

From the \object_detection directory, issue the following command to begin training:

python train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_pets.config

 --train_dir 存放结果的目录;

 pipeline_config_path  训练网络配置文件

          If everything has been set up correctly, TensorFlow will initialize the training. The initialization can take up to 30 seconds before the actual training begins. When training begins, it will look like this:

          you can view the progress of the training job by using TensorBoard. To do this, open a new instance of Anaconda Prompt, activate the tensorflow1 virtual environment, change to the C:\tensorflow1\models\research\object_detection directory, and issue the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=training

This will create a webpage on your local machine at YourPCName:6006, which can be viewed through a web browser. The TensorBoard page provides information and graphs that show how the training is progressing. One important graph is the Loss graph, which shows the overall loss of the classifier over time.


2. Export Inference Graph

Now that training is complete, the last step is to generate the frozen inference graph (.pb file). From the \object_detection folder, issue the following command, where “XXXX” in “model.ckpt-XXXX” should be replaced with the highest-numbered .ckpt file in the training folder:

python export_inference_graph.py --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path training/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_pets.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix training/model.ckpt-XXXX --output_directory inference_graph

This creates a frozen_inference_graph.pb file in the \object_detection\inference_graph folder. The .pb file contains the object detection classifier.

3.Use Your Newly Trained Object Detection Classifier!

The object detection classifier is all ready to go! I’ve written Python scripts to test it out on an image, video, or webcam feed.

Before running the Python scripts, you need to modify the NUM_CLASSES variable in the script to equal the number of classes you want to detect. (For my Pinochle Card Detector, there are six cards I want to detect, so NUM_CLASSES = 6.)

To test your object detector, move a picture of the object or objects into the \object_detection folder, and change the IMAGE_NAME variable in the Object_detection_image.py to match the file name of the picture. Alternatively, you can use a video of the objects (using Object_detection_video.py), or just plug in a USB webcam and point it at the objects (using Object_detection_webcam.py).

To run any of the scripts, type “idle” in the Anaconda Command Prompt (with the “tensorflow1” virtual environment activated) and press ENTER. This will open IDLE, and from there, you can open any of the scripts and run them.

If everything is working properly, the object detector will initialize for about 10 seconds and then display a window showing any objects it’s detected in the image!





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