通知相关方
    Inform the stakeholders
  • C:启动采购审计
    Initiate procurement audits
  • D:编写最终项目报告
    Write the final project report

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


96、 [单选] 项目经理接到来自供应商的电话,说由于工厂发生洪水,可交付成果将发生严重延期,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
The project manager received a call from the supplier saying that due to the flooding at the factory, the deliverables would be seriously delaye What should the project manager do next?

  • A:检查协议或采购订单
    Check agreement or purchase order
  • B:更新项目进度计划
    Update the project schedule
  • C:提交一份合同变更请求
    Submit a contract change request
  • D:确认工作说明书(SOW)
    Confirm Statement Of Work

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:说明解析:洪水是自然灾害,检查合同/协议或采购订单中的不可抗力条款。选项B:不经过变更不能项目进度计划。 选项C:若合同规定了明确的不可抗力条款,执行即可,不用变更合同。选项D:工作说明书是采购前制定了,早已确认,选D不符合题目要求回答的内容。





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