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翻译 Turings运动鞋

Alan Mathison Turing (1912–1954) is often referred to as the father of modern computing. As digital technology becomes the central fulcrum of global culture and commerce, Turing is treated as a modern...

2020-09-24 13:24:10 724

翻译 健康智慧化国内外发展_发展良好的健康技术

健康智慧化国内外发展Mobile health technology is a powerful tool for improving patient health. Convenient and widely available, it can allow patients and clinicians to monitor health status, diagnose medical con...

2020-09-24 13:13:27 483

翻译 勒索软件攻击_这是我们可以采取的减少勒索软件攻击风险的方法

勒索软件攻击A ransomware attempt on Tesla, confirmed by Elon Musk, which ended with the Russian perpetrator being arrested by the FBI after a company employee rejected his million-dollar offer to help hack ...

2020-09-24 13:04:02 580

翻译 谷歌黑搜索怎么收_谷歌搜索持久的反黑种族主义

谷歌黑搜索怎么收 重点 (Top highlight)When Algorithms of Oppression was published in 2018, it was a landmark work that interrogated the racism encoded into popular technology products like Google’s search engine...

2020-09-24 12:54:40 7967

翻译 不用电线使灯泡 特斯拉_特斯拉方式如何使其领先

不用电线使灯泡 特斯拉 重点 (Top highlight) 重塑汽车,第3集 (Reinventing the car, episode 3)By Philippe Chain* Frederic Filloux Philippe Chain * 弗雷德里克·菲洛(Frederic Filloux) On a chilly Wednesday morning in February 2012...

2020-09-24 12:44:32 351

翻译 字节跳动基础架构 面经_减少字节数,使netflixs数据基础架构具有成本效益

字节跳动基础架构 面经 重点 (Top highlight)By Torio Risianto, Bhargavi Reddy, Tanvi Sahni, Andrew Park 作者: Torio Risianto , Bhargavi Reddy , Tanvi Sahni , Andrew Park 数据效率背景 (Background on data efficiency)At Ne...

2020-09-24 12:34:50 1333

翻译 Peloton如何超越其bougie自行车

When you hear the name Peloton, you probably think of a bike. In particular, you probably think of the company’s iconic stationary bike that streams fitness classes. Peloton’s physical products (which...

2020-09-24 12:24:27 835

翻译 2019外国人缴税计算机_机器人应该纳税吗

2019外国人缴税计算机Federal taxes are due this week in the US. But what about our synthetic coworkers? Should they cough up, too? Jordan Harrod, a Harvard-MIT PhD student, has something to say on the subject....

2020-09-24 12:15:07 272

翻译 vue 大屏幕小屏幕_孩子和屏幕这些是大流行期间父母关心的问题

vue 大屏幕小屏幕As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, parents worry that their children will become addicted to screens, if they weren’t already. 随着COVID-19大流行的继续,父母担心,如果他们的孩子还没有上瘾,他们的屏幕会上瘾。 By Sherin Shibu ...

2020-09-24 12:05:56 169

翻译 技术原理故事_关于技术与孤独的爱情故事

技术原理故事Over the years, and especially before the coronavirus outbreak of 2020, I often stumbled across a reoccurring message of woe. It’s found in news stories and poetry, artwork and Facebook posts. T...

2020-09-24 11:55:59 224

翻译 任天堂残酷马里奥游戏

Have you ever heard of a kaizo game? The concept is pretty straightforward. Players take an existing game — including its assets, like character sprites — and “remix” them to build eye-wateringly diff...

2020-09-24 11:45:06 474

翻译 tiktok为什么黑屏_为什么tiktok交易可能会使其买家面目全非

tiktok为什么黑屏 大技术 (Big Technology)As TikTok owner ByteDance prepares to sell the app’s U.S. operation, some are already calling the deal a bargain, or the next Instagram. But this acquisition is filled...

2020-09-24 11:35:59 1791

翻译 dna数据u盘_理论上,只有一小部分dna可以容纳200艾字节的数据

dna数据u盘In very meta news, Netflix says it has stored an episode of its new show Biohackers in DNA. It’s a first for the streaming service, which partnered with San Francisco biotech company Twist Bios...

2020-09-24 11:26:46 573

翻译 新兴实践_数字经济的11条新兴原则

新兴实践The world is entering a digital renaissance. This new age is characterized by new technologies that empower us to immerse ourselves deeply into digital life. The internet, smartphones, and other t...

2020-09-24 11:16:41 1176

翻译 湾区流氓厨房用具

It’s a fact of Bay Area life that renters must contort and compromise in ways residents of other cities would balk at. Buildings are old, electrical outlets are scarce, and vacancy rates are low. The ...

2020-09-24 11:06:44 183

翻译 航拍无人机 无人车_无人机将有自己的时刻

航拍无人机 无人车By late last month, Florida’s daily Covid-19 case count had increased fivefold, causing officials to close beaches for the Fourth of July weekend and leading medical practitioners to advise t...

2020-09-24 10:56:18 1339

翻译 如何使用alexa_如何使用Alexa来帮助您入睡

如何使用alexaHaving trouble dozing off? Your Amazon Echo or Alexa-enabled device can play sounds, music, stories, and guided meditations to send you off to dreamland, and turn them off as you snooze with ...

2020-09-24 10:45:50 611

翻译 单反相机eos1代使用教学_eos r5是佳能多年来的首款革命性相机

单反相机eos1代使用教学The full-frame EOS R5 and R6 are built for pro users, and are bolstered by a number of new RF series lenses and a photo printer. 全画幅EOS R5和R6专为专业用户打造,并受到许多新的RF系列镜头和照片打印机的支持。 By Jim Fishe...

2020-09-24 10:35:02 1393

翻译 科技如何激发女权主义并改变男性气质

重点 (Top highlight)What happens when the machines we create begin to change us? This question lies at the heart of Debora Spar’s new book Work Mate Marry Love: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny, an...

2020-09-24 10:25:45 397

翻译 露珠谷如何改变了我的生活

I remember watching a friend play Stardew Valley for the first time on Twitch. I chuckled, “This game is NOT for me.” I was too much into “real” RPGs at the time, like Nier Automata (which is an amazi...

2020-09-24 10:15:31 231

翻译 护理方面关于人工智能的构想_谷歌秘密的atap实验室正在构想智能设备的未来...

护理方面关于人工智能的构想By Harry McCracken 哈里·麦克拉肯(Harry McCracken) In 2015, Dan Kaufman, the director of the information innovation office at the U.S. Department’s fabled DARPA lab, began talking to Google abo...

2020-09-24 10:05:55 1524

翻译 双击事件_双击

双击事件 重点 (Top highlight)Note: this post was adapted and expanded upon from a newsletter I sent late last week. You can sign up for those here.Okay, after much internal debate, I now have the latest bet...

2020-09-24 09:56:03 887

翻译 胸脯肉对新收购保持胃口多久

After trying unsuccessfuly to buy Grubhub and ending up in despair after it was sold to European player Just Eat for $7.3 billion, Uber has announced the acquisition of another food delivery company, ...

2020-09-24 09:46:00 78

翻译 使用技术来帮助您的健身之旅

Back in the day, staying healthy was pretty straight forward. You eat well, you exercise well, and you sleep well. Do all three well enough and you’re more or less going to be quite healthy. It’s not ...

2020-09-24 09:36:46 478

翻译 科技界需要自己的希波克拉底誓言

“First do no harm” is the most universally recognised phrase of the Hippocratic oath which, interestingly, never appears once. It’s certainly not in the original and rarely appears even in revised ver...

2020-09-24 09:26:14 414

翻译 苹果iphone 12它只是一个电话

Electric. That’s the atmosphere at an iPhone launch. Seated in one of Apple’s exquisite presentation venues (most recently, the Steve Jobs Theater), waiting for the CEO to saunter out onto a dark stag...

2020-09-24 09:16:57 443

翻译 反作弊策略_策略指南道德是否在作弊

反作弊策略You’ve been wandering around the same three rooms in a dungeon for the past 30 minutes. You go back to your inventory for the dozenth time to check again on what supplies you have at your disposa...

2020-09-24 09:06:08 261

翻译 AMD推出用于工作站PC的64核心Threadripper Pro

Lenovo’s new ThinkStation P620 desktop will bring the acclaimed Ryzen Threadripper processor lineup to the workstation PC market. 联想的新型ThinkStation P620台式机将倍受赞誉的Ryzen Threadripper处理器阵容带入工作站PC市场。 By T...

2020-09-24 08:55:43 373

翻译 新睿云骗局_移动设备利用新的免费功能进行骗局通话

新睿云骗局Caller name ID, scam blocking, and a false number help you ‘block and tackle’ against slippery scam calls. But I just got one as I was writing this story. 呼叫者姓名ID,骗局阻止和错误号码可帮助您“阻止并解决”滑行诈骗电话。 但是当我...

2020-09-24 08:46:17 802

翻译 构建开发环境 构建demo_科技构建了我们的现实

构建开发环境 构建demo 重点 (Top highlight)What Stories Are True in Your Universe? Examining the words of the enigmatic Philip K. Dick. 您的宇宙中哪些故事是正确的? 检查神秘的菲利普·迪克(Philip K. Dick)的话。 Author Philip K. Dick’s exis...

2020-09-24 08:35:42 597

翻译 英特尔发布第11代核心Tiger Lake笔记本电脑处理器

Nine Tiger Lake configurations will be available, ranging from the dual-core Core i3–1110G4 with a 1.8GHz base frequency to the quad-core Core i7–1185G7. Some will feature the company’s upgraded Xe in...

2020-09-24 08:25:01 1653

翻译 智能表带如何为Apple Watch添加功能

“I think the Wrist is Interesting”, Apple CEO Tim Cook 2013 “我认为手腕很有趣”, 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克,2013年 The human wrist is a highly valuable “real-estate” for sensing the human body. Nerve bundles and arteries pas...

2020-09-24 08:15:05 693

翻译 苹果手表连接是什么原理_为什么苹果手表是最具潜力的苹果产品

苹果手表连接是什么原理Remember the days in 2007, in which the iPhone was basically a touch-Nokia? Sure, it looked sleeker, even back then. And it was hyped and all. But finally, it couldn’t offer much more than ...

2020-09-24 08:04:20 1024

翻译 apple设置中如果变全屏_如何从Apple Batterygate结算中获得25

apple设置中如果变全屏The class-action lawsuit was sparked after Apple admitted in December 2017 it had been slowing down the speeds of older iPhone models — without notifying customers — to offset errors caus...

2020-09-24 07:55:17 106

翻译 NVIDIA RTX 3080安培射线追踪Jensen Huang

Since the inception of 3D graphics, achieving photorealism has long captured the imagination — through the work of iteration on graphics processing architectures, it first made its way to offline rend...

2020-09-24 07:44:46 213

翻译 双重委派_玩双重感觉

双重委派As part of Summer Game Fest, industry star Geoff Keighley talked about his hands-on experience Sony’s newest controller, the DualSense, exclusive to the PlayStation 5. Sony has put a lot of money ...

2020-09-24 07:34:32 188

翻译 宇宙会阻止我们开发更好的量子计算机吗

比特和量子比特 (Bits and qubits)Quantum mechanics is weird. In the realm of the very, very small, things are not as our intuition tells us they should be. 量子力学很奇怪。 在非常非常小的范围内,事情不是我们的直觉告诉我们应该做的。 Particles ...

2020-09-24 07:24:37 129

翻译 这些智能眼镜无法保持专注,无法监视您的目光以保持工作状态

Auctify Specs, which launched today on Indiegogo, feature a built-in camera that keeps track of what you’re looking at and sends that data to an app, where you can analyze your daily habits. 今天在Indieg...

2020-09-24 07:14:27 96

翻译 未来视频编码_设计编码营销并消费未来

未来视频编码 数字化转型的伦理 (The Ethics of Digital Transformation)Are you a human, and do you own a smartphone, laptop or desktop computer? Then this is for you. Let’s talk about the digital transformation that’...

2020-09-24 07:03:40 1216

翻译 致力微商_致力于水的可持续发展如何解决水污染问题

致力微商Immaculate human innovations have made us reach the pinnacle of our power. Our Failure to understand our dominance over all other life forms to be a responsibility has resulted in crony capitalism...

2020-09-24 06:53:19 235



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