Unity LOD Study
LOD : Level Of Detail ,根据物体距离当前渲染摄像机的距离设定不同的level层级,并且根据层级设定当前需要显示的Level模型层级。通过减少远距离的渲染细节,达到减少性能消耗的目的。
As your scenes get larger, performance becomes a bigger consideration. One of the ways to manage this is to have meshes with different levels of detail depending on how far the camera is from the object. This is called Level of Detail (abbreviated as LOD).
Unity LOD Group
LOD Groups are used to manage level of detail (LOD) for GameObjects. Level of Detail is an optimisation technique that uses several meshes for an object; the meshes represent the same object with decreasing detail in the geometry. The idea is that the low-detail meshes are shown when the object is far from the camera and the difference will not be noticed. Since meshes with simpler geometry are less demanding on